Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1953, p. 2

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TlHJfwIif session will be held. The comp; r -|>lete projfram will be announced win Cmft Day LAUmt glove-making and tile will be two of the •rittta to be featured at McHen- •y County Home Bureau's Craft t>ay,, Nov. 6. The Craft Day will fee held at Grace Lutheran urdh, Woodstock. The all-day event will begirt firtth classes of instruction in •grafts. In the aftermon, a gener % - lit a lateV- date. f The instructor for the glovefnaking class will be Mrs. Betty : CvCoughlin, farm-home representstive of Northern Illinois Public Service company, former Mc- .'V' "Hwry county home adviser. Mrs. ^ flo Gatenby, Marengo, will inr: etruct the class on tile-painting. Bach of the twenty-five Home Bureau units in McHenry county may send representatives to the Craft Day to receive instructions. 4Tijese leadeis will, in turn, present the crafts to interested per- - tons in their home communities. fr fr-H-1 I t I PERSONALS Mr/ and Mrs. Nick M. Justen and daughter, Clarene, Henry J. Stilling and Carla and' Marta Martin visited Jacqueline Justen and Sister M- Junilla at Milwau-! Mrs. Stinespring WfU fresent Dramatic Play The regular meeting of the Lecture Luncheon club will be field at 12:30 at Martinetti's Fi- |sta restaurant in Crystal Lake 29, the last Thursday of this month. Mrs. Harry p. Stinespring, Jr., - |»f McHenry will be the speaker for this mon/I. Mrs. Stinespring thrill present a dramatic play, •'Mary of Scotland," by Maxwell 'Anderson. Mrs. Stinespring has »n extensive background of ipeech and dramatic work. She as graduated from North we®- iern University aud she taught |n the public schools for* five fears, majoring in English and jfpeech work. An interesting sidejht is that for one of these ^ears of teaching, Mrs. Stinespring taught at . the Croatian Children's Home in Des Plain es. se is well known in McHenry, id the surrounding area for her tine book reviews and programs. kee last Sunday. Mrs, Clara Adams, Mrs. Colletta Adams, Mrs. Paul Schulz and Mrs. Paul Reardon spent a recent day in Chicago, where they enjoyed luncheon, followed by a view of cinerama at a Chicago theater. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz spent the weekend in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes and Mr. arid Mfs. Phillip Thennes returned home last week- from a trip to the Smoky Mountains.. Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph J. Miller returned Wednesday from a trip to Adams and Austin. Minn. Roy Redwanz returned Saturday from a week's trip to--the Smoky Mountains. Mr. and1 Mrs. Charles Phelen and Mrs. Guest of Kenosha, Wis., wfere callers in the home of Mis Ann Frisby on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Barbier and daughters, Louise and Betty, are vacationing in Michigan this week. Miss Mary Linn McCurdy of DeKalb colege spent the weekend at her home here. John Bolger of Notre Dame university and Mary Ann Bolger of Rosary college spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. John Bolger. ------ - j. MISS KARLA JENSEN LOVELY BRIDE OF WILLIAM CHRISMAN In a quiet but lovely wedding itrvice performed ,in the Chapel ftf th«< Sacred Heart of St. Patrick's church, McHenry, last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Miss Karla Jensen became the bride of Mr. William Chrisman. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Harold Jensen of Charlotte avenue, Country Club subdivision. and the gtoom is the son of the Harry Christmans of Main street. Rev. Fr. John Mc- Gowan officiated at the nuptial rite/ The pretty.- blonde bride wns in a- n^vy blue faille |CO MING EVENT|S |M i l | |t I I t l i t 4-H NEWS dress, sequin trimmed, with which she wore a navy blue velvet hat and a corsage of white roses and mams. He; only attendant was Mrs. Robert Chrisman, sister-in-law bf the bridegroom, who chose a blue suit, navy accessories and a corsage of pink mums and carnations. Dwight Heusinger of Sandwich, 111., uncle of the bride, served /.s best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Jensen chose a beige dress, gold trimmed, and gold accessories. Her corsage was of bronze mums and yellow roses. Mrs. Chrisman wore a silk print dress and a corsage of yellow mums and roses. Foilcwing the ceremony, breakfast W3s served at the Oak Park hotel at noon for sixteen membe: s of the immediate families and the bridal party. An evening reception was held at the Chrisman home for about fortyfriends and relatives. Following a wedding trip, the couple will reside temporarily with his parents. The bride attended the Mc- JHenry high school last year. The groom was also a local student and at present is employed at the Admiral corporation. The McHenry County 4-H Federation officers and delegates met at the Farm Bureau office on Monday evening. Mrs. Sears,- assistant Home adviser, was also present. The main discussion was county achievement night, to be held at the Algonquin grade school on Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. All 4-H members and their parents and 4-H leaders are urged to be present. Roll call of clubs will be held and state and county Qoohi Qosutel Oetober 22 Public Card Party -- 8 p.m. -- Sponsored By Altar And Rosary Sodality Of St. Patrick's Church --. Church Hall October 33 Retreat For Teen-agel® 8t. Patrick's Church Bazaar -- Moose Hall -- Sponsored By Women Of The Moose October 24 Carnival At- Edgebrook School -- Sponsored By P. T. A. October 25 Benefit Party Of C.O.F. --~ Legion Home --- Half Proceeds To M.T.R.A. . , October 27 Bazaar And Swiss .3leak Dinner - - Women's Society of Christian Service Of McHenry Community Methodist Church - - 1 p.m. -- Dinner 5:30 to 7:80 p.m. -- American Legion Home Regular Meeting, McHenry Gaiden Club -- Mrs. Fred Lieberson October 28 Hard, Time Dance And Hallowe'en Party -- Sponsored By Johnsbu g Community Club St. M iry's P.T.A. . Meeting October 29 Smorgasbord And Bazaar -- Ringwood C.iurch -- Starts At 5:30 P.M. Lecture Luncheon Club -- 12:30 O'clock -- Martinetti's Fiesta, Crystal Lake November 8 Initiation Meeting, Women Of The Moose -- Moose Hall December 4 11' 'I* I' 'I' '1' •> 't' II' <• Red Cross Major changes in first aid care for frostbite and use of tourniquets were announced by Melvin A. Buzzard, midwestern area first aid and water safety services director, In a new supplement to the Red Cross frst aid textbook. The charigeS Wire Adoptej! on the bapis of recommendation of the committee on surgery, division of medical sciences, National Research council. Rapid warming of frostbitten paits of the body of persons who have suffered piolonged exposure to cold is now advised by the Red Cross. Previously, first aiders were told to gradually thaw the frozen parts in cool water or in a cool room. The recommended care now is to bring the victim into a warm room quickly and re-warm the frozen part as rapidly as possible by placing St in a tub of warm, not hot, water by wrapping it in warm blankets. .. . ' Until the Victim can be brought Indoors, the' frozen part should be covered with a woolen cloth or clothing, and the victim warmed and given a warm drink. Rubbing the frozen part is not recommended. After the part •is warm, the victim should be encouraged to exercise it. • Major changes- in tourniquet use call for it to be applied close to the wound and allowed to remain in position until released by a physician. Previously, first Bake Sale -- Carey Electric aiders were advised to apply a Shop -- Sponsored By St. Pat- tourniquet high on the arm or rick's Mother's Club jWiniam Weylaad ^ » • -ISon Christened % 'li,' I . The infant son of Mr. and Mrs ™^ ^ PftSt year will be announced. There will be group singing William J. Weyland was chris tened William Harold at a baptismal service which took place led ** M*S*ie Roberts and two on Ofct. ii at St. Patrick's church, with Rev. Fr. Coakley officiating. Sponsors were Laurayn Conwzyf of Elgin and Salvatore F. "Cristani of Notre Dame, Ind. Dinner was served afterward at the home of the maternal grandparents, the Robert Conways. Guests included the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Weyland of McHenry. Out of town visitors were the great-grandmother, Mr». Carl Blanner, of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. John Conway of Fenton, Mich., and Miss Anne David of Notre Dame, Ind. The baby's father is serving in Korea. groups of square dancing for the younger and older groups. Theie will be several skits by the Happy Hour, Clover Leaf Boosters and Community Clovers 4-H clubs. Refreshments will be served. It w:£T also decided that each club delegate reihind the clubs about the camp fund and also concerning the "share and care." The next officers' meeting will be on Nov. 16. David Smith Federation Reporter Early irt the spring this column asked for a recipe for "Hush Puppies." This is a hot bread popular in the southern7 states and usually served with fish. Quite often "Hush Puppies" are deep fried in the same fat 19 which the fl-h was fried. A friend in Virginia heard my cry for a real southern recipe and sent me this one. Here it is for those who would like to try it. Hush Puppies Sift 2 cups cornmeal, 2*4 teaspoons baking powder and 1 teaspoon salt into a bowl containing a large, finely chopped onion. Add iy2- cups sweet milk and Va cup warm water. Mold into pones about the size of a golf ball and fry in deep hot fat until they are a' golden brown. These are sometimes molded like a small eclair in a finger shape. Either way, they are a different t%ste treat for those who have' never eaten them. BIRTHS Altar And Rosary Public Card Party The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church is sponsoring a public card party, to be held Thursday, Oct. 22, at 8 p.m. in the church hall. There will be table and special prizes with refreshments served at the close of the evening. The public is cordially invited to attend. The committee in charge includes Anna Winkelman and Xlida Wirtz, chairmen; Suzanne Marshall, Grace O'Brien, Marie Corso, Marie Larkin, Beatrice Justen, Florence Knox, Lillian Wlrtx, Eleanor Foley, Marie Yegge, Lillian Bolger and Genevieve Knox. Three high school girls will also aaaiat, Joan Hughes, Patty xtarshall and Kathleen Angles*. November 12 Annual Football Banquet Sponsored By Kiwanis Club -- 7:30 p.m. High School November 15 St. Patrick's Feather Party Feather Parfy -- Sponsored By Johnsburg Community Club ~ November 1) Bazaar And Bake Sale -- Luncheon -- Legion Home --- Sponsored By Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid November 21 Dinner And Bazaar -- Masonic Lodge, McHenry --. Sponsored by Nativity Lutheran Church, Wonder Lake. Cabaret Dance, American Legion Home -- Sponsored By American Legion Auxiliary thigh and loosen it every fifteen minutes. BOARD RULINGS Several reclassifications of property under the county zoning ordinance were granted last week by the supervisors after they had been approved by the zoning board. In one case the board upheld a decision to deny a request of George and Elianbeth KriCkl to reclassify their property in Lakeland Park, west of McHenry, to industrial. RECALL ACTIVITIES OF GARDEN CLUB IN RECENT WEEKS % difficult t|> irinagina a. more active group than the McHenry Garden club. At the meeting at the home of Mrs. Clifford Thornton on Bay View Road, most of "the time allotted to business was spent in hearing the reports of the various committees. Mrs. George A. Stilling, vice" president, conducted the meeting in the absence of th^ president. Mrs. George Kramer ahd Mrs. C. W. Goodell reported that now that the. time for lawn making is here they had made arrangements with Herman Dowe to plow, grade and seed the . grounds of the McHenry Public Library. Landscaping of the grounds is a special project of the club and Mr. -Dowe was more - than generous in offering to do the work gratis, the club to pay for the necessary additional soil and seed. Mrs. George Johnson, the club's representative in the Frui{ and Flower guild, has attended all of the meetings of the guild and has been instrumental in inspiring the members to maintain their excellent ;ecord of contributions. Mrs. Johnson personally delivered the large collection of fruit, vegetables, preserves and flowers to the Elgin State hospital. Mrs. Alice Baibian generr ously offered to make the plans and arrangements for the club members to spend one day a month at a state institution to provide the inmates a special WEDDING RECEPTION The open house and reception planned by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huemann for their daughter, Pat, and Jack Laures, following their wedding next Saturday, BUILDING DISCONTINUED •°ct- 24, w111 be at 7:30 °'clock It was announced at the meet-! ^ ev®n'ng at the Johnsburg ing of the board of supervisors Community club building. last week that the appropriation ~ for bridge work was exhausted j mineral land owned by and thus it became necessary to International Nickel, world s larr 1 "ZvtlS! I I^uTuSr£ T1, olLnt: Worwick Studios FINE . IT D0€S FIFTY MIMUTIS/ EtMCR? treat in the way of entertainment and delicacies to help relieve the monotony of their days. .Mrs. Barbian welcomes the participation of others in the community who are interested in this altruistic project. Now that the garden club has attained a reputation as a progressive, active club of high caliber it Is constantly invited to exhibit in the shows of other clubs. Because of the work involved in its own show, it was able to accept only 'two of these invitations list month. Mil. Fred Lieberspn and. Mrs. N. J. Hill prepared the exhibits and won red ribbons at the Elgin Men'? flower show and at the Bull Valley flower show. ' „ Financial support of a Girt Scout tioop was voted tar anor ther year. Members who will ret present the club as spongers ar* Mrs. Clifford Thornton, Mrs. N. J. Hill and Mrs. Fred Lieberson, planation* vfere so beautiful and inspiring the members plan to make & tclp. there themselves. After delicious refreshments served by Mrs. Thornton, the members adjourned. TCie next meeting Svill be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Lieberson on Tuesday, Oct. 27. «LABA COLE DIES 1 PVkfftds mourn the death " Of Mrs. Clara (Carrie) Simes Cole of Crystal Lake, who died Tuesday evening of this week at the Woodstock, hospital. She was a former McHenry resident. Services will be held Saturday at 1:30 o'clock from the Warner funeral home. Crystal Lake, followed by burial ' in Woodland cemetery, McHenry. ,._s^ REID RITES • Hi*;/ Laura c. Reid> Emerald Park subdivision/ died At the Villa Rest Home WedneSFor the educational half of day morning, Oct. 21. She had the meeting, Wrs, StilliW, pro- j been Hn poor health for several gram chairman, obtained /the ser-; months. Services will be held vices of Mrs. Kenneth ReWe, Fox Friday at 1:30 o'clock from the, Lake, a nature photographer oi George' Justen & Son funeral wide reputation. Mis. Reese home, with -burial in Ridgewood showed colored slides taken cemetery, Des Ptaines. throughout the year at Morton « -- Arboretum. The pictures and ex- Sakaerlbe To The Pl&lndeater UNCLE HENRY *ez: Cameras Bought, Sold and Exchanged Photo Supplies VIEW MASTERS and REELS Our Free Expert Service Doe9 Not Stop With A Sale See Us Before Yon Buy on the "frozen" list. Only bridg es under contiact, ot where bids 130,000 acres, equal to have been advertised for, are to be built. The seven bridges were given numbers in order that they will be constructed when funds are obtained from the current tax levy. The McHenry city bridge was listed fifth. albout two-thirds the land area of the City of New York, 117 N. Riverside Driye I PHONE McHENRY 275 4 £ ^ES, provided the policies have a "leash" or "loanable" value. The procedure for borrowing here on life insurance is a simple one; and your policies remain in full force. A bank loan on your life insurance provides quick cash at low cost when you need to borrow. See us for more complete details. McHENRY STATE BANK , ' J. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS <..V {fefOME 1040 * * - * - 1 fr1 r AMONG THE SICK DRIVE IT PRICE IT Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Knaack are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hpspital Oct. 17. LAWSUIT SETTLED After seven years of litigation concerning a right of way of ingress and egress via a road leading to the David Bruzon prope:- ty in Smith's Sunnybank subdivision yfrom the blacktop road, a decision favoring Mr. Bruzon has been granted. The suit involved Dr. Milton L. Smith, who lives oh a farm which he purchased in 1945 and on which the road and right of way exists. The decision was handed down by Circuit Court Judge Bernard M. Decker. An appeal is being made in behalf of Dr. Smith by the Chicago Title and Trust company. and y o u ' l l go OviE^r St. Mary's P.T^ , ' • t Changes Meeting ~ -St. Mary's P.T.A. wi# meet CXt. 28 instead of the firat Wed* neSday in November, which is the customary meeting date. The band of the school will entertain, with selections by the entire group .of thirty and also numbers by individual players. PaaHellenic Orotap Meets In Harvard The women's PanHellenic group <rf McHenry county will hold their next meeting on Oct. 26 at 8 o'clock in the evening at the home of Mrs. C. L Goodall, 200 Roosevelt street, Harvard. A book review will be given 1»y Gladys Megran. Miss Patricia Justen fas been a medical patient 4n the Woodstock hospital. Marriage License* Clarence N. Carlson and Isabelle M. Dell, McHenry. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of thanking friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, gifts, flowers and expressions of best wishes on the occasion of our sixtieth wedding anniversai y last Sunday. We are also grateful to Fr. Dileidcn, to the Sisters and the choir. MR. AND MRS. 24 FRANK J. WAGNER PrkM Start As Law At Jayenile Foresters Has Hallowe'en ftety Juvenile Foresters are planni^ f for a Hallowe'en party to ha held Monday, Oct. 26 at St Mary's school hall. HALLOWE'EN PARTY The Johiutourg Community Ckib is sponsoring a hard time and Hallowe'en party on ly, Oct. 28, at the Community club building. Proceeds will henefft^the dub, tte public fa invited to at- JP.*Uch!i ICE CREAM There's a ^ Difference Try It Today! ALL FLAVORS BUY IT AT. .. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE OrM St., McHenry, m. (riband tarty; stata mi lacri taxat art*. flovr pric* depend* upon choice of model vi||nd body ttyh, optional equipment and iaeceuone*. Price* moy vary slightly in fdjoioing communtfiet beeowe of Wiipehargot. All price* tubjecf to change wMov# notice. One ride--!-yon'll decide t3Ms ^Rocket1' is for you! From the first surge of its "fiocket" Engine . . . the first mile in it* Custom- ILouBge interior ... the first look • |t its Poiver Styling--you'll Sever be satisfied with less! So aon't be--when it costs so little ,ff> own this Oldsmobilc! When you jfan buy o "Rocket 8" for a trifle ore tfian a "budget maxe"/ Come 1. Ride this "Rocket." Check its Subscribe To The Plaindealer BQTS s - • A Gift Of A LIFETIME USE OUR LIONEL LAY-AWAY PLAN. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL ASSURE YOU OF THIS VALUABLE GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS. COME IN AND GET YOUR-- AND GET YOUR FREE 1 TMS /»£ > T •> t J S GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 108 Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 459 We give and redeem Gold Bond • Btampa. " 4mt Qtlmm WW Stdmi• A Cn^rai Motor* felae. on Over to OLDSMOBI hmit Fottinafmff 48-pagm k*ak--. "How to Watch Foolboll"--by IS tap coaches. See your Oldsmobih dealerf Sll YOUI NIARIST OlDSMOftlLI OIALI(t- R. j. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET ~tOOf»All OH TV! ill OiOSMOtliB'f "Mill »OX MIVIIW JU1T BfPOIf *M »«A«| Of THI W|tlT, SATURDAY, N»C--

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