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A wedding breakfast was served in the home, of the groom's parents for members of the bridal pa: ty and at noon a wedding dinner was served at the Ringwood church hall for the bridal party and the immediate families. At 5:30 in the evening there was a reception at the V.F.W. hall for about 250 guests. During the dinner, Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan played for several numbers sung by Adele Froehlich. - Guests present at the wedding were from Blooming Prairie, Minn., Kenosha, Brodhead, Lake Geneva and Elkhorn, Wis., Harvard; Sycamore, Waukegan, Wauconda and Richmond. The former Miss Wiedrich graduated from the local high school in ,1950 and has been employed in the McHenry State Bank. Mr. Wegener, a local high school graduate, returned last spring from service in Korea and has been employed by the Arthur Krell Construction company in Wauconda. Following a Redding trip, the couple will reside temporarily with her parents until the completion of their new home northeast of the city. !••••«••••> i 4-H NEWS L.v-X- v. white satin, with full over-skirt of appliqued nylon net, nylon net bodice and long, pointed sleeves. Her illusion, fingertip veil was attached to a lace crown tiimmed with seed pearls and she car:ied a white orchid and stephanotis corsage on f1 white prayer book. ' At the conclusion of the service, she placed the corsage at the altar of the Blessed Virgin while the choir sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother." Attending Miss Wiedrich were six attendants, Miss Shirley Wegener, sister of the bridegroom, as maid of honor, and the Misses Joan Nell, Joan Freund, Eva Unti and Mary Ann Bolger, former high school classmates, and Mrs. Betty Leonard of Lake Geneva, Wis., sister of the bride, as bridesmaids. All were attired similarly in gowns of iridescent blue taffeta, trimmed with mink. They had matching headpieces and carried satin muffs covered with yellow and bronze mums. The pretty little flower girls were Jane Lee Leonard of Lake Geneva and Georgia Mary Saunders of Sycamore, nieces of the bride. Both wore pink taffeta dresses, trimmed with blue velvet, and had pink feather head bands. They canied baskets of pink and white carnations. Warren Wegener served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Robert Freund, Jack Fleming and Ray Wegener. Robert Brennan and Gerald Wegener served as ushers. Mrs. Wiedrich chose for her daughter's wedding a rose nylon crepe and lace dress, with navy blue accessories, and wore a cor- HuniitiiimiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiTiniH "I'll grant you that for Radio ft TV. Service, yon cant beat F. M. Radio £ TV But! is that all you uii? about, Sidney?" On Tuesday, Nov. 3, the McHenry Busy Three 4-H club held its monthly meeting at the McHenry Community high school. There were twenty-three jpnembers present. After opening with the 4-H pledge, a business meeting W&* conducted, at which time it was decided that the officers hold a meeting to set up a program of talks and demonstrations for the coming year. It W38 stressed that all 4-H members and their parents attend the 4-H achievement program at Algonquin on Nov. 14. All are assured of having a good time as there will be square dancing for everyone. The meeting was adjourned, after which Mary Hogan gave a demonstration on first aid and Arnold Freund gave a 'project talk. Refreshments were served after an hour of recreation. Jerome Stilling, reporter V.F.W. NEWS ^ _ v 4 .. : ^V By Gladys Soode The regular meeting of Kw. 10 was vei^ well attended. A* mong many things discussed was our Armistice Day dinner and bazaar. The ladies of the auxiliary wish to say that their dinner was a huge success, and want to thank anyone who helped anil patronized us. The dinner for the department president, which was held in Chicago at the Sherman hotel, was attended by Helen Low and Connie Thomas. They found it both interesting and very enjoyable. An announcement has been made that open house will be held at Downey on Sunday, Nov. 15, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. All members are cordially invited to attend. Plans are well under way for the Downey hospital Christmas party. Also the ladies' auxiliary Christmas party was discussed with plans for the very near future. An outing has been planned for the ladies to attend a television program, known as "Petticoat Party." The date for this outing is set for Dec. 2. Anyone wishing to go, please contact Gladys Soucie at McHenry 139-R. We will meet on the club grounds at 12:30 p.m. and cars will be available. A good time la being planned. Following the close of the meeting the ladies were served a delicious lunch, after which a card party was held and prizes were given. If you have to feed substitute roughages to your dairy cattle this winter because of short hay supplies, don't forget to keep up milk production with added protein, vitamins and minerals when they are needed. Marilyn BerH»rT| Jerome Hart' Wed Miss Marilyn Grace Bartlett and Mr. Jerome Patrick Hart of Lakemoor exchanged nuptial vows in a service which took place at St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry,, last Saturday morning. The bride is the daughter of the senior Robert Bartletts and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph itinnerk. The pretty bride, who was given in marriage by her father, chose a white satin and nylon tulle gown, with tight fitting bodice, long sleeves and long train. Her fingertip veil fell from a small, pearl-trimmed headpiece abd she carried a bouquet of white mums and carnations. Miss Patricia Grant of Chicago, a close friend, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were the bride's sister, Carol Ann, and Joan Eggers of Des Plaines, a cousin. Miss Grant wore an orchid taffeta and tulle dress, with stole, and a half hat of the same material. Her flowers w«v* multi- colored mums. Miss Bartlett wore a dress similarly styled, in shrimp color, and Miss Eggers was attired in light yellow. Both had matching headpieces and carried matching colored mums. Little Karen Podsada of Palatine, a relative of the syoorn, was the pretty flower girl and Daniel Kinnerk, brother of the groom, was ring bearer. Jack Kidney of Chicago served as best man and usher* were Joseph Hart, a cousin, of Chicago, and Tom GaWn, a friend. The bride's mother selected an aqua taffeta dress, black accessories and a pink' and white carnation corsage. Mrs. Kinnerk wore a purple dress, matching accessories and a similar corsage. At 12:30, breakfast for 100 was served at the church hall and in the evening a reception was held at 7:30 for 200 guests at Club Lilymoor. Music was furnished by Eddie Podsada and his orchestra of Palatine. The bride was educated in the Chicago and McHenry schools. She has been employed at Guardian Electric in Woodstock. The groom received his education in Chicago and is employed by the telephone company in that city. Following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls,. the couple will live at 10S6 Carlov avenue, Chicago. , •I* • 'I11!1 <• MOOSE LODGE CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this Opportunity to thank those who sent cards and offered blood during the time I was confined to the hospital. These kindnesses were very much appreciated. *27 MRS. MARY BOWLER THI KNOWMT-OWl SAYS l ffdtfat fUt ? TUMK LOOK in the NOTICE! As of Aug. 5, 1953, The Store East of the Bridge, Formerly Known as HENRY'S GROCERY Has Been In The Hands Of A Couple Of "GALS" Who Have Been Too Busy Painting, Etc., To Tell You All It Is Now Called -- , T "SUNRISE GROCERY" Operated By Florence Peterson and Pearl Straiten., Open Everyday 8 a.m. to 10:80 pjn. Thanksgiving day dinner will now be complete for many families especially after that party Saturday night at the lodge. That feed, .that Bob "Green put on wasn't "-bfilf^lther, eh J," "Soil Pipe" did a mat JOb at carving, too. Our thaafes ' to Bofo# who was chairman, and to all those who helped make this the success that it was. This weekend will be- quite active,/ not so much for the grown ups but for the kiddies. On Saturday at 8 p.m. we are having a children's amateur hour. Come on over and listen but above all cheer for the talent present. Hien on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. we are starting what we hope to buildup to something real big here in McHenry. It's ap old fashioned spelling bee. The first contest will find. St'. Patrick's school matched with St. John's of Jdhnsburg. It is for the sixth grade pupils who are selected by th/sir schools. All kiddos are invited to participate whether they are from a Moose family or not. The duly stipulation is Chat they have to be chosen by their teachers and not the Moose. On a later date We will match two other schools. And don't forget that Sunday, the twenty-second, at 2 p.m. ' we have our first in a series of free movies to Moose member' kiddos only. We have to limit it to them as our space is quite limited. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation ftwHhUMBMlUmtl 6* MM TMi MteVaptaUiUntfrtWiyl fcreoosdparion, »mr take hsnhdmga. They cause (mttal cramps and griping disrupt normal towel action, make » pasted doses seem needed. Gee MM but gmtk relief when rau ace temporarily constipated. Ta|ce Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained ia Sviup Praia. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. CahfweH's contains an extract of kuuuim known so awii<ine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna laxative i There are a few members who have failed to pay their dues and are now delinquent. Pay now and save your valued membership in this great fraternal organization. Don't forget, the protection you have now cannot be duplicated. TROTH ANNOUNCED .ViVomen Of The Moose • ' . "tMTNov. 3, the initiation mftet^ ing was held for the Women of the Moose. Initiated were Marie Havlatka, Rose T. Frisa, Mary Etta Ackerman. Beatrice Schultz, Marjorie Hess' Delores Meyers, Berniece Reid and Ann Kucakowski. The library committee was in charge" of the meeting, with Mary Hensel participating as chairman. The co-workers on her committee are Flora Parks, Mary Swearingin and Lottie Bykowski. Mrs. Goddell, president of the McHenry library committee, was presented at the meeting for a short speech on library work. The committee "planned party games and very delicious refreshments were served. ' , ' Remember our meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month and let's strive for better meeting attendance to further our chapter and aid our 0W* officers. <N1CKEL REFINERY The vast electrolytic nickel refinery of International Nickel at Port Colborne, Ontario, covers twelve acres of ground. . v . gives gentle, comfortable, satis* relief for every member of the ly. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness thst constipation often brings. , Bnjr Dr. CaldweTs slse sods*. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottat » JOB «0, New York 18, N. Y. $f it's a fab for Bottled Gas ITS A JOB ICR SHELLANE neighbors, the fire department, state police and the local telephone operator for their services at the time of the recent fire at the Passfield farm. MR. AND MRS. WM. HAPER MR. AND MRS. JOHN PASS- •27 FIELD *40** MARGARET WISSELL Mr. and Mrs. William Wissell, Sr., of Some Day Farm, McHenry,^ announce the engagement of their daughter,. Margaret, to Hilmer Heike, son of Mrs. Irene Heike of Libertyville. No date has been set for their wedding. • f CARD OF THANKS Wi would like to take this way of saying thanks for the splendid cooperation of friends, Worwick's McHenry Camera Cenlet ' f ? ' Cameras Bought, Sold > . ; y and Exchanged V , •M * ' ; ' Photo Supplies VH?W MASTERS and RE194 Bee Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive . FHONE MCHENRY 27S Umnsir»rrlT itWtttWrtiPiWn r1 KB USE HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry County, DL Long Distance Phue 101 • A }' Mony are the people that feel more secure In tfte knowtedga Jhat this fine prescription pharmacy is near at hand, •Complete stocks of drugs and medicines, even those seldoi* feqvlred^ are here at yoer call when needed Ihe vary presence of our complete stock and highly tUBei personnel is a credit to our community. It is to your Advantage to avail yourself to the many services of thlt fine local IwHtiillea, BOLGER'S lit 8. GREEN STREET ^ONE^t P R U G S T O R t I mm mi I Fsr MtMibiles, assd sr sew. At Your Service FlUf RADIO AND • *"• TELEVISION Air Conditioners Clock Radios Portable Phonographs flenrie^ Installations Prompt efficient service on all UN fee* by Raytheon bonded techguarantee all parts installed .If a* tor M days §fter date of Asthwfaed Dealers FO* . . . *• SENTINEL • WESTINGHOUSE ,• ADMIRAL ^ r; ; • SPARTON ^ " 7 * RAYTHEON v •MW £APEHART HALLICRAFTEB PHONE 971 ••• B. Elm 8t McHenry, Tracks and •stircycles, andevery- • thing else you need, including BATTERIES AUTOMOBILE BODY ft FINDER REPAIRING AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES ft PARIS AUTOMOBILE TOWING Look in the YELLOW PACES- . the Classified section of your Telephone Book lOW A TITLE GUARANTEE POLICY PROTECTS YOUR INVESTMENT IN REAL ESTATE the case of the ©Ws) <<EU0» ?46E$ IB ANNOUNCING NEWDODtt&flaKKS JLhe nerve of the fellow! He posed es the owner of the property... showed it off to prospective buyers s.. actually mid it, forging the real •winer's name t6 the deed. And the unsuspecting buyer, with his life savings invested-- what happened to bim when the «eal owner returned from abroad? Not a thing! The buyer was Completely protected by his Title * Guarantee Policy. Once a policy is _lssued, we instantly assume the defense of ifae title, as guaranteed, and pay all legal costs. Should loss occur, payment is pron^f. ... l:'%: - ^ IDiere are many kinds of hidden title . Effects not shown its tbt rtcordt that can * to light later, bring legal entanglements, worry ' and loss. Telephone or write for this free booklet, "Why Your Title Should be Guaranteed," and learn how marriage, divorce, lawsuits, judgments, name confusion, etc, can affect ffee title to the home or business property you own or plan to bMp. BRIIJ.IANT HEW DESIGN OPENS NEW IRA IN TRUCKING! ^ r'#0dge is first with the features See ttielf spicticilir low-biilt lissst work-*™, do* _ . . . . . _ . s a v e s y o u t i m e a n d e f f o r t ! S h a r p - Ti$t-|iriV« their Efficient, powerful engines! est turning of any trucks! Lower running boards for easier entry! Check their sspsrisr cesfert »i visibility! Lowv,ho°d ,or >"*!" "T r . bihty! Lowest center of gravity for extra stability, handling ease! NiWI Over 75 extra-valve feeterssl Big, one-piece windshield! More cab vision area than any leading make! New, easy-chair seats! New cab sealing against dust, drafts! New unmatched maneuverability! Increased G.C.Ws! Shorter tractors make 35-ft. trailers legal in any state! Mil! Tin great eacfew hn-aftl in addition to famous 6's Dodge offers powerful new V-8's! Available in ltt-, 2-, 2V4-ton models ... standard in 2% -, 3-, 3V4 -tonJ See us for free book on truck po*er! Wteiwvtr you buy KmI Estate, ask for our THI* Guarante* PoBcy McHENRY COUNTY TITLE COMPANY NIWI IVIN fttlATIR VALUIS-VIT STILL PtICBD WITH THI LOWIST. Sll THIM TODAfl H4_Benton Street • Woodstock, Illinois • Telephone: Woodstock 1140 Franklin 2-5218 A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. sot E. PEABL STREET . PHONE McHENRY 156 MHJE GUARANTEE ;"'V'v • , . -• • • ' , . .t yj •