' '"gay ' •VT* ."WT " w w^m (ft' i*+ 7*T^rirwsjp^r^^t.'; * .. /.' '•.•;••' 1; ' „ , -*' , ^ V. * ::^'-'••'• • -Ok* ' '-'< • • *_•' V.* >EALER w^f*vp w^p«?3r tjf.m V *** « •" ' " S' > • ' * ' •-' * .• V• o-:y %" ,'. *' "r** • • y^ir. * ^ v^jr*1 (***^ ^ **i :v,;v'- v;: .v,,.^:,,r>. ,%;V'V'VV ::••«• f INGWOOD % By Mn George Shepatil fEdward Voikert of Kenosha, Mr. »>»fM|| 11| » f » » | and Mrs. Kirk Craine, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgten and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Bob, of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and . daughter. Georgia Mary, of Sy> camore. LAKEMOOR and .ILYMOOR and daughter. Margo, spent Sunday in the Elbert Bbel home at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenrv and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Wednesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and Ml*. Laster Carr entertained • her COO crab Wednesday. A l o'clock dessert luncheon was MTVed. Prizes were awarded to lira. Viola Lowr vand Hfrs. Wm. Ouickshank. The W.S.C.S. will meet with ^, ,ri .Jfr«. C. L. Harrison Thursday, v Nov. 19. George Shepard returned home Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington 'St ' Tuesday from the Woodstock attended their card party in the hospital and Mrs. William Hoffman returned -home Wednesday "rtfr.- from the hospital, where^ they • y underwent surgery. .10V, This community wis saddened by the sudden death Of Mrs. Mabel Collins, who suffered a heart attack Thursday evening at the home of her daughter-inm i»U> law, Mrs. William Collins, at • here. Walter Wilcox home near Woodstock Saturday evening."""7' --™---- Mrs. C. u Harrison, Mrs. Paul Walkington. Mis. Gordon Possum and Mrs. Viola Low attended quarterly conference at Greenwood Thursday evening. Charles Carr of Hines hospital spent the weekend at his home Belolt. Mrs. Collins had sold her home recently to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harriso»r--^Funeral services were held from the Peter Justen funeral home at McHenry Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with burial at Greenwood beside her Jlusband Her son, William, passaway about a month ago. I Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, 1/D; en, were callers in the George jBhepard home Wednesday afternoon. ' Mrs. Leland Berg celebrated her birthday and hey fifth wedding anniversary ^unday. Outof- town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frey of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday at the home of her brother at Sheboygan, Wis. .. • • Quite a few from here attended the wedding reception of Mary Anp Wiedrich and James Wegener at McHenry Saturday evening. Mrs. Lill (jonway of the Solon Mills Rest Home spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary, of Sycamore spent from Wednesday until Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. < Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison -• School Newt . Tuesday, Miss Vogei, aa*!stsmt county superintendent, Visited our school. Mr. Andreas and Miss Heideman attended a meeting at Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Burton gave us our nefcu* sic lesson on Thursday. Jay Walkington School Reporter The Happy Hour 4-H club held their first meeting in the church basement Wednesday evening. There was election of officers: Loretta Feezel, president; Harry Hogan. vice-president; Charlotte Smith, secretary; Jacqueline Skidmore, treasurer; <Jay •Walkington, reporter. We had recreation. Refreshments were served by the Smiths. Mrs. Leo Smitft- Is our leader this year. Jay Walkington • ; . • Reporter y By Mrs. Pat Morrteo* , *'• >1*•! t 1I 1 I ' I I <1 '1'I• A few of the members of the ladies' auxiliary to the Lakpmoor Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., attended the county meeting last week at Winthrop Harbor. The county held their installation of officers at which Elsie Cynowa of Lakefnoor was installed as vice-president. A lovely buffet supper vras served and the members we^e entertained by local talent. A nice evening was enjoyed by all. . Miss Carol Booster of Lakemoor sold the most tickets for the dance recital given by the studio at Grant high school a week ago in which quite a few of our local children appeared. As a result of her efforts, Carol was given toe shoes. We are very happy for her because we know how interested she is in dancing. All our children did a wonderful job In the recital. We ha<| the ' '-'J '£11# Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue 1 0f Chicago spent the weekend in and family 'of Huntley and Glen the Fred Bowman and John Ehand Donald Wattles of McHenry lert homes. On Sunday afternoon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank •dams. -- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Thursday ev ening at the home of her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. George Shep- Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert visited relatives at Bohner's Lake. Among those from a distance to attend the wedding of Mary Aim Wiedrich and James Wegener Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Anderson of Blooming Prairie, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vogel of Brodhead, Mr. and Mrs. AUCTION . Located 1 Mile East of Lake Zurich, Vi Mile South of Routs 22, being >4 Mile Northeast of Rand Road on Buesching Road, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH ~-- Commencing at 1:00 o'clock r; Dan Laurence, daughter, Susie, Mrs. Lena Peet spent a few j and son, Jeff, Mrs. Catherine 1 - toys Uie past week in the Henry; Vogel and Jean Vogel, Mrs. ! - Hinze home at Crystal Lake. j Phyllis Burnett and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas: Jan, of Elkhorn, Mr. and Mrs. HOGST-^-- 10 Bred Hampshire sows due to farrow in Feb., 10 Under pigs approx. 90 lbs., 10 feeder pigs approx. ISO lbs., 1 Chester White Choice yrlg. boar. POULTRY -- 250 Leghorn hens and pullets. ; ' T"" POULTRY EQUIP. -- 12 ft. round steel brooder house, feeders and waterers. PRODUCE -- 1,200 bu. oids, 2,000 feu. corn, t ton straw, 5 ttm $lov«r hay. •' ' - ' 2 TRACTORS St FARM MACHINERY -- AC Model C trac. w/mounted 6 ft. mower, starter, lights and PTO, AC Model WC trac. w/cult., starter, lights and PTO., McC-D Model 14P corn picker, MH combine, McC-D corn planter, McC-D 7 ft. disc, McC-D 4-bar side dely. rake, JD power corn sheller, Case 9 ft. Quack digger, DB 2-16 plow, Oliver 2-14 plow, Case 1-16 plow on rub., RT wagon and box and a vary Complete line of farm machinery and tools. LEROY BERGHORN, Owner ROBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers *WISL SXLES CORP., Clerk PHONE 195 Union Grove, Wis. opportunity yt seeing the recital and it was ah eVenfcg wfll spent. We are looking forward to the next one. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cynowa and family of Lakejnoor went into Chicago last Saturday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cynowa, who celebrated their forty-first wedding anniversary. The Lily Lake Ladies' League will hold another" penny social next Wednesdays Nov. 18, at their regular monthly social at J & K's. They are 'planning on having their Christmas dinner Dec. 12 this year. Belated birthday greetings to James Buchwalter of Lakemoor on his sixty-sixth birthday yesterday, Wednesday, Nov. 11. Jim was pleasantly surprised when a few of his friends dropped in during the evening to wish him many happy returns of the day. Mrs. Myrtle Booster of Lake-, moor enjoyed a short and pleas-: ant weekend vacation when shei went for a visit to Indiana. 30B0ES aoi leather Party AT JOE'S TAP mm stbw I Sat, Nov. 14th LUNCH Spvp FRED J. SMITH , SALES SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG, ILL. McHENRY 200-J BRAND NEW SPINET PIANOS Full 88 Note Keyboard In Mahogany $45900 USED SPINETS FROM $37500 USED GRANDS FROM $34500 ALSO BIO SAVINGS ON FLOOR gAMPUS SAVE UP TO $200°° Selection ft Choose From SIMONSON'S Established 1919 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, HL Open Mon. & Frl. Evenings S D O We would like to take this opportunity to convey our cgmgratul^ tions to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Gruber of Lakemoor, who celebrated their fiftieth wedding1 anniversary a week ago with family aild friends in Chicago^ May you both enjoy many more happy years together folks. We were very sorry to learn of the accident of little Jdy Herndon, 5 years old of Dundee, at the Hallowe'en party -for the McHenry Bible* church of Lakemoor a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Herndon had offered the use of their farm for the party. Little Joy fell out of the hay mow and the fall , resulted in a fractured skull. We hear that she is coming along quite well now. Here's wishing her a very speedy re-. WINTER WHEAT Almost 95 per cent? of the intended acreage of Illinois winter wheat has been sown, according to the state and federal departments of agriculture. Most of the fields show good stands, and are thought to have excellent roots, although the top growth is short. Pastures are still in poor condition, ind many farmers, especially in southern^ Illinois, are obliged t« natd water for their livestock. Subscribe To The Phi In it--let y, November 12, 1953 ...I.* HOLIDAY SAZAAfc Early Christmas shoMfa wOl £ind iMnntireds of 'attraAi#s g|fts in $he well-stocked booths at the haesar to be held on ,Nov. 18 in the Salvation Afmy's Booth ^Memorial hospital, 5040 N. Pulaski rd., Chicago. Traditional decorations will give a holiday atmosphere to tlnr' hospital's corridors and recreation rooms for the benefit sale which' is sponsored annually by the women's board of the Salvation Army and the Booth Memorial Hpme league. The sale gin at 11 a.m. Want Ads, rite freedenit fe>e •Vfcrybody'« •--* m Our Whitman's refrijeratw gives you kitchen-fresh candy all year 'round..! Set some today! CROC 01 ATE S BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. BARNYARD PAVEMENTS 5'" are m . • Sanitary • Economical • Labor Swing-- • Food Swing ' and O' La* a lifetimo made vAtk READY-MIXED CONCRETE 1JOK, dottai of other improvements tcoaad th« Cubb, ab * other Biuritl offer* the service tnd economy o£ ftre> tt£e» eodaring concrete. If jm are planning i new tmt* poultry house Boor, sanitary dairy barn foor, a ; ioor or foundation--build it the convenient, low McHenry Sand & Gr<avel PHONE McHENBY 920 FRONT STREET McHENRY* ILL. The Folipwing Stores ARE OPEN Every Day 'Til 6 fcjn, INCLUDING * WED. ^ THUDS. CEKTIFIEtrFOOI^SHOP Corner of Elm 8c Green St. McGEE'S "Store for Men 117 So. Green St. Phone 47 I GLADSTONE'S Dept Store 203 So. Green St. Phone 182 DEN FRANKLIN "On Green St." GEORGE R. JUSTEN S50N " • , FPtUlDRMNTITTUtTRUEr lOl So. Graen St. ^ \ jPheaa 103-R mm with New MAGNE-TRACTION IN BOTH '0" GAUGE & "27" GAUfcE WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE SELECTION IN TOWN! COME IN ANtf SEE IT IN OPERATION Complete Set$ As Low As No. 1502W3 "027" Gauge 3-Car Set Smokes, Whittles and has Magne-Traction Comp^teSe^ ; ^ ^ No. 140 AUTOMATIC GATEMAN |5.95 Always on the alert, the miniature watchman rushes out of his shack waving his lantern' to protect motorists at crossing. Action is automatic, activated by approaching train. LIONEL No. S472 OPERATING MILK C|| Just press a remote control button -- doors open and a milkman bring! .out milk cans, one at a time, and places them on platform. Note ice hatches and catwalk. Stainless steel platform and base. 5" 3|f9$T included. ^ A ?*»• Ut CROSSING GATE Swings down by itself on approach of train and twc red lights on arm warn motorists. When train has pai ied gate automatically rises .ajmpr-* • l*9-r» 356 OPERATING IGHT STATION Press a button and tiny baggagemen run their little electric trucks in and out of the station. Building and platform wonderfully detailed Picket fence contains replicas of real station posters. Inset bulletin boards for posting schedules. Illuminated. Base measures 5" x* 15". Station to 5%" high. $7.98 No. 158 AUTOMATIC BLOCK SIGNAL This block shows "high green" u n t i l t r a i n passes--then turns red to wa r n following train. Signal is 9" -Irw - hjm Now MM CRANE OAR. This is one of the finest car r e p r o d u c t i o n s ever made. Big boom and 'hook' are operated by hand wheel. Wock cab pivots around on frame. Length 8%". $1*91 LIONEL No. 1S2 * , AUTOMATIC STATION, f».*8 This station will stop incoming train--hold it long enough to discharge passengers or freight--then send it on its way again. Base meafurta; <m jfWl. IF YOU DONT SEE WHAT YOU WANT LISTED - COM^ ON IN -- WE KNOW WJfYS QC)X SICtfK NOW! USE OUR JRJ^N 51*min St. LEE 1 "The gtore Th^t Services Everything It Sells" Phatft«te = . v -