Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Nov 1953, p. 2

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S' i":;- ' . ^ *?' ;j" " s * <• " ^ , * * ' * ^ * { , * ^ 1 <? v*/ i*?* r * •1 >V» g'. ?v-.Vr.- • '; dm rf :^s.;- Ua'V THE McHENBY P ^ H I W . r i - - * > T s 1 ' ; . , . w ;^ ^1;« ; «.*-'• - '•< . * "*, * .>* ^.. 1 . -• . > ' - - . * ' " J „ - * *j& o •-••-• ^ -^w. . . m . ,§ |Mi - I rt» te • amto <mmmh» «M» ~ 7 school auditorium. At ; that time Nov. 17 lltvarview Camp, R.NJk, will on Tuesday, "Nov. 17, at "«C.hall. r^ ';r»- • »»•;., -., ,.^.J . Mn bm ; . fcairei Snntfay Members of the faintly of Mrs. Sana Bacon visited home last Wekend to honor their mother Mt Iter birthday anniversary. A fteHcioua turkey dinner was served Sunday noon to the large ^fathering. \ Weekend guests were Mr. and •trs. Henry Lang and daughters. Mary Ann and Nancy, and the £trls' friends of Hammond, Ind., ,,and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm »f Kenosha, Wis. Sunday visitors *r*re the Carl Hiatt family, Mrs. .-Lawrence Mitchell and the James Lafreda family of Waukey «n Lester, William and Bob " Bacon and Mrs. Leilah Howard «f McHenry. Mrs. Harvey Rapp 0f Arlington Heights was unable to be present Sunday but called to offer congratulations on Monday. Mrs Bacon received a number #f lovely gifts. a style revue presented by the • Coach and Four" at |€arengo will be presented. Junior and senior Iflgh school girls from McHenry are invited to attend. Unifeisity bulletins will be given out at the of the evening. . ' s Woman's Clob To Bear Mrs. Mean Members of the McHenry Woman's club will have an opportunity to hear a very interesting <jpiest speaker at their meeting jYiday afternoon of this week. She ia Wilma Burt Mears of ftenosha, Wis., who is a member «f the American Photographic aociety and a member of camera clubs in and about Kenosha, She #10 speak of her visit to the 4»aspe Peninsula and show club ttiembers beautiful colored slides . -«f small fishing villages and ether subjects typical of Om locality. Hone Bureau Plans For unit cmft Day".---; _ The regular November meeting of the Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau was held in the Roy Swanson residence tn Wonder Lake, and it was one of the busiest meetings of the fall season. Mrs. Ralph A. White, president, called the meeting to order, asked for reports from committees and announced a program of future activities. The remaining portion of the afternoon was spent in chatting and enjoying a tasty lunch. Mrs. L. Smith announced county achievement day at Algonquin grade school Nov. 14 and asked all who can to attend. Ruth Redman informed that a home nursing course is available to a member who would bring the instruction back to the local unit. Mrs. F. Eppel reported on the sale of fine quality nuts and that more could be had if members wanted them. Mrs. Victor Mitbrandt showed a number of very attractive angora collars she demonstrated at the Home Bureau Craft Day. The unit Craft Day is scheduled for Nov. 23, at the residence of Mrs. Widen on Wonder Lake Drive. It will be pot-luck meal, after which ideas for Christmas gifts at low cost will be presented. litis meeting will begin at €J>. of A. Begins f ^ Card Tournament The Catholic Daughters of Aaierica will hold a social meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19, at jChe K. of C. hall. This will mark the beginning of the annual card •tournament MISS JOAN KREIN ; WED SATURDAY TO DONALD McCRACKEN Woodstock's Methodist church Was the scene of a lovely wedding last Saturday afternoon when Mr. Donald McCracken of McHenry took as his bride Miss Joan Krein of Woodstock. Rev. Firestone officiated at the 2 o'clock double ring ceremony. Miss Krein is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Krein, Sr., formerly of Lakemoor, and Mr. McCracken is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McCracken. Warren Jones of McHenry was soloist for the service, singing •Because" and "The Lord's Prayer.". The pretty, blonde bride was charming in a ballerina length gown of white satin, styled with scailcped neckline, fitted bodice and full skirt The long sleeves were pointed at the wrist. From her white feather hat, trimmed with pearls; fell a shoulder length veil. She carried! a white Bible on which a white rose was placed. The dress was designed and made by her sister, Mrs. John Muser, Jr., who acted as matron of honor. Mrs. Musser chose a blue taffeta dress, also ballerina length, styled with short sleeves, scalloped neckline and full skirt. She wore a blue feather hat, blue mitts and carried a bouquet of pale yelloW carnatio&s. Dean McCracken of . Des Plaines, brother of the groom, served as best man. Ushers were John Muser, Jr., of Woodstock and Bob Miller. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Krein selected a dark brown and rust patterned dress with which she wore a brown velvet hat and brown accessories. Her corsage was of yellow mums. Mrs. McCracken was attired in a W90I crepe dress of Copenhagen blue color, with which she wore brown accessories and a corsage similar to that worn by Mrs. Krein. . A reception for about 100 ' I n i l 11111111 PERSONALS •••I1 'I' *fr *fr •£• • 10 a.m. Supplies for glove--mak- Hoppe or Stephanie Waynas. Family Gathering At Reihanepergwr Home A family gathering joyed at the C. J. Reihansperger home last Sunday, with a turkey dinner served at noon. In attend-; ance were Mr. and Mrs. E C. ten<je<j the local high school and Tim me and family of Oak Park,, af^cr moving to Woodstock grad- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fenwick and uated flom the high school in the church parlors, after which the newlyweds left on a short wedding trip. After Dec. 1 they will be at home in one of the Wattles apartments. Miss Rita Bolger and Mrs. Julia Huska presided at' the serving table. The former Miss Krein at- „ Miller Observed Barbara Joan Miller observed 1 daughter of Elmhurst and Mr. I that ci"ty. She "has been an "em- Among those from McHenry who attended the McCracken- Krein wedding in Woodstock last Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Paigl Yanda, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Ipfine and son, Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buckner and daughter, Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker, Mrs. Julia Huska, Miss Rita Bolger, Miss Ann Bockman, Miss Jeri Einspar, Mrs. Gretta Goodell, Misr Edith Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and Warren Jones. Donald Freund and .John Bolger, students at Notre Dame, spent the weekend with their families. * Miss Mary Ann Bolger of Rosary college visited in her home here last weekend and acted a3 bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Mary Ann Wiedrich and James Wegener. Celia Page of Illinois Wesleyan spent the weekend with her parents, the Ray Pages. Walter Warner of Elgin visited McHenry relatives on Monday. He plans to leave next week for Augusta, Ga., where he -will spend the winter with his daughter and husband, the James Wests. Among those from here who attended the wake for Mrs. Ed Larkin in Elgin Monday evening were Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Miss Ann "Frisby, Art Martin, Mrs. Eleanor Nye,..- Mrs. Bob Peterson, Charles Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. William Justen, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman of Wilmette, left Tuesday morning by car to visit Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bestoso and their family at Newport, R.I. They expect to be away for about two weeks. NEW PROGRESSIVE MEETING PLANNED BY COMMUNITY PTA "Progressive Meeting" Is- the impressive title of the November meeting of the Mctienry Community P.T.A., to be held Nov. 19, starting promptly at 8:15. The meetihg will convene at the junior high school, where a skit, "School of Yesterday," will be presented by the pupils of the junior high, narrated by Mrs. Ray McGee and with pantomime by Mies Mary Harvey. Through the kindness of bus drivers, Glenn Draper and Jim Thompson," everyone Will be transported between schools in busses. At Edgebrook school, the pupils will present a skit, "School of Today," narrated by Mrs. Eleanor Foley, with pantomime by Mrs. Jas. Claybough. From Edgebrook, progression will be to the high school cafeteria, where Mrs. Harry StineepriQg will present a narration, "School of Tomorrow." A! short film, "Music of Tomorrow," will be shown by Pfeul Rausch. Clifford Kiehl will lead in community singing. Refreshments will be served tot the cafeteria, with M)*s. Julius Goffo acting as hostese chairman. -ffimltr. Nortmbcr 12. 1359 i BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowell of Lafayette, Ind., are the parents of a son, Robert Earl, born Tuesday, Nov. 3, at St. Elizabeth's hospital. The little fellow has ai sister, Kathleen, 4 years old. , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fremiti are the parents of a son, boi$ at the "Woodstock hospital Noi.j 8. THANK YOU! We, the members of the Johasburg public School P.T.A., wish to give a very sincere "thank you" to the merchants who were kind enough to help make our | Thursday night meeting of forming our McHenry P.T.A. Council, such a huge success by their donations of very beautiful gifts. We thank Mr. Jager of ' the Riverside Bakery for his wonderful work of art on a cake wishing the Council success; to Mrs. H. J. Scholle of the Elm Street Florist Shop for her masterpiece in gorgeous basket arrangements wishing Mrs. Fred Svoboda success in forming this Council for the county (a dream of Mrs. Svoboda for a long time); and to the florist at Flowerwood in Crystal Lake for a very lovely centerpiece. "among the sicif •H'U-I'-H, H H H &-H t i l l 1 *"M Mrs. Violet Rich underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital on Wednesday of this week. .her first birthday anniversary 1 and Mrs. Herbert C. Reihansperrecently when a number of 1 ger and children. friends gathered at the Mftler | home to honor the young lady The afternoon was spent in playtog games, after which a luncheon was served. Barbara received a number of lovely gifts. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and children, Mary and Gary; Jimmy Doherty, Le- Roy Conway and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Fr. Walter Conway, Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freund and daughters, Donna Lee and Mary Ellen, Mrs. Donald Freund and children, Trudy, Kay, Timmy and Roxanne, Mrs. Perry Walker and son, Bobby, and Eileen and Janis Huff. Second PanHeUenic Ifcshkm Series Held £ Second in the PanHelienic series of talks on fashion will be held Thursday, Nov. 19, at 7:30 o'clock in the Woodstock high Methodist Families Will Enjoy Supper Families of the Methodist churCh Will gather this Saturday evening, Nov. 14, for a pot-luck supper at 6:30 p.m. The program* for the evening will be a twohour religious film, "Keys of the Kingdom," starring Gregory Peck. This motion pioture, based upon A. J. Cronin's best selling novel, tells the story of how a Scottish priest, through devotion to humanity, conquered the forces which set out to destroy his mission in China. ployee of Vendina Art Studios. The bridegroom, a 1950 M.C.H.S. graduate is an employee of the Pullman company in Chicago. Announce Troth Of Mary Unti Mr. end Mrs. Ovts Unti, Sr., announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Lieut. Jack Thies, who is stationed at Reese air force base, Lubbock, Texas' No date has been set for the wedding. SbaH' Goo4 Spotting Me** Better Cleaning Spotting -- the most important single process in good cleaning -- is an unappreciated art. There are so many different kinds of spots (Or stains) on so many different kinds of fabric, that the problem of removing a spot -- hence, agajn, really a stain -- is essentially one of: First, diagnosis -- determining what kind of substance caused it. Second, what kind ol treatment to give that spot -- which of the chemicals, digesters, bleaches, solvents, rinses, or what to use, in what order, at what temperatures, and how to manipulate them so as to remova that spot entirely. A good "spotter" is a person who knows textiles, dyes and chemistry -- and he's a good d i a g n o s t i c i a n and craftsman as well. Bead Ike Want Ajfct IHowl Anyone Can Have HOT WATER QUICK! WHAT DO YOU WANT H) KNOW AkUIM hA^MMBy Daa Caswner When you're ill, you can tell a doctor what's wrong. He proceeds from there. A spot or stain cannot talk, and therefore diagnosis is sometimes pretty difficult. In general, on washable garments you can usually*' rinse out the spot or stain immediately in clear, cool Water. Nothing else. On dry clean able garments , leave them completely alone. ' AND PLEASE TBUL US WHAT THE STAIN IS. This will save time in determining the content of the stain and enable us to get it out entirely, if pOssible. Our spotting department is in the hands of competent craftsmen who know their business backwards and forwards. And any yill be removed when you When you BRING Jf TO-- ismst AMD LAXXKDRY N. Front St AnmA Corner North pt National Tea PHONE 9271 For Pickup Service Of 1*% * Cfcnjr MCKEMOE pwmBU MOTB ICKTCB COSTS LESS THAN S3.M p pl«-- • pirwtito raST-WAT Wmtar r h• wmXnli ooatmlning iraMt. Ptag to Om... tM HOT WATKB QU1CKI 1 mm lot tatkiac. MrabMas. wMhinSi milk 1 wrj tut. SpMd oI baab- . nfeoo tha quantity. Com- |MN*ttkgu. Noftraatoboik)--ao hat wataf M wi| io raaalat ap u4 dowi italrt. Ne Mm, m anaa, m top baa *7 foal bOla. GUodyl lanpMilfd Read dlraatioo* balora oainc M«v oaala ha tkaa ILN. Par aala br-~ CAREY vElectric Shop 119 So. preen St. Leading Hardwire and Electric Stores Everywhere a, YES. We suggest that you use Travelers - Checks, available at our bank i* convenient amounts. They cannot be cashed until you countersign them; and your money is re- » funded for any uncountersigned checks you may lose. These checks are inexpensive, too. Avoid the dangers of carrying cash when you travel--get Travelers Checks at our bank. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS PHONE dare fyOtl to match our deal! Vos, W*Invito cswiparise* We welcome the buyer who is out to get the best buy. We've got It--the biggest value on the road, w h mow room, finer performance and economy, dozens rf exclusive features you can't have in any other car. Coft# see, drive artd price the new Nash Airftyte. Then get Our trade-in offer. You'll be amazed. We challenge you to find a better deal anywhere! See your dealer today * /or the deal of a lifetime! 9 DOWNS HASH SALES, 40SW,flmSt.,McHenry,Phone484 MEATS ARE 1 TRIMMED NATIONAL'S ALIIE WW! Ten Gtf More Lean Meat for Tour Money r - i . ' " ' FRYING CHICKENS Swansen't Everfresh •viscerated. €iit Hp end ready for the pan. II. S. eoverem--t traded Wisconsin Milk Fed Whit* Teal LEG of VEAL ROAST, , u. All Garten tell le Ohw UH 0»' YHI .UrStaMae AT. SkoaMtr AQ. AA. if IBH»y hrinty UrmlttW V. S. eevenmeet eroded aed Stomped Choke Cera Fed Beef, tsf Sfh rib--7" Get _ STANDING RIB ROAST... .« 59« NcttoMl'* V«lM-Way Trlwn< v > v NoKm»«I'« 100% Nre Perfteriieuse ACa Groand Steaks . . Beef. «•3 9c mBmJammmmmm Avar's Orelweed Skort Skaab--Ready to fat--Cello Wrapped A A SOOKEDPICNICS...... u.39« SwHft Frewlew--4* Trey Feekege >AA SLICED BflCOH ....... u 69« Merkeefer'e--All Meet , M A SKINLESS FRANKS..... . 43c Haflsiltr'i,, ill klMl m k MerbMfar't--All Meet Large ^Qf Small JQA Bologna. . . ." W Bologna. . . Mftmfir'i AW Hte» Mm ^ Mirtiitw't Mik >f Mii«>wteer Liver Sausage. . ^49* Liver Sausage. . » 49c Markeeler't All Meat Liver Senafe m jk SMOKED BffAUNSCHWEIGER .U9* >ltfrerfl«ed Meet Prices effective thru Sat., Nov. 14 Save! Save! These items as available, may be purchased at a savings df H to M with our certificate plan. 1491. Covered Sevce Pea 2<Qt. Covered Seeee Pea 3-Qt. Covered S«uc» Pen 4-Qi. Covered Sauce Pm fr-Qt. Dutch Ov«n S%-la. Frying Pea 10-Ir Frying h* lO-Iw. Cklclee Fryer 11%-fn. Frying Pai» 11 ^*Ia. Chid.n Fryee 10-JR. Handled GridOU It-Id. Sfeak Hotter * 10-Qt. Kattla-Ov.B --- * IMa Oval Rearfar la'/i-ln. Oval Keattar ng-liu Open Ovil ffetifiiro Pea TOUR Price vnewei with Oct. CBtT. S V 4.80 5J0 l2f *.00 ).«t t.2s 3.2S M« 3.75 2.39 a JO 3.39 5.2s 7.95 4.49 3.65 «.9t 7.f9 11.00 13.95 M 7: At compteto lino ondiuifor Yes, you save M to M now ... save every lime you use it! There's less waste and shrinkage, less peeling and paring; you use less fat or shortening; it cooks meat extra tender and delicious . . . can cut your fuel cost in half! It saves you money another way, too: because it's mnde to last a lifetime, you won't peed replacements later. Suit your set today ideal for gifts mmy trial ivssissi . :T jfcn tnr SO doy* and If no# a^[||^|^iirii fwjefund./ -•) f ••• Ji-i, '/ .A'

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