FOR SALE Mitlhed ewy Thursday at, Hi., by the McHenry FOR SALE ALUMINUM WINIX) WS. The WalifUl Co., Leo Stilling. 200 E. Pearl, McHenry IS. Ftttatehtng Ctomptmv, Inc. H A T i O N A t I D i T O R I A l 5BBn h^'S'S" COLEMAN BOTTLED GAS -- Do like hundreds of housewives do. use it for cooking:, baking, re- -- |rng£rat:on and 'water heating. HURFEXNDT, Gen'l. Manager prompt scrvice and ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor J Plaindealer Want Ads * Ko ad counted leas than 25;*odH3" Mords, $1.00 minimum. I1 inserUon $1.00 j ADDIVG MACHINES: Sen-ice on 5 TrdS Per makes, also ribbons for all j pqr-r^ 16c Service charge on all blind j rnakes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay, St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 11, rir V'rli1 \y<»* •A ' ,. . . . .4 :ALER FOR RENT MWCSLLANBOTO JAK-ANA RBNHII FOR RENT -- Newly oecorated ,>>ns, home nrivil"ges, near tie-* pot and achooin. 109 Main Street Phone MoH'.nry 100-R. 20-L ANNOUNCEMENT Madame Helene Baxter (Part* sienfte) professor of French Is now accepting a limited number of pupils for conversational les sons, small evening classes and coaching for examinations. 188 Country Club StotM, McHenry Phone 247-W. •25-8 REAL ESTATE WANTED We kave eaah buyers for your . homes, summer home*, tarn*, and buneaa projmti^. We eu sell your property If yomr pride Is right. JACOB FRITZ -- Real Estate la Johnsburg TeL McHenry 87 27-tf- 48-tf FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house in town. Children welcome. Available Dec. 1st. Write care of Plaindealer, Box 406. 26-2 deliveries. -- VTCITAL'S Hardware and She? Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98 7-tf FOR RENT -- Building, now occupied by Riverside Dairy. Also 8 room house. Maybe rented as 1 unit or separately. Call 116-R j FOR; SATYPEWRITERS, until 6 P m- otherwise call at 403 Maple street. lids. Cash with order. j tifcrd of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum-f 'Want Ads close promptly at! 7-tf a.m. Wednesday. h SUBSCRIPTION RATPE I Year . . »•:.".... • ..$8, .Entered as second-class matter aif. the post' office at McHenry, IU., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE -- Young confinemont raised turkeys. Dressed Weight* Hens 14 tq 17 lbs.; 65c per pound. Toms 23 lbs. and ut>, 55c per pound. Phone; McHenry 613-K-l. Ed. Schmelzer. 25-4 (REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS >> Accessories and Seat Covers fcOMMUMTY AUTO SUPPLY ,. Route 120 - 1 Block East t of the River Bridge n Week Days 9 a.m. - € p.m. Sundays: 9 aon. to 1 p.m. 12-tf i < BUSINESS SERVICE * I Candid Weudings from Home, j Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers lercial, Publicity, Sports ind Photostats 566-W-l McHenry, HL £ 44-tf flirvic< 1ill JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats ee, Refinlshing and Storage •S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenrv 1076 44-tf CfESS POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS | Pumped and Cleaned t PHONE 776-V." I |f no answer, call 1383-R*2 Pi - G. A. DOUGLAS |J 809 West Elm S:reet ' McHenry 6-tf roR SALE -- All household furniture. Call 807 after 5 £.jn. Moving to New Jersey. 27 FOR SALE -- 2 piece green living room suite, like new, $75: 6 piece mahogany dining room suite plus pads and extensions, $50; China cabinet, dark wood, $15; Tan upholstered couch, excellent condition, $10; 3 piece unpainted book case, $10. Lois Downs, North Riverside Drive, phone 714. 27 FOR SALE -- Spririg geese, $5 each. Call Wonder Lake 3829. 27 FOR SALE -- Imported Norwegian sweaters. Attractively priced. 100^ all wool hand knit. Unique Norwegian patterns. Agnes Fredricksen, 107-R after 4 p.m. 27 FOR SALE -- Automatic washer used S months. Phone 674-M-2. 27 FOR SALE -- Davenport in good condition: washing machine with pump used very little; portable Speedway mangle. Call McHenrv 575-J-2 after 5 p.m. R. G. Ullrich. 27 FOR SALS -- Coleman automatic 'h^rmostat controlled gas, wa" or floor furnace, will heat 4 or P -ooras. Used one year. Price $150 Phone McHenry 935. 27 3 room furnished apartment, heated. Electricity furnished. McCullom Lake. Call 509- M-l. ' . - It FOR RENT -- 3 room all year round house in Lilymoor subdivision. Automatic heat, basement and garage. Reasonable rent. Call McHenry 431-J-4. 27 FOR RENT -- Vi mile south of town on blacktop, river frontage; 5 room house, 2 bedrooms, picure window. $65 per mo. Call 303.6 Chuck Coles. 27 FOR RENT -- Available Dec. 1, modern 4 room apartment, bath, 2 bedrooms, gas heat, garage. Inquire Hoot's Tavern, 202 So. Green. Tel. 360. 27 FOR RENT -- Attractive 3 room furnished house, 1 bedroom, large enclosed porch, automatic heat garage, basement, washing machine, large lot, beautiful location. Wonder Lake 2803. 27 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED. -- Male barber, in excellent community of 12,000. Ideal location. Possible earnings of $5,000 to $6,000 annually. Fine clientele. You'll like this 'position. Green's Barber Shop, Dixon, 111. 27 WANTED -- Full time hair dresser for new beauty shop opening in McHenry. Apply by letter stat •ng qualifications to Mrs. Georgf Pedersen, 126 Riverside Drive. McHenry, 111. ' 27 ^CR SALE stove. Like after 6 p.m. -- Estate eleclfic new. Call 545-W-1 27 FOR SALE - ®£E AND BARN SPRAYING-- j nens, laying Vhite wash or fly control. Frank j -I-cnry 518-J-2 V. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Per.'dence: Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. 45-tf - Yearling highlin? good. Phone Mr 27 r HELP WANTED -- Attention Girlsr Let us show you how to earn extra money in your own home. Write care of Plaindealer Box 408. 27 MACHINE DIGGING -- Complete Septic tank systems. Dry wells. Seepage Beds, Trenching and Footings Dug (18" - 26" wide, 7-ft. maximum depth). Prompt service. Garrelis & Rogers. Phone 539-R-l H> 534-W-l, McHenry. 51-tf WALL' & FLOOR TILING Oar only business - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. Call Cary 6164 or Barrington 127C 2-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piaro and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCn f*hone Pistakee 633-M-l 5-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS---We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry Telephone 167. 26-tf Accordion lessons for beginners Accordions furnished. For information, phone McHenry 430 27 tf OR SALE -- Order your oven turkeys now from Rus^e11 Rudo^h on Rt. 173. 4 miles east of Richmond. Telephone Richmond 662. 27-2 Feather Party ! Sportsman's Inn Saturday, Nov. 21 Lunch--Music .27-2 FOR SALE -- Golden Delicious pples, $1.00 bushel. Bring conainer. Call McHenry 883. Tamarack Farm. 27 OR SALE -- Walnut double bed. oeautyrest type mattress, drop leaf sewing machine, combination •radio and player, 4 woodsn kitchen chairs and porcelain table. All good condition. Reasonable Call McHenry 502-W-2. 27 BEAUTY SHOP - 210 S. Green Street Fitzgerald's Building none Alice -- 292-J or 705-M 16-tf FOR SALE -- 4 garage doors Call 697-M-l. ° 27 I^OR SALE -- Geese, ducks, dressed' or live. Call 590-M-2. Steve Danko. «27-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Beautiful 2 bedroom river front home, basement, gas heat, all tile floors, lannon stone fireplace, built in vanities in bedrooms. Call 303. Chuck Coles. 27 WANTED -- Housekeeper an^ f-ompanion, permanent for unencumbered lady, no heavy laundry imall modern home, own room, one in family. References. $100 monthly. Phone Woodstock 30 o» .vrite 310 West Judd St., Woodstock, 111. Give telephone number. 27 Before You Buy A Home See JAK - ANA HEIGHTS in Johnsburg. You can get a modern home on a 100 x 200 foot lot, overlooking the beautiful countryside. Near church, school. New Memorial . Hall and shopping district. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Ifr Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 ' t : Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois tHlllllllilllllUlilllllllltlllllUUIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIHIttlUJIIIUlllltllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIllllHIUIHIllllllllUIIIUillllUtllint MISC. -- Pheasants and Ducks -- Mounting. Prices $10.00, $12.50, yVANTED -l. Ride to Woodstock jikOQ. Meat reserved on request, on Nov. 18. Leaving by 8 a.m. re- j Birdfl received up to Dec. & turn by 12 noon. Will pay f2.00. Arthur J. Coleman, Taxidermist, Call 954-R. 2111 aouth on jj# 12( Wa/Uf. conda. Phone 6-1411. 26-4 WANTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY -- Top priee paid for iron, metaia and Junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf In Person "Town and Country B<^n" Saturday Night " ~~~r Nov. 14 , ClirtJ Lilymoor - . ff WANTED TO RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SAUI McCUIiOM LAKE ~ « room home, living, dining, a large bedrooms, 1 large recreation room, suitable for master bedroom, tile bath, kitchen, glazed in breakfast room, also 2 room guest house, oak floors, automatic furnace. Situated on three beautiful landscaped lots, side drive with carport. Priced for quick sale at only $14,700.00. Shown by appointment only, call our Of flea In Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ -- Realtor Phone McHenry 37 25tf FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, HI. Phone: McHenry 4ZW '24^tf ELP WANTED --. Reliable young man, preferably married wanted for steady employment ir local recapping plant. Apply Marticke and Nixon, 311 E. Eln St., McHenry. 27 HELP WANTED -- Turret lathe and hand screw machine operatoi Must have own tools and mall own setups. Experienced--only Phone McHenry 998., 2. HELP WANTED -- Man with experience handling lumber. Replj care of Plaindealer, Box 404. 26t: f^JNTING AND DECORATINfc Quality and Service Call Stan Johnson iKHenry 890-J after 6 p.ih~ 6-tf PETER A. FKEUND (Formerly Eddie Huff's) SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, cespools. Thone McHenry 877-W residence, Fox street. 16-tf Fox River Valley Service Flagstone, firewood, chain saw, ^ 5 yard d'mip <ruck Call H. E. VOS8 after 6 p.m. at McHENRY 5S8-M-1 28tf HELP WANTED -- Experience! general office girl; some book keeping; shorthand helpful. Sk; Sweeper, Inc., Johnsburg. 26-2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Will sacrifice for quick sale, four room modern home with two large enclosed porches. Completely furnished including stoves and electric refrigerator. (Lakemoor). Full price $6,500. Phone McHenry 560-W-2 2 ti FOR SALb McCULLOM LAKE -- Year round home, 5 rooni3, 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage, 3 lots, immediate possession, 2 miles to McHenry. Pric/? $8,500.00. Terms. JACOB FRITZ -- Realtors In Johnsburg, Phone McHenry 87 25-tf REAL ESTATE r FOR SALE -- Property in McHenry, Wonder Lake, Island Lake and surrounding territory. Homee Cottages, Businesses and other types of real estat*. 210 8. Green St. McHenr> PHONE 1126 17tf ^STTStatioiS^WANTH^ SITUATION WANTED -- Reliable man desires janitor work, fulf or part time. Days or evenings. Call McHenry 497-R. 27 SITUATION WANTED -- To do housework by the hour, the da} or the week. Needs transportation Call 628-M-l from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. SITUATION WANTED -- Baby sitter, reliable, middle age lady Call 954-R. 27-2 SITUATION WANTED -- Will do baby sitting, day or night. Call McHenry 1122. *27 Situation"iva5*tb!d ^ win care for children in my home, an' age, day or night. Mrs. Dreyer. Phone McHenry 1152-J. 27 HARDEST ~ _. BUSIEST -- t CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS FOR SALE -- 5 vacant lots or State Highway No. 31 in cit; limits. Excellent location for home business or light manufacturing with 265 feet road frontage. Thi property has ample space fo: parking or future expansion. P«a sonable. Contact John Samec. Tel McHenry 388. 80-1' NEW! DRESS PARADE STAIN BOOT POLISH exclusive finger-clean applicator in each can. DUXWAX Leather Treatment makes leather shed water like • nn i;' duck's buck* 25c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 Green Street Tuck Pointing Chtmney» Rebuilt Free Estimates, Insured Workmen _ George Barber 180 P. Green St. . . Phone: McHenry 886 22tf PHONE 40 McHenry, D1 % GARAGE DOORS' WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation p_nd Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf FOB SALE i i a\ad DECIDED ANURSEI -- SALE --Year 'round COM FOI T and ECONOMY w i t h FIFE-PROOF Johni- ManvilJ Hoinc Insulation- Installed by the War.fill Co. Car Leo Stil'ng, 200 MsBevsy U. : 4-tf 1. Interesting work and high income in this "depression-proof" career. CLASSES • 2. Excellent preparation for both a career STARTING ond raising a family. SOON 3* Security--you learn to care for your own and your loved ones' health; you hove a source of income if you need .it. 4. Satisfaction from serving mankind. Writ* Ml»» Freda Trtptow, Director of Nurses RAVENSWOpD HOSPITAL . J 931_Wil»oa Avon ' Chicttf • 40, UUn«l« THANKSGIVING PARTY AT THE CREAMERY TAVERN RT. 176 BURTON'S BRIDGE FRIDAY. NOV. Chow Will Be Serrad Have Fun With Ua. WANTED TO RENT -- Engineer wife, 2 children seek desirable minimum 2 bedroom unfurnished house, prefer waterfront or rural location. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 409. 27 LOST AND FOUND LOST --• Lady's black rosary; keepsake * reward. Call McHenry 451-J after 6 p.m. *27 MISCELLANEOUS We had a winner Monday at the Riverside Retail Factory Outlet Store. The word was "Paris, Illinois," and it was guessed by Mrs. Lillian Larsen, second time winner. The next clue to the new word will be published in next week's issue of this paper. • : 27 Anniversary Party ' Saturday, Novi 14 "Gus's Place" formerly "Alibi" 180 So. Green S& IdVtch Will Be Sertoli TO BE GIVEN AWAY Terrific! Entertainment Saturday Nites at "Ben's" 120 Club in Lakemoor Popular Pianist - Ruth Madison 27 MISC. -- Will care for one or two aged ladies in my home. Registered nurse. Good care. Reasonable rates. Phone Round Lake 6-2729. 27 TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- 3 Springer and Terrier puppies of small breed, all black and white. Call 1188-R. 27 EXCLUSIVE at Ben's 120 CLUB in Lakemoor 21 SHRIMP -- 99c to the Basket CHICKEN FEAST -- 89c ^ Including salad,, and potatoes Served every day from 10 in morning 'till 2 at night. Friday & Saturday nights 'till 3:00. Eat it at "Ben's 120 Club" or take it home. 27 MISC -- A % length light* tan winter coat was taken from the 7.F.W. Club, Saturday, Nov. 7, during the Wegener wedding recepttoh. -ftewawfc' Call Wonder Lake 3241 V* 27 ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY' Genwil Contractor New Const ruction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOtf Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS TESTING COFFEE A way to test the quality of coffee is to put a spoonful in a glass of cold water and add a few drops of lemon juice. If the coffee is pure it will remain on top of the water; if not, the water will become brown in color. / Read the Want Ads Safe Dry Cleaning. ; Save Safely the 1 >T Cash and Carry Way McHenry Cleaners 108 Elm Street PHONE 104-M • We Give and Redeem " Gold Bond Stamps V' , Another Method : . Here's another method Jw < to moving coffee stains which may also have cream and sugar mixed with the coffee. vSponge with cool water, let dry, then sponge with cleaning fluid or powder. Old coffee stains may be difficult to remove, so if s smart to get at then tfght sway. Cutting Marsh mallows ' When cutting marshm allows for desserts, dip the shears Into warm water betwen nips and the job It more easily done. Abnormal A INtle fill in Newton, Mass., reported, in some puzzlement, that her cat bites people, ha*«s catnip, 's friendly with mice. The Farmers Trading Post MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN Write yonr ad en the lines below. One word l> each space. Please print each word plainly* . CLASSIFIED Want* Ad Rates Per Insertion 4e A WOBD . 8L00 MINIMUM £11 bold face or cap II • 26c per Use. Lei Penniee Bring; Yon Dollars Copy nrasi nnh the McHenry Plaindealer Offlee beta* triHHiy >1 & ........ ^ ........ . 9 . * ' Trr" * . - tec-? • • * • • ••• • • • im rrrfii r Be Sure Name and Address or Phone Number Is On ML Name I--.. Address .... Phone Number --Words Times Ife Run Amount Enclosed McHENRY TIRE MART _ Repairing A Recapping N«w 81 Und Tins 1 For . . • TRACTORS • FARM WAGONS •AUTOMOBILES TRACTOR CHAINS We 'service A install liquid in tires Walt Freund ft Bob Thurlwell, Props. 520 Main Sfc FtaONE McHENRY 204 * tWk WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. Orvi'. Ie Krohn, Woodstock. Phono 1651 -R-l, coUecL . *18-tf CLM. FLEMMING ft SON OWUHERS NEW IDEA -- PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES * SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Servioe. SHONE McHENRY 88 ' CSS Waukegnn Rent DB'O A N I M A L S -- H o n e s t c a s h irlces paid for cows, horeee and logs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Molidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Work*. Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 88-tf McHENRY •QUIPMENT CO. A v SALEo « .^^tVlCE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 188 888 W. Elm St. (Basement) FOR SALE -- Registered spottfetf s Poland China Boa^s and bred gilts. Phone McHenry 562-M-l, Arnie Freund. 27 . (SEdC P. TREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE Efcrm Implements and Tractors Universal Milkers New Holland Farm Machiaei jr PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road Elmer Glosson , General Trucking Livestock fUid Limestone McHenry, IK, Tel. 665-W-2 ' 26-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled oattle, $15 to $50 cash. Call L. Bornside and Sons, Marengo 907, oolleot. 14tf FOR SALE -- Registered Berkshire boars. Dan Weber, phons McHenry 855. 26-2 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL No Charges for Service George Breier and Son Phone Johnsburg 580-W-l 21tf McHENRY COUNTY ^ FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. I Dough Boy Ful-O-Pep Larro Poultry & Dairy Feeds fBONE McHENRY 729 828 Waidcegan Road TOR SALE -- Registered Duroc Boars and gilts, including sons and daughters of the Grand Champion female at Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 1953. Phone; David Smith, McHenry 548-J-2.. • 25-5 ... OPEN HOUSE Free Pillsbury Pancakes, sausage and £offee. All you can eat FYM " Valuable Door Ptteen ^Entertainment BATE: Saturday, November 14th CIME: From 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Place: McHENRY MILLS, INC. Phone 815 McHenry Pillsbury's Poultry, Hog and Cattle Feeds