Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1953, p. 13

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m mm •M 1 1 1 I I I • • • • ! 1 1 M »| I t 1 1 > • m u vegei * 1/rm. AMUnMti Here we kin a picture the family might weQ have snapped while they were visiting the children's favorite ancle and aunt. It almost goes with* out saying that ancle would be delighted to have a print of it. "Bread and Butter" Snapshots ONE'thing that practically every ffaammiillyy ddooeess dduurriinnfgf tthhee ccoouurrssee of a summer is visit friends or relatives whom they do not see very often. A friend of mine once told me that one of the required ments for a long vacation trip by car was relatives to visit along the way. Such visits are often high points of the trip. Chances are good that with the camera at hand for recording the scenic wonders and historic spots of your'vacation route, you took some pictures of the relatives and friends you visited. By now, you brobably have these pictures back from the photofinisher. So, why not look them over and order extra prints of the best ones? You see, I've got what I think is a very good idea of what you can do with them. This idea explains why I titled today*rcolumn as I did. Use these snapshots yoiitook as enclosures to letters you write the host families telling them what a good time you had and thanking them for their hospitality. They will make your letter doubly welcome. If any of the various people you visited happened to be well acquainted with each other, you can go even farther in letting others share your pictures by enclosing prints of snapshots of both families. While we are on the subject oi enclosing snapshots in letters, I'd like to remind you once more -- above all, send snapshots to mem* bers of your family or friends who are in service. Whether they are overseas, at stateside bases, or at sea, you can be very sure that service men and women will welcome picture* that will make them feel closer to home, family, and friends. It also gives them an opportunity to show their new found friends the people and places they've been talking about --John Van Guilder Having sold the farm, will sell tfte following personal property on the farm known as the old Wtt>, Treund farm located on Rt. 12 % mile southeast of Solon Hills, 1 mile west Spring Grove and 5 miles Northwest of Pox Lake, on Sunday, Dk. 13. 1953 It O'clock Sharp f£*1. I 'J' v M HEAD LtVB8TOCIt ; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh 4 months; l Guernsey 1st calf heifers to freshen in March; 1 Guernsey .calf, 1 months;,., 1 Holstein heifer, 18 month!: 9 Holstein heifers, 4 month** 4* 3 Holstein heifers, 6 months; 4 Holstein heifers, 7 months, vaccinated. - • FEUD l 500 bales Timothy mi*e« l ywitold hay; - 125 bales, of Alfalfa 2nd cutting: 450 bales of Timothy ha^^ ^ 100 bales of straw . 300 tou. of oats. ' ' ' Machinery, etc. Ford 7 ft. disc; 49 Ford tractor like new used on less than 100 acres and mounted 2-214 Ford 'cultivator; 7 ft. mounted mower; 7 ft. rear mounted tractor Saw; snow plow for Ford tractor; McD. side rake like new; Gehl field chopper hay it corn attachment; Rapec blower; 1948 ton pick up Dodge truck, with 9 ft. body ft rack with cattle rack; new 2 Ideal tractor manure spreader on rubber tire wagon & rack; 2 iron wheel Wagons; 8 ft cultipackef corn planter; 2 dump rakes; 50 gallons red barn paint; brooder house, octagon *12 ft. like new; 1500 gal. gas tank, 3 compartments; bob sled; 1937 Ford car; several tons of iron & scrap; 58 Illinois Strives. For CARE God An Editorial The need to give! This is the feeling NaU have -- the desire to help our fellowman when we sec him suffering or in need. Too often, though, we do not geaUte „tjj# feat need that d^es exist throughout the world. We find it hard to believe that half tile world goes to bed hungry at night. After the headlines have gone, we forget that there \yere devastating floods in England, Holland and Chile last year, that thousands in Greece lost all their possessions in ' the frightening earthquakes of last summer. Because we do not see it, we are unaware of the poverty in South America. The Foreign Operations Ad* ministration has given to CARE 6,500,000 pounds of surplus food for distribution among needy families in Wesern Europe and South America as a Christmas greeting from the people of the United States. These foods have • NO DRIVING STRAIN • NO PARKING PROBLIMS OR EXPENSE • MONEY-SAVING FARES t UKETHBSfc Om Round W«y Tri» Oak Park f 1.10 $2.00 Howard St. 1.05 1.90 Chicago 1.30 2.35 .55 1.00 been packaged in eleven-pound parcels which cost $1 to help cover packing and shipping charges. Whenever possible, they will go to flood victims, earthquake victims, escapees -- and always to the needy, selected by CARE mission chiefs in each of the recipient countries. We know you would help if you were there. Here is an easy way -- just send your contributions to CARE, Chicago. Illinois has a goal of 100,000 packages to meet by December 16. During this Christmas season, let us show our gratitude for our comparative well-being in' America by sending'at least $1 to CARE to feed a needy family abroad. •ft *0* to 3 in.; quantity of It ft long; 4 mw«t tile CJt. of windows; doors A screens; 1Q9 ttethHrlMg^ltoll; 6 pr. window shutters; 3 work benches; 14 fted| drums like new; 1 steel beams 16 ft.; 2 channel irons, 10 ft.; 7 iron doors, several hundred feet of new and used lumbfcr; spec. Jack suitable for elevator or wagons; 5 tier chicken battery; 15 wood post; 15 new steel post; 3 new rolls of woven wire; Several boxes new bolts; 4 tons at flag stone; 700 feet new knotty pine? 3 seater light box sleigh; 1 buggy; tarpaulin 14x20 feet HOUSEHOLD GOODS G.E. Electric Range; G.E. 2 door electric 10 ft. refrigerator & Deep Freece^ new; 10 electric motors like new, fc to 1% hp. Good washing machine; 42 sp. yds. of English inlaid linoleum, new; < Quantity of antiques; quantity of new electric wire; Baby buggy like new; crib A dresser; Several articles too numerous to mention; /.'.jfe 60 bundles :of yiroWrShinjjfe J. W. HARLIC, Owner State Bask of RMmood, Clerking TERMS: Ail sums of $26 or under cash. Over that amount one fourth (K) down and the balance in six monthly installments at 6% interest arrangements for credit to he made with the clet^c before purchase is made. Feattry flM comparative standing si the ptxdtry industry in relation «• other leading farm enterprises hi Kansas was tpurth in 1M6. Wheel was first, cittle and ealves sscond, dairy viaducts thiri, and hogs fifth. Allan Electric Main Si. --Johnsbturg, III, Friday, Dec. 11th 'vat -v,,.;:?" COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES! . Appliances - Hardware - Television Licensed Electrical Contractors Television & Radio Repair * •p*•' * Call McHENRY 1381-R-l H We Extend An Invitation To You To Come In and Visit Us At Our New Location. jfjaeBB3SaBn0H0nBBS8B0Be>aBBSE!B0BI0i Esisd Irsdhlss, keaeay-Wiaaiag Red Mm V4 Power Plant Power Stedrinf Mow stappci sp it Iff I The most efficient engine in ^ny < American car! This is the Red Ram * \ V-8 that topped all other 8's in thev - Mobilgas Economy Run--shattered: ' 196 official AAA records for per-, / formance, stamina and endurance **> on the Bonneville Salt Flats. There's no clutch, no hesitatidffi'nb jolt or jerk--just a velvet flow of uninterrupted power. Unmatched breakaway acceleration. In official ' AAA tests, PowerFlite set o5 per- 5 formance and endurance record*. . t Takes Ibe wArti eet ef driving! ' You park, take turns with less effort and less movement of the wheel. * You keep the "feel of the wheel" at all times. Control is more complete t/ffV --for this is the latest and greatest ^ " / '• development in Power Steeefeig. • * fV l-9\ Lake Gene Hadison, W Minneapolis Miami Fla. Jacksonville .. 2.25 4.05 7.30 13.50 27.80 50.05 21.75 42.75 MIYHOUH* TIRMINAL GUS UNTI, ftrop, PHONE 104-R (U. t. fojt tlrm) * Corner Green H Elm Street County Chairman Fred Ferris has received a directive from Washington stating that in order to meet its extensive responsibilities for humanitarian service at home and abroad, the American Red Cross will seek $85,000,000 in its annual campaign next March. E. Roland Harriman, American Red Cross chairman, said, "This year our goal, in addition to securing the funds needed, is to enroll 30,000,000 active Red Cross members who will exercise their privilege of helping direct Red Cross work and assist as volunteer workers." The theme of the campaign will be "Answer the Call -- Join and Serve." Explaining that truce in Kore^i has neither lessened need for Red Cross services abroad nor decreased burdens at home, Harriman pointed out that the fund goal had been set by the Red qulrements. "Again during the coming year," Harriman stated, "a major portion of our budget $31,100,000, will be needed to finance Red Cross services to the Armed Forces and veterans. The nation's military force now is at a peacetime peak and the end of fighting in Korea has direct request ]>l III liHwf OS military - tal recreation activities dMr security troops. We fctto budget for a similar program for isolated troops in Europe." Another major item on the budget, he added, is 112,500,600 for the blood program which, Red Crosft supplies neaity* per cent of all Mood used fir treatment of ctvflian patients! in 'the UjB„ Harriman pcrinteA "The quick and sure availability of blood and blood products life to thousands of wen ratal end children each he said. UNCLE MELTY TIMSEI MTM'tAELRK DABOOWUNT ,TSWOEN W--ETAHTHEE RS pBreePpOarfetEd iYsO rUo MSTnAkReTs. peoeHiNs'm nr HAItOHKL SAttTY COUNCIt £"•- •. : x RADIO & TELEVISION - HAS TO . , . y 9 fa •- '!«> * • l-V*' " '•s - & i* '. 'y *• m 128 NO. RIVERSIDE DRIVE WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING. COME IN NOWI k SIGN OP THE FOLLOWING GRAND OPENING GIFTS. .. 1. SENTINEL TELEVISION^-- 2. G. E. TABLE RADIO 3. CAPEHART CLOCK-RADIO 4. 3-SPEED PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH 1 7-;- / t" ' :<•' rt- * iaiiiH mm TOOLS m CUMMINS DO-IT SHOP A Complete Shop in 3^ Sq. ft. Nationally Advertised On TV. <79.95 ELESCPTERIECD PWORATYA BLE T BENCH GRINDER For Wire Wheel . . . • ' ^ ^ TfLT-AMMMt SHOP MASTER « V-. TABLE SAW 1 . Complete with Rip Fence -- lltttre Cauge -- Stop Rods -- Saw Guard '49.95 *16.50 SPEEDWAY ? PORTABLE SANDER Cleans -- Sands -- Polishes -- Buffs *34.5Q \r.. ;rS ; ; "aV- Burgess Portable B«li Sanders $24.95 Dremel Portable Sander $14.85 mm $32.95 1/4-inch SlecMc Drill Kl» Ideal for Homes. Farms, 4 Hobby Shops, Repair Kith. Handles drilling and sanding jobs ... has Wire Wheel Brush with arbor for removing rust and old paint. Plenty of extra room . . . . The Dodge With More Tlraii Ever Before More To It...HHort In It...More Of hi • Mew color-harmonized interiors with elegant Jacquard fabrics. e More massive length--up to 5 inches longer from bumper to bumper. % More flashing style--with bold, massive grille and gleaming chrome, e 3 great Series: Royal V-8,Coronet V-8 and 6, Meadowbrook V-8 and 4' PowerFlite and full-tim« Power Steering ore optional equipment. Specification!, equipment and pricw. subject to change without notice. A. S. BLAKE 301 E. PEARL STREET Elmgancm in Action Inc. • " I ' - . ^1: 30.000 MILE GUARANTEE PHONE McHENRY 1M mm** A"1 MODEL 71 MALLS^W FOB THE BUILDER Cutt to 2%"; <|uick Automatic guard, ttjtger switch. Lightweight one-hai Ideslgn. MODEL 149B NAlflbHlLL FOR HOME SHOP Drills in neul, • Flu palm (or eeay Drives doxeiu oi ttt chroeaks. :- MODEL 128 MALI >R1LL FOR TOUGH JOB! • Drills H" >» metsl. idjuti ments. in ise anywhere. in wood. • MtMbed handle; 1 igger switch. • Rons om AC or DC lone current. * m Drill nf THfSf ANt.' OTHIK TQCiS ffhejuwIbaiwiMfc ' keaif if via i'^ppS> .'I 7^ ^ 20" Shopmaster rv JIG SAW With Self-Contained Motor $3995 Electric Scroll Saw WEN EUECXRIC SOLDERING . <12418 HARDWARE V.YCITAL'S »» IfoBtmrf. SL ifc 132 Green Street PHONE 98 .m • i^ii " iJbi i' m iiei' «i ,v rT * '

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