Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1953, p. 16

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By Mr*. George Shepari «a.<i mmm V' fM? .'.!1 v V ';\ ' ! , > 2ft r* T4'?:^7 "V t* 1>.s. f • , \x*>-v n Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained Uh? woman's five hundred club at her home Wednesday. A dessert luncheon was served at 1 (fatock. Prises were awarded to ijtrs. K. E. Whitney and Mrs. |#St*r Carr. The W.S.C.8. will hold a bake iMile in Muzzy's hall Friday, Dec. XI, at 2 p.m. The W.S.C.S. will hold their |>fccember meeting in the John Hogan home Thursday, Dec. 17. Miss Nancy Bowman entertained the girls of the Photo Fack of the Ringwood Chemical company at a spaghetti dinner at her home Saturday. Those to make up the happy group were Staph Magnuson. Lona Brever. Helen Turner, Mabel Johnson, Jtore Wrase, Marg Katzenburg, Curley Skidmore, Luella Bradman, Charlene Smith, Jan Rag1 *le and Nancy Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Mklert and daughter. Mabel, and Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nanay, at supper Tuesday iiv honor of the birthday of their daughter, Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and son and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and daughters are on a- trip to Iowa, where they are • visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs Chancy Harrison attended Home Bureau at the home of Mrs. Neuharth at McCullom Lake Tuesday. Mrs. William Cruickshank and 4Mi, William. Jr., attended the International Stock show in Chicago Tuesday and also the Shorthorn association banquet in the Gold Room of the Congress Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Saturday afternoon in the 4k)an Ainger home. Phyllis Bruce and sen of B*lvtdere spent the weekend W|th her parents here. <Mr. and Mr*. Robert Low of McHenry spent Sunday With his mother,* Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramaek- #r returned to their home at 4l»or, la.. Friday after a visit With relatives and friends here. Crystal Ehlert and her mofber, Mrs. Hartnel. of #Twin ibpikes spent Sunday afternoon in jpe John Ehlert home. ' Mrs. William Cruickshank _ Thursday in the home of | = ||er daughter, Mrs. C. E. 'UbVel- ~~ - 4{tte, and family in Chicago. ^ Lester Our and John Phanestill returned home Friday rom Wisconsin. where they rent deer hunting. Duane Andreas of DeKalb •pent the weekend with his parfnts, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Anfrees. Mr. and Mrs. John Khleit •pent Thursday in the Qyril Pacey home at Wilmot. Stanley Schultz of Pell Lake Was a dinner guest in the Fred Bowman home Sunday. Charles Carr of Hines hospital Spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard 1 s •pent Sunday afternoon in the j |~ William Ciaxton home at Mc- Henry. Miss Darlene Andreas spent j fjcers jay Walkington is cap- Ben Walkington is very ill in the vyoodstoek h$lfi$t#l wi|* heaft trouble. > H .School Hews : Mary Ellen Carr celebrated her birthday last week by treating the children. The upper room had film* <Xn the soil. We have new patrol ofll? f v^e®ke^ ! tain, Dick Aissen, Patty Hogan, attended the football game and Larry Bruce, Edward Skidmore dance. Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter. Mabel, and Mrs. Fred Bowman spent Tuesday morning at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family spent Sunday at Woodstock, Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Brenner and family of Arlington Heights. Howard Watties and son, Donald. and Glen Wattles of McHenry were c, Sunday dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison home. V'. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Friday evening in the Louis, Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond of Kenosha spent the weekend in the Charles Brennan home. Mr. and Mis. Philip Mueller of Des Plaines were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home, Sunday afternoork .--. MrSatid X^rs. Ernest Reinwall, Sr.. of Fernwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., . of McHenry spent Saturday in the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Walter Winn and Mrs. Louis Winn were callers in the Fred Wiedrich,* Jr., home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller and family at Spring Grove and supper guests in the Ed Adams home at McHenry. Mr. Jack Lenard and children of Lake Geneva spent a few days the past week in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. and Robert Feezel are lieutenants. Jay Walkington School Reporter Uncle Sam Says HOLD Planting time is over and farmers and gardeners are new lending tho^e crops carefuDy. But, despite •II this care there is one werry-- the weather. A heavy storm er drought can wipe out all the work that has gene before. So it is with you. A crippling accident or a long illness ean seriously affect yon financially. In either case there Is ene sure-safe way of providing fer a contingency -- the purchase et U. S. Savings Bonds. Yen CAN guarantee future security by enrolling today for the Payroll Savings Plan where yea work or lh| Bend-A-Menth Plan at your bank. (J. S. Trttsury Diptrtmt& ittiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ANNOUNCING I NEW LOCATION OF THE ers LOCATED HOUM ADDED FOR CHILDREN , Holidays can W dangerous for. the youngsters. The pnenace is fire. Actually, fire if la year-round threat to children •-- their Jib. l kille tin home accidents. But at this time of year, added seasonal hazards increase the rtanjjl). JCxcited and over-tir«d y^nngt sters are especially vulnerable to the dangers of loosely woven costumes and party dresses, decorative candles and unsafe toys. . Protect them advises the Ni tional Board of Fire TJnderwri ers, by following these simp! fire safety suggestions: 1. Flameproof children's Clothing made of loosely woven irtatetials. Dip such garments in a solution of 9 ounces of borax and 4 ounces of boric acid to a gallon of water. Wring by hand. then hang to dry. Flameproofing will Jast until the clothes are laundered; then it must be re* peated. Use it on doll's clothes, too, as well as adults' clothing drapes or any washable fabric^ 2. Remember, candles are darif gerous at any time -- but particularly when there are childrep around. Electric candles ate jujsfi--- afl off*oHtfA in fin rr " i«s tests tor fire and shpek hazards. As an ad^ed safety measure, supervise play with even safe electrical toys. 4. Some type* of toys, such as those involving flame or pressure, should not be given to little children. Others, such ap chemical sets, should be elected with care, and play with than should be supervised. 5. Never leave children at home alone! Last year, nearly 1,3^0 children under 5 yetfrs oM were killed by fire. Deaths among the 5-14 age group brought the total up to 1,700. In this season, in any season, keep the children safe. as effective in decorating, much safer. ai# 3. When buying electrical toys of any type, always look for this UL label. It means the toys have passed Underwriters' Laboratorm* bj Bhw Eyes : 1r me white race nearly «s born babies have blue eyes because the pigment that causes other colors does npt develop until some weeks after birth. However, negro babies, and other belonging to the dark races, have brown eyes, since the pigment is well developed when they are borr. SALVATION PLANS'MANY FOR HOLIDAY SXASON Holiday visits --. cpmplete with cheerful greetings - - will be made by the Salvation Army to approximately' 23,000 persons who are confined to medical and detention institutions In the Chicago are*. Members of the Army's League ^of-' Mercy began their Christmas visits on Dec. 2 and will continue them thrdugh Dec. 22. On the Christmas visiting schedule are: Bethany, Covenant, Fridhem, Swedish and Norwood homes for the aged; Chicago Home for the Incurables; Bvanston hospital and the Community hospital of Evaiiston; Forty and Eight Convalescent center; Municipal Tuberculosis sanitarium, its children's ward and the North Riverside division; Cook CHRISTMAS GIFTS Toy Barnyards, Toy Chests, Table A Chair Sets, Writing >silts, KMchea Cabinet*, Doll Bed, * Choice of California Redwood or Pondorosa Pine hi Laws Funtli Bird Mouse*, Tables, Swings, etc. Ceroeat Cesspool Covers St Chlmaay Caps MADE TO ORDER d CLARENCE SMITH PHONE 58S-J-1 * JOHN8BUBG, OIS CSurtty hdspltal ait#" its "iuheituloeiS'aoit and otoii^ten's hUHd- |ng; Oak Fonwt hospital qgidt infirmary; Dunning State lto^m|al; Great Lakes Naval hospital; Downey, Hines ahd West- BWt Vetaiaos A^minisiMtion hospitals; Public Health SfVyice hospital; Children's Menpiriai hospital; Juvtnile Detention home; The Splv0Ltlon Army Ca^honnt? ^ooth hoSpitAl' arW Lodge for Women and Children; the Bridewell 'and - . Gou«ty jail. . Members of the League of Mercy in Gary, Elgin, Aurora and St.. Charles will visit' tals, old people's homei and ja^lfc in their respective, corhij?unities. Included ^mong the gifts aire bags of Christmas candy, boj^es of chocplates, appi«!8 oranges, doughnuts, cake, ioe cream, calendars, publications, stationery, T-shirts, losfer jme^s, pens, bi)l- CREAM STILL TH9 Finest, ICE CREAM Made... Try Ii today ALL FLAVORS BOY IT AT.,. Green St., McHenry, UL BQLGER'S DRUG STORE *"C~ ?.• Phone U | Vi Mile West Of McHenry 1 on Route 120 S s > | Available For Indoor Remodeling al Low Coti, | With No Down-Payment and 3 Years To Pay | 1 - PHONE McHENRY I I 430 I s i r. Da&mbkr 18S3 fc4ds, bantaqt flashlights^ ^nd •oys for children. The League of Mercy is composed principally of the wlv%4 of Salvation Artny officers ahd retired Salvation ' Army woinen officers the Chicago area. Mrs. i Colonel A. Edgar Arkett is central • territorial secretary of the ' League, and Senior MAJor Amy J. Adams is secretary of the League for Chicago. i/ Ads, Uke -mmr* A. F. «c A. BC 1 10T N. Court St. Meeting i-3rd Visitors Welcome s IPhUlip Ricket, Se<^ " ^ {phone McHenry 41? .;^ i O. E. S. 107 N. Court 8t. Meetings 2nd * 4th Tues. Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, 8eoy Tel Won. Lk. 3641 ¥ P«0FE»l0nRl niRFCTQRV you can do > wny mu8 and mute on what || choose--when everyone #i your list wants and • oan use one of these filectrical gifts, Yott give a flnef ' • - "L* t ' , • , gilt*.;. so remember e-moke this an llectricai Chfijlrootl PS. ABTtoS J, HOW ABO Chiropractic Physician 124 So. Green St, MeHeary, m. Phone McHenry 100 Hours - Moa. and IH !• to 12:80 - !|tol Toes, and Thurs. 1 U S Sat. By Appointment Only DB. C. B. SWANSOiT Dentist 120 8. ftreen Street Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:80 Monu Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only T&eohone McHenry 160 1 VEBNON KNOX/ V - Attorney At La# ' '• * . Green and Elm Stfeeti Mrfleary, 111. i^esilay- and Friday Aftevaooae ' Other Days by Appointynsait 'f Phoae McHenry 48 WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 110'/j Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1884 Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WAYNNB .Attorney At Law m WfUkegan Road <B*D Box) < • phone McHenry 488 Jtp , | West McHenry, n, tamam01,11 i i lotaotgap VRANK s. MAY BLACK DIBT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route S, McHenry, HI, ^ ^hone: McHenry S80-M-1 Sand Limes toas VIP THELEN • , • Trucktaf Gravel Black Dirt Excavating tel. McHenry 5S8-R-1 oc 888-W-l Box 218, Rt. 1, Msiinaij, m. HvCTn% afliPVOTp« e 2 Steam Irons 3- Deep-fat Fryers•••••#••••*•• i '•rju • • • • « M * • >•••••• • »Trofn WITH-AH INCOME PRODUCINO MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT • Ho tricks, Do sleight of hand . r , ypf dollars you spve here add up faster! You see, we've never yet paid less than 3% per annum -- above-average earnings paid twice /early on all savings placed with us. Open Your Profit-Earning Savings Account Toaayi Hr - - f «W-Sfll/E Your Savings Insured S^Fe Up To $^0f!)6. MACCN6C FEDERAL , Jrora from 4 llectrlc Food Mixers e e e e e i 5 IMoffle Irons ^ Klectric Roasters.from . Tf Electric Clocks•••••••••• «r#i- IT Electric Coffee *M(lc%rs.....11>i f Rotisserles • ••••••eeeeeetee t0> 49.9i 10 llectrlc Blankets«• front, 24.^^-.- ; And these other gifts hot illustrated Kitchen decks • • • • • • • • • • • from ^ ^4^95 . Clock Radios. Floor Lamps. .^#s»,i»"«4»»<«lSi)»«.>frow .1^.^®.'-,, j Table Lamps..• • * • .#»• * • ** frowt SiMt Lamps. tt*• • from B4«tric Ca»s«roles......... . • from Electric Corn Peppers from Weill I( Rlenrlsn . . *» . from Iron*.'.'. • • '• • • • •• * • • • /»?»"• "now K«|r ^ry*"« KASY MONTHLY TERM# *.*S >95 14.95 *.& 37.95 9.95 raoaor--r-aaonoca A. P. FREUND * SONS Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic and Craae Service -p ROAD BUILDING -- •pL 804M McHenry, Dl. INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Ftre, Auto, Farm & Life Inmtranof Representing r IUCLIABLK COMPANIES | When You Need Insurande #1 ^ # Any Kind • ' , PHONE 48 or 958 0»eea ft Elm McHeary, D| OTOFFEL St BEIHANSPEROEd launace agents for ail classes si |itafsrt| in the hest companies* West McHenry, Illinois Telephone 800 PT Main Street McHenry, A 6CHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 8S0 PLUMBINO and HEATING JIOB FRESBY, JR. j OnaUty Flxtui^s-Radiant Heat&f . Gas and Electric Water Heater* Water Systems - Water Softener! / BepaM - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 288-M • fee these and other electrical gift values lit our nearest store your dealers T SAVINGS ASSOCIATK>N HO. STATE STREET HMAFFHOQ. HIIHPIS#- m TELEPHONE 9^ : : A M nf.. wifss; ,J LOW AS $2 DOWN--$1 A MONTH PUBLIC SERv'iC t COMPANY i'.-,..... W, s m fHED W. HEIDE Realtor CMnplete IasttaSce' Sst^lee iso lenry, in

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