Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1953, p. 2

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OCfk*r» £.2* | Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., will hold its next regular meet tag the American Legion Home on •" /'^Tuesday evening. Jan. 5, at 7:30 o'clock. Installation of the new ™/l®54 officers Will follow the meets'* - { ing. Guests are welcome to' at- ; ' 'f tend. ?•• ••• 'Urtrioi Officer >v . ^i. $Do Agrees . WACA"* "y, The McHenry Community Wo- . / . -Irian's Society for Christian SertSrlce will hold its January meeting k. »: #n the twenty-first day of that 'ijkionth. A district officer will ad- * 0 *lress the members and Mrs. Ann f^'yarese. dramatic instructress, will , /.vjjeview the book "Silver Chalice". ,'t'i The meeting will begin with a <jessert luncheon at I 6*c1o£k. IKeitibeni mm usged l* •fiuests.,- • mj* mmmmmmmmmmmmrn mimmmmmmmmmmrn ZOMtNG CASE BACK ««ocnr court THBOOOH NEW SUIT Chapter frlUatkm Rite The McHenry chapter,> Mo. 647. the O.E.S.. closed the year 1953 The much discussed "gravel pit" zoiftng case was again in eitcuit court recently in a suit filed by several residents who reside in the community near the pit, located three miles east of McHefi rv on Rt. 120. The plaintiffs afk that the case be reviewed, that the last oider ;pt the coning board be reversed and that the court enter an order denying the petition for reclassification and th# matter be remanded to the zoning board for further hearings. The zoning, board on Nov. .3, 1953. met and reversed. Its pro-, vious decision granting the petition. as directed by the court. COMING EVENTS Jamrj 5 Initiation Meeting Sponsored th a Christmas party and a gift By women Of The Moose -- Exchange. The new year will begin Moose Hall jgrtth a meeting on Jan. 12. There Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. be an initiation ceremony for Installation -- Legion Home -- ,£ew members. #ta«weod Hi .;;,-;ft||>peas l|few Year Jaa. 5 ; , |v The first meeting of the new jrear of the Ringwood unit of J,jHome Bureau will take place on Jfan. 5 at the Leo Smith home. «4pertrude White, president, will ""' present a program for the com- ,*ng year. The balance of the final ship- . jnent of nuts will he on hand for ' ^'jkhoae who are st£$h$n the market '* itar some. seholtz To red In Swnmer ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Htffcry F. Scholtz jannounce the engagement of their * j#Maughter, Blaine, to Waiter Rose, * %on of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose of ^'-'f'OSricago. No definite plans are '^^haie for the wedding, which is to tak« fMoe next sum- . PERSONALS 19 tf'I'l I I11 9 * H-H1111414 ¥ mm M I s ft l k •»<•..* -X ' »««• • < **• ft" 'ffTrf. MRS. ROBER•T «CHMiJLlKO The Chapel of the Sacred Heart of St. Patrick's church was the scene of a lovely wedding on Saturday, Nov. 28, when Miss Blaine Nell exchanged nuptial vows with Robert Schmaling. They are residing on Waukegah street. COOKS CORNER ' V^%Clfe»i> 1 At - - » Residence C-' . f Circle l of thl -W.S.C:». Win . :1-|meet on Tuesday, Jan. 12, at the .j^ 'Mhome Of Mrs. Walter Haug. Faeafcy R^jogfed • ;9ms. U Wtoting' . • " The family of the late Michael i- Conway gathered for their annual " * / ChristEMA Bve got-together stt •4 the JttAM IMierty home on Dec. ' ', ^ "^Wenty-eight were . present, in- ;• .i:i<anib*g Fr. Walter Conway. Mrs. f&alhryn Conway, Mr. and Mrs. QHfl't Miller and * Mary, the ^ 3!<lftmes Doherty and the LeRoy Oowway families, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Shea and children of Qrayslake, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Winters and Terry and Jerry, and Marion, Rita and Gary **.. ' / Menhan «' ^ Peter Fieaad, ' ^ Omwi Birthday ^ Peter Freund, Jr., celebrated v* his eightieth birthday anniversary Tuesday, Dee. 22. Helping Wm in the observance of the -:--y % day were Mrs. Peter Freund, •j\' Jr., and their five children, Mrs. * Ed (Frances) Vogel. Leo, Hari ; B old, Joe and Mrs. Arthur (Isa- ' V tiel) Stilling. He was presented with many gifts, after which .lunch was SA - marHA. • - 1 For a small New Year's Eve party try French fried shrimp with your hard or soft drinks. They may be ready to fry and stored in the reftigerator until needed. The actual deep frying takes but a few (minutes and they are at their best piping hot. It 'is a good idea to order the shrimp in advance. They may be fresh or frqfeen. One pound will serve four (if not too hungry). French Fried 1 lb. shrimp 1 tsp. salt 1 cup bread crumbs (the commercial kind are fine) \ 1 egg lightly beaten - Cook shrimp with salt in boil- Wig water about 8 minutes. If frozen, Ullow another five minutes. Cool in cold 'water. Remove skins and devein. Roll each shrimp in bread crumbs -- dip in egg again in crumbs. Let stand at least a half hour or store in refrigerator until ready to fry. Remove from refrigerator a half hour before frying. TJse your favorite oil or shortening fdr frying. Use a pot that seems much too large in order to avoid accidents with the hot grease. Heat fat or oil to temperature recommended by manufacturer. If no cooking thermometer is or. hand, test by frying a one-inch cube of . . . » ! fcresd. It should be golden brown 11111 >+WH+Wvl 111 in one minute. Add shrimp carefully to hot fat. We find a long handled spoon best to use la lowering shrimp into fat. Do not throw shrimp in as fat will splatter over your h«nd and stove and may catch fire. Never use water on a grease fire. Put cover on pot to smother flames. If case is used do not worry. Don't let children or grown-ups hover around stove while French frying shrimp or anything else. Fry sh'rimp a. few minutes until golden brown. Have ready a colander lined with paper towels or brown paper. Place colander in a bowl to oatch fat drippings. Drain and serve hot with sauce. t P.m. Ringwood Home Bureau Unit Meeting- -- Mrs. Leo Smith Residence Fox Hiver Valley Camp, R.N.A., Meeting And Installation -- American Le&ion Home -- 7 *3© P.M. Januaryjl Bt. Mary's P.T.A. -- Purents' j Night January 7 1 C.D. of A. Business Meeting January 12 McHenry Chapter, No. 547, O.B.S. -- Initiation -- Acacia i Hall 8 P.M. Circle 1, W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. Wal- 1 ter Haug Home January 19 Installation Of Officers, Riverview Camp. R.N. A., No. 6818 January 21 WAC.S. Meeting -- Book Review -- 1 P.M. -- Methodist Church Hall. , February 4' Valentine Dance -- American Legion Home -- Sponsored By St. Patrick's Mother's CUtfe -- 9 *jn. BIRTHS M i l I U I H ! »H l l i i l l l t n of Spritt drove, H. B. Timmy ia«»% and Mr«, Geary «£ , Waucond* and Lou Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Heinz •re the parents of a son. born Dec. 25 at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brocken are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital Dec. • CWft> or THANK* We would like. to take this means of thanking friends for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and the other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. They were appreciated very much. Tfift ROBBRT STOLLEJR W FAMILY wbbrlt Toung people of the comn^uniif will be interested to know tnst the weekly movie at St Patrick's school hall will be shown during the holiday week on Saturday, Jan. 2. at 1:30 o'clock. The movie will be "Wyoming Mail," starring Steven Mc-- N*lly and Alexis Smith The program, designed to provide recreation for children, regardless of what school they attend, is sponsored by the Mother's club of St. Patrick's. YN MBMOtttAM In loving memory of Mrs. Christine J. Stilling, whd died Jan. 1. 1953. HUSBAND AND CHILDREN 36 JiCARD OF THANKS f* iKlsh to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sent me cards, those who visited me and for other remembrances during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were all appreciated so much. - V JOHN RAUEN Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rothermel Ijft the first of the week for Florida, where they will spend a few weeks. •BW Kinsala of Los Angeles, Calif., is spending a month's vacation with' MoHenry relatives. Mr. and Mra. Anton Joknis and daughter, Nancy, of River aide, Calif., former local residents, are guests for tt|e next two weeks in the homo gf the Richard Jagers. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Laures and family of Wheaton ' spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Koob. Mr. and Mrs. William Heimer visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gltzke and family in Cary on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller entertained their family, including the John Purveys of Crystal Lake, the William Morgans of Elkhorn, Wis., and the Gerald Millers and Bob Beckers of McHenry on Christmas Day. " Guests in the Frank Weingart home on Christmas were • members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Weingart and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney and son of Elmhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aeverman and sons, Donny, Kenny and Harold, and daughter, Mrs* Jack Randall, visitel relatives and friends in Chicago' Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jack Randall of Coraopolis, Pa., arrived home' Christmas Eve to spend a few day* with her parents, the Walter Aevermans. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge, son, Jack, and Mrs. Margaret Rullivan were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home <if <the George Sullivans in Woodstock, where a ^atlftning of the Sullivan and Benson families was held. Miss Janet Engstrom spent Christmas at her home in Crystal Falls, Mich. She was accompanied on her return trip fry her sister, Beverly Engstrom, who is spending a few - days hei e. Mrs. William Johns nnd daughter, Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredricksen and children 'of 131- gin and Mr. and Mrs. David Haverkamp and children of Dundee visited McHenry relative^ on Sunday. Mi s. Molly Givens and son, Donald spent Christmas in the Harold Phalin home in Waukeg& n. Other gilests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago. who returned with 'he^tlivenses to spend the weekend in McHenry. Christmas Day guests In" Jte Peter F. Miller home were the George. Roy, Charles, Alfred and Victor Miller families and the Elmer kettermann family. Mrs. Margaret Hafner of Grass Lake spent the holiday wltn relatives in Brechsville, Ohio. Mrs. Jc Comisltey and Lee Hughes df Chicago visited "inftJie Eugene Hughes home here Saturday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Paul McNett and daughter, Pearl, and Raymond Jesse of Woodstock tvere Christmas Eve callers 111 the Norbert Yegge home. Christmas Day guests in the home of Mrs. Cecelia Knox were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and daughter, Pat, A/2c James Geary of Bordeaux, France, Gloria Hall of Eau Claire, Wis., Bud Rodgers Mr. lid ffn. Wimato entertained at a dinner Christmas day, ^rith ttoe following guests in attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boater and dattgtr» ter of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting and fjmiiy, Mr. and Mrs. George Pattirip and son, Teddy, Mr. and MM. Mervin Staines, all at Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Jdsdph Gloseon and daughters of McHenry. .A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muskfc left this week on an extended vacation trip in the South. Npw Line Ford Trucks On Display January S Ford's 1964 line of truck*, powered' by five new ultra-modern * short-stroke, lcrw-frirtion, high-economy truck engines and featuring the first tandem axle unit ever built by Ford, will go on display in dealers' .juowrooras across the country Wednesday, Jan. 6. The five truclT* lines, including twenty-four, series and more than 220 models, range from 4,000 lbs. to 40,000 lbs. r*ted gross vehicle weight. They again feature Ford's famous "driverized" cabs * which last year helped bring Pofd a record 160 per cent truck sdlies increase over the previous year. And Master-Guide power steering now is available on the Big Jobs with Fordoraatfcfully- automatic transmission > on all light duty models. CARD or THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank neighbors, friends and relatives for cards, prayers, flowers and other kindnesses extended during the time I was confined to the hospital. I appreciated everything so much. *34 MRS. NICK WEINGART When * distinguished friend hops up' and says something complimentary, and promptly leaves, you feel good. tto&ijrnaii AHhough the l*w has long rcgggfnfsed tiie fact that stream bank oWners have a right to prevent any pollution of a JGTfiih that will make It unfit their use, the rules of law have ttot always been clear-cut of ftigr to «Mr. some a oiKtti'tfinty has been dispelled la |U$K>is by several statutes ddtralt with t|ie pollution of water. These nuy be summarised as follows: l. fbe criminal code provides: That "whoever willfully and maliciously defiles, corrupts, or »»kes impure any spring, or Other source of water, or reservoir . . . shall be fined rtot exceeding fl.000 or confined in the county jail not exceeding one year." v That It m a public nuisance to throw deed animals or other offensive matter in any ". . . water course, lake, pond, spring, well or common sewer . . ." That It is a public nuisance to corrupt or render unwholesome or impure the water of any . . spring, river, stream, pond or lake, to the injury or prejudice of others." That it is a public nuisance to permit i^iy salt water, oil, gas or other wastes from any well drilled for oil, gas or explorawlllfully potor f*iervoir Qrviwrtlr with int^pt to cause 11* 4*01 of any iirton shall be'* Imprisoned from, one to twenty years. 2. The Sanitary Water Board has authority to determine Whether pollution exists in any waters of the state and to spake, alter or modify orders requiring the discontinuance of poMtttjon. 3. It is by law the duty of. the State Department of iHibHc Works aiid Buildings to Investigate stceams and lakes of the State of Illinois to determine whether they are being encroached upon by private interests and to take action to prevent such encroachment. 4. River conservancy districts have authority to prevent stream pollution in the district. rV a- - distils;, must _ ~ fiiid "te the law on aanitary itttt,' t. CUJe* aaft vtuatee may vent 'paButton or in|Ui^r stream that oonrtltutes their ter Mi^r up la live injDea tend. 7. Water aempanies may tect their «e«ice of mtpply polhttkm. I a kindly feeling many eorgora&ons and man canae tSiey answer the telei promptly, and don't ask for dentialiw There Is no 'love sincerer the loue of foodL--^3eoc«e nard Shaw. - •n»e Wattt WE MESS YOUR AOORS t WNXWSl 8BB ovk OmrLBTB LINK * LINOLEUM - TILE • CABPETING ^ JJHAPES • CTJHTAIHS - BODDIMG " -VENETIAN aad VEBTICAL BUNDS PHONE 917 for Free Estimate TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS SOS E. ELM STREET MefE&NRlT, »»-i- Often we remember the price long after the good time is forgotten. BRAND NEW SPINET PIANOS Full 88 Note Keyboard in Mahogany *469°* .USED SPINETS FROM S375OQ USED GRANDS FROM $34500 ALSO RXG SAVINGS ON FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TQ *200°° larfe'fleketkw We hope your New Veor be filled to overflow* Frig with good fortune,and 1 McHENRY STATE BANK PBONE .mfc? Choose Freai' SIMONSON'S Established 1019 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, BL| Open Mosu ft FrL Svenings A Good Year is our sincere wish for aH our friends in 1954k May all your prayers be answered. MATH N. SCHMITf McHENRY TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR WE WISH YOU ALL ! 812 E. ELM ST. tttttt*v « t•V• et tvv*»» *i V> V• V« •T Ol PHONE 748 '• - V s 1955 MODELS? Yet, soon we will be displaying New Buidtt, (jadilbcfc aad Oldsaobttea. which only a lew short months ago the General Motors Corp. had planned for their 1955 Models. Then suddenly and swiftly as only this fabulou^ industrial giant can move, they dramatically by passed their 1954 Models planned lor Buick, Cadillac and Oldsmoblle and moved to their 1955 Models. So actually yon will be seeing 1955 Models in January ef 1964. On Display s- 24 Hour flowing BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ups and aaalnteaaace by eur experts means lower mp eoeta |tft yen! » We Do Complete Motor Overhauling 889 W. Elm Street MflHesry, m. Phone 811 ReeMJenAe 91-R - ••••i May you look forward to a banner year of abundance and lasting joy, as we look forward to serving you again in 1954! ilcHeary Bakory MAwjr. IIL ,m ee. flrwe St. 199 DR. HENRY FREUND 1 OPTOMETRIST \t 196 S. Gteen Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTBD VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 8 PJC. IFRIDAY EVENINGS: 8:90 to 8t89 |L||. EVENTNG6 RY APPOlNTMUNT" PHONE McHENRY 462 ^ - .. **". ... re its just another ad but ii you can't get in em 1954 New Cadillacs . , January 20,1954 New Oklsitidbilei January 20,1954 So iKl We want to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New 7«ar! Don's Pearl Miller at the Organ New Year's Eve HATS -- FAVORS * SNACKS fi i»iiffr~ "T inrinnriiraiiii'ieBiniiRi i trtitai Hew -r So Much Bner - OVERTON'S m - McHenry, Illinois McHenry, Illinois McHenry, Illinois T«l No's. 6 • 17-7IQ-RFront Street 403 Front Street 505 W. Elm Street ' tUii tUoriuiUM wlib a hMrt our showrooms on these dates. tl 'i... v

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