Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1954, p. 12

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Tc ~ UKIMOOR & LILY By 5ivcdk Fo» m -- i'fSSSStfP-® MoHEMHY TCJUNDEALER J ,;V V* &V'I<*1. SL.MW Club News The Pun Club met at Jerry McDermott's home last week. Bunco was played, With table prize* being won by Irene Godina, Lam Bitterman and Doris Kibbe. A midnight lxmch was served by their hostess. It was a southern recipe which her eousih taught her while visiting her. The girls surely enjoyed themselves and hope Jenny has a few more <of auch recipes up her sleeve: The woman's auxiliary will hold their monthly meeting Jan. 27 at Mac's garage at 8 p.m. At this meeting the members will see tile new flag which the auxiliary has purchased. More news of the coming b-.zaar will be learned at this meeting also. The county auxiliary mooting will be held February 3 in Zion at 8 p.m. PIfease contacfflibt Morrison if yftu plan to,^3Kbnd before the twenty-seventh, ^3fc> that enough transportation be available. The women sewtpg f°r the auxiliary bazaar m» meet at Pat Morrison's homtf^very Thursday from 9:30 a.m. , to 12 30 p.m. Anyone wishing ,sto help $e&se come on Thursday morning, your help" will be appreciated. The L.I.A. \yill hold its monthly meeting Saturday night at 9 p.m. at Lakeside Inn. It will be a card and bunco party. Cake and coffee will be served. Everyone is welcome. More plans for the coming whoopee pa:ty will «» discussed. 111IHV Mr. and Mrs. Walter Para entertained at their home on Saturday. Cards were played and a midnight lunch was served. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. C. Brzezinski, Mr .and Mrs. Tony Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erickson, Ed Kamin, Jr., Stewart Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss. Everyone had fc very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. McDermott entertained the bowling team which they sponsor last Monday night. The girls had a very relaxing evening after bowling for two hours. Mr. Kelly has had his daughter, Mrs. Burt Olson, with him for the past two months but she has now left for her 'home in Miami, Fla., and who - can blame her when we have such cold weather here? Joe Cammaratta has been visiting with his son in Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Leon'fc mother was out visiting her for a couple^ of days. ' Blrttodays / •. Saturday Of this week "Corkey" Foss and Roy Erickson will celebrate their eleventh birthdays. They will hold a combined party, with all guests being tanen to the roller* rink, and then return home to a light supper served by the two mothers, Mrs. Fosf and Mrs- Erickson. Guests will be Edward St ea dm an, Donald Kibbe, Tommy Para, Kenny Booster, the Brzezinski children and the Foss boys. Happy birthday to the both of you. Belated greetings to Lil Vavrhpfic birthday was n. 18.--, . . .. • j 6rtn * pel ta/mkHy for Christmas. Visiting Mr. and Jlirs. Roy Erickson for the past few da^f were Mis. Delbert Tattle ar»d daughter from Decatur, 111. The Teen-age club will meet Thursday evening at the home of Marge Ehrhardt to do more sewing for the auxiliary ba*aa.. Mr. and Mrs. Sarley ieft for Ftoiida this past week. "Corkey" Boro has returned to his ship at Philadelphia The residents of Lilymoor subdivision will be saddened to learn of the death of one of their summer residents, Mrs. Le- •nore Shelfeiv wife of Glen' Shaffer, the "artist. It was very sudden. Our sympathy goe.«r out to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Seyfferth wish to thank all the neighbors and friends who attended their open house commemorating their birthdays. The weekly socials are again being held on Friday nights at Wally's tavern for the benefit of our fire department. Come out and support this wortay cause. Out of Town Guests lb*, and Mrs. Forbes have gtllSts for two weeks, her sister and a very dear friend. Doris Kibbe's mother from Des Plaines spent a few days visiting with her daughter and grandchildren. Mrs. M. B. Morrison'8 'husband came to pick his wife up at Mr. and Mrs. McDermott's, stayed over the weekend and then started to drive back to Rochester, N.Y. Miss Corbett and Mrs. Do-gan entertained Mrs. Josephine Meskin of Chicago over the past weekend. General News Jan. 23 John and Vickey of J&K's 'tavern will celebrate their thirtieth wedding anniversary and also thirty years of being in business. A party will be held in the tavern Saturday evening. Free refreshments will be served. Also, they will be celebrating the birth of a new granddaughter, who was born the sixteenth of January. Let's all come out and help them celebrate these events. Congratulations to both of you and may you Have many more years of happiness and a successful business, r While visiting in the past week, I came across a pet which surprised me so much. Mr. and Mrs. Peschke bought their chil- . Village News : •Hie fh* department held their election last Tuesday, with the following men elected into office: Harry Strnad, fire chief; Denny •Kossip, assistant chief, and Mr. Buchwalter, secretary. Congratulations and good luck to all of you. The men who have been holding office on the board of trustees in the fire department will again hold the same offices this year Watch this column for news regarding registration for the primary election. Emergency aid to Illinois chapters of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis amounted to $171,925 in 1953. In addition to financial assistance, Illinois chapters received 42 respirators, 2 hot pack machines and 22 rocking beds in 1953. Six physical therapists and 59 nurses were recruited for service in Illinois by the National Foundation. Central SALES FRED J. SMITH Complete Motor Overhauling I Welding JOHlfSBUlta ILL. McHENBY 900-J Winers UHflMk Smatl Hog Supply on Winter Market For the next several weeks, market supplies of hogs m?.y run as much as one-fiftu leas than they were a year earlier. This conclusion is based on a review of the number of pigs saved last summer. In May farmers saved only 1.3 million pigs. That was 18 per cent less than t.hey had saved a year earlier. In June, the number saved was only 680,000, or 28 per cent less than in 1952. For both these months together the number of pigs saved was 20 per cent, or one-fifth less than were saved the same two months of the previous year; Moat hogs are sold at seven or eight months of age, so the effects of these light farrowings last May and June will show up in small receipts during the remaining weeks of this winter. Farrowings were more nearly normal in July and August. In July farmers saved 630,000 pigs -- or only five per cent less than in 1952. In August they saved 1.2 million, the same as the year before. For these two months, pigs saved totaled 18 million, down two per cent from 1952. In recent years, average monthly prices for hogs worked up from December to March, then slipped off a little for April and May. In the next few years the high month for the season seems HK«ly *o1*J^ruar>.r Iowa cuts its fall gjfe crop more than any slate. , The till coin growers saved 540,0(16, or 8 per cent fewer pigs than in the previous fall. The Hoosiers cut 250,000 head, or 7 per c#hU Illinois reduced 210,000, or^flVe per cent. -Missouri trimmed off 130,000 pigs, or five per cent. All of the thirteen North-Central states, except South Dakota, show a smaller fall pig crop for 1953 than for 1952. In fact, aU of the other states, except three unimportant ones, show docreas* es. According to the government survey, farmers plan to have 7.8 million sows to farrow during the six months aiding ttdxt Jufie 1. This number of fcofrg would be 6 per cent m^re than, farrowed last spring, but 15 per cent less than the ten-year average. In each of * the past two springs, farmers set an all-time high record for pigs saved 'per litter. The 1953 average was 7.8 pigs per litter. If farmers do as well this spring, and if the number of nows to farrow is as reported, the spring pig crop would be up six per cent from* 1953. If, however, the number of pigs per litter is only equal to the three-year average, the increase in spring pigs would be only 4 per cent. For several years, April has been the biggest month for spring pigs. But farmers are breeding for earlier pigs each year. It seems likely that this year, for the first time, ."he largest farrowing -will be in March. Your Income Tern DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Aft 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES . VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 AJWL sad 1 to 5 PJfL miDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 PJL EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 By Ernest i. Sltttfer , >"'*5 D i s t r i c t DUetor of ; . hWil Betwwie (This, is the aecMvd of a eries of articles by Ernest J. Sauber, district director of Internal Revenue for the Northern District of Iltynoja, presenting the most important facts pertaining t? your 1953 Federal Income Tax return.) Minors as Taxpayers Evfry citizen or resident the United States -- whether an adult or a minor -- who had $600 of gross income in 1953 must file a federal income tax return, A,, great deal is known about adults and their filing, but not very much is written about the requirements of minors Minors are separate taxpayers, subject to the same filing requirements and entitled to the same exemptions, deductions and "redits as other taxpayers. For federal income tax purposes,. the minor's earnings, no matter what the source, are for his own tax purposes regardless of the state laws of the state in which he resides. JKinojiir? muijJtisL eral income tax returns if ttonr gross income was. 9600 Ror during the year. htfnfcr tW taxable an,,.hi8 Vages «pd oh %• !come received from property he owns or funds that may hoWh in trust for him. He should file a return and pay his tax even though the parents may hare received the money. Minors are person^. under ago. Of course, the age differs in tbe different states. Generally speaking, persons who are not old >-• nough to vote are considered minors. In Illinois, a minor is a person who has not attained his twenty-first birthday, if male, or eighteenth birthday, if female. If a minor files a, return, he is entitled to an exemption of $600 for himself. This is his personal, individual exemption. A minor who has gross income of less than $600, whose wageb have been subject to withholding, is entitled to a Refund. To obtain this refund, he should file the yellow Form 10^0A, attach the W-2 wpge slip and send the completed form to the District Director^ office, 22 West Madison street, Chicago, whereupon after processing, the refund will be sent to the minor taxpayer TOWER GRILL ON ROUTE 120 IN LAKEMOOR F eaturing French Fried SWIFT'S "TENDERGROWN" PREMIUM CHICKEN JUMBO GULF SHRIMP DINNERS -- $1.45 fefteeks and Sandwiches Open from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. -- Fri. A Sat. l^ a.m. to 2 a.m. Closed all day Monday. r Every Wednesday. flpwHnl Dinners $1*00 COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE Take Advantage of our "DINNER IN A SACK" TAKE HOME SERVICE Phone and leave your order and in 20 minutes you can pick it up, take it home, ready to serve. PHONE MCH«U7 B63-M-1 or 1«1 ^DICK" RUSH. Springfielci 111?--Richard How- Rush, . 14-year-old ^a high school freshmak 1be^n liaised Illinois school chairman of the 1954 March t>f PilStes. The anncuncement wis made by Vernon L. Nickell, sta(e superintendent of public instruction . and vice-chairman of the lUinois drive. The March . pt Dimes will continue until Jan. 31. MtW St USED RtfQS FOR SALE Oeose To Our Plant and See A I Qppnp|ef% Sekctlen of Lee's asd Gultotaa Sampler Or PMp Weo^itock 888 or 182 for ttoine --~ing Service. >P PRICES FOR YOlS OLD RUG IN TRADE • • OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Linoleum and Hie Sales and installations Carpet Laying, Riog dtnailng & rrepalrs. RUG CLEANERS •I TIDY . . FLOOR COVERINGS Ml. Washington St. , Woodstock, m. ^ PRDfE^ICnRL OIRECTORV Live Softer with Soft Water Let Us Solve Your HARDWATER PROBLEMS and Show YOU How the AVERAGE FAMILY can SAVE More Than The Cost Of Softener in LESS Than 3 Years ... This Unit is Manufacture^ LOCALLY -- Insuring You Prompt Service and Reliable Guarantee ^ v * Gil more Conditioners SALES and SERVICE Box 237 - McHenry, Illinois Phones: McHenry 590-M-l -- McHenry 989-H' • Man-Ten Steel Tank • Plastic Coating Inside and Out (Protected Against Rust and Corrosion) 9 Solo Valve with Built-in-By-Pass (Ott Use Water While Regenerate) • High Capacity Iron Removing Mineral (Permanent Type) • Highest Quality Material & Construction • Large Range of Sixes to Suit Your Home or Business .* Unconditional Guarantee • Only Home Appllanc^ that Pays For Itself • No Extra Hook-Up Needed for Sprinkling Law* with Hard Water • No Installation Costs -- No Down Payment Required ACTUAL UNTOUCHED SNAPSHOT OF SOFTENER INSTALLED Fox FREE Analysis JOS. A. GILMORE McHENRY 590-M-l OR HUGH G. MURPHY - McHENRY 989-R * *5 If to I hear you'll let me ft? * OAS Clothes Dryer in my •wn home for 15 days just to see what it can do for me.;: I've heard all about GAS Gothes Dryers aod now l actually want to experience an easy washday aad flot have to worry about the weather;; i Yes, I've honestly thought about saving those hours of hanging, lugging, lifting, pulling, worrying ... and still getting fluffier, more radiant drying for all my clothes ;but I've about it until now! ro . . . PUBLIC m COMPANY I Yes, yov Too con fry oww Clotlfs Dryer m your own borne jpr 15 tlays of ABSOLUTELY NO 0BMGATI0N 10 YOUt You can see the- (haply phoa* ow tew GAS Clothes Dryers at our neerift store jfovr dealer's. DK. ARTHUR J. BOWABD Chiropractic Physician 184 So. Green St., McHenry, DL Phone McHenry 1088 Hours - Moo. and Prl. 10 to 12:80 - 2 rto 8 Tuea. and Tbors. 1 to I tint By Appointment Oitj DR. C. R. SWANSON , Dentist 188 S. Oreen Street Offic* Hours: Dally Except Hwrsday * 9 to 12 -- IrSO to 5:80 Med., Wed. and FH. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 180 lOBOl VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Oir. Ones and Elm StrusH McHenry, IU. Tuesday and Friday Aft--iw Other Days by Appointment Phone McHenry 4S WILLIAM M. CARROLL, «r. Attorney At Law 11014 Benton Street Phone Woodstock 188# Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law 808 Waukepn Rood (SID Box)} Phone McHenry Us West McfiUmr. ttL FRANK S. MAT ^ BLACK DIRT - Gravel - Drlvui*S(gj| Kxcavatinf " • Route S, MoHttty, HL t>hone: McHenry S80-M-1 BSOEaOESS Sand Limestone VBRN THELEN Trnckliif Omvel Black Dirt Excovattnf TeL Mdlenry 588-Rrl or 888-W-1 Box 218, Rt 1, MHIfwry, m. taoi 1 aonog A. P. FREUND * SONS _ Excavating Contractom Tracking, Hydraulic all Crane Service j -- ROAD BUILDING -- 1 Tel. 204M McHenry, IU eanpiaoi i i ioca< • INSURANCE SARL R. WALSH ftris, Allto, Farm A Life It Repaesentlng RELIABLE OOMPANIl^ Wh* Ton Need Insurance Any Kkid PHONE 48 or 858 Green A Elm McHenry, O ntnrWL A REIHANSPERCHfi Insfprfnoe agent* (or all class* property In the best oomgeeks W««t MoHenry, Dllnols " Telephone 800 Main Street McHenry, SCHROEDER IRON WOR8K Ormmental A Straetuml 8tW» Visit Our Showrooms g Miles Sonth «s Bt, Si aSasocaoi : . iQuoUii B I N Q ' S PLUMBING and fflUtlNO BOfi FRJ8BY, Jh, (hlllty FUiulre«i-Radlaat Q«^ and EfccWc Water. Water System® - Water Repairs - Free Esthwatss Phone MoHcnry 28941 Realtor fNHhh Inwiiwint 8t»»W TELEPOONB 100 ni_ ssitmi Mi - V

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