>< , jp* t T -A" " v £ * , A. > i,^ ', V V >r $T. $': ** ;^v t *'• i ¥>. £ 1 *TT* f * •* ^ ,L -ask/:*: %tt Wcflfitfty PLAfifftEALEB lohnsburg News. •ar^,?- my Mr*. Betty Hetternaana Result* of Polio Drive the Mothers March on Polio here in Johnsburg turned out to be a huge success. The total amount collected was $190.60, which I might add is very, very good. I'm sure this makes every- Mote news, next week. *»*dt ffot gar YMtws Mr. and Mrs. Sill tif River Grove were Sunday evening visitors of Mn and Mrs one feel extra good to think' Gerald HeUenp inr*. that they helped to make this j Mrs. Oert Martin spent Tuesmarch on polio « rousing sue-., day and WefoneSCay with the cess. I would ' lihe to take this op portunity to thank all the girls James Hettermanns. They took her to Carpcntersville later that week to sptnd some time with. who pitched in and helped nie, brother, Tony Oertel with the door to door canvass. I .j' < ' ~ Thanks to Connie Thomas,' Cath- i HUNTING SEASON erine^Dehn, Lil Bossier, Marjorie \ The. 1953-54 Illinois hunting RipleV, Janice Oeffling. Betty season came to a close Jan. 15. Huff, Mildred Hiller. Helen Keippel, Pat Frisby, Rita Dsly. Mary Ann Miller, Dorothy,'Hiller, Marie Oeffling, Bonnle Rteyei's and Jackie Preund: / i • Leaves for Florida i; Joseph Smith left on Tuesday, Feb. 2, for Fort Lauderdale, Pi A.. ' where he will spend about three weeks. He will stay with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Tamasy, and son. While Mr. Smith is gone, his wife, Gladys, will spend her time visiting relatives in Chicago pnd Rockford. Deepest Syrapatligr We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. George Schmitt upon thfe sudden death of her sister, w*io was killed hi an automobile accident in another state. Funeral services were at St. John's cliurch at 9.30 Monday morning. Congratulation* Mr. end Mrs. Peter Smith are celebrating their fifty-fifth year of wedded bliss this week. Many friends and relatives will help them celebrate their festive day next Saturday. Our-- warmest congratulations are ektendld to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, *•/ • basketball Srorf* Friday, Jan. 29, the first game, Johnsburg vs. Kildeer, was won by the former With a score of - 18-10: High scorer in that game was Billy Oeffling with 10 points. TJie second game was won by the o;jp$nent by a score of 41 to 22. -Joe Hiller scored 14 points in that game. Saturday, Jan. 30, St. John's lost to St. Mary's by a score of 28 to 23. Jimmy Smith and Joe Hillfer scored 7 points each. Next Saturday, Feb. 8, St. John's will play St. Patrick's. Feb. 1, Johnsburg travelled to Gary to try for a double victory. when rabbit-shooting time ended. However a special beavertrapping. season will open at noon Feb. 1, attd continue until noon Feb. 15. The open season on beaver, formerly held in December, was advanced to February to insure higher quality pelts, feeaver may be taken under authority of the regular furbearing animal trapping license. The 1963 license will be good throughout the beaver season. The limit on beaver is ten pe» person. Tags which must be put on each pelt have beeife reduced from one dollar to 50 cvnts e tch. They must be purchased from the Department of Conservation office in Springfield, and affixed to the pelt by a conservation officer. -WOELLtllT AUCTION IVM, II. RlTfiSfcL * BO VOGEL Auctioneer* My sons having gone Lntfc the service, and being unable to find a small farm, it becomes necessary for me to sell my persona] prop lierty on the farm known as the fsMcCoy Farm, one mile south of Woodstock on the Dean Street blacktop road, on SATURDAY, FEB. 6, 1954 commencing at 11:00 a.m. Sharp. The following described property to-wit: 56 head of livestock "consisting oi 32 choice Holstfeih cows, many of which will be springing or fresh, 4 Holstein Heifers springing, 14 head of Holstein Heifers, 1 lVfeyear- old, 5 J^earling • Holstein HeiferS, 1 Holstein bull, 2 y^ars old. This is a good dairy of cows, and we welcome any prospective buyers to maKe an inspection or th:d herd at any time before sale date. •• HAY, GfcAlV, MACHINERY 20 tons of alfalfa hay, 15 tons of alfalfa and clover hay, 15 tons oi alfalfa mixed hay, 1000 bu. of ear corn, 500 bu. oats, 20 ft. of silage in a 14 ft. silo. McCormick-Deering "B" Tractor; McCormick-Deering F20 Tractor & Cult.; New Holland-hay baler; McCormick-Deering 1 row corn picker; Caby wagon St rack; Mc- Cormick-Deering tractor manure spreader; 7' John Deere disc; John Deere 8' grain binder; 2 John beere 2 bot. tractor plows; Case Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island from the Indians. blower; McCormick-l>eering 2-row corn planter; Feed cart: Corn sheller; Gas tank and Standard Brooder house; Case S.C. tractor; Case field chopper--with hay attachment; New Idea Wagon St Flare box steel; Rubber tire wagon and box; hay rack; New Idea S.D. rake: McCormi»^t-Peering 2 bot. tractor plo>v; 4 sec. McCormick- Deering steet drag, fold D.B.; 12' Hoosier grain drill; battery brooder; fanning mill; Mc- Cormick-Deering tractor inower; 2 Geese and 1 Gander. MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT 2 single and 1 doublo unit Universal milking machine pipe line for 46 cows; wash tanks; 17 milk cans, pails and strainers; hot water heater. AX.SO, many articles Used in the operation of the farm too numerous to mention. Since this is a very large sale, it will be necessary to get started promptly at 11:00 a.m. COME EARLY. , Not Responsible For Accidents There will be a lunch wagon on the grounds. ; TERMS: Usual bank terms. ' HARRY WOELLERT, Owner FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo ratlol> • • ':-V. J" ' • 4; . . Beethoven wrote t)f hit greatest 'music after becoming deaf. 5 ,li S&f ~ S-*. * ?, Ptbraarfi 1954 it SEE HOW MUCH YOU NOW! Peg-Board" Hook Rock it htrol & iii j Warwick's McHenry Camera Cenler Cameras, Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional JNufM, Sold and Exchanged Photo Supplies VFFEW MASTERS and REELS See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 X. Riverside Drive PHONE MCHENRY 275 •VV Puts walls to Ideal fbr kitchen, closet, sewing room, utility room, garage, workshop. 20" x 23" hardboard panel, painted white with perforations 1" apart. Complete with hooks, stabilizers and handy spring clips that are easily interchangeable. PROFESS lonoi DIRECTORY DR. ARTHUR I. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 124 So. Green St., McHenry, (U Phone McHenry 1MB Hours - Mon. and Frl. 10 to 12:30 - % do 8 ' Tues. and Tburs. 1 to I SUkt. By Appointment OaJ|T IOC IOOOB Easy to install with special fasteners for easy mounting on may type wall. *2- «*i. T. • 1.1. N. «. •. i. ft*i wi. •».. m. ALEXANDER L0MBEB CO. 547 Nail St., Melti PHONE 8 A TIP ON $ $ $ $ $ SAVINGS This time of year the most important item of expense in your home is your fuel bill. Did you know that dirty filters in your furnace can increase your fuel consumption by 25%. This is tin ideal lime to jUiioTjf out those old dirty filters and replace them with genuine dust-stop air control products. . ! We hare a edthpiste stock of ctH "popular sizes. Come p palj McHenry 283 284 for tree delivery. DR. C. R. SWANSON Di»tist 120 S. Oreen Street Office Hours; Daily Except Thursday «.,?• A to 12 -- 1^0 to S:S0 , Wed. and Frl. Bvenpfft By Appointment Only . Teleohone McHenry 1601 VERNON KNOX Attorney At LAW Car- Oreen and Elm Streets Mcliettry, III. rneeday and Friday Afterfloom Other Days by AppointmeM Phone McHenry ^3 20x25x1 20x20x1 ' 16x25x1 16x20x1 15x20x1 99c 7«c 89c 89c 89c 10x20x1 79c 10x10x1 69c 20x25x2 $1.59 £0x20x2 .1 $1.39 16x25x2 $149 16x20^ $1.99 16x20x2 ...; $149 *0x20x2 SIM 10x10x2 70c ALTHOFF'S "McHenry County's tL ea,dJ;i ng HT» ard,w are*' Main Street PHONE 284 McHonry, IlL %k. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, |r. Attorney At Law HOi/2 Benton Street Phone Woodstock l|Ut Woodstock, Illinois tOC£ JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Bex) Phone McHeary 402 West MOBHSTT. HL KOBBOl FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route S, McHeary, III. •hone: McHenry WO-M-L aBa0Bi0BBBM0ti0BS Sand Lhnest^ip VERN THELEN Trucking , Gravel Black TSCn Excavating - Tel. McHenry 588-R-l or 588-W-l Box 318, Rt, 1, SffoHenry. IlL IOE tocaoi A. P. FREUND ft SONS Cxeavatlng Contractori • Trucklrig, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 204M McHenry, m INSURANCE EARI. R. U A1.SH Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life InwnuM Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES ' When You Need Iusuranoe ff Any Kind HBONE 4S or 953 v Omen ft Elm McHenry, fl| SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steal Visit Our Showrooms 8 MHei South on Rt. SI " Phone 950 B I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATING . , BOB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating^ Gas and electric Water Heaters Water Systems,-Wat^r Softeners Repairs - Fret* Estimates PhonA McHenry 280-M „ >r • IOBO •ndt fffto w. h£ide Realtor Conaplete Insurance Sei ttar TfclJCPIIONE 180 S lenry, III AaP STILL SAVES YOU MONEY ON COfFEE.. • NOW SAVES YOU UP tO A POUND! In keeping with A&P's policy of giving its customers the most good food for their money, here are America's Outstanding Coffee Buys. You can't buy finer coffee at any price. Flavor and freshness unconditionally guaranteed to please or full purchase price quickly refunded. Buy Custom Ground A&P Coffee. Save! Save! Save! Mild and Mellow EIGHT O'CLOCK 1IB . IAG 89 W 3-Lb. Bag $2.61 Rich and Fuil-Bodiid Vigorous and Winoy RED CIRCLE Vf. 90c R0KAR - 91c 3-Lb. Bag $2.64 3-Lb. Bog $2.67 dexo Shortening Unconditionally Guaranteed to equal in quality other No- 3 Lb. Menally known brands ef Hn Shortening dm Spreads evenly-- even when cold Colored and Quartern Margarine 2-39' Suhana 50? ^C( Medium Shrimp Brand Tin A&P Spinach ^2^23 lona Cut Beets 3 t°2 25 A&PCorn^. 2 23 Treat Your Family and Your Budget! GOLDIN SUGARKD aNNAMON Doniits MOW ONLY or 12 K»||ul«ly 29f ' JANI PMKtt BROWN 'N SERVE Rolls 2 mm PAMM LAtai I-IN. Strawberry Pie 49< *#ew#er#y 59t Bread \M13« JANI t»A*KOI UICID /AMI PARKtt SANDWICH Cookies JANI HIKM CHOCOIATI N Cold Bar 19< bsvetarfr 25c 25< aefeslsrtSc AMERICA'S fOSKMQST FOOD RETAflER . . . SINCE 1S59 5"per Markets TMI <M(AT ATUNTIC « *ACI«C HA COH^ANT Prket •festive «kreuefc Sak, *Mi Nationwkb SoMricraut end Fnmkfurttr Week FANCY SAUERKRAUT 217 OX. HNS 23c Golden Corn°^ir3 29c Prune Plums ^ 45* lona Apricots Grapefruit Fruit Cocktail ' ' i ' • i \V /> _ % Unpeeled Q 29 Oz. ^Qc Halves mm Tins • V JUia-A & P *% 46 Oz. Ofll Grada A Mm Tins VV Sultana O 30 Oz. 00 5 Fruits O Tins * . . Valentine Favorites WARWICK MAND Valenllne HIAftT BOX Assorted Chocolates '•ox* WARWICK MAND Doceraferf Marshmallow Hearts 25* W Aft WICK fttAND q>o<o»f CnM Pecan Delights *^39c famous for Quality--Prised for Thrift I ANN MM . ,c PMPAUD 20M OZ. CANS ANN MOB Elbow Macaroni or Spaghetti 2^33* ANN MOI SPAGHETTI Sauce WITH * * MUSHROOMS can KK ANN PAOI RID Kidney Beans 3 - ANN PAOB T0RAAT0 Cai imckb AMrtM6bl1fAl0V4 t>Z.9 E# ^Hiyp CONDENSK) Tmi