Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1954, p. 12

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WiPJPw*- ^ ' H..:- \ WMMtlWnHlllltHIUIUIIIIIHIIIIlMIIIIIHIIIIlliWHttl J* fy £ + . k , . V * * W If,y ••;-- -"*?•• > -J •A! V I* ••fJ" . ' " . . " • - • • A . 1 ' • • < « . ' i - f - * - , / - f ; * • - • * " • * - ' V l r . : , ^ ^ 4 . » - i r V :€. -. •*• •• •<• "Wli Jy* - Tlmndif, Fibiwff 4r 19S4 UKEMOOR & LILYMOOt By Marcella Fo« lltltlltlll 1111111 III U il It) IIHII III UiMllllllllllllII Lake. "Andy" received verfbeautiful gifts including a Uioiket, iron dinnerware, silverwV* and many other useful gift* for * new housewife. A few ot "Andy's" girl friends were present Birthday* , Purine the past week LaketqtfBr hai been alive with birth* d«y parties. On the twenty- •KNid of January Ray Cynowa, Jf., celebrated his seventeenth Mfthday Belated birthday greet-1 also: Marian Springman, Adele Ray Leon and her sisters, Mr*. Jean- Jan. 26, Linda Wurblewski! nine Steinsdoerfer and Dtttella celebrated her fourth birthday;Pokettwith Bonnie Bonder, Debbie ! Tuesday, Mrs. Rpy Erickson Fritche and the Erickson twins; entertained her bunco club with as her guests. Games were play- i a very nice lunch being served, ed and prizes won by all of the j Sorry to hear that Norman youngsters. Ice ci earn jnd cake j Mo; rison had a streak of bad Wfre served by Linda s mother, luck with his car this past week. Saturday, Eddy Sttadra&n took! Twice he was hit by other ears ||ts guests to the roller skat- while he was parked. Let's hope "cinc*" the. awoWU b** Ufeiaf'pftBM AND" this trip. WWr Al Kenny Ehrhardt celebrated hU ^7^" ~ sixth birthday wltH all of his FEB. 1-4 kindergarten classmates and received a bicycle from hit parents. He sure has a good reason to hope tmr an Mkriy year. ing rink the Foss boys, Tommy Pftra, Donald Kibbe and all of his sisters to celebrate his eleventh birthday. After skating, the ehilthis will be all of bis car trouble for* this year. Dick Hyatt has been iwrsfng a very bad ear infection this past dren went back to his home for j week. We all hope you will be a light supper served by Mrs. Stead man. Games were then played, with prizes for all. . • Arthur Levand also celebrated his birthday this past week. His mother, Mrs. Peterson of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John LaMont of Lake Villa and Mr. and Mrs. Jean Wick of Deerfield and Mr. and Mrsv Heany of Huntley all came out to help make Art's birthday a happy occasion. Mrs. Buchwalter will have a birthday Feb. 5 but will celebrate it Saturday, the sixth, at Club Lilymoor. Happy birthday to all Of you. General News . A few of the Like moor youths had a get-together in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hopp, of Johnsburg. Attending this party were Bill Peschke, Carole Klingburg, Walter and Ray Hirch, Adele Leon, Arnie and Erna Peterson and, of course. Bill Robinson, who donated the use of his home. Dancing was enjoyed by all of the couples. . Chicken was served and also two pies which were donated by Mrs. Wade, Lopped with ice cream for dessert. All of the guests went home feeling it was an evening well spent. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erickson were visiting friends in Knox, Ind., over the- weekend. Mrs. Forbes is la Woodstock hospital for observation this week. > Sunday, J*a. 31, a miscellaneous bridal shower was held for "Andy" Pokett by her future sisters-in-tew, Dorothy Schilling and Ruth Ann Kreutzer. Over thirty relatives and friends attended. Guests included Mrs. A. S. Pokett* Mrs. Paul * Pokett and Mrs. Carl Hellquist of Waukegin, all of whom are aunts of the bride-to-be. Other out-oftown guests were Margaret Zarnstorff, Catherine Johnson, Emma Kottner, Margaret and Nancy Weber, Lucille Doetsch, Flora Schilling, Adeline Minks, Mayme May Hoffman, Hilda. May, Catherine Dehn, Georgia Sutton, Agnes May, Evelyn May, Emma May, Dolores May, Mrs. Roy Tift, Mrs. Bernard May, Mrs. Allen May, Mrs. R. Gronsky and Mrs. Art Nelson, all aunts and cousins of the groom, James Johnson, of McCullom feeling much better by the time this news comes out. Last Wednesday the Women's Auxiliary had their monthly meeting at McDermott's building. A short business meeting took place, followed by a social hour with sweet rolls, doughnuts and coffee served by the hostesses, Mesdames Leon. Gray, Levand and Greveive. A discussion took place on purchasing a movie projector for the auxiliary to show movies to the children. The Home Bureau is having a party at the American Legion hall Feb. 9 at 1 p.m. Ttiis is all free of charge and everyone is invited to attend. Don't forget the Lily Lake P.T.A. affair Saturday, Feb. 6. at Club Lilymoor. Mrs. Nielson and her daughter gave a shower on "Andy" Pokett Tuesday, Feb. 2. Many friends from Lakemoor attended. All of you St. Patrick's parishioners don't forget the Valentine dance the Mother's club is sponsoring Saturday, Feb. 6, ^*t the American Legion hall. Bring your friends and come out and enjoy yourselves -and support a worthy cause. Wednesday, Feb. 3, Claude F. McDermott and a group of Kiwanis members went by bus to Freeport to deliver a traveling plaque which is awarded on a point system. The points are awarded for distance. The division who has traveled the furthest distance to meetings wins the award. Mac's division hopes to Viilitge News Fteb. 9 will be a day to remember by all new residents ^ of McHenry county. Lakemoor will hold a special day for registration at the Charm House on Rt. 120. between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Naturalized citizens must , bring their naturalization papers with them. Anyone desiring transportation £0 the place of registration. call McHenry 742 and you will gladly receive this service. The firemen wish to announce they have loads of material to work with to complete the fire house but much help is needed, so how about coming "out and giving the men a hand in this matter. Friday night, Feb. 5, these will be a village meeting in the McDermott garage building at 8:30 p.m. Show interest in the government of your village and attend this meeting. Church News Tile McHenry Biblet;' Chttrch meeting, Feb. 7 at 7:30 "p.m. in the McDermott building, will have Dr. Porter show his pictures of Alaska. Special solo music by Mrs. Porter and a duet by Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Nixon will be rendered, Ail ace invited to attend. HIGHWAY STRIPS Reflfectorizing of center- strips by spreading paint mixed with 1 Illini tiny glass beads has been 09m- Farm and Home "The productivity of American farmers, and the efficiency of thl*4 American homemakerd at* the wonder- of ail who view them against the efforts of other countries, many of whom- have comparable natural resources.. The explanation lies largely in the interest American farmers and homemakers have in keeping up with new information In agriculture and/home economics." Thus does Dean R. R. Hudelson of the College of Agriculture preface his invitation to the fifty-third annual Farm and Home Week at the University of Illinois. « Originally malted "Fawners' and * Stockmen's. Convention," Farm and Hotne Week has been the opportunity for Illinois farmers and homemakers to keep tab on what thekr state college is doing in research. More than seventy special interest sessions covering the whole field of home economics will be held during Farm and Home Week, Feb. 1 to 4. At one general session each day, a nationally-known speaker will discuss problems of the day. On Monday, Governor Strntton will speak. Tuesday's general session speaker is George McLean, editor of the Tupelo, Miss., Daily Journal. On Wednesday, Food Economist Herrell DeOraff of Cornell University will speak. Besides business there'll be such recreational activities as the winter festival folk and square dance jamboree and the Illinois rural music and dri)xna festival. The brousing room in Union will be open to Week guests BkHeary Cmtf IHw^i Tke Years by.Mfcrte flcfcpettgeif pleted on about 7,006 miles of Illinois, highways. The application of similar paint to center strips on the remainder* of the 12,000 miles of rural primary highways, and to thousands of! as will educational exhibits, horticulture and floriculture greenhouses, the ice skating rink, museums .and other places of interest. There'll be plenty of sleeihng stop signs, will be finished dur- rooms available in University ing 1954. The announcement regarding the progress of this work comes from Edwin A. Rosenstone, director of the Department- of Public Works and Buildings. dormitories for the Winter visitors. Ireland Island in the Bermudas has the largest floating drydock in the world. ROBERT HAY "THE LO#~- OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor . NewConsiruciion ami Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W# ROUTE 4 McHENRY. ILLINOIS Gfetfte* It « Odjli of Name Br, tavern license. "Hie, license ffM | wffre $0 a yean William L^fe* was granted a mercantile lictnse in McHenry for 90 dsys for I Life Each A Chanel McHenry county, was naargQd in honor of Col. Willisyxx McHenry. He w*s an offtee* in the Blackhawk War who marched his men through this territory. He participated in the Battle of Bad Axe. This battle resulted* in driving the Blackhawk* west of the Mississippi river. The territory for the new county wai taken from Cook county as it then existed. In. the. beginning, McHenry county began at Lake Michigan an4 extended, westward. Part of this, territory later formed Lake county. In June of 1837 officers were elected for the new coUtfty Com-, missioners were appointed to lo-< cate the county seat. All of the important settlements wanted to have the county - seat located in their village. Among, the competing towns were Libertyville, HaJf Day and McHenry. Crystal Lake, too, was in the running. McHenry was near the geographical center of the county as then constituted so the commissioners decided to give the. honor to McHenry. Most of . the McHenry population in 1837 lived east of the Fox river. Among the first of the county officers were Charles Bartlett, Mathiae Mason,. Solomon Norton, (cornmissionetsl; Henry Steele, sheriff; Charles Moore, surveyor; Michael McGuire, coroner; and Seth Washburn, recorder. Until the adoption r. of the, township systsas* in< i960, the problems of taxes, roads, licenses, etc., were- settled by the board of. supervisors. The fact that the territory which now comprises MeHenty couhty was considered as only one precinct, while foure election .districts were provided/for Lake county, shows that- Laic* county was much more populous. > Tavern rates, were set' by the eaxly commissioners as follows: For breakfast, dinner or supper, 37xk cents: for horses to hay, per night, 25 ceiits; half pint of cider or beer, 6% cents; 12^ cents bought half a pint of brandy, rum or gin; wine was a little higher, half pint .of wine was 18% cents. Among the first license to be issued in the new McHenry county ww one to Andrew Cor« nish for a ferry on the Fox river; David Goff was granted a operate a "Tempecance House." Christopher Walkttp and John Wood both were granted ptrance House" licenses. ; •Tem- VA Representative' To Visit County Feb. 9 I* yon ha*, *21,000,000, would you bqt the «ntif*: amount agSinst .just $1, especially If there Were a good chance of losing your fortune ? Of course you Wouldn't. Yet- each, day there are thousands* of people who, in effect, nwjfce the same kind of waft*. Safety engineers report that a man 3$. years of age -- the median age of our population +-- can look forward to >approximate- The next Tegular visit of a representative from the Veterans Administration office of Rock- ( ford to Woodstock will be Tuejj-, ly 40 years, or 21*000,000 minday, Feb. 9. VA's representative utes of life. BSv.ery time he takes will be on, doty from 10-a.m. to chance with hiS life just to 4 p.m. at the U.S. post office building,, second floor, and will inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public on V.A. benefit programs. V.A. also reported, in response to numerous, inquiries, that vet-' erans holdings GI mortgages can make, extra payments to their lenders at any time., or pay off the entire loan Without a penalty charge. The minimum extra payment a veteran may make is at least the amount of one month's payment or a flat $100. Veterans who make extra payments may have the extra principal reapplied later to , regular payments, if the lender agrees, to keep his loan from going into default should the veteran later become rhardpressed for money. save a minute, whether it be on foot or driving a car, he Is risking that minute against the other 21,000,000. Only a fool would gaPlbjte *- gainst such odds. i i • i hi mm - ^ v* Calvin COolidge wrot6 a history of the United States la five hundred -'ords. , lead Tbe Want Ads! SPEEDY ^ M? HENRY GARAGE 6UCSS YOU'RE ONE OF THE FEW WHO HAVENT HEARD I MEVEr? KNEW OUR TOWN COULD BOAST OF SUCH FINE SERVICE. tttWEN6INES DEAD AMD I'M MISTM7VDt66IN6 IT A USE THEM 6RAVE OTF OTWHIIS fi IN NO TIMSTHAT'S A NAM* 10 REMEMBER -»V\ IN CASE OF TfloueuE! 0 tOCAL FRONT STREET KAISER-WILLYS Sales & Senrice PHONE 405 McHENRY, ILL. ?• Low Cost Fuel At Ypur Door Why use out-moded fuels with all the extra, work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty, safe Bottled Gas direct to your door, wherever you live. ALTHOFPS HARDWARE "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" Phone 284 001 Main St. BfhHeory, IIL HfVk* TOWER GRILL FEATURING ON ROUTE 120 IN LAKEMOOR French Fried 8RTFT8 "TENDERQROWN" PREMIUM CHICKEN . JUMBO GULF SHRIMP DINNERS Open from 10 a.m. to l ajnu**--A 1 Sat. 10 a_m. to 2 a.m. Closed all day Monday. Bring the children. STEAK DINNERS COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE SANDWICHES Ta*t advantage « our'DINNER IN A SACK' TAKE HOME SERVICE. PH^aNJB your order, allow twenty minutes befbrs- picking up "FRESHLY FRIED TO ORDER" PHONE McHttuy 663-M-l or 181 *_1end m a .weeks Vacation FREE, please/ me trymi GAS Clothes ^Dryer in my own home for 15 days just to see what ^ it can do for me.;; I've heard all about OAS Qothet Dfyefs and .now I actually want to experience an easy washday and not have to worry about the weathot... Yea*; I'va honestly thought about saving those hours of hanging, lugging, lifting, pulling, worrying . 'v. and still1 getting fluffier, more radiant drying for all my clothes t; . but I've never dont anything about it until now! {». • • ' w"" t :o* ftre&lef tow Prices Include Free Mounting! PUBLtfC k- * •m Company ypaiuau* SUPREME Safest tire money can bay! h'» the one and on i y b l o w o u t - s a f e , puncture-sealing, tubeless. tire on the road today! SAVE! $ Get up to Trade-In Allowance •n a Complete Set This Sale atffMlCK firiitoni OUUXE CHAMPION First choice of champion race d r i v e r s -- i t ' s the same tire that car manufacturers choose as <orijciaet factory equipment on miliionfof neW cart. Get up to TVMI lUIIAfM*Iili AAIllIVamWm^iImWava en a Complete $#• Dvriif This Sale I r.y-r, - MCHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Propt. V MAIN m. M«nNET, ILL, Teu can ••• tfc* f)«w GAS Cl®tli#ii Dry«r* ot our noarost storo or your doojpr'e* yov too cm fry a GAS ChdmfJ>ryr in your own,hggm for 15 day* ot ABSOLUTELY J|O^OPii6AT10M T0 Y0U1 Simply phone omt •mHmmm wot s#tiov«rvt ttovAwlyv Mnmrm or 11 - ' ••>'

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