Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1954, p. 8

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p I THE McHCNRV PLAINDEALER B-. V. _ •«. '-Cf ^8ome bee First Power Shut-Off In 48 Years if***'V" Thursday, March 4, tnf DSHHINDEES WHLXEM Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier pulls the la«t switch, shutting off for the first time In 48 fears the How of direct current from the state'# old power plant. Workmen recently completed a twoyear rewiring job of state buildings, enabling them to use alternating current generated at the new power plant. The -old plant, shown at right, was constructed during 1903 and X90# at a coit of |55J6nA fts ti>o wering smokestack has been a landJm ar"k 1in_ Springfield for many yean. I "STATE LANDMARK TO DISAPPEAR IN flEXT FEW WEEKS A landmark in Sp; ingfield for Almost fifty years the toverlag smokestack of the old state- _ bouse power plant on Monroe j generating equipment and street across from the C&pitol « ^ jn what was called & will disappear in the "kojjpj. housc •> The power plant The old power plant was built j later an additional $20,000 was in 1903 and 1904. Mr. Carpentier appiopriated to buy more equipsaid. The 1903 session of the I ment. General Assembly appropriated $55,500 to erect the building, buy new boilers and an . additional dynamo. " - , " ; Since 1889,. the state haul been tjuilding next few months. Workmen have con^pleted a <hvo-year re-wiring job of state was built around the old boiler house. Secretary Caipentier said. . Old' records on file in the ^.Arimildings and Secretaiy of State lhives divi8ion of lhe im*oig Chailes F. Carpentier. buildings gtate Lib 8how that in lg87 . custodian, recently pulled the ,n appropriatlon of $3,942.22 list switch in the old plant, shut- was matje [t) ins^au electricity in '^"ting off the flow of diiect curjprent for the first time in fortyheight years. Now,- alternating current supplied the buildings. Some time this/«i*r»ng, the job the capitol building. The powei" was purchased, rather th-\n being generated in a stale-owned plant. In 1889, an $8,000 appropriadismantling . gie smokestack l tion was divided into 54,000 for t*®' the old pla*t will be started, the purchase of a dynamo and iSetretary Carpentier said. A fu- B,$ure use for the building itself ""has not yfet beeri ^eteraiined, he "seid. its maintenance, and ten years ! during January. In 1903, the approprul.yn for the power plant building wa3 made, and in 1905, the Legislature made the first biennie! appropriation, $25,000. for the continuing operation of the plant. Secretary Carpentier said. COAL PRODUCTION The January production of thie shipping coal mines of Illinois was 4,164,299 tons, according t0 Ben H. Schull. director of Mines and Minerals. This represents at* increase of 374.497 tons over the eutput during the corresponding month last year. Thirty-three strip mines turned out 1,524,705 tons, and 81 shat: mines loisted 2,639.591 tons to make up the January total. Accidents in Illinois coal mines caused four deaths and 138 non-fatal injuries r. Business and Service Directory oi WONDER LAKE YOU KNOW WW! Tim Wf iff TWS ofN«? Wor wick's McHenry Camera Center "Huaera*. Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged . Photo Supplies VIEW MASTERS Ud REELS See Us Beforr You Boy Worwicfs Studio 117 X. Riverside Drive PHONE McHEXRY 275 WTrrrnrnnrmfiTiiniimumiHiiiiiniii 'Vow repeat after me, dear: *1 *w>t target to take oar radio net ever to FJL RADIO * TELEVISION for a arw wt of tubes!" APPLIANCE and T.V. CLEARANCE SALE CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs -- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE Hucork 0Hve Phone W.L. 4S$1 ALL PHASE Plumhipg DLKHMAKTEB Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 » Phone WX. 8651 Vrw Horfzoan in Buildiag •$c At Your Service F.M. T. P. MATHEWS HEAL ESTATE • INSURANCE of All Kinds WOXDBft LAKE 3061 RADIO AXB TELEVIHION Air Coaditioarrs Clock Radio* ,j CWMriaw Portable Phonegimpfc* i Sale* - Kervio - Installations Prompt efficient, service on all •lakes by Raytheon bonded technicians. We guarantee all parts installed. "3 90 days after date el Asth«iiud Dealers ! FOR . . . t • GENERAL ELECTRIC • SENTINEL ' • WESTINGHOUSE • ADMIRAL *' • SPARTON • RAYTHEON • CAPEHART • HALtlCRAFTER PHONE 979 $ US N. Riverwide Drive |t. * MtcHesry, ill. ~ wnm iiiM iff tftjtfiiH f1 * Crisiy OENTOly and Stendebach IAL. CONTRACTORS Phase Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDER* SUPPLY >. Fr&e Estimates & Delivery Phonn 1 W.L. 3231 Hickory Fall* Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing e Greasing O Tlren # Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Roatf on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake ... Phone Wonder Lake 8681 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning Virgil's AUTO REPAIR , "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Roajd' Phone W.L. S381 - Nite Phone 4191 Complete Se<ptlc Systems L.PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 8281 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933: KRAFT'S VELVEETA 2 Mild Cheddar Muenster Cheese Mel-O-Bit 'Super-Right" Blade Cut Beef Pot Chuck Roast *3$ Wisconsin Mild ChopleStteot Amorican, Swiss, Pimento 'Sopor-Right" Choice Quality Swiss or Price Yeer Age 4Sc Round Steak *59* MED. RED SALMON 49* 2 2 4T 3 )|M 1st Thru Mk Rlkt Seme Strike Breed Tum Flakes Chum Salmon IM. fcktM Choke Quality Stfik» Beef Rib Roast Boneless Rump Roast Ocean Perth Fillets Halibut Steaks Fancy Large Shrimp ib. bulk Fretfc- Frewn 59- 69( 29' 35 65' LeAi, HHMMw or Rump Ro»ft "Supw. R'uht" Leg of Veal Fresh Pork Butt Sliced Bacon Super-Right Smokies Cooked Picnics Price Yeer Age 45c lb. 39' Lmh 4 to 4 Lb*. Supor-Rifbt 55* 55* 45' lb. 12-ox. SLICEB PINEAPPLE Del Monte $100 Rich Flevor 3 ^ $| Firm--Golden Ripe Rananas 2-29' CPtUS^fO PINEAFM Sw««t Goldon Bel Monte Bel Monte 7$ Bel Monte Peas Ww Bel Monte Corn fiolden Corn Grapefruit Orange Base 2 20-ex. tint WboU KotmI Cttmm S^(e AAP Ptdcy in Soctiom R««l AoM CencM<r«f^ 49* 29' 35' 31* NV 2 r 29' 2129* Sweet and Pocked with Juice 2 2 quart bottU 17-ot. tint I2-OI. tin* ItMU. tin I4-OI. tint Winesap Apples 3-35c Valencia Oranges 8 i Grapefruit IB Delicious Apples 2 , Orange Juice --ifi Old South Frotian Concontrotod 4-o)fc tin 49' Cuban Pineapples 49* Anjou Pears ^ 29* Yellow Onions 10' New Cabbage i Ste fto«ele Brand Southern Grown ...i 39* 2 ^ 29* 3 i 15* * 5* Jane Parfcer Strawberry From tlio Rich Produce of AmirlcfM Jayirn -NUTLEY Colored, Quortorod Large S " Pie Hot Cross Buns Jano FaHer of I 29' Shortening Aunt Jemima Ceresota Flour Margarine 3 Z 75* Salad Oil ri9* Macaroni W.: 95' Macaroni Binner O i-it. mm ct"- tfS dio • Pan Vogotablo Paneako new Wotaon, Kraft or Matola Spaghetti or SptftnHM-AnA Pago Kraft •rand pint bottlo lb. pk«. 37' 45* 2r25* 93 Score . SunnyHeld BUTTER l-1b. ctn. 73c CUTS GREASE INSTANTLY KHchu Klemar 2 I9C FOAMS AWAY DIRT Bab-0 Cleanser 2 - 25' FOR DISHES OR WASHES Dhz Detergent 7le fijnt pk9. GETS CLOTHES CLEANER Tide Delergeet 2 X': 59e HAN0Y LIQUID Joy Detergent 21:: 59c For Paneakoi and Wafflti fiolden Mix Flavor-Kist Saltines Buncan Nines Ma Brown Pickles Bel Rich Margarine Crisco Shortening Thin, Crltp Cracken Frfn«h Drottiaf . fer Saladt Swoot MM Colorod and Qwartorod 10*oi. pkfl. lb. *9- M. 14-oc. , ^ lb. «td. lb. Mn 2Se 25e 35e 39° 29* 89° Red Cross Macaroni Swift'ning fltartMlni Berber's Baby Food Berber's Junior Food Lipton Tea Lipton Tea Bags 7-ox. Sfrainetf Mead 3 3 2 Tholritk Toa So Refroehiiifl SoGoodl UNCO BLEACH 29< • DeodorUes • Disinfects • Removes Status Va-fol. I»9 Your Wathday Linit Starch Halpor . American Family Northern Paipor Towels Dotorfant 2 2 2 ll-oi. pk«t. largo pk«t. 29° 59* 37# Argo Gloss Starch Niagara Laundry Starch Kingsford Corn Starch Pard Bog Food Orlean's Dog Food lb. tin 4%-™. {art 7«/i-oi. jart I^t- 14 ct. F*9- pks»- YoorDo« Win Lovo It! 100% Honomoat 2 2 P*9- 14-oz. Plfl- 14-ot. tin* 14-ox. Nat I0a 8? 28' 29* 35* 21* 29e 19' 15 31' 39' AMIIICA'S FOIIMOST FOOD KITAIlfl.. , SI NCI 1«S* uper Markets TM« OHAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TCA COMPANY M pritea effectire through March *th.

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