Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1954, p. 2

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( '1Jl'v;"y ^>tyy? 'y oi? v*'S " |w * *f * * ' . • <r% |? If ^'"V^ - T*v **, -,* - : ^'(\i* '*:"*•'•• ', .;• t'i '/'v\\ ' « * * • ^ • *«• , __. 'i; v • , ' i-^v',»>pr. McttENBY PLAEtfbfcALfiR V NEWLYWEDS RESIDE AT JOHNSBURG AFTEft RETURN FROM TRIP Mother'* Club To Meet On March 9 St. Patrick's. Mother's club Will hold its next meeting at the 1 Church hall on Tuesday, March | 9, a't 2:45 o'clock. Mothers of j eighth grade students, with Mrs. j at St. John's Catholic church, Beatrice Just en as chairman, will lohnsburg, at 9:30 o'clock Feb NANCY LAGESCHULTE, JOSEPH M. PESZ WED ON SATURDAY . Transfiguration church, Wauoonda, was the scene of a lovely wedding on Saturday, Feb 27, when Mias Nancy Lageschulte, daughter of the Earl Lageschultes of Wauconda, become the bride at Mr. Joseph M. Pesz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pesz of rural M!cH*nry. Tthe attractive bride chose a chantilly lace wedding gown, with nylon tirtle over white satin, be in charge of the soda! hou!\ l^wrvlrw tTamp ,<jtnniverearjr March M Rlverview Camp, No. 6818. R. N.A., will observe its forty-third anniversary with a chicken dinner Mt the Legion Home 011 the regtilar meeting night, March 16. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. and (reservations to date indicate ;<i' large attendance. A j featuring inserted panels and a long train. Her fingertip veil w ,, . . . fell from % Juliet hat, beaded 20 when M*s Marilyn Diednch « ^ 9equins and pearla daughter of the Leo Diedrichs of ghe a W'|ate prayer book Jo,n^mg became the bade of ^ whfch were placed a white Mr" , ^ °_ ® orchid and steplianotis in cascade Ben J. Thelens. Rev. Fr. Joseph1 Blitsch officiated at the dcuhie effect. •ing service. Acolytes were liar y and Dennis Diedrich, brothers of the bride, and Kenneth and Teddy Schaefer, cousins of the groom. Given in marriage by her fa- , ther, the pretty bride wore a Honor guests will include Dist-, long white dress of chantilly lace rtot Deputy Gladys Ames 0# Gurnee and Camp Organizer Agnes GHly of Rockford: also th«e followover satin, with long train. The dress featured a tight fitting bodice and nylon yoke, with mfiflg charter members. Anna Boley. fled tulle over nylon and satin Catherine Freund, Susan Froe- Her fii^ertip veil was held by a ming, Rose Huemann. Ethel HoHy.! crown of seed peails ani sho Barbara Krause, Barbara Weber,' carried white roses and stephan- Mary Weingart and Kathryn oti«. Her single strand of pearls Worts. Reservations may still be mfcde by calling Margaret Creamer, Damp recorder. Following the dinner, the regular business meeting will be held In the K. of C. hall, followed by a . social hour of cards and the serving of light refreshments. ' was a gift of the groom. Following the Mass, she placed a bouquet of white carnations before the altar of the Blessed Virgin. 1 The maid of honor was Miss Nancy Jinrten of McHenry, a cousin, who was attired in yellow. Bridesmaids were Miss Betty Ann Btilling, another cousin of the bride, and Miss Dorothy Soy Carstens To Sotiaefer, cousin of the groom. Marry April 24 Bath chose aqua dresses, waltz Mr', and Mrs. Elmer L. Carttens )*n^h Hke that of thf> maid <* of McHenry announce the engage- nor' ment of their daughter, Joy, to Pretty little flower girls were Corp. Thomas Landre of Los 1 ®ar^>ara Dtedrich, sister of the Angeles, formerly of McHenry. At j Kathleen Thelen, sispresent, Corp. Landre is stationed j Kroom< both attired in at San Diego, Calif., where the! White. couple will make their home for the immediate future. The wedding wiH take plaee in tfcHenry on April 24. Cfrcte 1 Meets At Goraason Home Circle 1 of the W.S.C.S. will #eet at the home of Mrs. George Qo ran son at McCu^lau; Lake on Yuesday, Hatch 9. ~ MARCH 15 SET AS DEADLINE TO FILE FOR SCHOLARSHIP With- Marc* 16 the deadline for 'filing applications, it is timely to make note of the Scholarship offered by the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers. The fund was established in 1950 to commemorate their fiftieth anniversary and to help alleviate the teacher shortage. This scholarship is awarded on the basis of need and ability consists of a four-year schota*- ahip of $1,000 or $250 per year awarded by each P.T.A. district in the state of Illinois. The local district is comprised of McHenry, Boone and Lake counties and the district director is Mrs. Fred Svobeda of Lilymoor. Students interested are asked to contact the high school principal for further details. The only requirement of the recipient of the scholarship is tha'. he or she teach one semester in the state of Illinois for each year at the scholarship. In other words, two years of teaching for the four-year scholarship. In 19Q2 a McHenry graduate was selected to receive it. She is MJsb Charlotte Hogan of Ringwood, 1953 junior fair queen and a student at the University of Illinois. <f ARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of thanking everyone for flora! offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. Thty were greatly appreciated. The Children of Wm. B. Tonya ft Arnold Thelen, brother of the groom, served as best man and Jock Schaefer, his cousin, and William Diedrich, brother of the bride, were groomsmen. Ushers were Clarence Eftten had Clarence Thelen. Breakfast was served at the Johnsburg Community club hall for the bridal party following the service. Later, members of the family enjoyed a turkey dinner there and at 4 o'clock a re-* The matron of honor was Mrs. Mitchell Bienkowski. Jr., of Crystal Lake, who wore an aqua parchment silk dree®, formal length, and carried a cascade bouquet of white and salmon glads. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Harry Pesz of Island Lake, Mrs. Andrew Pe«z of Burton's Bridge, Mrs. Richard Stanger of Island Lake, Mrs. Arthur Davis of Wauconda and Miss Judith Lyon. All were attired in laurel' green, formal lengHh gown3 and carried cascade bouquets of salmon glads. The* little flower girl was Lynn Pesz, who were aqua in a shade matching the dress of the matron of honor, and carried a white basket of carnations and snapdragons. The little ring bearer .was Arthur Davis, Jr., who carried a wftiite satin pillow with two gold rings. Mitchell Bienkowski, Jr., served ais best man and ushers were Harry Pesz, Richard Stanger, Arthur Davis and Donald Lugestfhulte. Mrs. Lageschulte wore a rose parchment silk dreps ortd a green baby orchid corsage. Mrs. Pesz wore royal blue crepe and a large white orchid.' . A buffet dinner was served to thirty-five gueftts at trie church hall, followed in the evening by a reception attended by 250 in the Legion Home. Following a two weeks' trip to Florida, the couplc will reside on Roberts ro«d, jvhere the bridegroom will engage in farming, Island Lake. Mr. and Mm. Pesz are graduates of the Wauconda high school. The bride has been emiff caption was enjoyed, with a ham , . . w _ w supper served to 250 guests. A P10?^ b* Manufacturing wedding dance was held during I contl>anytike evening. The bride attended the McHftn ty high school and is now employed by Skysweepel- at Johns- j PPTffr A T M&Rm OC burg. The groom attended St db John's school and is now employed in farming by his father. Following a wedding trip, the newlyyveds have returned home to reside in an apartment on the Thelen farm. kcor |PtAl IRET1 AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Tena Combs of Hickory Drive, McCullom Lake, is convalescing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rudolph Bruelheide. William Picket has returned from Bethany hospital. Chicago, to his home in McCullom Lake after undergoing surgery. Miss Roberta Startler has been a patient at the Woodstock hospital. Mi-s. Celona' Kane "returned home Monday after spending five weeks as a patient in Mercy hospital, Chicago, where she WJS undergoing treatment. She is recovering nicely. Mll^. in French corresponds to the English abbreviation, "Miss." Plans for a retreat for the men of tlie McHenry vicinity are in fu9 swing as the lenten sea- Son gets under way. For the past several years the men from this area have made the retreat at Mayslake in conjunction with other small parishes, but due to the wholehearted response last spring, it was felt that with an increase in reservations the McHenry group would have a weekend in their own right .The local group is very hopeful that such arrangements may be able to be made. While many have already made their reservations for this year's retveat, beginning March 26, it is hoped that many more will do so shortly- Anyone desiring to attend is asked to contact their local pastor or phone LeRoy J. Welter, sponsor. •><"{ '1 1' 4' '111 1 1 j 4 I 'fr4n|. PERSONALS Mr. and Mi's. Walter Aeverman and sons, Donald, Kenneth and Harold, returned home Sat* urday from a week's visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randall and Mrs. Jack Randall in Coraopolis, Pa. Miss Ethel Peterson and Mrs. Agnes Fawkner of Franklin Park were visitors in the home of McHenry friends last week Mrs. Edith Hayes has been visiting her son, Donald, .in Chicago. Mrs. Peter M. Just en, Mrs. Vaughn Jones, Mrs. Elmer Winkelman, Mrs. Fred Bienapfl, Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. c. W. Goodell attended a meeting of the Woodstock Woman's club one day last week. Mrs. A. P. Freund and Mrs! Arthur Tonyan visited Slstpr Ildofons and Sister Arcadia %t Campbellsport, Wis., on Monday. Miss Joan Nimsgern of MeccjEville sanitarium, Aurora, spent the weekend at her home here. On Sunday, her parents accompanied her to Mercy hospital in Chicago, where she will receive pediatric training for the next three months. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen have returned from a month's vacation trip to California. Dan Justen returned home last weekend from a three weeks' trip through the South. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Schaettgen have been vacationing through the South. Last word received by friends was from Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buss Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge were Milwaukee, Wis., visitors on Friday. Donald Aeverman returned home Saturday from Cora polls, Pp., where he had spent a week visiting his sister, Mrs. Gerry Randall. BIRTHS 1 mi 11 mi 1,1 in 1111 uiuii!r,iiu;iuj4ujfii!imitii; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lev®e of Huemann's subdivision are the proud grandparents of their first granddaughter born Feb. 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Gebrge Levee. All of their other grandchildren are boys. < A son, Dennis, was born Feb.? 26 at the Woodstock hospital! to' Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien. There are two other boys and two girls in the family. Mrs. CBrieft' Is the former Betty Buss. Mr. and Mrs. James Althoff are the parents of a soiv kMk at ths WtydstodtT h&pttj| "5MP T'jkt ;* yf. i&Zy-*iIv; "3 ' <' i. * • Thursday, March 4 1954 ENGSTROM-PRUIK Wf lHI I i l I I 1 HHIHH M FEBRUARY BRIDE NUPTIALS SATURDAYIN McHENgY CHAPEL The Chapel of the Sacred Heart at St. Patrick's church was the scene of a Quiet but lovely wedding service last Saturday morning, Feb. 27, at 9 o'clock when Miss Janet Bng> strom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Eigvard Bngstrom of Crsytal Falls, Mioh., became the bri^e of Mr. Harry FrUik, son of the Russell Fruiks of Union. Rev. Fr, Edward' C. Coakley officiated at. the nuptial rite. • The Charining brM$ WOTe a chapel length gown of tmlniaidered net over satin, styled with jacket which featured long sleeves and Peter Pan collar. Her fingertip Veil feU from a satin tiara, trimmed with seed pearls, sad «ke carried a cplonial bouquet of white carnations and sweetpeas. Miss Mary Ann Story of Jane«» ville, Wis., a close friend, acted as maid Of honor. She wore a dross of aqUa net over satin, with bolero jftcket and wide sash. Her headpiece Was made of tiny blue flowers and she carried a colonial bouquet ot pink Carnations. . ; , Jamea Fruik Btrypi his brother & best nian. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Engqtrom selected a grey suit, with which she wore red accessaries and a red carnation cor sage. Due to illneas, tl|e mother of the bridegroom wfcik tin* aible to attend. , Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast w«s enjoyed by the bridal party. At 1 O'clock a reception for members .of the Immediate families and * few friends was held , it the Legion Home in Union; The former Mtes Bhgstrom is a graduate of the Cryistai Falls high school in 1953 and is now employed at the McHenry State bank. The bridegroom received his education in Chatuiing, Mich;, served viith the armed forces in Korea and Germany and to now employed by Donnel Hydraulic in Marengo. The newlyweds will make their home in the lower apartment of the Laures home on Front street: COMING EVENTS f i l l I I I I •••111 ifHMilll SPONSOR MOVIE The Ore department of Lakemoor is sponsoring a movie for the children in the Community house at 2:30 o'diock ne^t Sunday, M?trch 7. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our husband and father, Michael Mendyk, who died one year ago, March 3, 1953. Wife and Daughter FRATERNITY "ACTIVES" Jim Roggentbuck, Ed. Lacey and Gilbert Merc urc have become "actives" in Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity at, Bradley University in Peoria. To become "actives" one must have a "C" average or better in all subjects. First Church of Christ, Scientist Woodstock, in., South A Dean sta. ,jnvttfs you to listen tg How Christian Science Heals "GOD'S LAW CANCELS ACCIDENTS*' j 7:40 AX WJJD (U«0 ke) SUN. $:G0 A.M. WROK (1440 kc> THE T0S8SIR SNOT SPRING HATS S195~ SPRING COATS nOM? All Sizes Including P*»-Teens Sit E. Elm Street PHONE 706 McHenry, m. March| O.E.S. Friends' Night -- & p.m. -- Acacia Hall Circle 1, W.S.C.fc. _ Mrs. George Goranson Home March It v Adult Girl Scout Meeting -- 1 p.m. -- Legion Home March 11 Benefit Luncheon For Library -- 12:30 -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored By McHenry Woman's Club Luncheon And Card Party -- 8{x>nsored By Woman's Club -- 12:30 -- V.F.W. Home ° March 12 Girl 8oout Pageant -- High School Auditorium March If Teen-Age Square Dance Program -- Edgebrook Playroom -- 7:30 to 9:45 CCteclc^ March 1*k3 St. Patrick's Day Luncheon And Card Party -- i p.m. --^ Sponsored By Christian Mothers Sodality, St. Peter's Parish, Spring Grove : March 1) ' W.S.C.S. Guest Day -- #e§aert Luncheon At 1 p.m. -- McHenry Community Methodist Church March 30 Teen-Age Square Dance Program -- Edgebrook Playroom -- 7:30 to 9:45 O'Clock March 28 McHenry Community P.T.A. Meeting -- 8:15 p.m. -- Speaker, Mrs. Delila White, Psychologist. Subject, "Special Training For Mentally Retarded Children." March 25 Lecture Luncheon Club Meet* ing -- Fiesta, Crystal Lake -- 12:30 O'Clock ~ "Much n * C.D. of A. Initiation Meeting --- Afternoon April 2-3 White Elephant Sale -- £t. Patrick's Church Hal; - flftn- 9ored By Mothers Club Quartet Pleased Maii^ In Radio Performance Music lovers were moat pleased with a performance over the radio last week Wednesday of the high school violin quartet. Members are Jean Weber, first vitolin; Judy Freund, second; Kathleen Anglese, third; and Lois Brefeld, fourth. Joan Weber served as accompanist. During the half hqgr program the girls played the following numbers: "The Rosary," "Famous Waltz," "La Brunette," "Serenata N a p o l i t a a i a , ' ' '"Amaryllis" and "Whispering Hope." PRESENT WILDE PLAY Oscar Wilde was considered by many to be at his satirical best when he wrote "The Importance Of Being Earnest," the play which will be presented at the Woodstock Opem House next weekend. Philip Lawrence, actorproducer of the plays this season, will portray the tiMe role. Supporting him will be Claud Latson, Lee Latson, M. F. Robel and Jane Roberts. Bead The Want Ada! Vogel Photo by Frost l%is lovely bride is Miss Marilyn Schmitt, who exchanged nuptial vows with Richard D. Rudolph of Spring Grove on Saturday, Feb. 13, in toe. rectory at St. Mary's church. The newlyweds are living on the OlstB farm near spring Grove. DON'T Throw Your Washer Away! I It's Worth lOO * VM.U DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT BANKING9 fiiiy ivraiuTirvjlSlEI ~ BECAUSE k^ahow§' ymt whwenve "Stand •* * financially... teUs you, among other tilings, what proportion of deposits is put into mortgages and other loans to help people like you. Thus you see how we invest depositors' money -- soundly, and for the benefit of the local community. Ask for our latest statemtnt; aiilc how we can serve your neod|» •i McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ifirEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS PHONE 1M0 *$10000 Trade-In ON A WHIRLPOOL > Matching Set LEROY M. SMITH ' W. Elm Street f McHenry, HL OPEN EVERY NIGHT Pharmacists F-"* Prescription Tu«b.« Thttrs Cfrt. EJVentagw •iru » p.m. Sclf-ZmtmcHt finishing touch Should Wfftry of fashion... y<)U,Z09... your weekly Powerful ond effective, mpnyiiew dru^i can prs^hsbi r e m a r k a b l e r e s v l h . mvrfi damage cm result from improper u*« or ewerdova. OengereUif immunities can develop. P*r«anent tojurye* ba dene ven life can be endangered. manjrure Italian and Modern Haircutting Permanent Waving, Tinting and Complete Beauty Service For good reason, there are isrtricSOM a* i# w« of penidlUn, Chloromycetin, certain svffa compeuwdi and othfr dCwgi without th« care and prescription of a physician. Wtf^n your health requires HI, your Doctor. He wiM prescribe these new and paMat remedies when he feels they or* required. >:»:< Make Your Appointments Now. STEFFAN'S Jewelry & Records I Main 6t McHenry, HIPHONE 12.VJ •« * m 'iftuterbide tHawitykna Studia ,19i X. Riverhide ^rl,vf S^oHc^ry, M. So. Green S^. MgUffiry, |DL . -. 0 ' /" btUS STOUE / ON "AN OLD LANDMARK" ROUTE 120 AT LAKEMOOR SERVING ONLY THE FINEST FOODS OBTAINABLE REASONABLY PRICED Always a quiet homelike atmosphere where you and your family can dine or snack comfortably CHICKEN • SHRIMPS • STEAKS • FISH • CHOPS • SEAFOODS FULL FOUNTAIN SERVICE LENTEN FOODS SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS PHONE McHenry 863-M-l or 161 Complete Meal for TAKE HOME SERVICE gervtae CARRY OUT Allow twenty minutes -- each order is freshly prepared and we will have your DINNER IN A SACK properly packed, ready for pick up. THE TOWER GRILL 120 At Lakemoor The Tower Grill is under the persODtl supervision And management of Helen R. 1

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