Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1954, p. 14

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Bob Cecich, Tom Miller, Roland} and Richard Hoffman, Tom Roti, Skip Mehling, Richard and Dan Lundborg, John Sirtak, Andy Thompson, Kurt Weisenberger, Carl and Ed Walker, Allan Franz, George Smith, John Wright, Rfcndy Sellek, Bob Biggers, Billy Spuehr and Gary Vogt. Jim Ellicote, a summer resident at the Lake who played baseball with the Wonder Lakers last Summer, ran into the group at the Stadium. The high cost of the vendors' products at the Stadium appalled the boys who. made the trip last year, so this year most of them brought a lunch. The youngsters looked as though they were going into the vending business what with the pop, hot dogs, potato chips, popcorn, candy and coffee, . The boys kept their bottles of pop under the seat &hd borrow ed paper cups from the counter, pouring out their drinks beneath the seats. One of the boys put Dis cup under the seat and started pouring. Another cup (from the previous bouts) was beneath the seat and he made an additional exchange and came up with a cupful of pop on which was floating-a large chew of tobacco. Where Did He Put It? One boy broke two quarts of pop and still had some left. Zandier says he is a little boy and wonders where he put it all. The boys brought along a shopping bag full of airplanes which they sailed out over the crowds below them. They had other ideas in mind but the thirty bean blowers were collected in advance. < Zandier says, "The boys were very, very good." He adde<l, "In fact I was amased at how good they were." Woman's Club Th# Wonder Lake Woffian's club held a meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. Marie Milbrandt. Mis. Kate Vacula and Mrs. Katharine Armstrong served as co-hostesses. A social hour followed the business meeting. Mrs. Karen Widen was awarded the gift package. fall. Rftth Oen* of Harrison was named an alternate. Children of Harrison performed a folk dlnce at the opening seision of the annual meeting. About 400 teachers of McHenry county Were present at the meeting. V Gospel Church News We have been favored with a great deal of special music on Sunday nights of late. A group ot student nurses from the Mission Covenant hospital in Chicago brought an excellent program on Sunday evening, March 7. So did the young people from the Northern Baptist Seminary on the fourteenth. Next Sunday night, there will be another group out, this time from the famed Wheaton college, one of the most outstanding Christian schools of our day. Make sure to come out to hear these talented young people. Mr. and Mrs. John (Jack) Loshbough are just now out participating in missionary conferences in Some Iowa churches. They expect to sail for the mission field in the month of August this year. The Gospel church expects to take on a good part of their support, both of them being faithful member* hers and effective workers. The pastor will begin a series of special lenten messages next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Hospitalised Martin Rzeczkowski of Ringwood and Mrs Mary Lou Hartog of Wonder Lake . ate both surgical patients at the Memorial hospital in Woodstock. Elected to Office Arnold Zaeske, principal Of Harrison school at Wonder Lake, was elected to the board of the McHenry County Education association at the annual meeting fteld Friday in Woodstock. His term lasts until 1957. Another Harrison teacher, Thomas E. Foiles, was named as a delegate to the Illinois division of the National Education Association convention in Aurora this Business and WONDER LAKE Service Directory of APPLIANCE and T.V. CLEARANCE SALE CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs -- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE Hancock Drive Phone W.L. 4551 Harrison P.TA. It was indeed a pleasure and thrill to be at the March 9 meeting of the Harrison school P.T.A., at which time the Wonder Lake Boy Scout Troop No. 145 opened the meeting by posting the colors. Clark's third grade room Tltafcday, torch 18, 185l was the hostess room a&t room mothers were Mrs. Ensminger, Mrs. and Mrs. Corrado. The service table was very beautifully decorated and thanks to these room mothers and those mothers of third graders, delightful refreshments were enjoyed by everyone after the meeting at tile sodal hour. The room award was taken and presented by Mrs. George Weisenberger. Mr. Foiles' seventh grade was the winner for this month. Congratulations to the parents of this class for such good representation. Announcements of corning events were made. Thursday, Mar. 18, McHenry County Council of Parents and Teachers meet at our school at 8 p.m.; April P.T.A. of Harrison school meets on April 6, the first Tuesday of April instead or che second Tuesday, as has been done; vote on April 10 and April' 13. Mrs. Weisenberger reports 811 P.T.A. members at H&rriSon school. Mrs. James Bell, P.T.A. music chairman, presented Mr. " and Mrs. Whitfield to the assemblyi at this tim$. Mr. Whitfield accompanicd Mrs. Whitfield, who sang two lovely numbers. It was indeed a pleasure to hear parents of one of our pupils at Harrison entertain so beautifully. Thank you again, Mrs. Bell, for providing such talented participants. A special feature of the program included a resume of the Brownie Girl Scout organization by Mrs. Vacula. Mrs. Vacula thanked all mothers who are helping with this prograln and told of their aims, accomplishments and service. As an example, each member attending the P.T.A. meeting #as given a beautiful flower that hat been especially made for the decision. Thank you, Mrs. Vacula safe Brownies. Mrs. Gustavson then gave a resume of the aims and tasks of the Intermediate Girl Scout program. Mrs. Gustavson also thanked those who are helping her with such an important part in working w;:n young girts in the community. The Cub Scout program at Wonder Lake was explained by Art Miller. Mr. Miller told of these eager Cubs who are so active and enthusiastic about their work ahead of them and he also thanked his staff of helpers who are so very important and no greatly needed to carry on this special program of scouting. Soy scouting was then reviewed by Larry Silva. Bob Kolar, a -ood ' Sunnoos ir;i : fffl gram, Wift alio preient. a very i cfiri ire: debt, ittt. P. O. good exainple of this scouting at; Marion; vice-president, Mrs. Greg Wonder Lake was seen at this! Miellhg; Secretary, |f&. Boyce meeting when the scouts march-! King; treasurer, Mrs. . KIRoy ed in at the start of this pro-. Johnson, congratulations to these gram. Mr. Silv* was very eagerj officers who will serve your to explain the detailed work of j P,T.A. next September at the his service because it is a work beginning ^ the aim school term. . ^ ^ ' 't, conducts <touRs«f_ *# five-day course for »IR Ul that he so thoroughly enjoys. The 4-H .program was explained by Mrs. Wilkinson and she show-, ed how all of these organiza- • tion programs for the youth of the community is so valuable to their future with the accomplishments thai they are aiming to 1 reach. Election of officers of the Harrison school P.T.A. took place at this March meeting. The slate of officers presented by the nominating " committee was unanimously accepted by a voice vote which is according to by-laws as there were no nominations from the floor. Those who -lopwi-oo will serve as your 1994-55 offi- <to» of sewage disposal plant? will be offered at Urbana, March; 22 through March 26, by the University of Illinois and the state sanitary water board. It will include instruction in the? operation, equipment design, consulting engineering, educational attd public healtb phases of sewage treatment. Rach day's schedule will have a group lunch-, eon with discussion of morning; lectures -Mima KM The W*nt Ads SPEEDY ^ M? HENRY GARAGE follow nothing's the matter WITH MY CAR-IT'S ME, I'VE GOT THE HICCUPS • WOT TH HCCKS WITH THAT tMCt> H£ MuSTA *eo HOPS NO MATTER WH4ET CAftWUHAVE WTRJRA" tf MAKE OF 1 NICK MILLETS «t|IEN«VfiMA£i 000 FRONT KAISER-WILLYS Sales 8c Service PHONE 408 MeBENBY, ILfc* I V I -- looking y with ALL PHASE Plumbing DISHM ASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone WX. <8651 New Horizons in Building CrUiy and Siendebach GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates & Delivery Phone WX. 3231 VlrgilV AUTO 't REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE IfRECK REBUILDING" ^ Frame - Alignment - Painting , .At Wonder Lake - 1 MSI* North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone V WXk IW - NMe HMO* I. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE of All Kinds WONDER LAKE 3061 Streets Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station # Washing • Greasing . • Tires f Batteries One block So. of Ringw< Road on Blacktop - North-en of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8851 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning • H i. Oslbplete Septks Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lalc^ 5672 or 8281 If you have news items of interest to your neigh- • bors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. jinn 11' f). S A o BENDIX Yes, it's up to you how sh* look*! Those old-fashjoned washdays age the love lady of your's no easy job to ben& stretch, lug clothes, and worry about weather conditions on washdayl That's why more husbands insist their wives choose the Bendix Automatic Gas Clothes Dryer with the special Flufr 'N Tumble action. Not ooly do the gals look lovelier and feel better, but clothes are Huffier and cleanerl Yes, men . .. now is the time & give the lady of the house a sunny washday.;? give her a Bendix Gas Clothes Dryer. SeeffcenewGas Clothes Dryers at ewr nearest appliance slore or at your d<Mler*s NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY (Your old Public Service Company friends with a NBWSNAME» SAMS FLAME) to Shop At Homcf if it't a job for Bottled Got ' ITS A JOB F0i SHELLANE KRUSE HARDWARE COMPJiftf Richmond, McHenry County, UL Long Distance Phone 101 DR. ARTHUR J. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 124 8. Green St., McHenry, D Phone McHenry 1068 Hours - Mon. and Fri. 10 to 12:S0 - 2 to 8 Tues. and Thura. 1 to $ Sat. By Appointment Only Ottt. O. R. SWANSON Dentist 120 S. Green Street Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 8 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:S6 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Eveolags By Appointment Only Telephone . McHenry 160 VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm Streets McHenry, III. Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days by Appointment Phone MoHenry 43 i r WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 110>/2 Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1384 Woodstock, Illinois WGS£S=5E=. i^,iP',u||i,. JOSEPH X. WAYNNB C* Attorney At Law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box) Phone McHenry 402 West McHenry. Ul. FRANK S. MAT BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Drlvewigi Excavating Route 5, McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 580-M-l I Imnitnnr THELEN Tracking Gravel Black Dirt Excavating TeL McHenry 588-R-l or 588-W-l Box 218, Rt. 1, McHenry, 111. A. P. FREUND ft SON# Excavating Contractor# . •. " Tracking, Hydraulic and ' Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING Tel. 204-M McHenry. HI. INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH ftte, Auto, Farm ft Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need InstiranCS' e( Any Kind * PHONE 43 or MIS Green ft Elm McHenry, 111. StHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms ' S Miles South on Rt. SI. Phone 950 RING'S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M % FREP W. HE1DE , Bealior ^ Complete Insurance SetnrfsH TELEPHONE 150 MoHenry. (II. SBSi

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