Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1954, p. 2

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**- ; Tf?' i »i • ' N*& ' 1 " " •3¥*-F:' v ^ 11 v-% , - 1 * " - 1 « • - * - • , «. :.* St 1 . • * •. *•'«.,, •• • ' . \ ""' •- * ' : THE McHENRY PLAINBEALEH , Thurtdty. March 19. 1954 Honor WfeTo-Be f1 Mitt Margaret Wissell, a bride Is* the near future, was honored ' at two bridal pa. ties during the Mat week The first occurred at fUunbow Cleaner®, when exnploy- > tees surprised licr at a farewell •ajgmtherlng. . • The second took place at the home of her sister-in-law, Mr£. iBob Wissell, on Sunday after-. %oon. Twenty-three guests attended from Alden, Libert vville. j I»bitz, pastor of the church, of-. ?£pf«Hemy, Crystal Lake. Hebron, j fioiated at the nuptial service. „• ULake Geneva and Burlington. The couple was attended by Present fiom this community Miss Nell Click, sister of the iwere Miss Janet Heide, Mrs. Earl bride, and Orval AJbney of HarfPessendorf and Mrs. William j risburg, 111. * sWissell. j The bride wAtf charming in a MISS WANDA CRICK SATURDAY BRIDE OF CAMPAIGN MAN * McHenry's 2ion Evangelical Lutheran church was the scene of a pretty wedding last Saturday noon when Miss Wanda Crick, daughter of the Joseph J. Cricks of McCullom Lake, became the bride of Mr. George Son tor of Champaign. Rev. Carl Miss Wissell will become the •bride of Hilmer Heike of Liber- • tyvillo on March 27. IFox Valley Gamp lOboerves Birthday Pox River Valley Camp, RNA, No. 3261, will celebrate its birthday on Monday. March 22, at 7 "o'clock when dinner will be enjoyed at The Nook restaurant. The dinner will be pot-luck and each member may invite a guest. Walter Mueller Weds Warrington, England, Girl Announcement has been made of the marriage on March 4 in England of A/2c Widter G. "Mueller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mueller of McHenry, and Miss Brenda Richardson of Warrington, England. The young McHenry serviceman, who is stationed fat that country, expects to bring his bride back to the States early nwt fall. Barbara K reuse MVd In Virginia •' Announcefl|eat has been made of the manage of Miss Barbara Krause. daughter of Arthur Krause of McHenry. and Robert Geltnas at Fort Lee. Va„ on Feb. 27. The newlyweds spent !ast weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Krause and with other relatives ihere. The bride, who had been in the WACs for about a year and « half, is now discharged. light' blue suit with which she wore a matching hat and black accessories. Her sister was attired in a grey suit and matching accessories. *, Mrs. Crick selected for her daughter's wedding a dark blue dress and black accessories. A supper and reception at the Crick home was enjoyed during the evening by members of the immediate families and * few close friends. The former -Miss Crick is a graduate of the local high school and has been employed by the Milwaukee Railroad in Chicago. PERSONALS - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart •pent a few days the past week in the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and-Mrs. Ed Skoney, of Elmhurst. Mrs. John Thompson is visiting in Terra Haule, Ind., With her sister, Mrs. Annie Jameson. Mrs. John Vycital and daughter, Frances, visited for several days with their son and brother. Dr. Richard Vycital, in Boise, Idaho. Dr. Vycital is associated with the Veterans Administration hospital in that city. Miss May Baur of Keokuk, Iowa, has teen visiting Mips. Eleanor Nye.. * Elmer Wilkelman has returned from New York City, where he spent a week on business. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Foley were Miss Julia Foley of Park Foiest, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and two children and Maureen and John Mahoney of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin ahd family of Waukegan. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Kfontz, who have been vacationing in the South this winter, recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel and son, Clarence, and Miss Joan Babb of Winnetka at Venice, Fla. After a picnic lunch, a swim in the Gulf of Mexico was enjoyed. The Feiereisels are former residents of McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson are vacationing in Hollywood, District Legion Mootina To Bo Hold In JoUoP^l The next district meeting of the American Legion will be hild at Harwood Post, No. 5, in Joii-I et. It is the desire of District Commander Herb £eger that fell , district delegates make t it a point to be present. Harwood post clubhouse <• said to be one of the finest "in the state and should be an added incentive for swelling the attendance ••H"Mi,Mi4"Miil"S"l"i'<'<i4iili 111 HI PUBLIC PULSE Hie bridegroom works for an Fla., where they are visiting in Elgin firm Following a honeymoon trip into Wisconsin, the couple will reside in Crystal Lake. Qoohi Go>uteA Titft Ot Mr. and Mrs Dennis Kosup of Lakemoor announce the engagemeat of t&eir daughter. Jacqueline Lo Dick Land of Indianapolis* Ind. No date has been set for the wedding. By Schaettgen Lent, with its food problems, Is with us once again. Salmon1 is always with us on the grocers' shelves and what a convenience that is. During lent, and in fact all the rest of the year, too. it is a good idea to have several cans in different sizes on your shelves. For a quick, hot salmon dish try this. BscaHoped Salmon 1% cup salmon 3 tbsp. sweet piddes chopped fine 1 tsp. lemon juice Vt cup cracker crumbs 1 egg V4 tsp. paprika ± -• *>» * t w ~ - ^ •* cup milk 2 tbsp. fresh bread crumibjt 1 tjbep. melted butter Pick the salmon apart with a the home of her sister and husband. the A. K .Burns. Miss Mary Ann Bolger of Rosary college,- River Forest, spent the weekend with her mother. Among those from here who attended the wake of Loren Edinger in Woodstock this week were Mr. and Mrs. Noibert Yegge, Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Peter Engeln, Albert Jusiten and Thos. P. Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hettermann of Johnsburg attended the wake of Loren Eddnger at Woodstock Tuesday nighft. NOTICE ALL DOG OWNERS All dogs must be kept tied and on premises on and after April 1, 1954. Dogs found at large will be picked up. All dogs must be vaccinated on or before June 1, 1954 according to State Ltaw. Signed: JOHN RAUEN, President Village of Sptlng Grove, BL Iff i if Dmacmg At Wg>l»iiiak £rn«t Useman caDei and instructed square danr^rsg- to nme nets at youn^ people Saturday .evening at EdgVorook school. Josepi. Diiilei from Junior Hugh school was on hand to as- *«JSt wilt the prag .-arr Chaperjjooas were Mr. and Mrs Cliff rd ' Kiehl and Mr and Mr*. Harry ' iSttoeaprmg from Community! jPT.A.. Mrs. Harry Byrne from 5 1st. Patrick's Mother's club and ! Mr aad Mrs. Albert £. Blake | ^Irmn fl. Mary's P.T.A ' daace *-ill be held | |thip oosning Saturday. March 20. ! *,jat- Edg^>rook from 7:30 to »:45 { .to'cioek Young people in this age ^Tfup are urged to attend. Fathers and mothers are welcome as.rjfifors at any time. CARD OP THANKS I would like to take this , means of thanking all those who ^ork and add the pickles, iem6n j sent me gifts, flowers, cards and juice, cracker crumbs, egg, pap- j letters and remembered me in rika salt and milk, using a fork other ways during the time I for mixing Place in a well-but- was confined to the hospital, tered baking dish. Melt the but-1 Everything was appreciated so ter, add the fresh crumbs and' much. <*>read evenly over the top. Bake i 45 Gertrude Glosson twenty-five minutes in a mode- j •> rate oven -- about 350 deg: ee. ' Subscribe To The Plalndeator PRIDE IN McHENRY The Public Pulse sometimes echoes impatience and complaints concerning local conditions. Too often we feel gratitude and coritentment "without expression. This spring, pride in McHenry particularly deserves being , told. The "This Is Your Life" program, honoring Mr. Dtiker, pointed up many qualities of fhe community that I'm ofte^. thankful for and that I'm sure other.-* feel. The cooperation and generosity of organizations and individuals stood out then, |>ut we take this spirit for granted and enjoy it all the while. x Fred Meyer, in his efficiency and graciousness in taking the lead for the program, is one of the "McHenry 'boys" I'm proud to have taug'ht. The Foresters, for their sponsorship, ^the business. professional, othfer church organizations as well as individuals, who helped carry, out th? program, showed a community spirit which cannot be found in every locality. In McHenry we enjoy exceptional performance from the loyal council, the firemen, and the police force, in giving good government, protection and progress. The school boards have a continuing record of working, often without appreciation, tor a good school system. The Woman's Club, with the library as an outstanding example, the P.T.A., the American Legion, the V.F.W., the Kiwanis, the Chamber of Commerce, and other organizations, have, with their auxiliaries contributed mimh to this community and nearby areas. Many individuals who have contributed years of ouiet work and energy to doing jpftd, we take for granted. You all make up a community I am very proud of and happy to belong to. \ Sincerely, Helen C. Stevens COMING EVENTS March IS W.8.C.S. Quest Day -- Djasert Luncheon At 1 p.m. -- McHenry ("ommunity Methodist Church March 20 'Teen-Age square Dpnce Program -- Bdgebrook i Playroom -- 7:30 to 9:45 O'Clock v "T; * .March 21 Public Party - 8 p.m." St. John's, School, Johnsburg -- Sponsored By Blessed Virgin Sodality -- Refreshments • ' March 2ff McHenry Community Meeting -- 8:15 p.m. -- Speaker,^ Mrs. Dellla White, Psychologist. Subject, "Special Training For Mentally Retarded Children." Lecture LUncheon Club Meet-' ing,-- Fiesta, Crystal 12:80 'O'Clock v ' ;*•> March 27 Scrap Paper Drive Sponsored By Moose Lodge ., March 28 C.D. of A. Initiation Meeting -- Afternoon C.D. of A. Initiation --*• St. Mary's School Hall March SO McHenry Garden Club Meeting -- Mrs. George Kcickl Home -- 1:30 p.m. > • April If . Rummage Sale -- Methodiat Church -- Sponsored By Circle 3, W-S.C.S. April 2-8 White BJtephaijt Sale -- St. Patrick's Church Hah sored By Mother s Club , April 21 Concert By University of Illinois Men's Glee Club -- High School Gymnasium -- 8:15 p.m. June 25-27 Johnsburg Community Ctyb Annual Carnival BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carey are the parents of a son, born March 9 at the Woodstock hospital. Gotham is another name for New York City. --* - Vogel NATIONAL FOOD-A-RAMA National Food Stores a loof| tint «go efcote to do business in a way to give yon, our customers, "cash savings as yon go/' Your first visit to a National Food Store will immediately impress you with the fact that real "cash savings" can be yours when you shop at National regularly. Good Qualify GRAPEFRUIT JUICE A Rofrothiitg Way to Start tho Day 46 Oz. JBtns 35 Goad 9a«lity ORMGEJBICE..........2^49' Mateo Delleieas A TOiAIO JIICE.. i..... • .2^45' Oood Unpeeled WH0UE AP8IC0TS .'^25' Hilltdole Half Slices T _ _ SLICE# PINEAPPLE ....... ^ 25' Tre-Ripe, Whole ^ PEELER APRICOTS........ ."^*29* Aola CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Ripe Golden Fruit For Salads 8c Desserts Troop 5 Troop 5 met in the Methodist church. We called the meeting to order and then collected our dues. • * We handed out scone art paper that is for our scrap books. The books are second class requirements. We talked about the pageant that was held on March 12. We thought it was very nice. Pat Anderson, scribe' Benares is the holy city of India. < Wee Folk's Play School (McHewjr'i First Day Nursery) Pick Up Service Will Start March .22 Call For Information 109 -ELM STREET PHONE ste McHENRY, ILL. OPEN: 9 TO -11:30 A M DAILY MRS. EVELYN VARESE, Director and Teacher MRS. CARMEN ANTON SON, Teacher Open 'JLM. 9 to 12 Store Hours • Mon. - Tues. 10-6 Wed. - Thurs. - Sat. 9-6 0 Ho. 308 Cms 39 TSirat SEW For- MBS. DAY'S ipEAL BABY SHOES Sizes 0 thru 8 The Footwear Mothers' Have Known And Trusted for Half a Century. ' Hornet's YOU WANT KNOW ABOUT BANKING? NO LUIBMTUMS SWT IN MI WOODS,OOCTML* WRR . n Worwick's McHenry Camera Center Chimera*, Photographic RqulptuM-Ttt f j Amateur and ProfesHlonal Ikragtit, Sold and Exchaaged Photo Supplies MASTERS and REEli See Us Beforv You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside pri\p '< V 1"PHQME ' McHENRV' VIS wr*. An asset is anything owfled which has value--the opposite of a liability or debt One of the most valuable assets an individual can have is a growing bank account. Prepare for emergencies -- opportunities, too: open an account here and build up your balance by depositing on a regular schedule. MtHENRY STATE BANK --".sss-sss. =£r„sr™» INTEREST PAJD ON SAVING® DEPOSITS PHONE 1040 M--A 3Ae«|Bmnde&t l£ady in tfie Sabter parade c a n ' f t y o u . . . . Make Your Appointment For Your East«r'Permanent Now! • Continental & Modern Haircutting • Permanent Waving, Tinting & ComplibeBe «utyServlee. Open Tues., Thurs. dfc-JPri. Evenings 'Til 9 p.m. Due to our wonderful friends ;and your have Mrs. Viola Bodenstab o»oUT staff, experience to her credit . . . she too is -- inJS&e -- we now iT" many years of dlqirtdjflwig, Stadia 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, HL Ph^ne 147 SPAM LONCHEOH MEAT... . . Broadcast ^AA BEEF STEW. 3'Sf 1" tNOPPEI BEEF .........9 - 1N Swift's a CORNED BEEF.49* Oscar Mayer MA LUNCHEON MEAT »43' YOU'RE INVITED ( Page 9) Rich Ripe FRUIT COCKTAIL For a r«ol treat, xcrv* ov«r vaillla ic* cr*am. Ho. V/t SI 00 Ukkv's Alaskan FANCY RED SALMON ,,. Unary Brand TUNA FLAKES....... . , Klif Oscar SARD fer Cooklif asd Salads l-U. CM • • f • • M'-sM' • OIL.. Swaasaa's €9* . 2 4 5 * 69* 21-lh. 4Qc pkes. gg • • fta at. itit. Tree Top FI0ZER SLICE! STRAWBERRIES Lactam, (ale* lades, rip* strawber* rtis for a treat tfce whole foailjf wW esiey. »•>!»«» H CWf WHk tlw MerktH SI«VIMS YOU MTTSK )Qf SAVING YOU MOKK MM: •' \S

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