Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1954, p. 6

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Cash with order, Oard of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at. .0 a.m. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1 Year • lfS4 \ 08SICHTHI / Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry. 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT FARTS FOR ALL CARS Acoessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East • of the River Bridge Open Week bays 9 ajn. - 6 p.m.' Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 pan. 12-tf Candid Weudinga from H&me, Church and Reception KOLIN R Photographers . / Commercial, Publicity, Spoim and Photostat* [ McHenry, 111. 44-tf \4\. 566-W-l WALL ft FLOOR TILING Dor enJv business - not a sideline, prompt guaranteed work. „ Free Estimates. CM1 Cary 6164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf CH68 POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned PHONE 1480 & no answer, call 1383-R-2 G. A. DOUGLAS Lakeland Park, Rt. 130 McHenry 6-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -- WARDS WASHUNO MACHINE. APPROX. : YEARS OLD. GOOD CONDI TION, $85.00. PHONE 81S-R. 907 S. GREEN ST. tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on lall makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Klltz, Clay St., Woodstock.' Phone 549. 7-tf FOR dXLE -- Young Parakeets, choice of colors. Special this week, $5.00. McHenry Dept. Store, 103 N. Riverside Drive, phone 459. 45 FOR SALE -- 4 piece sections' sofa, like new. Call 936. 45 MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home'. Piano and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH Phone McHenry 1470-M 5-if Expert Sewing Machine Repairs Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Singer Sewing Machine Co. 221 Benton St., Woodstock 294 35tf Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. Phone 724 A Complete Service 37 tf A DEPENDABLE CAR IS YOUR BEST INSURANCE 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Sed. 1953 DESOTO Custom Sedan 1952 LINCOLN Capri 1952 DODGE Sedan 1951 .DESOTO Club Sedaa 1951 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1951 CHRYSLER Saratoga Club Coupe I 1951 STUDEBAKER Regal Sedan 1951 CHRYSLER New Yorker Sd. 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor Convertible Club Coupe - 1950 CHRYSLER fcoyal Sedan 1950 CHRYSLER New Yorker Sedan 1950 FORD V-8 Sedan 1949 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan t9 PACKARD Convertible CgUb Sedan 1|49 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan 1948 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1948 STUDEBAKER Club Coupe 1947. CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1947 BUICK Super Sedan 1947 OLDSMOBILJE Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan 1946 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1946 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1946 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan 1946 CADILLAC '62; Sedan 1946 BUICK Super Sedan 1941 PLYMOUTH 3 Passenger Coupe 1940 PONTIAC 2 Dr. Sport Cpe WELLS DRILIJED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street. McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf FOR SALE -- Dipican Phyf o table and 4 chairs. Like new. Call S3-M. -45 FOR SALE -- "Speedy Spray" paint sprayer, % h.p. motor, reasonable. Call 143-W after 6:30 p.m. -! 45 FOR SALE -- 51 gauge, 15 denier Nylon Hose, 59c pr.; Florid? Oranges, 2 doz. 49c; G.W. Sugar & lbs. 43c; Pork Roast, 35c lb.- Certified Food Store. * 4," FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rcoms, home nrivilfges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone MeKftnry 100-R. . 20-t FOR RENT -- Heated 4 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, gas stove iin<^ refrigerator Included. Also 3- toom apartment available March 15th. Phone McHenry 742. 33tf FOR RENT -- 65 acres farm lane with water; available ome-hal' pasture, balance • tillable; 2 miler from McHenry. Tel. McHenry 725. 44-2 MACHINE TRENCHING ft DIGGING Septic Systems -- Water Lines Dry Wells -- Seepage Beds WELLS DRILLED ft DRIVEN GARRELTS A ROGERS Itt. 4 McHenry, 111. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l 42 tf ce of Cautious Buyers Is Gar Mike and La Verne Perrin Sewer and Cement Contractor Dry Wells, Septic Tanks and Drainfields Installed Grade A Black Dirt All Work Guaranteed Wonder Lake 5672 or 8281 42 tf FOR RENT -- Modern five room home, bath, two bedrooms, electric stove, refrigerator, on two lots. (60 month. Phone M.4-W .after € p.m. . 45 HELP WANTED YOU'RE INVITED See Page 9) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Girl for full time work. Apply McHenry Hosiery Mill. Crystal Lake Blacktop Road, McHenry, HI. 45 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE McHENRY - 5 rooms, glazed in porch, completely furnished, garage, 60 ft. water front on Fox River, near Johnsburg. Prloe $10,- 500.00. JACOB FRITZ _ Realtors in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37 49tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- River front year 'round 5 room bungalow. 2 bedrooms, gas heat, automatic hot water. 2 car garage. Wooded lot, 66x208. Cement seawall. Pier and boats. Convenient to schools and churches. Call 696-J-l. 43-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Painter and Decorator with 20 years experience, now otherwise employed will take weekend jobs. Clean, satisfactory expert" workmanship. Call 572-W-l fdr ifree estimate. 45 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS «EAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers tor ytour homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property if your price to right. JACOB FRITZ -- Real Eafate % Johnstmrf M Msfienry 37 27-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for Iron, metais and, junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone MfcHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Slimmer home from April 1 to Oct. 1. Water front on Fox River or Lakes. Dr. Geo. W. Regan, 331 Howard St., Evans ton. UNiversity FOR SALE-- Store and two apts., 4-8889. *44-3 large lot; immediate possession. $12,500. Address Box 435 In care of Plaindealer. »45 FOR SALE -- 6 room house with attached work shop. Ideally located on large lot, near Fox River. Call 440-R. 45 FOR SALE -- $900 lot for $800, Lakeland Park, McHenry County, lot 9, block 5, unit No. 1. Unfor-'.Cottages, tunate circumstances forces sale. Call Chicago, MUlberry $-3167. Reverse charges. 42-4 Fainting and Paper Hanging Lance M. Parks - Phone McHenry 508-M-2 Tour Complete Satisfaction Assured* (WANTED -- Women ambitious and energetic, full or p§rt time §who want to sew at home, earn and save the easy way. For details i write Handy-Craft, Inc., Barrington, I1L 42-8 WANTED -- Power sewlrfg machine operators. Experience preferred, or will train ambitious girls. Matgic Stack's, 609 Main St., McHenry. 44 tf FOR SALE McHENRY - Year round ranch type home. 4 rooms, breezeway. 2 oar garage, attached; automatic oil heat, on main Highway near McHenry. Price $10,900.00. JACOB FRITZ -- Realtors in Johnsburg, Phone McHenry »37 • ~ tftf1 General Contractor Carpenter Work, Fireptafpii Stone Work Cement Work - Chimneys Painting - Brush & Sprty Reasonable - Reliable Tfrne and Materials or Contract 20 Years Experience Phone McHenry 752-W 43-4 FEMALE HELP WANTED -- 42-4 [ Bookkeeper. Experience helpful -7-- ) but not necessary. Write Box 436 care of McHenry Plaindealer, giving references & background. All replies kept confidential. 45-2 FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, HI. Bhone: McHenry 421-J i 3*tf M & F Tree Service Topping and Removal Prompt Service COLBY MOTOR SALES Crystal Lake, Illinois 1110 - PHONE - 1111 40 FpR sfALE -- 1946 Ford 4 door. Cheap. Call McHenry 299. 45 FOR SALE -- 1949 Ford 2 door sedan, $325.00. Call after 5 p.m. McHenry 690-M-l. '45 ' BUSINESS SERVICE JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats Service, Reflnishing and Storage fNLL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 Satisfaction Guaranteed Wood For Sale Call McHenry 627-J-l or 596-R-2 44tf Carter's Radio ft TV. Service Phone McHenry 1385-W-l Lilymoor Sub. -- Calls made at all times including, evenings, Sundays & Holidays. All work guaranteed. 44tf MALE HELP WANTED -- Salesmen and Dealers. Brand new product of rubber research stops flat tires! Motorists, truckers and fleet operators can now have puncture proof tubes, for $1.98 per tire. Plenty of advertising and promotion. Get in on the ground floor! America rolls on wheels an your spare tire will make y plenty of money, if you move quickly! Big commissions. Tire Guard Company of America, Gen eral Offices, 1018 Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania. 45 WONDERVIEW -- New fully insulated & furnished 3 rooms and bath, 2 oliosets, large porch, furnace heat, on large lot near beach. Price $6500. SrnaJl down payment. Call McHenry 705-M or 292-J. 43 tf FOR SALE -- Property <n McHenry, Wonder Lake, Island Lake and surrounding territory. Homes Businesses fend other types of real estate. 310 S. Green St. PHONE 1126 17tf ' Six 9>ound8 o£ corn plua pound of urea is about equal In protein to seven pounds of soybean meal, saya a University of Illinois livestock specialist. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE STANLEY H. CORNUE of Hebron is seeking the Republican Nomination FOR TREASUBfiB of McHenry County. I M-5 , Doing A Plumbing Job? WE THREAD PIPE! Also a good supply of fittings for any plumbing job. \ VYCITAL'S So. Green St. Phofte M McHenry, 111. 45 Fish Fry Every Friday Night J Pizza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Gas's Place 180 S. Green St. S7tf FOR SALE -- Dundee countryside, 1 to 3 acre homesites. Scenic, private road. Electric facilities, 1 mile to town, % mile to schools. Can be purchased on contract. Liberal terms. Owner will build if desired. Phone McHenry 646-R-2. 46 Buildings FOR SALE Bids will be accepted for the Old Club House and another building approximately 20x22, owned by The McHenry Country Club. All bids must be in, on or before March 24, 1954. AT Low Con* Farm Buildings Need a tool shed, loafing barn, hog house. You c%n have a 30'x45' tool shed for $2,550. Save today on Doane Designed low cost barns. For further Information call or write Arnold May, Richmond, 111. Office 4381 - Res. 4744. 45-tf John Reinboldt GENERAL CONTRACTOR All Types Of Carpenter Work Satisfactory Guarantee Call McHenry 137-R 32tf JackJiammer Service Hourly rate for jackhammer, spade, tamper. Let us do the hard 44-tf | work. Fast efficient service. • • [ Arnold May, Builder, (Udnnond. Office 4381 - Res. 4744 45-tf Call us for free estimate on a? floor covering window shades A Venetian bUnds. Niesen's Floors, 523 Main St. Phone Office 38 - Res. 787. 45-3 . PETBR A. FRET7ND (Formerly Eddie Huffs) SANITARY SERVICE i clean and pump septic tanks, (spools, rhone McHenry 87T-W1FOR 8ALE--Year isidence, Fox street. 16-tf FORT FOR SALE GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL residential, Commercial or Industrial --- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEEBACH ' Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf round COMan d ECONOMY w i t h FIRE-PROOF Johns- ManvHle Heme Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo Stil.'ing, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 45-eow FOR SALE -- 6 room house, automatic oil heat, 2 car garage, river front, near town. Call 476,-J. 43-4 So. Great St. HELP WANTED -- Boy for short paper route, back of S? Mary's church, evenings only. Cal' 878-J, Albert Krause & Son, News Agency. 45-ttf WANTED -- Waitress and cook, for steady work at the Tower Grill, Lakemoor. Call 161. The Socialist Party became a national party in 1892. FOR SALE -- In Volo, completely remodeled & decorated, 3 bedroom home, cabijiet kitchen, inlaid linoleum, gas heat, gas or electric stove, landscaped yard, ll/fc oar garage, $1400 down. Call Ontario 2-3673 after 7 p.m. Frank A. Russell, Rt. 3, Box 235A, Waukegan. 45 FOR SALE -- Modern home overlooking Wonder Lake. Will sell on contract or termrf. Call Wonder Lake 3393. 45-tf Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures i DAT Or NIGHT PHONE 1SS Box 416 - Lilymoof Subd. McHenry, Illinois FOR SALES---ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co.. Leo I Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 45-eow ^trenching, Field Tiling, Drywells, Septic Tanks Footings & Foundations fiapps Landscaping & Trenching mpiete Line, of Nursery Stock fhoM MU.cDB euy 7«•7*1«-•R» 45-tf FOR SALE -- Reconditioned I Westinghouse automatic washers wringer type wash machines, ralnges and refrigerators. SPEC IAL - Bendex Automatic Washers ' $25.00 and up as is. Carey Electric Green St. Phone 251. 45 Help Wanted TRACKERS - LACERS SOLDERER3 Apply At The Admiral Corporation 507 ^ 8t" McHenry, IlL Apply Monday thru Friday, Between and 4:S0 p.m.- r, ' U • \ FitzGerald McHenry, 111. Stocks Securities • Bought - Sold Complete Investment Service Theodore Meyers Rt. 2, Box 69, Palatine, IlL Associated With DAVID A. NOYES & CO. Nambers New York Stack Exchange Only Direct "Ticker Tape" From New York In The Fox River Valley. Earn while you learn at home in spare time. We teach you how! Home sewing can earn you up to $50 per week. For details, write Box 172, Barrington, IH. 42-8 PETp JJAMIL'S ORCHESTRA • €lub Lilymoor Rt. 120 * Saturday, March 20 4ft MrC Virgil Pollock, McHenry won $25 in merchandise of her own choice at the Riverside Retail Factory Outlet Store, by naming the secret word which was "bowl". 45 We have a large stock of Muntz T.V. parts and are qualified technicians for Muntz Television Service in this area. Service calls made the same day they are called in. L & H Television, 606 Front St., McHenry, 111., Phone 909 or 577- *4. 45 NOTICE JUST FOR FUN ROLLER RINK Keep the date Monday, April 5, 1954 open to see a Vanity Skating Show at the Just For Fun Rollei Rink. Show will start at 8:30 and after the show there will be public skating. Parents are cordially invited to attend. Admission $1.0' including talc. 46 There is NO Seaholms Enjoying Trip Through West: Postcards received frbm Califomia and. other western states tell that Mr. and Mrs. David P. Seaholm are enjoying a wonderful three weeks' trip. Mr. Seaholm was recently discharged from the armored division of the Army, in wlflch he served in Austria for more than a year. Mrs. Seaholm is employed in the 'bookkeeping department of Clothes in I Brighter, Fresher wkeii I they're dene by SAVE -- SAFELY Cash & Carry Cleaning McHenry Cleaners 108 Elm Street NcHetlJ PHONE 104-M We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps the Ringwood Chemical corporation and has been residing with her mother, Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, at Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Seaholm hope to make their home in this area in the future. If your bred sows are getting too fat, you can help keep their weight gains down by feeding more oats or alfalfa meal in •their ration. Theodore Roosevelt popularised the expression "pussy footer." FOR SALE Due to the coming dispersal of Hickory Cr#ek Farms' Holsteins on April 5, 6 and 7, we have a quantity of feed for sale now: 200 ton brome and alfalfa hay, 1st & 2nd cutting '• Also, 2,000 White Leghorn laying pullets. 430 ft. corn silage First come, first served. Hickory Creek Farms, McHenry, Illinois. See L/o Smith, Farm Manager.' Phone McHenry 548-J-2. Own A Home Of Your Own Payments Less Than Rent Low Down Payment* ,' SPECIAL FOR MARCH 'ONLY 4 ROOM COMPLETED HOME ONLY $6,750 AIRSPUN BUILDERS Call McHenry 430 Aftsjp 5 p.m. or Sat. ft Sun. BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ups and maintenance by our experts means lower CAT coats for you! We Do Complete Motor Overhauling S00 W. Elm Street McHenry, DL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R 24 Hour Towing Service DR. HENRY FREUNp OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING _ VISUAL REHABILITATM* COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOXJRS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M. fftlDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 PJL .» ; EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 "VIP* nil 1:11 Mil l 111'I p i l l ! I I111:1 I t Mi l 111H mMil'M Millllli linillllllii'l I I I H!l1!|im liUWI'l M lil mm i I III 1 AUCTION^ = Located 4 Mile East of Vote at Intersection of Route It tod p 59A. | SUNDAY, MARCH 21 - 1:00 P.M. I MACHINERY i-- 1 S.C. Case Tractor on Rubber, Starter and | Lights, in. Excellent Condition; Allis Chalmers 8-ft. Tandem | Disc; MoC. 7 ft. Tandem; 1 McCormlck Silo Filler with Pipe; S 1 David Bradley Rubber Tired Wagon with Steel Box and Rub- | ber 6-Ply Tires; 1 New 11/2 H.P. Briggg St ration Motor; 1000 | Size Electric Chick Brooder; 2 Rabbit Coops and Feeders; 275 | Gallon Fuel Oil Tank with 60-ft. Copper Tubing. | FEED -- 20 Tons Baled Straw; 80 Tons of Clover and Alfalfa 1 Hay, Very Good; 1200 Bu. Oats. § DOORS -- WINDOWS AND | HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE^ i EIGHT WINDOWS, Sash and Frame; Storm Windows; Doors § and Screen Doors; 8 Garage Doors; 2 Steel I Beams, 15 ft. Long; | One Comb. Electric and Coift Stove; 6 Dining Room Chairs and i Other Odd Chairs; 1 Large Fluorescent Light Fixture; 20 Gallon I Stone Jar. Many Other Items Too Numerous to Mention. -- TERMS CASH -- FRANK EHREDT. Owner ROBERS ft BEHM, Auctioneers FARM SERVICE WAY AUCTION FREDRICK, FREEMAN, and SULLIVAN, Auctioneers Having decided to discontinue farming and my son leaving for service the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Lordan and Mb-* Carthy farms, located 1% miles South of Route 173 between Alden, 111., and Harvard, 111., and 7 miles Northwest of Woodstock, HI., an^l then 2 miles West on gravel road. Follow the Auction arrows. MONDAY. MARCH 22 Sale, to start at 10:80 A.M. Sharp Lunch wagon on grounds All Farm Machinery to Be Sold by One O'clock 70 HIGRADE HOLSTEINS 87 MILK COWS--Higrade Holsteins, 6 springing, 95 fresh within lw* six weeks, balance milking good. 5 springing first calf heifers, li heifers, 16 mos. old. 6 heifers, 12 mos. old. 5 heifers, 8 mos. oHL These heifers have been vaccinated. 2 Holsteln buDs, 2 calves. MILK EQUIPMENT--Universal milking manages, 2 double, 2 single unit pails. 2 motors and pumps. 25 milk cans/^ pails, 2 strainers, 4 wash tanks, 2 hot water heaters. 11 HEAD OF HOGS--11 bred gilts, to farrow in May. 1 hog trough. POULTRY ft EQUIPMENT--75 White Rock and Rhode Island Red hens. 1 brooder house, 10'xl2', insulated; brooder house, 5 feeders. HAY, GRAIN, FEED--25 ton of mixed hay, 100 bales straw, 600 bu. oats suitable for seed. 700 bu. ear corn, 10 ft. ensilage in 14 ft. silo, 6 ft. ensilage in 16 ft. silo. 4 TRACTORS--McD. Super M, 1 yr. old, with culti. McD. M trac., 1M6 McD. H trac., completely overhauled last year. 1938 F-20 Farmall, with power lift cultivator, road speed gear. TRACTOR EQUIPMENT--Massey-Harris 3-14 in. trac. gang plow, 2-14 in. Case trac. gang plow, 2-14 in. John Deere trac. gang plow, McD. 9 ft tandem disk, heavy duty, 2,yrs. old. Avery 8 ft. tandem I disk. New Idea 12-A manure spreader, 1 yr. old. Gehl 12 in. hammer I mill, Black Hawk 4-row corn planter, with fertiliser attachment. U.S. {Challenge elevator, with % hp. electric motor. CORN PICKER--New Idtea single row corn picker, with husking bed, used only on 150 acres. FARM MACHINERY--Minnesota 8 ft. power grain binder, 8 ft. grain drill, with grass seed attachment. 1 Grapple fork, lever drag, 4 sect., with hitch; McD. 2-row horse drawn corn planter, with fertilizer attach. & other farm machinery, truck ft household good*. Usual fWrn Auction Service, Inc. Terms. ^ JACOB BEETSTRA and SON FARM AUCTION SERVICE INC., derklof V .

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