Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1954, p. 13

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1 • " " \ x < i : ' / * > •*•"*» , . _ ; - ' < • ? * - T f c ' ^ f t l n •S i - r - r'7 v v : • ' \ • " * , . . . , , , • • , ' » v . 3 " ' r ? 4 j' • » ~ * J ; • • *• - 4 THE McHEKRT PUUNDEALEH Wonder Lake News By Van esse Sells - * - • " " - . * Automobile Accident j at the north end of Wonder f Harry DiGrazia. 40, WondJi j Lake, has been electcd a vlce- !Woo*s waa slightly injured in i president of the Marengo Parentan accident on the blacktop read | Teacher association. Blank ia hear Hickory Falls Monday af- j in business rn Marengo. Jtenoon. I «, H According to- state police, Attend Workshop Clnoaot Cluyton Dorrfbush,19, Deep: Four of Wonder Lake's 4-H Spring Woods, was driving north I leaders attended a sewing class jand DiGrazia was driving north, workship at the Farm Bureau office recently. Mrs. Mildved Lundborg and Miss Betty Wright £>o Wh rnbu^j was In a tow truck hich ts owned by his employer. The tow truck skidded in the. represented the Busy Bumble •now and the rear end of the i Bees: Mrs. Eleanor Wright waa truck struck the side of DiGraz-j present/as a repreentatlve of the la's -station wagon. State police i Handy Helpers club; and 'Mrs. aaid about $1,000 damage Was J Betty Wilkinson represented the done to the station wagon. Whippy Workers. ' J DiGrazia waP taken to the The leaders made a sample Memorial hospital in Woodstock I dress which posed many of the by ambulance. | problems that will face the , Pornbush was given an arrest' youngst^ris this coming season; •ticket fo: having no chauffeur'^,). - <-- • .licence, no safety sticker on the j , Harrison P.T.A. , JtifeoJi and no state license j The Harrison school P.T.A, V -- "[ rrieeting will be April 6 at 8 p.m. Toby Is Four ! .T-idpr- H^nrv L. Cowlin. of Crys- Toby Zandier, son of Mr. and! tnl Like will be the speaker of tHrs. Fred Zandier of Indian I the evening and his topic will be Ridge, recently celebrated his ' on delinquency. All are urged to fourth birthday. Present at a I attend this meeting and work party in his hfcnor were Kevin 1 together in the community. Moeller, David Murdock, Sam j At this meeting the V.T.A. LaMont, Philip Schimke, Robin j will also present the five candiand James Ruggero. dates whose names will appear on tne ballot at the election on Visits In Washington Saturday, April 10. at Harrison Peggy^ Selsdorf, daughter of; school. Two school board mem- Mr. and Mrs. James Selsdorf, j bers will be elected at this time has just returned from a( visit ; for 3-vear terms. It is not necesto Washington, D.C., where she sary to be a registered voter to vote at this election but it is necessary to be a legal voter. Be sure to show your interest in your community, take advantage of your great opportunity, be sure to vote! Several Wonder Lakers took advantage of the opportunity to hear Mrs. White speak at the McHenry high school on Tuesday evening. The following attended: Arnold Zaeske. Carl Bailey, Mrs. Marion Slavin, Miss Betty Mayer, Mrs. Harry Davidson Mrs. Alford Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Swanson. the coming of the renowned singers and musicians "The Northland^rs," (Forsberg and Sandberg). Being artists of piano, voice, accordion and flute, they are presenting a program of rare quality. The service is at 7:45 and admission is, as always, free. Next Sunday, April 4, the pastor continues with his Lenten messages on the general subject, "Calvary's Cross." There will be the monthly meeting at 'Christian Haven at 3 p.m. In the evening, singers from the Waukegan Bible church will present a special musical program. The monthly Communion service will be postponed until Good Friday evening. .i;,' -& stayed with a Northwestern classmate. She also visited with a former high school friend, Kyren McGrath, now attending Georgetown university in Washington. ' Peggy, who is a sophomore in Northwestern's school- of journalism, flew both ways. Has Tonsillectomy Pamela Sinclair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sinclair of Indian Ridge, had her tonsils TemovW at the Memorial hospital |n »WoodstocR last week. Holds PTA Office Herbert Blank, formerly a resident of Wickline Bay and who f operated the Hickory Nut Gospel Church News For this Friday evening, April 2, we are pleased to announce BRANCH MANAGERS OF NATIONAL TEA FETED At LUNCHEbN H. V. McNamara, president of the National Tea company, introduced managers of the company's eight branches, serving ten midwestern states, to the company's stockholders and directors at the company's annual meeting- held in Chicago March 22. After the annual stockholders meeting, branch managers were feted at a special luncheon as guests of President Harley V. McNamara arid the board of directors. In commenting on company sales for 1953, which totalled $462,281,957, an increase of 14.08 per cent over the previous year, and earnings of $4,897,505 for the year of 1953 as compared with earnings of $3,717,769 for the previous year, Mr. McNamara gave credit for the continued increases in sales and profits to improved merchandising in National Food stores, and the improvement in the handling of warehouse and transportation facilities, plus the outstanding cooperation of the company's employees in the past, which, he stated, we have every reason to believe will be continued in the- future. Read The Want Ada HONOR CELEBRATED BEAGLE HOUND AT DOG SHOW APRIL 3-4 "Wrinkles", a celebrated Beagle hotpd, will be honored at the In tern&tional all-breed dog show, scheduled April 3-4 in the Inter national Amphitheatre. He is reputed the outstanding Beagle sire pf all time and is owned by Samuel Granata, Thorn ridge Kennels, Webster, New1 York. Wrinkles has fathered thirty' six show champions with a num ber of other offspring on their way up to champion titles, records of the American Kennel club in dicate. His record is approached only by that of his own sire, Champion Thornridge Tony, who ran up a scbre of thirty-four champion sons and daughters. The Award of Canine Distinction will be presented at the Chicago show during the final judging Sunday, April 4. Wrinkles will be on exhibition at the International dog show both days, and will be in the im mediate charge of a professional handler, Lee S. Wade* Beagles now lead all breeds in registrations, according to the American Kennel club, New Yor^ City, recording organization of all breeds of purebred dogs. Thursday, April 1, 1954 ROBERT HAY THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor . New Construction' and Remodeling LET US FIGURE TOR YOO Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Central Garage FEED J. SMITH SAI£S SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG. ILL. McHENRY 200-J Business WONDER LAKE and Service Directory i USE OUR EASTER LAY-ACROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs -- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE Hancock Drive * Phone WX. 4381 IRVIN MAY AUCTION ED VOGEL and WM. RUSSEL. Auctioneers Having sold my farm. I will sell the following dsipribl4 personal property on the Sunnyside Farm. Vx mile Northeast of Johnsburg on the Wilmot-Johnsbuxg Blacktop Road. S miles Northeast of McHenry on Sunday, April 4 Starting at 12:00 o'clock 36 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 27 Holstein Milk Cows, 10 fresh in last 30 days, 7 springpes and balance milking good; 4 Holstein Brad Heifers; 3 Holstein Heifers, 7 months old, calfhood vaccinated; 2 Holstein Bulls. BUILDINGS Good Dairy Barn, 32x80 ft., hip roof; 31 Steel Stanchions; 19 Drinking Cups; Good Milk House, 10x14 tL. insulated; Wood Water Storage Tank, 6x6; Tool Shed, 24x60 ft: Double Corn Crib. 20x24 ft.; Hog House, 24x36 ft.; Cement Silo, 14x40 ft.; 2 Steel Gates. . «. MACHINERY Oliver Tractor 77. with Cultivator; A. C. Tractor WP. with Cultivator; A. C. \ Combine, 5 fL; McCormick-Deering ; J*sc|or Com Planter; Oliver Power Mower, 7-fi.; Massey Harris Corn Binder/ New Idea Spreader, on rubber; McD. Disc. 7-ft.; McD. 2-216 Plow; Ford V-8 1935 Pickup T#uck; Gehl Silo Filler; McD. 10 ft. Broadcast Seeder; Rubber Tire Wagon and Rack; Rubber Tire Wagon and Grain Box; Chopper Box and false end gate; 3-section Wood Drag; New Idea Corn Sheller Motor; Case 2-214 Plow; Dump Rake; Horse Cultivator; McD. Side Rake: 200 ft. Hay Rope and Fork; David Bradley Elevater. with 1 HJ». Motor. ... , L CHICKENS AND EQUIPMENT irkBrooder 1 several Feeders and Fountains: Elec- FEED 600 bu. Clinton ^No. 11 Oats; 30 ton Mixed Alfalfa and Timothy Hay; 8 ton Baled Straw; 12 ft. Silage in 14 ft. MILKING EQUIPMENT 2 Universal Double Units; Motor. Pump and Pip* Line; Electric Hot Water Heater; 14 Milk Cans; 2 Wash Tanks* Pails and Strainer, stainless steel; Steel Cabinet. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS TERMS: All sums of $25.00 or under, cash. Over that nt one-fourth down and the balance in six monthly lw«t»n«n»nti at 6 per cent interest, arrangements for credit to be with the clerk before purchase is made. IRVIN MAY, Owner ' McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking ALL PHASE Plumbing DISHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone W.L. 8651 New Horizons in Building r- * Cristy and Slendebach GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free1 ' Estimates & Delivery Phone W.L. 3231 Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WIJJ5CK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting- At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone WX. 8881 - Nite Phone 4101 T. P. MATHEWS SEAL ESTATE INSURANCE of All Kinds WONDER LAKE 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing: • Greasing • Tires « Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Pfione Wonder Lake 8651 SANITARY SERVICE Pumtping and Cleaning • Complete Septic Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 8281 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder ^ Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2833. An Invitation From CLARENCE & MARIE t for our cohasa/ > - Sale Starts THURSDAY MORNING APRIL 1st * to West McHenry, I1L NIESEN'S 5 521 Main St. 'Next Door to the Bank' NOW! SELF-SERVICE STORE! . . . where you can browse around to your hearts content -- take all the time you want. Everything is Displayed where you can easily see it, feel it, compare it . .« Prices are all plainly marked. Convenient, light-weight shopping baskets hold the purchases you select ... A friendly cashier checks you out at the door. Come in -- get acquainted Now -- Save at this BIG MONEY-SAVING GRAND OPENING SALE! Listed Below Are Just A Few Of The Many Values FAMOUS "HANWAY" SHIRTS BRIEFS Men's Shirts M*n's Briefs 43* 53c They fit better* wear longer! Full cut for comfort . . . knit of fine quality yarns . . . well made with r e i n f o r c e d s e a m s . Minimum shrinkage. Cellophane packaged. Shirts 34-46, Shorts 28-44. We have a Fine Selection^of ~ JUVENILE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERING SPECIAL! Any Sale of 10 Sq. Yards (Minimum) or Ove; • , . You Get A $5.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE, which can be used on any Purchase in the Store ... GENUINE M & M CHOCOLATE PELLETT CANDY Reg. 70c Lb. 49' Lb. 54" PLASTIC UPHOLSTERING MATERIAL Reg. $1.49 Yd. 99* Yard BOY'S IUNWAY SOCKS Colorful blazer stripes. Knit from fine cotton with nylon reinforced heel and toe. Take lots of rugged wear ... 4 pair guaranteed for 4 months! Assorted colors. Sizes 7 to 10. A PAIRS 68 FREE GIFTS FOR ALL Savings Soon Add Up Hem 1 DINNER WARE CUP SAUCER PLATE 7* 6* 13l Snow white utility ware . . . perfect for day after day use. Big 9-oz. cup, 6-in. saucer, f)-in. plate in durable semi-porcelain. Buy a set for your kitchen now-- save money and save your expensive dinnerware! MIXING BOWLS Set oi Four Handy Sizes! 87 SET Attractive jade color opaque glass that is heat resistant . . and pretty enough for serving. Designed with easy-to-hold fluted sides . .. smooth edges. They fit into one another and require minimum space to store. Four-piece set includes one each: 6-in., 7-in., 8-in. and 9-in. bowls. Each set comes in a box -- a wonderful gift! EASTER BASKETS 49£&«p Cannon Towels & Wash Cloths 7 Ea. \Wzx\Wi in. Wash Cloth 20x40 in. ^ath Towtl ^Everyone knows "Cannons" are best! Here's your chance to save real money if you stdck up now. Fluffy towels and matching wash cloths in sun gold, aqua, emerald, petal pink, flamingo.

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