Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1954, p. 14

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. '• . April 1. 1954 g n : -v . • .,;*.'!"•• V. •:•' .'• THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER T ips on raffic LEGALS CHARLES F CARPENTIER S c c r c t j r y of StJ tc In city traffic, be especially care- (111 when you are passing a but which has pulled over to the right h«nd curb to allow passengers to Set on or off. In most cities, the law does not require you to stop when tile bus doe*, but passing it is, ne*- •rtheless, a potentially dangerous situation, and the danger can pop up very suddenly. Pedestrians are not supposed to walk across the front of the bus while It is stopped and Continue on •cross the street, but some of them DISTRICT ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 10th day of Aprfl, ! 1954, an election will be field art ! the School House in School Disti rict No. 34, County of McHenry, Village of Ring-wood and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing one School Director fpr the full term. The polls will open at 8 o'clock P.M., and close at 9 o'clock P.M. of the same day. j By order of the Board of Directors of said district. | Dated this 1st day of April, 1954, JOHN HOG AN, President J. P. WALKINGTON, Clerk rr [jr]n r NOTICE OF CAUCUS Notice is hereby given that the caucus for the nomination of candidates for the office of School Di-> rector will be held at the voting place on the day of the election preceding the opening of the polls and beginning at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on Saturday, the 10th day of April, 1954. JOHN HOG AN, President J. P. WALKINGTON, Clerk InBist upon doing it. You can't see them until the last instant, and you will have to do something about it quickly. Be prepared for that possibility •Yery time you pass a SUB under those circumstances. Always plan T<>ur actions, adjust your speed as if you knew a pedestrian would appear at the corner of the bus jpst as your car reached the same point. Have your mind on the brake pedal, if you don't actually have your foot on it. Then, if some pedestrian does foolishly or thoughtlessly step out in front of yoa, you can avoid hitting him. The automobile is the answer to that everlasting yearning to be some place other than where we are. DISTRICT ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 10th day of ApnV 1954, an election will be held at Johnsburg School, Johnsburg, Illinois, in School District No. 12, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing One School Director tor the full term. The Polls yill open at 6 o'clock P.M., and close at 7 o'clock P.M. of the same day. By ordfer of the Board of Directors of/said District. Datda this 29th day of March, 1954 JOS. G. HUEMANN, President ATTEST: EDWIN H. ItETTERMANN, Clerk Ticklers By George mt THIRTY-ONE STATS REPRESENTATIVES * ARE UNOPPOSED 'But you said to round up everybody that looked suspicious!" NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of HENRY WILLIAMS, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, May 3rd. ^ll!l<i!l:lilli|i|ililii!l(Mit<lililil!lll>Milil!lii:ii|!M!lit!l I I111.1 milI II IMUil 11I I III MJilllll.ljtUiMUintid^lMMJtBljVUJlbl vri 1 Dealers 1 ALUMINUM COMBINATION 1 WINDOWS | ^ ..Buy Direct From Factory I 24x24 Costs Only $12*90 See il at 711 McALISTEB, WAl KJEXiAN, ILLINOIS Alum-A-Trim Metal Products 711 McALISTER Phone DE 6-1045 Weukegun, HL R. run n 1I M 11WU HI CM I-mixiiiI1 UI11 IIIMI in ON TUESDAY, APRIL 13TH NOMINATE A REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE QUALIFIED and CAPABLE THEODORE L HAMER FOR COUNTY JUDGE Lawyer - Farmer - Businessman Call for a REPUBLICAN BALLOT and VOTE , For County Judge THEODORE HAMER I 1964, is the claim date in the estate of Henry Williams, deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ANTON WILLIAMS & LOUISE WILLIAMS, Administrators with Will Annexed McCAULEY and WEIR, Attorneys 351* North Ayer Street Harvard, Illinois Phone: Harvard 45 (Pub. April 1-8-15) PARK INSTALLATION . The state Division of Architecture and Engineering has a warded a $4,883 contract to the Minette Boiler A Sheet Iron Works, East St. Louis, to furnish and install a new pressure aerator at Pere Marquette state park, near Grafton. Thirty-one of the 153 members of the next Illinois House of Representatives have already been elected. Forty-sevet} additional State Representatives will have been finally elected when the primary ballots hav*r been coun'.e'J on April 13. Only seventy-five seats in th*> Illinois House will he1 contested at the November election. How come? According to fac^s ^iven by the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois, three State Representatives are elected frohi each of the fifty-one Senatorial districts. The Senatorial committee of "fich political party in each Senatorial district meets ir. advance of *he primary election -uid decides whether its party will nominate one, two or three candidates for State Repre^Jitalive at the primary election. If i.he Sen- 'atorial committee of oue political party decides to nommnlo two, and the Senatorial committee of the other political party 0e« ides to nominate only or.e, then there will only be three names on the ballot in November for the thwe offices. Thirty-omJ Represent a t i v e s have no contest in the primary and no contest in the November election, which means that they are, for all practical purposes, ciected now. In twenty-six of the fifty-one Senatorial districts there will he three men nominated for the three offices at the primary election, which means that who have a primary contest and win the nomination April 13 will virtually elected since they will have no contest in November. In only twenty-five of thr Senatorial districts will the voters have any choice for State Representative at the November election. Of the thirty-one who are already elected for all practical purposes, fourteen are Republics ns> and seventeen are Democrats. Of the additional forty- .seven who will be electci at the April 13 piimary, twenty-seven are Republicans aui twenty arc Democrats. If the Republicans win all the contested seats in Novemfber, the Illinois House in 1955 will be composed of ninetyone Republicans and sixty-two Democrats. If the Democrats win all the contested teats in November, the House w:ll bt composed of eighty-eight Democrats and sixty-five Republicans Antique furniture will originally cost you just about the same as a good modern piece, but the antique will most likely gain in value through the years. Subscribe To The Ptalnfoaler McHENRY BAKERY WILL CLOSE APRIL 5th 1954 UNTIL APRIL 20th 1954 JOE KOENIG First Church of Christ, Scientist Woodstock, HI., South A Dean Sts. invites you to listen to -- How Christian Science Heals "THE WAY TO RIGHT * DECISIONS" SUN. 7:40 A.M. WJJD (1160 kc) SUN. 9:00' A.M. WROK (1440 kc) Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yegg# and children, Vincent, Tommy and Judy, and Mrs. Lena Riley of Woodstock visited in the Norbert Yegge home on Sunday. Illinois Garden Club Holds Annual Meeting The annual meeting of tlM Garden Club of Illinois, Inc., will be held Monday, April 12, in the Palmer Htmse. The guest of honor will be Mrs. iFred Mauntel of Washington, Mo., national council chairman of central states region. Mrs. John Jones Sharon of Glenview, president of the Garden Club of Illinois, Inc., will preside. There will be a board meeting at 10 a.m., to be followed at 11 a.m. by the annual report* of officers and special chairmen. FARMERS If you, have something ID Buy, Sell or Trade ADVERTISE in the PLAINDEALER Subscribe To Ti.* Plalndflafcr AVOID THE RUSH! Have Your Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired NOW! Lawn Seed and Fertiliser ADAM'S REPAIR SHOP PtSTAKEE ROAD Johnsburg, HL Pttoae McHeary 4S4 VOTE FOR HARRY C. HERENDEEN Jr. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF OF McHenry County Over ? Years A Police Officer And Chief Deputy Sheriff Your Vote and Support Will Be Most Genuinely Appreciated PRIMARIES: TUESDAY, APRIL 13. 1954 EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED CAPABLE u WHICH NEW 1 9 5 4 Refrigerator" SHOULD I BUY? that's EASY TO ANSWER ... SEE the ALL NEW CROSLEY at Lee & Ray's and YOUR MIND'S MADE UP! YOU GET A FREE $29.95 MUSICAL CHEF RADIO with the Purchase of Any New CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR So, TRADE-IN Your Old Model on the Refrigerator that Gives You More For Your MONEY! LEE & RAY "The S>tore That Services Everything It Sells" US MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL PHONE 882 SI BUICK PRKSENTS A STUNNING NEW Q $ Gay new cars ^ Fresh new colors ^ Smart new decors 9UIK NEW FASHION IN "HARDTOPS" it th* brand-rtaw, all-ntw iOO-hompowor Buick Cinrutr tfrioro shown horo^-wM tho look tomorrow that it in ovory 'S4 §vkk todoy. .... Now in the SMCML and CIMTUItY models! w •few Ceavertlbles Just Arriving! .A Riviera* Fust Time Available! Now Estate Wagons Now All-Steel Bodied! BRIGHT NEW SPRING AND SUMMER COLORS! , Gulf Turquoiso • Tunis Blue Lido Groen • Condor Yollow Matador Rod • Malibu Bluo • Willow Green --end many mora, tmltHwg friih nw Iwi IhwI E cordially invite you to a fashion showing of a bright new springtime on wheels. . # lo see the tomorrow-styled Buicks we have ready for you today--but now in airy new body styles never available before, and in fresh new. summer colors never shown before. For these are smart new Convertibles, hand|» some new "hardtop" Rivieras and new all-steel Estate Wagons ready for the first time in the budget-priced V8 SPECIAL models, and ii the high-powered CENTURY models --and all with the ultramodern windshield design of sweepback pillars. And these high-fashion beauties come In brflk liant new summer colors -- rich new hues thai lift your spirits like a robin's spring song: Come see our sampling of these rakish npw cars and fresh new colors--and discover, in the doing, what beautiful buys these supremely powered, smoothly responsive Buicks are in every way, MILTON BEKLE STARS KJR BUICK-SM *• IMMI Show tomtn BUICK WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICX WIU BIMID TMTT R. I. Overton Motor Sales 408 FRONT STREET PHONES McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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