Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1954, p. 11

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Tkurtdty, April SKt 1954 LAKEMOQR & LILYMOOR !ttf MmrotSbk Faaa' yi_ - Cburdi N«w* On Friday evening, April 23. St. Patrick's Mother's Club of McHenry will sponsor a movie, "P»s Anybody Seen My Gal," proceeds of which will be for the benefit of the school. There will be two showings, one at 7 p.m. and one at 9:15 p.m. So all of you parishioners come out and enjoy a first class movie and at the same time, you will be supgxtrting a very worthy cause. The Gospel Heralds, now a ffroup of forty choir and musicians from the Harrison street Bible Church of Oak Park, will have a rally Saturday, April 24, 7:45 p.m. In the McHenry high /school. Rev. Blakemore, pastor fit the church, will bring the message. Several churches in the area are cooperating. The entire family is invited. The fourth Saturday of every month will be * Family Night rally. On Sunday, April 25, services will be held in the McDermott building; 9:45 a.m., Sunday School, 11 a.m., morning worship, and at 8 p.m., a group from • one time rwrtdent tike Kir* ] choff house, fought his first pro* fessional wrestling match at Marigold Saturday evening. Saturday, Mrs. Evelyn Keyes was out cleaning up her home and getting it ready for the summer use. We »re all glad the weather is getting so nice sq that we will be able to once more see the summer residents of the town. Btrthdfcys *ad AauhwrMrtes Belated greetings are in order for Mr. Forbes, Mrs. Weber and Lottie Bransford, who all celebrated their birthdays last week. On Tuesday of\ this week, There will be a special village meeting Friday evening at 9 o'clock in the McDermott building. All are invited to atteni. Last Wednesday, Mrs. Forbes entertained her pinochle club. Prizes were won toy Mrs. Foss, Mrs. Geiger and Mrs. Leon. A very delightful lunch was served by the hostess. On Easter Sunday, Mrs. Leon entertained her daughter, Mrs. Bolda, and famUy and her other yours truly celebrated a toirthdaughter, Mrs. Jay Smith, and. day family. Also a friend, Charles Smoke. Late in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stencil dropped in for a short visit. Easter Sunday was not too joyous an occasion for Mrs. Para due to the fact that she was down ia bed with the flu and late Sunday afternoon her son. Tommy, also became ill. Let's hope next year they will be able to enjoy themselves much better. Mr. and Mrs. Brzezinski entertained Casey's mother, father, and sister from Chicago on Sun day. ™'!.er *""1 Mr,. Roy Erlckson w«„t tato SEE - S/SSK chta*°to vwt Every Tuesday evening, the B.C. Teens meet at the Liberty bome. Prayer meetings are held Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. in the home. Call 509-JF-l for Information. On April 28, ttie women of St. Patrick's parish will sponsor a card party for the benefit of the building fund at 8 p.m. in the church hall. Refreshments will be served. General News A Brownie Scout Troop is beiag formed in Lakemoor at the present time. Mrs. Pat Morrison will be the leader and Mrs. Jean Booster will serve as assistant leader. The four ladies oh the committee are Mesdames Godina, Gibson, Burke and Becker. All parents with girls between the ages of 7 and 9 please contact Pat Morrison as soon as possible so she may determine how many are interested in joining. On April 28, the Women's Auxiliary will have their installation of officers and will, at the same time, celebrate the auxilia ry's first birthGay. The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. and the installation at 8 p.m. Following this, there wiy be refreshments and dancing. The firemen are invited and all members .may bring along their husbands for this affair. It will be . held in the fire house. The L.I.A. will hold its monthly meeting Saturday, April 24, in the fire house at 9 p.m. A very special evening is <being planned and there will be a special spring "Fashion Show" and. entertainment by Betty Warren. Refreshments will be served. All are cordially invited • to attend this meeting. There Will bjso to* a short business meeting between the entertainment, at which time the check to the police department will be I presented. Plans for our annual J birthday dinner will also be dismissed at this meeting. Next Sunday, April 25, there * Mrtll be another movie in the fire i house at 3 p.m. The feature be-! ing shown is "I Killed Geroni- j mo," so come on, kids, come out i and see this cowboy and Indian thriller. Adults are invited to ' these movies, also. I, Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marty Wrublewski went into Chicago for Easter dinner at Dorothy's folks. Last Tuesday evening, while driving the Boy Scouts home, I drov£ into a "soft spot" on one of the roads and the car just went down, down and down. Unable to get myself out of this hole, I went to a phone and called the McDermott building where a firemen's meeting was being held. Inside of five minutes, there were three c?rs and a truck there to get me out of this spot. To these men I owe a great big "thanks" and I know that if anyone were in trouble, they would be the ones to call. Mr. and Mrs. Art Levand will open a bakery in Lakemoor this week. Good luck to you in your new business venture. Mrs. VivUufc Vineer tells me that her nephew, Dale Patrick, April 28, Robert Poss will celebrate his tenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Providus celebrated their twenty-second wedding- anniversary Saturday, April i7. : - Congratulations to all. CROP REPORT Oats are in the ground in considerably more than half of the Illinois acreage expected to be used for this grain in 1954, and many fields of oats are sproutin southerl Illinois, according to the weekly report of th£ state and federal departments of agriculture. The dry, mild weather that featured the 1953-54 winter made it possible for farmers in central and southern Illinois to get a large amount of fall plowing done. For the state as a whole, 60 per cent <it the plowing for corn and soybeans already has been completed, a retard high proportion for so early inthe season. Winter wheat is in gor»d condition and is starting its spring growth. WATER SUPPLY Governor William G. Stratton has formally requested the U.S. civil defense administ ratio-l to allocate a supply of water pipe to the drouth-stricken communt ties of Sparta, Se?ser and Benton. Officials of these cities had asked the governor to make official recognition of their situa tion. The pipe is to be used to carry water from emergency sources. THE TOWER GRILL On Route 120 at Lakemoor FEATURING FRENCH FRIED CHICKEN (Swift Premium Tender-grown*}, FRENCH FRIED SHRIMPS (Largest Sizes Obtainable) STEAKS -- Grilled or Broiled (Top Grade) ttAUBrr -- PERCH -- SMELTS (In Season) SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS FULL FOUNTAIN SERVICE Serving the finest foods anywhere CARRY OUTS - Phone McHenry 1«1 Tour order ready in JO minutes CURB SERVICE Large parking area reserved for patrons only THE TOWER GRILL On Route 120 At Lakemoor I Building Materials for your I WEEK-END PROJECTS! M|Mikli ymm plam, simm. mmd Mm it wMb Building ptpjecw arc fua, and bring big If wards in convenience and satisfaction. These specials will make them easy on the pocketbook. coo. | VA" Plywood - All Sizes 15c Sq. Ft. j • VB" Pressedwood 9c Sq. Ft.' j VB" Pegboard • All Sixes 20c Sq. Ft. j ; No. 2 White Pine 20c Sq. Ft S Cone in and let as know what you're pi ning to build. We may have an "oddAotT, idem that's jus what you need. W*1 M»« Molar tab yom •md for KoaooM hoiUiag, mm4 |• • '41' 1 I • • I • ' QUALITY MATERIALS COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE DELIVERY • i i i i • • i I. .A SPRING GROVE LUMBER CO. PHONlf'-' RICHMOND 2732 -- SPRING GROVE. ILL. Tte MrtlTOY PLAINDEALEH We're All for One -- On A Tray Designed for a 'iilfte-if-y^T-life party--our Barbecued Corned Beef Hashburgers. They are easy to cook, attractive to serve and the proof of it all is in the eating. It's a one-tray meal in keeping with modern ranch house living. Let the man-of-the-house carry it triumphantly to porch or yard for popular outdoor eating. It will' match the. appetites of good neighbors assembled for impromptu get-togethers. Menus which include foods that can be arranged on one large serving platter or tray are most suitable for transporting to a cool, breezy dining spot. The hashburgers, on toasted buna, are prepared with a minimum of time and effort. Food trays need the impact of color and here it is in the sparkling green of fresh or frozen stringless beans and the relish garnishes. * * » * Barbecued Corned Beef Hashburgers 1 ( # 2 ) can c o r n e d b e e f hash l t e a s p o o n v i n e g a r 1 /4 cup tomato catsup 5 sandwich buns 1 teaspoon prepared mustard Open both ends of can and push hash out, leaving it whole. Slicc hash crosswise into 5 equal size rounds. Place hash slices in a Rreased baking dish and brown them in a hot oven (400* F>) for ten minutes, turn hash slices and brown them on other side for ten ninutes. Combine catsup, mustard and vinegar and spread over top of hash slices during last ten minutes of baking. Cut buns in lalf and toast both cut sides. Place a slice of barbecued hash in each »un. Yifld: 5 Barbecued Coined Beef Hashburgers. Hi'H-HI HWItH H H U ffl I l l 1111 111 III IH11 l l ljy I Especially for § | Pet Owners .. | U tUttttftUiM MmmMUrj UJMtHmiMi* Extraction of infected, loose or decayed teeth of dogs is now regarded as not as necessary as it used to be. Many such teeth can be saved by special treatment, including medicat'on and sterilization of infected gum areas. The symptoms of distemper hard pad disease, leptospirosis and infectious hepatitis in dogs are so similar that positive diagnosis often requires laboratory tests. . . Vj'< * 4 distemper complicate* tic fajfctitia outbreak. Cats may develop eczema if they are kept on too restricted a diet. Veterinarians usually can clear up the condition with hormone treatments. Veterinary research had demonstrated that dogs with heart wounds have a good chance to survive if they are operated on within a half hour after injury is sustained. •• ..." • / v- Studies of younjr £*ta show that iron can tijp supplied through intravenous Injections to compensate for iron deficiencies. Cloudy corners in dogs' eyes, which occur occasionally in cases of infectious hepatitis, seem to develop much more often when Puppies require more food calories per unit of weight than da mature dogs, because of the requirements for building new tissue. Dogs suffer from aa great a variety of intestinal infections as do human beings. These infections are common to dogs of all ages, but take a higher death toll' among puppieft. Pets may suffer from diaphragmatic hernia aa a result of auto accidents. However, surgery can correct this cqpdition. Charles K. Bush, who has been serving in a dual capacity as superintendent of the Dixon school and as acting superintendent of Ifanteno State hospital. E. J. Uffelman, of Chester, was appointed superintendent of the Illinois Security hospital a": Menard He succeeds Dr. E. R. May, who will return to full time medical practice in Chester. James E. Tays of Tolona, was appointed head farmer at Jacksonville State hospital at Jacksonville. Tays, proprietor of Rosevale Farms, near Fiphe-, is the former manager ..of th° Illinoia State Pair. Benjamin Franklin did not patent any of his inventions. NEW APPOINTMENTS Governor William G. Stratton has made the following appointments; Robert E. WaUace, of Alton, was named as superintendent of the Dixon State school at Dixon. Wallace, who has a background of experience both as superintendent and assistant superintendent in general acute care hospitals, succeeds Dr. SAVE 94c IF YOU RUN INTO TROUBLE. WHO WILL PAY THE BILLS? It won't^be YOU if youVe adequately protected by insurance. It costs so little to carry, may cost so much to neglect. Call us . . . NOW THE K£NT COflP. , INSURANCE St REAL ESTATE For Over 29 Years Insure through this agency and feel safe N. Riverside Dr. Phone 8 McHenry, II!. « VV V •' T.: 2W PURE BRISTLE PAINT V ' x * * V -v., WITH ANY ONE GALLON OF THE FAMOUS Clliott PAINT PRODUCTS %r V Y C I T A L ' S HARDWARE 133 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 98 SHEET METAL SHOP McHENRY, ILL LOOK - Whore «• People Advertise ADVERTISE . Whet* PEOPLE LOOK The McHenry Plaindealer ~\ NOTES FOR BUSINESSMEN: How to Profit from JOB PRINTING BOOKLETS The main advantage for this form is that it can be made large enough to tell your whole story. Whether you're advertising a product or instructing the buyer about -its use, the booklet tells it best. Call McHenry m. McHENRY ~ PLAINDEALER ltS N. Green Straet PHONE m *1*1 -i ^ "i * .»>• Thit Running "kmrdtop" k ftwfcft SHCIM VI pawrmd, mmd prtnd jw* e hw daRmrt timilmr it Hm "hw-prim Hut"I TAKE THE li«- the jqy of it fuou#k, cl 54 - UNLESS youVe tried it yourself, you're going to find it hard t©/ believe* But when you press the pedal of a 1954 Buick with 'twill•'Turbine Dynaflow,* joy reigns -- and so do you. \ou feel the joyous thrill of commanding instant response, the solid "take hold," the firm authority of your acceleration. i\bu feel a joyous exhilaration at the utter smoothness of the forward carry -- a completely infinite smoothness that is there every inch of the way. And you feel a deep and abiding joy at the simplicity of it all, the ease with which you drive, the blessed restfulness of travel with a truly automatic transmission working its wonders. .A.8 we said, you'll find this hard to believe -- until you try it yourself. Until you try TT Dynaflow with the stepped-up V8 horsepowers of the 1954 Buicks. Until you try it with the new buoyancy and the new handling sureness of the improved Million Dollar Ride. Until you try it with the new visibility, the new luxury, the new "look of tomorrow" styling that are part and parcel of every 1954 Buick. So, we went you to be our guest at the wheel of a 1954 Buick with Twin-Turbine Dynaflow this week. During April, 1,500,000 people willguest- drive the 1954 Buicks, and join the Thrill Of The Month Club by doing so. We cordially invite you to join them, for s real thrill. Gall us today. ' *Su*d*rd m ROADMJSTER, *ptx*n+l »t txtrm cut m$ tthtr Stritt BUICK • * the beautifUl buy MILTON REttlE STARS FO* tUICK-S-- rt>. Buict-frH* Show EWhQ* "I*"! -www acrru Ainowoiim am wai mnck wu avn» mm** R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES '403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY. ILLINOIS % I

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