i*1- mmntm Wonder Lake News •rw p - ~Sv*f > -i m %{'• A ,Vi >lft •The Mchenry kjundealea •-' -rVTT ™7Tr^* r*h: •» <s .>.;• ; r •'*> " , ffi- . ' v* Wildcat in Chicago Motoramh Wonder Lake volunteer plan to hold their second annual dance on Saturday, May 8. The dance will be held at the Woodstock Armory and music will foe by the Rhythm Aires. Dancing starts at nine and refreshments will be available on the premises. There is no admission charge. ' J Injured In Fall- •IfPS Elifcabet.i Bird of Wonder Lake was injured in a fall over the weekend. She is presently a patient in Memorial hospital ir. Woodstock. ' I . Another patient in the Memorial hospital is Baby Richard Ahrens, who is suffering with meningitis. Attend Ceremonies Mrs. Delia Cheney, Shore Hills, was among those present at the cornerstone ceremonies held at the new Morton Salt laboratory Monday afternoon. Mrs. Cheney, who is secretary to Dr. Robert L Frank of the Ringwood Chemical plant, will go with him to the Morton laboratory when it is completed about Aug. 1. About thirteen persons from Ringwood will be housed in the new research laboratory. Among those to be transferred is as Hay of Wicklir.e Bay. Gospel Church News The Easter services at the Gospel church brought great joy to our hearts, as we, in song and sermon, were reminded of the greatest and most important event in human history. We were happy to welcome so many of our friends and good neighbors. They came and filled the chapel to overflow. Next Sunday, April 2S, we will observe the ninth anniversary as a Sunday. Bible School. At the Sunday School hour, at 10 a.m., the "pioneers" in this $vork will bring greetings. A musical program appropriate ror the occa. sion will be given. Charter members will be honored and awards for perfect attendance will be distributed. The pastor will bring the message at the morning worship service, which is at 11 o'clock. Guest singers from Chicago will provide the musical program. In the evening at 7:30, the Male Quartet of the Summerdale Evangelical Free church of Chicago and other talents will present an unusual musical program. The guest speaker of the evening is the pastor of the Summerdale church, the Rev. Arley L. Bragg. The Missionary Guild will sponsor a meeting on Tuesday, April 27, at 7:45. J. Heyden Board To Meet The board of directors of Hickory Falls Unit No. 3 Subdivision association will meet Thursday (tonight) at the home of Joe Gamin. Thorn- Lampke, a XLS. Navy chaplain, fcill 'be the speaker. He will also fhow some of his remarkable pictures from Korea. Gets Demo Job Charles Paetow of Hickory Falls, who was a candidate for Republican precinct committeeman in McHenry 8 of Wonder Lake, lost to the incumbent, Steven Duttko. However, he was elected to the job of Democratic , precinct committeeman by a single vote. This was a write-in as there were no candidates on the ballot for this position. Paetow will probably decline the office. He has until next month to decide. Mrs. Schroeder Dies Mrs. Catherine &chroeder, 57, Indian Ridge, died at Memorial hospital in Woodstock last Wednesday morning. She had been iri poor health for some time, suffering with a bad heart. Mrs. Schroeder was the *wife of Frank Schroeder, the losing candidate for the county clerk's office in the recent election. Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Agnes Kahler of Des Plaines; three sisters, two brothers and one grandchild. Funeral services were held in Chicago. TAX COLLECTIONS Six major tax sources produced $31,843,981 in revenue for the State of Illinois during March. This is an increase of $64,944 over the comparable receipts in March of last year. Rich&xd J. Lyons, director of revenue, in reporting this showing. said motor fuel taxes in- Creased $605,295 to a total of $9,559,170 for the month. Thr public utility tax amounted to $2,547,418, a boost of $268,090 over March, 1953. The cigarette tax brought in $2,593,670 as compared to $2.5i4,647 in March last year, while petroleum inspection fees produced $61,828, up $1,589. Sales tax collections totalled $15,065,330, a decline of $886,053 compared to March of last year. Liquor revenue aggregated $2,-' 016,565, which is $3,000 less than in March, 1963. 9- > v -V. : '-V V, ' . BUICK'S new Wildcat "dream" car will make its Chicago debut at (he General Motors Motorama in the International Amphitheater beginning April 24. The car, built of fiberglass, features flying>wing type front fenders that flare straight out from the body with the nnderside exposed. Powered by a 220*horsepower Buick V-8 engine, the Wildcat is mounted on a 100-inch wheelbase and has an overall length of 170.9 inches. Buick designers hall it as the first American sports car with styling completely free of the Earopcan influence. Molorama Is Best/ Says Poniiac's Critchfield / The 1954 edition of the General Motors Motorama is more beautiful than ever and a show no one in the Chicago area will want to miss, according to R. M. Critchfield, vice-president of General Motors and general manager of the Pontiac Motor division. "Pontiac is proud to be a part of the General Motors Motorama," Mr. Critchfield said. "We believe our two special show cars, the- Bonneville Special and the Strato Streak, being shown in the International Amphitheatre in Chicago, will be enthusiastically received by all who visit the motorama. "I would like to personally extend a sincere invitation to everyone in Chicago and the surrounding area to see our special cars, our new Pontlacs for 1954 and the wonderful Motorama General Motors is presenting at the International Amphitheatre April 24 to May 2. In addition to the production model Pontiacs and the "Dream Cars," the Pontiac exhibit at the Motorama will include an x-ray car, a full size plastic Pontiac showing the inner workings of the car. Members of Congress may not wear hats during sessions. Subscribe to the Plaindealer Want/Ids McHenry Area To Receive "Ciiy" Type Phone Service Residents and business people in eight separate outlying portions of the McHenry area, will recieve '^city" type telephone service Without extra charge beginning May 16, under a proposal submitted to the Illinois Cominerce Commission last week. The announcement was made today by G. L. Wilburn, manager for Illinois Bell Telephone company. Principal ' areefo affected include Pistakee Bay, Piataqua Heights,,a portion of Johnsburg, and a large unincorporated area extending along the banks of the Fox river northeast, east, and southeast of McHenry. All subscribers involved have already been contacted by Illinois .Bell Telephone company. At present subscriber* in these areas are offered "rural" service, and share the line with a minimum of seven other telephone users. Many have chosen to take urban service by paying a special monthly charge for the extra cable required to give them "city" servioe. With extension of the company's base rate area, all residents now would receive urban service automatically with mileage and other special charges being eliminated. "Technically, what we will be doing -- if the Illinois Commerce Commission approves our proposal -- is extending our present base rate area to induce these new sections which have grown so tremendously in recent years," Wilburn said. He pointed out that many of the residences in the areas affected which once were summer homes, have now been converted to year round use. City' telephone service comes as a partial result of a gigantic expansion of this area's cable system which is still in progress. Ov£k 4,900 miles of Wire will have 'been added to the existing Thursday, April 22, 1954 Communications network of telephone communications when the job is completed within tfi% next few weeks. "Work like this is an integral part of providing good telephone service," Wilburn said. "And projects like this are going on -- not only in McHenry, but all over the state. Almost $95,000,- 000 will be spent by the company this year alone on projects similar to the ones in progress hefo." lb The Plaindealer Dft. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Slreel. McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 AM. and I to 5 PJC. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:S0 PJt EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 * * •si i K 4 4 1 SPEEDY b- M? HENRY GARAGE ("VOU PKXEO THE RIOHT TM6Y0UN6MAN I eMi pmiimr£caaitr1 COUVOn SAID THSV COULOj J IDMtt JHi ON OCAS WmATS FIRM FOP FAST SERVICE, WGonu frjr MA'AM NICK MILLER'S •PH EN RY GARAGE HOW7 THAT3 Mttrrs iH-SKitEST ,S WMEM TMN6 A60UT A CAR WE HATE to BOTHER MOO, HBUATV EN EAIT HHAERJR OPN1NE OF US TOFLTFOUP cap so-- e local lumuia 600 FRONT STREET KAISER-WILLYS Sales & Service PHONE 403 McHENRY, ILL. Applause from the galleries is not permitted in Congress. in ii i rrtiriiiii iiiiij ii niiii i hum i in m Shop at Home and SAVE! Business and Service Directory «< WONDER LAKE USE OUH LAY-A-WAY PLAN stanfy, versatih. UIK-BILD workbench Here** the iW, iaeqxMht way to §ei l hit needed workbench ... perfect for home workshop, garage, work desk, photo or hobby bench., Ragged, high tensile rail steel supports in exclusive "I" design (or wobble-free rigidity, with holes looted in the legs for fasten* ipg to wall or floor if desired. Standards finished in attractive forest green, and all bolt*, MIS and screws are plated. Make it any length to rait your purpose and space! ... and the backboard can b« varied for use as a tool hanger. Furnished p\ complete, with all lumber pre* •;f only «13.58 t'AY. " > /Price luted 6m 4 foot la\gt£ teith 9 inch baclcbocrd. Prleee «wry Mrftfc ifa.j CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs -- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE Hancock Drive -- Phone WJL. 4S3I ALL PHASE Plumbing DISHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone W.L. 8651 - New Horizons in BnOding •> . ft Cristy and Stendebach GENERAL CONTRACTORS < Phono Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER iLAXE BUILDERS SUPPLY T. P. MATHEWS HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE of All Kinds WONDER LABI 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillipsl "66" i Service Station • Greasing Batteries of Ringwood North-end m Washing: • Tire* e One block So. Road on Blacktop of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake LiR/C (1 i# SunfcewnCoff eemaster... owmiyw of the most delicious cdftee every time because of its patented vacuum-principle, which vigorously agitates the coffee and wator into a flavorful brow. And what a savings: you use less coffee and it tokos leu time. . • • $36.95 To*st«n«ster Do Luxe Toaster... with an automatic quality that almost takes the broad right out of your Angers. Complete with the finest features... long-life electric motor, toast control dial, hingfd crumb tray, and a full year's guarantee( $26*50 t ^ Wosllnghouse Roaster Oven ... automatically cooks a complete oven meal for 8 to 10 people--meat, vegetables, and desMrt, all at one time. Also bakes, roasts, steams... oecommodates O large-turkey. With ovenware dish *Ot and hondy MHn Hd*.... • Sunbeam Efli Cooler . $12.95 General Electric Grill i woWlo grids) fMhntw liwiutlci nl> i (KM ««flh fi 8651 Free Estimates ft Delivery Phone WX. 3231 mmmm Phone Virgil's AUTO 6 REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK M5BUILDING** Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake g i North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Hume WX. Ml - NMs Plmae -41S1 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning Complete Septic Systenns Instated L.PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake , 5672 jox 30X3 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact^your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2d33. w v - ' . . . J • • Sunbeam Fry pan ...no more cooking failures With Sunbeam controllod-heot Frypan. Highly accurate thermostatic control in the handle maintains the correct heat for perfect frying and cooking results without constant watching. Expertly made with new water-sealed element so that entire pan can be letmersed in water for quick, easy washing. $24.95 Dormeyer Barbecve-Broiler . . deljcidusly barbecues ribs, chicken, or roasts tb O fOlden goodness. Cancelled motor turns •spit evenly under fast, infrared heat. Spit easily removed for broiling. Complete with handy warming ptAf* on top $59.50 $16.50 , « * 1 v ** " * " " Mffljnioniaitdwich Toaster and Waffle Baker $^6.50 Universal Coffeematic $29.SO JVflDi^AIQJaaReal lIA OJiQeAiAiini $26.95 •9U^ The temperature dial is the new cooking style for truly automatic cooking ... and the results are perfect! Delicious barbecued chicken . . . crisp bacon with fluffy eggs ... luscious charcoal-like broiled steaks ... an exciting variety to make meal times wonderful -and preparing meals, fun! It's so easy to enjoy the benefits of electric cooking, because there's an automatic electric cooking eppliance with controlled heat--sized and priced to fit your needs. LOW DOWN PAYMENT,:: CONVENIENT MONTHLY TERMS PUBLIC •COMfttNY See fftete weedtrfal Wocfn'c ceettn okk* our • mn or at your deafcr's