Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1954, p. 6

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£• '.r - .. «K;,jr-. < 1 '. $&,-ty* *v •* * J11 'J"' ^""""1 . •'•!.;"lt!A.-4l^ t fW^'TTrS' "*-l,m.y.11 _ : . *""• < y' '.:*>' " ' fHE McHENHY PLAlNDEALJBB * ' * v & v - t ^ ^ ' ; . - > * f " r w T M - ' I >/; * * >; K! • " ' • • _ , . • I . * ' » : * ; ; - #ANt ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETSV «*M* IS «*(».-.- ' ; .^r /--•-' " f i n I'I i>.tf>iu^n r, Apr^ 22r 1951 im;mvi?ftrir >itjn.^,""iMii.l>' RING 3.150 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AO .<f; ' V >" ~T^~, licHcnry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at •teHenry, -111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ] AsTocfATtqN ^7 sJ W. BURFEHNDT, Gen'l Manager 4PRLE FROEHLICH, Editor BUSINESS SERVICE JOHNSON MOTORS ; New and Used -- TernUl Motors and Boats flerrtcc, P-cT^hing and Storage BILL S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104',2 S. Riverside Drive Phone 3&c Henry 1076 44-tf BUSINESS S VICE ,e-'- PUodealor Want Ad* No ad counted less than 25 lin>rds, $1.00 -jni&muiri. * 1 insertion . vf.Y ......., $1.00 (Count 5 worn.per line) •' 25c service charge. on "all. blind Mis. Cash with order. Card of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly ait 10 a.m. Wednesday; >•*. * Painting and Decorating Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging - Free Estimates Call George <Ross, 684-W:2 or 884-W-l. , 49tf CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: »5c Col. D r t e t L - - 2 Inch Minimum. Classi?ie3"^lspra^' -Must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per t e c h . ; CASH WITH ORDER OS following classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.00 6 Months ...... 7. $1.75 3 Months . ....'.'• ... $1.00 Outside McHenry Ceqnty 1 Year . .... $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months . $1.25 Candid weoiftngs from Home, • Church and Reception KOLIN X Photographers \ f Commercial, Publicity, Sports ~ " : • and Photostats & aW-'W-l McHenry, JU. • ' 44-tf Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry, HI., under the act of May 8, 1878rf AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 • 1 Block East of the River Bridge Op-- Week Days 9 ajn. - 8 p.m. Son days: 9 ajn. to 1 pja. 12-tf FOR SALE -- 1949 Buick Super, 2 door sedan, radio, heater, dyna flow, directional lights, back-up lights, new tires. Very clean. Phone 228-J after 5:30 p.m. 50 FOR SALE -- Ford tow truck in food condition. Reasonable. Call McHenry 591-R-l. 50 FOR SALE -- 1951 2 door Club Coupe Custom Ford V-8, fully •quipped. Royal Master tires. Belond exhaust system. Best offer. Call 603-W-l. 50 FOR SALE -- Nash Ambassador 88 4 door, good tires and paint. Phone 694-W-l. 50 FOR SALE 1983 CHRYSLER Windsor Deluxe Sedan 1963 DODGE Meadowbrook Sed. 1952 LINCOLN Capri 1951 DESOTO Club Coupe 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Deluxe Sedan 1951 KAISER Sedan 1950 CHRYSLER New Yorker Club Coupe 1950 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor Deluxe Newport 1950 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon 1949 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1949 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1949 FORD 2 Door Sedan (V-8) 1949 FORD 2 Door Sedan (6) 1949 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1949 MERCURY Convertible 1948 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1948 STUDEBAKER Coupe 1947 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1947 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1A47 CHEVROLET 2 Door Aero Sedan me CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1946 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1946 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1946 BUICK Super 2 Dr. Sedan 1946 CHRYSLER Windsor Club Coupe 1946 FORD 2 Door Sedan (6) 1911 DODGE Sedan 1940 PONTIAC Club Coupe 1938 BUICK Sedan 1937 PLYMOUTH Sedan COLBY MOTOR SALES Crystal Lake, 111. Phones 1110 - 1111 H. V. Jackson Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking • Chimney Repair, etc," * Phone McHenry 471-M After 6 p.m. 47-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOC Phone McHenry 14 TO-? HUSKIES! OSBS POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped aad Cleaned PHONE 1480 If no answer, call 1383-R-2 G. A. DOUCfLAS * Lakeland Park, Rt. 120 ' ; McHenry «-tf Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Roacl McHenry, I1L Phone 724 • A Complete Service 37tf WALL & FLOOR TILING OUr enly business - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. GM1 Cary <164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf Expert Sewing Machine Repairs Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed * Singer Sewing Machine Co. 221 Benton St., Woodstock 294 35tf MACHINE TRENCHING & DIGGING Septic Systems -- Water Lines Dry Wells -- Seepage Beds WELLS DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRELTS & ROGERS Rt. 4 McHenry, 111. Phone 534-W-l or 533-R-l 42 tf Mike and LaVerne Perrin Sewer and Cement Contractors Dry Wells, Septic Tanks and Drainfields Installed Grade A Black Dirt All Work Guaranteed Wonder Lake (5672 or 3013 42 tf C. S. & G. hand and power lawn rtiower expert. Complete rebuilding and sharpening, hand mowers $3.50, power mowers $5.50 up to 21". New and used mowers and hedge trimmers. We service what we sell. For information call 575- W-2. 50-tf FOR SALE or The Whole Family *.. Made for the rough and rugged active days of summer. With a sturdy 'long-lasting white rubber sole. All sizes. V CpMF< <3 STYLED FOR 7ORT Only 95 --- ALSO -- REDS -- "ARROWHEAD" MOCCASINS--GYM SHOES MARK'S Sporting Goods Marine Supplies i 212 S. Green St. Phone 1000 McHenry, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOME8--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate IIS Richmond Road* MoBesry, BL PMfee: McHenry 431-J . 244f FOR SALE -- Modern home overlooking Wonder Lake. Will sell on contract or terms. Call Wonder Lake 3398. 45-tf FOR SALE -- 5 room year round house, bath, oil heat, storm windows, furniture, outdoor TV antenna, garage, lot 60x120' on Fox River, Ni«sen subd., neafc, Jotyisburg. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 445. 49-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- New and used straight sewing machine and automatic zlg zag. Portable and console conversions. Repairs and supplies for all makes. Also motor repair. New sewing machines for rent.' To sew aftd save call: FREUND'S* Sales & Service Across from Hunterville Subd. McHENRY 664-J-2 44eow M & F Tree Service Topping and Removal Prompt Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Wood For Sale Call McHenry 627-J-l <jfcJJ96-R-2 44tf ANTIQUES. MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formals. Ope:: Tues., Thurs., Sat., 1-5 p.m., 6-9 p.m. Wed., Fri., 1-5 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C. L. 1346-R-l. 30 eow FOR SALE -- Four pi£ "A houses. Call Richmond 4156. 50 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated roems. home nrivileges, roar depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R. 20>tf FOR RENT -- 6 room summer home on Fox River. Call McHenry 1490-J. 47-tf FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment, available about May 15. Gas heat. Refrigeration and hot Water furnished. Call 360 or inquire at 202 Green St. 48tf FOR RENT -- Office space. May Office Building south of the high school. New, well-lighted. Reception room serves offices. Arnold N. May, Richmond, Illinois. Phon% 4381-Office, 4744-Residence. 48-3» Carter's Radio & TV. Service Phone McHenry 1385-W-l Lilymoor Sub. -- Calls made at all times including, evenings, Sundays 8t Holidays. All work guaranteed. 44tf Low Cost Farm Buildings Need a tool shed, loafing barn, hog house. You can have a 30'xl5' tool shed for 52,550. Save today on Doane Designed low cost barns. For further information call or write Arnold May, Richmond, 111. Office 4381 - Res. 4744. 45-tf Jackhammer Service Hourly rate for jackhammer. spade, tamper. Let us do the hard work. Fast efficient service. Arnold May, Builder, Richmond. Office 4381 - Res. 4744 46-tf PETER A. FREUND (Formerly Eddie Huff's) SANITARY SERVICE i clean and pump septic tanks, ^Spools. Phcne McHenry 877-W esldence, Fox street. 16-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Klltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. . V 7-tf FOR SALE -- Boats and motors. New and used i^boards and outboards. Resort cedar row boats. Boat kits, trailers, marine supplies. Ed Wendt Boats and Motors on U. S. Highway 12. Phone 3231, Richmond, 111. 46-tf FOR RENT -- 3 room heated modern apartment,, with stove, refrigerator, hot water heater Phone McHenry 742. . 48tf FOR RENT -- 4 room upstairs apartment. Call 137-R. 50 -- 2% foam •eminent at 201 Riversidfe drive. Call McHenry 12. 50 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Saleslady for fulltime position. Experience in children's wear, hosiery, nylons or lingerie preferred. Must be neat, courteous and industrious, age 20 to 45. 5day week. Apply immediately, Ben Franklin Store 112 So. Green St., McHenry. 50 WANTED -- 2 girls, bookkeepers, with proven ability to work with figures. Varied accounting duties. 5-day week. Paid vacation and holidays: attractive insurance plan. Box 447, care of McHenry Plaindealer. 49-2 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE McCullom Lake, 4 bedroom home oil heat, full basement, two corner lots. For appointment call our Johnsburg Office. FOR SALE -- 6 room all year 'round house in McCullom Lake, full bath, shower, oil heat, insulated, aluminum combination windows, garage, basement, fruit trees. 2 lots. Best offer. Call 537- M-2. 50-2 FOR SALE -- By owner. 6 rm. frame residence on 44'xl34' lot. auto, oil hot ate* heat, 1% baths, cement basement at 510 Waukegan road, McHenry. W. J. Marum, Chicago, phone NEwcastle 1-3478. 50 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Working Mothers! Will c^^'f^r preschool child in my home7l|State daytime hours and expected fee. Write Box 448 care of Plaindealer. J ** WANTED HEAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for yea* homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property if your price Is right. JACOB FRITZ Estate fat Johnsburg XaJ, MeHenry 89 27-tf WANTED -- 16 ft. molded plywood boat or lap-stroke boat. Call H. Kaufman sit Vandefiult 4-5427. Address 1396 Henry ave., Des- Plaines. 50 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metais and junjk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 968-R-l. 33-tf FOR SALE -- 5 room ranch home fully insulated, combination screen and storm windows, large cabinet kitchen, tile bath, automatic (forced air) oil heat, basement, garage, large lot and beautiful view. Priced at $11,900. Call after 5:30 during week, all day on Sat. and Sun. Wonder Lake 5247. 50 FOR SALE -- Furnished log cabin with 2 bedrooms, west side of Wonder Lake in White Oaks Bay. Call Kedzie 3-0414 Chicago or see Mr. O'Byrne at Grocery Store, west side of Lake. 50-2 JACOB FRITZ - Realtor Phone McHenry 37 48tf FOR SALE -- Beautiful 120 acre farm, Eau Claire, Wis. Very good large house, electricity and water. 60 acres plow land, balance pasture and timber, good fishing and hunting. Full price $5,000. Terms. Tel. Woodstock 1350-R. 50 FOR SALE -- Domino cane sugar 5 lbs. 45c; Pot Roast 35c lb.; Potatoes 10 lbs. 39c. Certified Food Store, McHenry. 50 FOR SALE -- Viking garden tractor, 3.7 h.p. with sulky and dump cart. Used only 36 hours. Only $175.00 complete. Phone McHenry 557-M-2. 50 GARAGE OOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf Trenching, Field Tiling, Drywells, SepUc Tanks Footings & Foundations Kftapps Landscaping & Trenching Complete Line of Nursery Stock Phone McHenry 771-R 46-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, re^ Wir and install pumps) ^fll Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf Rug Cleaning Repair, Carpet Laying. All other services. Bi-weekly pickup and delivery, Tuesdays and Fridays. 3 day service available. Member National Institute of Rug Cleaners. Tidy Rug Cleaners Floor Coverings 604 Washington St. Phone Woodstock 162 49tf ^OR SALE -- Inner spring mattress for youth bed. Brand new. Best offer; also baby crib, complete $8.00. Call Woodstock 1634- J-2. 50 FOR SALE -- All steel 4x7 custom built trailer; 3]fl0' cattle tank; Eclipse 18" power mower, chrome and red kitchen set. steam boiler, 12 ft. freezer. Ernest Langhammer, Solon Mills. Phone Richmond 4164. 50 FOR SALE -- 10" RCA console TV FM-AM. Excellent condition, $65. Shallow well water pump complete, $25. Cast iron kitchen sink with mixing faucet, $15. Call after 5:30 McHenry 533-R-l. 50 FOR SALE -- Small soda fountain and accessories. Pop cooler. Call 235-M, Antonson's Candy Shop, 306 West Elm St. 50 FOR RENT -- 2 room cottage for light housekeeping. In Sunset View subdivision. Call McHenry 657-R-l. 50 WONDERVTEW -- New^hUly instila& ed & furnished 3 rooms and bath, 2 cloeeta, large porch, furnace heat, on large lot near beach. Price $6500. Small down payment. Qsll McHenry 705-M or' 292-J. * "w 43 tf FOR RENT -- Modern 5 room furnished house, automatic oil heat, insulated, bath and shower. Call Wonder Lake 3031. 50 FOR SALE -- 12 acres of wooded property, 2 cottages, one year round cottage with knotty pine interior. Located on Glen Lake in Marinette County, Wis. Cottages furnished including 2 boats. Excellent trout stream. Only $7,500. Write Patrick Knapp, 1724 Washington Road, Kenosha, Wis. 49tf FOR RENT -- Modern 4 room furnished house, 2 bedrooms, electric stove and refrigerator, oil heat, $65 per month. Call McHenry 1135-J evenings or weekends. 50 tf FOR RENT -- 7 room apartment partly furnished, heated, large enclosed porch. Call McHenry 54-W. 50 tf FOR RENT <-- 3 rooms & 'bath in Johnsburg. Available May 1. Call McHenry 87-M after 6 p.m. 50 FOR RENT -- Attractive 3 room, furnished |iouse, 1 bedroom, large, sunny porch, automatic heat, large basement garage. Call Wonder Lake 2803. 50 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Will train girl interested in posiUon as dental assistant. Reply cars of Plaindealer, Box 444. 48tf FOR SALE -- Evinrude outboard motor, 14 h.p. late '52. Excellent condition. Cruise a day tank, gear shift, cost $320.00, a bargain at $195.00. Phone Wonder Lake 5151. N, 50 FOR SALE -- Portable electric sewing 'machine with attachments; also Frigidaire, like new. Call McHenry 510-R-l. 50 FOR SALE -- Rexair vacuum cleaner, $25. Sears, $10. Refrigerator defrosters, Presto fire extinguishers, special now 25% off list. Carl Barnickol, 694-W-l. 50 FOR SALE -- Pekin and Mallard I ducklings. Starbell Hatchery on I Route 14, 1 mile east of 47. Phone i Woodstock 1699-R-2. 50 BUSINESS SERVICE John Relnboldt | GENERAL CONTRACTOR ! All Types Of Carpenter Work Satisfactory Guarantee Call McHenry 187-R 32 tf Us for any small Jobs such &8 painting, graining and staining. Cement, brick work and car-1 pentry. Wauconda 4864. 0Oi Own A Home Of Your Own Payment* Less Than Rent Low Down Payments SHELL HOMES For $2,450 4 BOOM COMPLETED HQTunp ONLY $6,850 AIRSPUN BUILDERS Call McHenry 430 After 5 pan. or Sat. ft WANTED -- WOMEN SALES HELP. Work at beautiful Honey Bear Farm in unusual and interesting shops. We need full time and week end sales people. Call Mr. Gallagher, Genoa City 4444, for appointment. 48-3 FOR SALE -- Five 80x134 lots on high ground, in best location in city of McHenry. ,1 block from Edgebrook School and four blocks from high school. All improved lots with gas, city sewer and water. Guaranteed title. 2 lots have large oak tree$. Will finance. Phone McHenry 964-W. 50 FOR SALE -- In Niesen's Sunrise View subdivision, 2 bedroom, year round house, automatic hot water, utility, garage, reasonable. Call McHenry 585-J-l. 50tf FOR SALE -- ft room house with attached work shop. Ideally located on large lot, near Fox River. Call 440-R. 46-tf ENJOY YOURSELF: $3,800 full price buys a beautiful cottagr with wooded lot on Lake Shangrila in Wis. Excellent boating and fishing. 45 minute drive from McHenry. For information phone McHenry 446-M after 6 p.m. 50 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 241 Acre Dairy Farm, 6 room home, all farm buildings, a nice locaUon, north of Volo, East of U. S. 12. Price $250.00 per acre. Also 98 Acre Farm, adjoining Pistakee Lake subdivisions, all farm buildings. For appointment, call our Johnsburg Office. FOR SALE -- In Johnsburg, 7 room house, oil heat, garage, 3/5 of an acre land, orchard; priced at $7,000. Call McHenry 295-J. 50-2 FOR SALE -- 5 room house, furnace heat, 2 car garage with practically an acre of land. Best offer. Call McHenry 591-R-l for information. 50 JACOB FRITZ - Realtor Phone McHenry 37 48tf FOR SALE -- Property m McHenry, Wonder Lake, Island Lake and surrounding territory. Homes Cottages, Businesses and other types of real estate. 210 8. Green St. McHenry PHONE llti 17tf HELP WANTED Assemblers - Lacers - Soiderers Apply Ai The Admiral Corporation 507 Elm St. McHenry, 111. Apply Monday thru Friday, Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. £J i Hi!ITIMT!MII!iii HI rni n i Mil ij'iii nu II11 mi i ii uiiiiwn IIIWI«I*I#IIIIWI'I IMIH'W in JIMMM-^ | Centrally Located For Quick Service | 1 FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS 1 | SEACO SALES And SERVICE g | Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding | | Electric Motors .-- All Models | = Automotive, Generators? Starters, Armatures DAY Or NIGHT PHONE 188 Box 418 - Lilymoor Subd. McHenry, Illinois FOR SALE -- One of the Better class modern residences. Recently finished. Very large Walnut panefc* ed living room, 2 bedrooms, gas heat, 102 ft. of water frontage, on ^4 acre, north of McHenry. Many other desirable features too numerous to describe. Appraised at $29,000. Inspection invited. Make an offer! Leaving town must sell! Will accept small house in Florida or late model car as part payment. Call McHenry 646-W-l. 50 Twin beds were first made by Sheraton, the furniture designer. l lflll l 11 l!lilil!l!lilllll!lllll!IIIINItlil!l I I 11,1 lllll 11!| II I I I i l l m ATTENTION FARMERS! Bring Your Plow Share# In Now To Be Sharpened And Repaired. 10% DISCOUNT If Brought In Before April 30 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE PHONE 836 On Route 120, ) fHpcks East on New fridge. si!iiri!iiiniiit;iiiii:ri:ili4ii!i!i!i!iiiii:m)n:iiaii!iii;i:fjiit;i;iiii!iiiii;iiiii "WANTED TO BUY -- Canoe. Phone McHenry 1382-J-2. 50 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- 6 room house, McHenry or vicinity by business man, wife and 2 daughters, 12 and 9. Call collect, Sunnyside 4-5633. 50 WANTED TO RENT -- Pensioned lady wants one unfurnished light housekeeping room, have own hot plate. Not over $40.00 a mo. No basement. Call 690-M-l. 50 MISCELLANEOUS Fish Fry Every Friday Night Pizza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Gin's Place 180 S. Green St. SVtf CLUB LILYMOOR Presents ALYCE JOYCE At the Organ Friday Nights PETE HAMIL and HIS ORCHESTRA Saturday Nights to Need a New Roof? Save On Homart 3-In-l Shingles Apply it Yourself -- or -- Expert Installation can be arranged As Low As $5 Per Month On FHA Loan For Free Estimates Phone McHenry 767-W or Write, Sears Representative FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry, 111. m WKTaKjutm*.~i Cash & Carry Saves Your Clothes & Money Too! McHenry Cleaners 108 Ekn Street McHenfy PHONE 104-M We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps It Pays to Shop At Home ALCOA ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS INSTALLED -- 855 NOT INSTALLED -- 889.00 KITCHEN CABINETS INSTALLED COMPLETE BIRCH, NATURAL FINISH, CHOICE OF HARDWARE AND DESIGN. FORMICA TOP. BUILT TO FIT. OOSfT NO MORS THAN STOCK.. OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 5 SECTION - 2 PANELS WIDB, WITH ORNAMENTS AND GLASED. INSTAXiLED -- *115.0e PELLA FOLDING DOORS AND CASEMENT WINDOWS. ANDERSON & CURTIS AWNING AND PICTURE WINDOWS. DOORS, TRIM, PLYWOOD, ETC. CRYSTAL LAKG MILL CO. Highway 14 CART Cary 7248 Crystal Lake 1838 A BETTER DEAL NOW ..and-foryeafcs 4o come Rev Oodflt tracks give you a jeal now... and for years to come! Cyclebond brake linings, double-rsfnforced frames and shot-peened axle tlMfts deliver extra years of dependable eervice. You'll get a better deal with lower loading heights, sharpest turning, best visibility, most ab comfort, and widest power choice, V-ITs and 6's! Aod ... you'll like the friendly way we do boaintss. 3o6-Rote<L"TRUCKS StSSST31 A S. BLAKf MOTORS Inc. 101 E. PEARL m* PHONE 1M MeHENBY,

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