Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1954, p. 10

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imw. w W>:, ' ' v- ' •* THE 1- Vii'f' onder Lake News By Vanesse Sells $•••* P*w»y D«y ®** y^Olil of the familiar face* to «W Men on the Legion auxiliary's Poppy Day, May 21, will be that ot Marian Cannon For the past *tx years, Mrs. Caaiimi has been Stationed at the four corners in Wonder Center on Poppy Day. starting at 6 o'clock in the morning. The Wonder Lako unit of the \ Liigion auxiliary was organized In Mrs. Cannon's honie in May of; 1948. with thirteen persons pres- [ ent. Three weeks after the organization, the women participated in their first Poppy Day. j Mrs. Cannon has served her unit in many ways. She has been -} president, vice-president, histori-j an, chaplain and secietary. At.; the present time she is second | vice-president of the McHeniyj county council of the auxiliary,..) a group made up of all the units ; in the county. She is also re-' habilitation and community ser- ; vice chairman for McHenry coun- , ty, which includes planning and j pin-chasing for 1,200 veterans at j the Elgin State hospital and as- I signing units to serve the Old j People's home at Ha.'tland oil , the third Sunday of each month. ' Mrs. Cannon has a two-fold i eligibility for serving in the j auxiliary. Her husband, Ed Can- j non, served in the first World ; War in 1918-19 and her son, ; Ed, Jr., served four years in the Marine Corps daring World War II, two years of his service overseas. Besides Marian Cannon, there are four past presidents of the Wonder Lake unit. They are Gradelle Proper, Jay Hansen, Marion Euzicka and Jerre Elbersen. Mrs. Nancy iflbersen is Poppy chairman this year and has served in this capacity for the past five years. Members of the unit who cannot get out and sell poppies wii baby sit and serve luncheon the workers. The sale of the poppies aid the veterans of all wars^,. j Circus Parfil*» | Fred Zandier served as a clown among his physical education students of the Riley school last Friday night when the youngsters put on a program called "Circus Parade." Each of the school's 125 students had a part in the program, many of them were tumblers, some were in the band, some weie animals {which had been cleverly contrived by the teachersi and some were dancers. Each Of the acta had been trained by Zandier.. Now in Ohio Mrs. Doiothy McEachrttn ttt Indian Ridge will return this weekend fiom a week's visit in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. McEachren is making final plans for Mr flight to Turkey on May 15. Take FBI Training There is an FBI school in pro. gj-ess in Woodstock on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Attending this school from Wonder Lake are Deputies " Sigurd ^iMCObsen^ l^antf Victor Milbiandt. . - '. - l. ' ' Clean-lip Day Sunday is "Cl^n-Up" day at Nativity Lutheran church, where the men of the brotherhood will gather at 2 o'clock to clean the grounds and get ready for tfie landscaping. An evening luncheon will be served. The Sunday morning service at 10:45 will feature a sermon entitled "Today's Good Shepard." Monday evening at 8 p.m., the women of Nativity will honor their mothers with a program and two moving pictures. One of the pictures concerns community health and the other is pure entertainment and features Movie 8tar Alan Ladd. Serves as HofftMk* • Mrs. Veia Wohnrade of Wonder Lake served as hostess for a public smorgasbord dinner at Richmond's Grace Lutheran church Wednesday. Has Surgery Mrs. Delia Cheney of Shore Hills subdivision had major surgery the first of this week in the Cuneo hospital, Chicago. Leave for Europe Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mayer of Wonder Center (he's the barber) left Thursday for Eui ope. They flew from New York and will stay in London for a few weeks before going on to Frankfort, j Germany. The Mayers were mar- I ried in Europe twenty-nine years ago and this is their first trip back. The Mayers, who have lived in Wonder Lake for the past j thirteen years, will be gone for \ four months. Theii- home will be • occupied by cousins during their j absence. ; Susan Gran»i#\ diruyhter of Mr. und Mi's. Frank Grasser of • Wickllne Bay, was hostess to a j group of ten little playmates on j April 7 in honor of. her sixth | birthday. | After opening her many lovely j gifts, games were enjoyed with awards going to Debby liVlken- , thai and Barby Whitfield. i The ' afternoon was climaxed j with the serving of "a cake In the j form of doll, ice, cream and milk, served from a tablr decorated in pink and green. All wished for many more happy birthdays .for the little lady. Cros* Drive ' "MrSt/ Ruth Redmari. ""chairman of the Wonder Lake bianc'h of the American Red Cross,, says that the recent d'ive for Jfunds at Wonder Lake was a j huge success. Ed Doutlich waV fund chairman this year and she points to anjonnt/collected as evidence oF'his fine efforts. A total of $846 was brought into the Red Cross coffers, against a quota of $700. Wonder Lake's branch was the first in the county to go over the quota's top. Mrs. Redman said there are still funds promised. The Brownie Scouts collected $14 with their penny boxes; two high school girls, Marilyn Wiggins and Marian Samp, spent Sunday collecting in Highland Shores. The kick-off meeting was held in Nativity Lutheran church with a brunch served by the Girl Scouts. Mrs. Redman said that every worker had really done his or her share. Gospel Church News It was to us a real privilege and a joy to have with us in the evening of our anniversary, Sunday, April 25, the pastor of the Summerdale Evangelical Free church of Chicago, the Rev. Arley L. Bragg, and also the male quartet of that church. Their messages in sermon and song proved a great inspiration and blessing to us ati. We are hereby announcing our summer daily vacation Bib^s school, to be hekr in the month of June. More specific announcements will be • forthcoming. Mother's Day will be observe^ Sunday, May 9, with a special, program and fitting recognition to vl mothers presen^ And thme's always a warm welcome to our Sunday services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Also Sunday Bible school at 10 a..ip. and mid-week service of Bible study and prayer on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock, "Come thou with us aM we will do thee gbod." PRESENT CONCERT . The Northwestern University concert band of 110 members will play a conceit on Sunday afternoon, May 9, in. the Wauconda, high school auditorium at 2:30 p.m. Since this will be the only appearance of this outstanding'organization in the area this year, an invitation is cordially extended to all the people «f surrounding communities to. attend this special concert. Advert is e In The Plaindealer FOR "*S Building Materials Sears Roebuck & Co. Floor Tile -- Wall Tile Gutters - Roofing Siding Garage Doors Comb. Windows -- Doors Kitchen Cabinets (Formica Tops) For Free Estimate Call or Write FRANK CANS S00 Riverside Drive Phone 767-W McHenry, BL McHenry County Through The Yeari by Marie Schaettgen Chapter 11 Education in the tWlttty Before 1840 there were several schools in McHenry county. Despite the handicaps and poverty during pioneer days our earliest residents gave a great deal of thought to the educational problems of the day. Coral was the birthplace of formal education in MdHenry county. It is toelieved that the first school in the county was established at Coral in 1638. Mrs. Flanders (Caroline Cobbt was the fiJst teacher. One of the greatest of their difficulties was to find competent teachers. The good teacher was a rare commodity at this period. The teachers, too, found things difficult. There was no uniformity in textbooks; only elementary subjects were taught and those often rather sketchily. Education in the county has come a long way since those days. The teacher of today is. more than likely, a college graduate who has specialized in education, usually with emphasis on one subject. Psychology "was little known: and less used by the pioneer teacher. To her most problem children could be handled with the ruler or the rod. Today the children and the problem are more complicated. In 1855 the board of supervisors^ Sarnented the fact that, althoughirtoney had been spent to establish training schools for teacheis, the result was still very discouraging. The teachers lacked "interest and zeal." About this time an attempt was made to establish McHenry county Normal school, but the attempt failed. Soon some private schools began to make their appearance in the county. One was established at Lawrence and others at Crsytal Lake and Mareng£>. There were others throughout the county. The Marengo Collegiate Institute was an ambitious undertaking with a building five stories high, designed to accommodate 186 puptts. This school "was established in 1857. Crystal Lake had Nunda college. From these schools can\e well-qualified teachers, at las£ and education in McHenry county became a proud achievement. Today its schools, compare favorably with the best. FRATERNITY PLEDGE Robert Wohnrade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Wohnrade of Wonder Lake, was recently pledged to Kappa Phi Tau social fratcnity at Valparaiso university. A graduate of McHenry Community high schoci, Wohnrade is a freshman majoring in civil engineering at the Lutheran university. Regular purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds is evidence of good sound citizenship. Subscribe to t^e Plaindealer JbSajBWESf: County TB Association^ In Annual Meeting 1 The McHenry County Tuber- . culosis association held its annual dinner meeting at the First Baptist church in Woodstock on . Tuesday evening, April 20, Speaker for the svening was L. Max Gardner of the Illinois Tuberculosis association. Mr, Gardner presented an interesting narration of the fifty years oi growth and development of the National Tuberculosis association and its constituent associations. The officers elected for thft '• coming year include Dr. H. W. Sandeen, president; Mrs. Greta Goodell, first vice-president; Mrs, Roy Herrick, second vice-president; Mrs. Ardin Frisbie, secretary; and Miss Zelma Hutson, treasurer. Read Tht Wast Aial Central Garage FRED J. SMITH SALES rial SERVICE CLARENCE S SHOP California Redwoed or Pondorosa pine in Wrd hmws, dog houses, lawn chairs, lawn swings, picnic and umbrella tables, pier and park beaches, sand boxes, flower boxes, flower wheel barrows, rose aikon, trellises, picket fences, etc. Catyhiets nude to order. (Aiitent cesspool rings and chimney caps. MADE TO ORDER Business and Service Directory of WONDER LAKE A" AJttBbz. USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG, ILL. McHENRY 200-J JluicJ&i ICE CREAM STILL THE Fines ICE CREAM Made.. Try It Today I ALL FLAVORS BOY IT AT ... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 40 :'wi CLARENCE SMITH PHONE 1515-J JOHNSBURG, ILL. CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs •-- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE Hancock Drive Phone W.L. 4881 WOOOCKWOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOCXK^OOOOC IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY 3% Send or bring over an/ amount from $5 to $10,000 to earn a good return for you CURRENT RATE IF YOU NEED MONEY * TO REFINANCE ... • TO REPAIR ... V* TO PURCHASE... a Home WE CAN HELP YOU OVER $3,000,000 INSURED MONEY INVESTED WITH US OVER $3,000,000 LOANED IN GOOD FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS 1 WACCNGC FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Jooooo 102 NORTH STATE ST. TELEPHONE 99 MARENGO. ILLINOIS ALL PHASE Plumbing DISHM ASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone WX. 8651 New Horizons In BoOfflnf r - * Cristy and Stendebach GENERAL. CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS | SUPPLY i T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE of All KHIHl WONDER LAKE 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing # Greasing • Tires f Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop • North-end of Wonder Leke . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning No other refrigerator gives you o// the outstanding features of the ' / GAS REFRIGERATOR * U9>" Dees ye«r refrigerator make ke cvbes withevt traysautomatically? DOES! Does your refrigerator have a 10-year warranty? ^eJ4 DOES! Is your refrigerator silent? geJjlS! Does your refrigerator defrost avtomatically? DOES! Does your refrigerator have a bi SeJj DOES! big, roomy freeier compartment? Free Estimates A Delivery Phone W.L. 3231 O P OOP BOB POflOQOBOOOH BOB BOOBO Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder L«.ke Blacktop Road Phone WM*. SSSl . Nile Phone 4191 Complete Septic Systems Iastitifled L. PERRIN . Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933rv Yes, Servel is different! Only Servel... the automatic GAS Refrigerator... gives you ice cubes without using trays. Only Servel has a 10-year warranty on the silent no moving parts freezing system. And only Servel is so SILENT! Servel is truly the most modern refrigerator you can own. Actually, see for yourself the many outstanding features of the 1954 Servel GAS Refrigerator--you'll be amazed! • Sptool h>« fcxp clean! ton can k»« n SeryW ^ Remember ^GAS does it BETTER • •. FOR LESS! See Servel * at your dealer'* or pur nearest (Public Service) appliance store NORTHERN ILLINOIS OAS COMPANY A

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