Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1954, p. 2

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i fM :T* *. A. 'J'J: m • >< • ;> |ii'ni 11 i ijfciii » • * *%» * •!§• ttMim a m m m m m m < it Matron*' ; and Mrs. Niska and son, the Met Monday i senior and junior Larry Hueks Hie May meeting of the. Past'and the latteis' daughter, Terry, Matrons' club. No. 547, was held and Mrs. Myrtle Jencks of Ei- •t the home of Mrs. Valeska gin. Mrs. Herbert Wolf of'Chi- Hoppe of Wonder Lake last Mon- cago (Michael's godmother) was day evening. The June luncheon ; unable to attend but sent him a meeting will be held at the home.L beautifully decorated cake in Of Mrs, J. McNeil of Niles on Wednesday, June 1 honor of the occasion. ; . Following dinner, open house was held at the senior Ruck home in McHenry at 4 p.m. A host of friends and neighbors at- Carol Stoiler To Marry In July » . * Mi and Mrs. Robert E. Stoiler . tended. Michael was the rMtptMt Announce the engagement of of ,jnany cards and gifts. their daughter, Carol Sue, to -- Savid S. Page, son of Mr. and P.T..A. To Hold - rs. Lester J. Page.' The wed- Annual Luncheon jf : ding will take place July 10. The McHenry Comlmfhfty ; P,T,.A. will hold its annual lunchfinal Meeting Of " eon meeting in the new club- Square Dancers < house of the McHenry Country The final meeting of the pre- , Club, at which time new officers teen and teen-age square danc- ; for 195$ and 1955 will be installers will be held Saturday even- ed Reservations must be in by llig. May 8. at Edgobrook school j May g. Please phone Mrs. Stuart Ht 7|30 9'clock, under direction ; ^ Engh, phone 739, or Mrs. Of E*ne9jt, Iranian. ! Paul Jessup, phone 9$i. A i parent^ night is being 1 planned. For the most part, the j Representatives At evening will , be handled much j f j) 0f Convention like i r^f^meeting. However, I Migs Bertilla Freund.'.«fe*nd there will a0W%e two exhibition | Regent of Court joyce Kilmer, numbers, "Capri Square an j catholic Daughters of America, "Too Old to Cut the Mustard. j flnd Mfg Edward 3^ were °.ne -F1 oup-?f. da"ce!l ^lLmS delegates to the state convention of the Catholic Daughters, held at the Palmer House in Chicago last weekend. The morning session, on Saturday, opened with Mass at St. 1 ' H i n -- I . d i n 1ni • n r-••n -•--'> r Girls present at the training session "will now teach the subject to their fellow club members at club meetings to be'held in Way- Club represented at the home lighting school were Community Clovers, Richmond; Busy Bumble Bees, Handy Helpers, and Live Wires, Wonder Lake; Alden Boosters, Alden; 4-H's and Amigos, Hebron; Sunshine Girls, Ringwood; Genial Greenwood Girls, Greenwood; Lakeiettes and Junior Wonder Maids, Crystal Lake; Grafton Girls and Junior Clovers, Huntley; and Riley Girls. Marengo. W: J'-m. v* K'.-: ,f*'; V"? ."•*!fS V-/ ALER t* I /A' « t ' ^ •> l^...v r. 'w'i : elude Patty Blake, Susan Sayler, Janice Hettermann. Janice Mikota, Ernest Useman, Jr., Bill ttouch, Mark Vycital and David FantUB. The other consists of Angellne Mendyk. Alice Sullivan, Sue Stinespring. Kathy Ander- ; P*er ton, Jack W^lsh, Dave Preund, Gene ."Ullrich^ and Sam Smith. Annopnee Troth Of Marigp Springman Mr., and Mrs. Carl Springman of Fox »tntk announce the engagement' Of tfieir daughter, Marian. to ' Mr. Marvin Olson, ion at Mrs. Lillian Olson of Island Lake. No plans have been made*for the w< ODogiell Baby Baptfied Sunday MifsMuel Jsnies O'Donneil, son of a'tid itfs.' ICiJward O'Donneil of Woodstock, was christened at St. Mary's church in that city last Sunday with Rev. Fr. Egan officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Walc- »ak of Wartenville, aunt and uncle of the baby's moUW* acted a* sponsor* . T--r. .. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Curran of McHenry "are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. IFames O'Donneil of Gays Mills, Wi8..f are the pateinal grandparents. Great-grandparents are Mr. find Mrs. ' John Grasser of feoard street and James Curran of Round Lake. lain, Monsignor Gill Mlddleton, of Peoria, preached the sermon. In the afternoon, talks were given by Rev. Fr. J. J. McGrath. state junior chaplain, and Mrs. Lucille Hasley, South Bend, Ind., a convert to the Catholic faith, and authoress of "Reproachfully Yours" and "Mouse Hunter." A banquet for the delegates and members was held in the Red Lacquer room. The address of the evening was given by His Eminence Cardinal Stritch. Bishop Raymond Hillinger of Roekford and Bishop O'Brien of Chicago were guests. Mrs. Ceil Fox of Ottawa was elected state regent during the Sunday session. Eleanor Quinn, DeKalb, well known in McHenry, was elected vice regent. Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch, Mrs. John Thennes, Mrs. Helen Hauser, Laitca Weber vand Mrs. f^ay McGee were in attendance at the Mass Saturday morning. Mrs. McGee also attended the banquet. CHEMUNG UNIT OF HOME BUREAU TOPPED MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Chemung unit received top honors in the McHenry county Home Bureau membership ,.dri;ve which ended April 30. j, Mrs. Leo Liebold, vice-chairman of Chemung unit, and her Workers signed eight new members to top all other units in the month-long drive. They were honoied at the Calico Tea April 30, ending the drive which began April 1 with a Gingham Brunch. Receiving recognition with Mrs. Lefbold were her co-workers, Mrs. Albert Chinn, Mrs. David Jones, Mrs. Thurlow York, and M;s. Bert Bridges. Grafton unit also received top recognition, with five new member!). Riley, Union and Seneca units received recognition for signing four members per unit. Other membership reports included three new membeis fop- Hebron Twilight unit, with Mrs. Clifton Peterson as membership chairman, and two for Rush Creek, with Mrs. Laverne Ackman as membership chairman. Solon-Richmond also reported two members signed. A report of one new member per group was received from West Dunham, Ringwood, Greenwood and Greenwood Homemakers units. A total of thirty-two new members were reported at the Calico Tea, held in the meeting room of the Farm Bureau building, Woodstock. Membership workers were entertained at the tea 1 with a review of Gilbert Laue's book, "So Much To Learn." Mrs. Van Sells, Wonder Lake, presented the book review. The county membership committee, Mrs. Ruth Fenwick, Mrs. Clifton Peterson and Mrs. Thurlow York, were In charge of the afternoon event. PERSONALS Carl Buckner attended the state music final contest in Peo* ia last weekend, when he accompanied the ninety students from McHenry who were entered in competition. Edward Buss and daughter, Mrs. Mary Burns, and A. P. Freund were among those who attended the May Day celebration in Burlington last Saturday. Mrs. Walter Carey had the pleasure of shaking hands with Senator McCarthy and his wife at the luncheon held in connection with the May Day celebration in Burlington on Saturday. William Schirmer and daughters, Judy, Barbara and Kathleen, of Squaw Lake, Minn., were visitors in the Larry Huck, St*:.;' home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl SwansQft, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hammerstein, Sr,, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hammerstein, Jr., and daughter, Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scholtz and daughter, Penny, and Miss Donna Dowe were among those from here who attended the wedding of Elaine Scholtz and Walter Rose in Chicago last Saturday. Miss Erma Henise of Glendale, Calif., and Dr. and Mrs. Thompson of Arlington Heights were recent guests in the home of Miss Genevieve Knox. Miss Henise, R.N„ was a former resident of McHenry. This was her first visit here in twenty years. Mrs. Harry Reichow of Chicago and Mrs. Glen Amos of Sergeant, Nebr., were guests in the Robert Thompson home Saturday. ' WOOD CUSTODY > In mentioning the avtardtng custody of the two Wood children to their father, William, in Waukegan, it was stated in last week's Plaindealer that the youngsters' mother was the first wife of Wood. Jeannette Wood of Woodstock was the first Mrs. Wood. The late Catherine Faxel was Wood's second wife. WED Saturday t W°rwick Photo THE T. F. LAN DUES In a double ring service performed in St. Patrick's Catholic church April 24, Miss Joy Carstens of McHenry exchanged nuptial vows with Corp. Thomas F. Landre. They will reside in Quantico, Va., where the young serviceman is stationed. Ill 1111 III 11 li Ml III11 III 1111 LLiill I LIU li|i)!l4>|111 BIRTHS 1 itrtmnii 1 uiiuuiiiiM !i;w,uEtiii'i;imtmn Mr. and Mrs. Florian Schmitt are the parents of a daughter, born May 1 at the Woodstock hospital.; A daughter was born at the Woodstock hospital on April 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard May of Spring Grove, A son, Corey Scott, was bom at the Woodstock hospital April 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nellia of Cooney Heights. He has a 4- year-old brother to welcome him. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Wilkin* of Urbana are the parents of their first child, a daughter, Melinda, born May 3. Mrs. Wilkins is the former Sharon SeUs of Wonder Lake. f Honor Michael Nialui At Family Gathering ' Sunday, April 25. proved a day long to be remembered for iMichael James Niska. It was the Say V* received his First Com- _ iuni<ia at St. Patrick's church,! the 1954 electric activity for 4-H to befprollow-ed by a large gather- j home economic clubs. Mrs. iing off relatives and friends. j Coughlin emphasized the impor- Mi<aael is the son of Mr. and j tance of proper home lighting to Training School On Home Lighting A "Better Light -- Better Sight" training school on home lighting was presented by Mrs. §3etty Coughlin April 29 in West- Wood school for thirty-seven 4-H girls and leaders. Mrs. Coughlin is home representative of Northern Illinois Public Service company. The training school launched Summer Schedule of Services i ^ m * * vs;' *Zfon Lutheran 408 John Street, McHenry -- SUNDAYS -- 8 A.M. Service 9 A.M. fanday School A.M. Service -- All Welcome -- Pastor C. A. LOBITZ Phone 859 Mrs. Imie Niska and a grandson of M#f and Mrs. Larry Huck, Sr. Diryier for the immediate fam- ' lily w|fe served at Floyd's Lounge, (Carpofctersville. Present were Mr. prevent eye strain, and illustrated her presentation with examples of good, inexpensive remedies to glaring, bare electric bulbs. n-Box handbag IV Smartest an! tittl* han finely ffW brtton ctotp ever sicn. cowhide, in Black, Twf, I or Tan. Pin* Tax THE GIFT PORT P if 1111 'THE M09T OlSTinCTJVE -THE MOST D E SI RED CARDS THE GIFT PORT NONE OF THIS Because it's - - * - COMING EVENTS May 7 Christian Mothers Of St. Mary's -- Benediction At 7:45 p.m. Meeting Following May 8 'Teen-age Dance Pyog|*m -- Parents' Night Bake Sale -- Jus ten Furniture Store -- Sponsored By Women of the Moose May if Adult Girl Scout Association -- 11 a.m. -- Outdoor Cook-out t-- V.F.W. Grounds -- Troop 3, Hostesses. . May If . . V Public Party -- St. Johiv's School, Jbhnsburg -- Sponsored by Blessed Virgin Sodality -- 8 p.m. Library | Benefit, "Preview of Summer" -- Presented by Toddler Shop and Young 'Teen Corner -- 3 p.m. TT- High School Auditorium May 17 Film Lecture By Sam Campbell -- High School -- Sponsored By Methodist Men's Club ; May 18 Annual Card Party of R.N.A. No. 6818 -- K. of C.. Hall -- 8 p.m. May 22 - 28 Spring Concert by McHenry Choral Club -- High School Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. May 19 W.S.C.S. Annual Spring Tea -- School Cafeteria -- 2 p.m. May 27 Annual Spring Music Festival -- High School Gymnasium -- Sponsored By School Music Department Jv- Hay 28 K. of C, Communion Sunday -- St. Patrick's GhUNtf -- Breakfast F'ollows ."***. May Z» Bake Sale -- George Justen Furniture Store -- Sponsored By s :*/: r;-1.;; f j; Thursday, May 6. 1954 amongthesick" Dan Daniels Writes From St. Petersburg A letter ariiv^d thi« week from Dan Daniels in St. Petersburg, Fla., in which he wishes to reassure hi3 friends regarding the state of his health. Recent reports were that Mr. Daniels had suffered a heart attaek, which is not true. He is now organist in a famous restaurant and lounge in St. Petersburg and also doing six broadcasts weekly. He says he 'has often mentioned McHenry and its summer attractions. , CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express our sincere appreciation for the many expressions of sympathy extended in our loss. 52 The Froehlich Family WHAT DC YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT BANKiNi tz T X You borrow at a modest interest cost... make a convenient payment, once a month, out of income. Part of each payment reduces the principal of your loan--until, finally, you owe us nothing, and own your own home in full. Let your purchase o£ a home be a pleasant experience: see our bank abou* ttafinancing. T* McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION*; MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ' INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS PHONE 1040 m p! * I Mrs. Nick M. Justen has been un3e: going treatment at Sacred. Heart sanitorium in Milwaukee, "Wis. Miss Maurie Taylor underwefll surgery in Victory Memorial hospital. Waukegan, on Tuesday morning of this week and is reported to be progressing nicely, Gary Parks, three and on#» half years old, was rushed to Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, Sunday evening when * piece of an egg shell becan)# lodged in his windpipe. It WJLS removed and he is now recoverr ing nicely. t Frank Masquelet is recovering in Hines hospital from surgery^ he underwent last - Friday. Friends may write to him in Ward C, Room 218. V.J Oklahoma is the windiest statfc ill ihe U.S. " m MOWS AND TRIMS : ALL AT ONCE Hand trimming will never bother this young lady again. She's using a new light-weighl» die-cast aluminum LAWNBO V Rotary Power Mower that trims to within 3/8-inch & obstructions. The inset left tyont wheel and trim slot (see arrow) just behind it accomtJMf the clfisg primming 18" ... . il. $89.95 ,'Ace Hardware W. B. Bjorkman & Son ISO Riverside Dr. McHenry, HI PHONE 722 OUR SHOP & * • % ' * • i 0-% For Your Comfort Permanent Waving, Tinting, and Complete Beauty Service Open Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Evenings 'Til 9 PJM. "YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS" 126 NL Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 £)VERY Mother deserves flowers on Mother's Day. Present the lady of your heart with a fragrant^ beautifully arranged bouquet... a fresh, artfully done corsage ... a gay flowering plant. When you want the finest in flowers, consult us. Specify your, preference or leave it to us. Either way, you give the very best. We deliver everywhere in to^^OU J ELM STREET FLORIST 300 W. Elm St. THE TELEGRAPH FLORIST "ACROSS THE STREET FROM PHONE 230 $ McHenry, I1L We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere

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