May 1954. %W':7: - WrW, f > i y "W "'^HJ* * THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ,«*• *0R SALE -- 6 room house, on Pox river, automatic oil heat, 2 car garage. Near McHenry. Phone 4T6-J. 51-2 POR SALE -- Five 80x134 lots on high ground, in best location in city of McHenry, 1 block from Edgebrook school and) four blocks ffcom high school. All improved lots with gas, city sewer and w»ter. (guaranteed title. 2 lots hive large oak trees. Will finance •Hione McHenry 964-W. 52 REAL ESTATE WANTEP „ . have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell property if jrow prtea^ Is "***. ' , /• >. \t>%4 S*9e$eT» REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 12 acres of wooded property, "2 cottages, one year round cottage with knotty pine interior. Located on Glen Lake in Marinette County, Wis. Cottages furnished including 2 boats. Excellent trout stream. Only $7,500. Write Patrick Knapp, 1724 Washington Road, Kenosha, Wis. 49 tf REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SITUATION WANTED WANTED TO RENT REAL ESTATE JOHNSBURG - 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, tile kitchen and bath, oak floors, gas heat, two car garage below. Price only $9,500.00 JACOB FRITZ -- Real Estate In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 57 27-tf FOR SALE -- 4 room house overlooking Wonder Lake, full basement with drive-in garage; automatic oil heat; glazed front porch; screened back porch; fireplace; furnished. For appointment, phone 3132. ' 52 FOR SALE --' In Richmond, Illinois - Attractive two bedroom ranch home with garage, full basement. Tiled bath, large kitchen with washer and dryer, dishwasher, birch cabinets. Oak floors, combination windows, picket fence fully landscaped. Lot 85'xl50\ Quick possession. See or call Arnold N. May, Broker. Office 4381, Res. 4744. 52-3 FOR SALE -- McCullom Lake, McHenry, 111. 5 room house, full basement, 2 car garage, land 100x280. May be bought separately. Write or phone Floyd Lewis. 711 18th St., North Chicago, IH DExter 6-3957. 52tf FOR SALE -- 2 separate lots at West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake; 1 lot 40x120 at Island Lake. Reasonable. Reply, Plaindealer Box 451. 52 McCULLOM LAKE - 5 rooms, 5, lots, 2 car garage, only $8,500.00, $2,000.00 cash. Balanoe^erms. McCULLOM LAKE - 4 bedroom, 2 up and 2 down, oil'heat, 2 corner lots. Price $H,700.00; LAI$EMOOR. - 4 room ran^h-tyjp bceezeway, 2 car garage, overl ing lake, a good, buy, $10,900.00. EAST OF JOHNSBURG - 4 room cottage, large lot, • nicely landscaped, water rights, with of without furniture. Price $5,500.00 McHENRY - 3 apartments, two 4's and one 3 room, ranch type brick, only 2 years old. Rents $220.00 per month. A good investment. Price $24,750.00. ON FOX RIVER - 1% story 3 bedroom home, gas heat, basement, garage, large lot, building in A-l condition, a good buy. Price $17,000.00. t For information on above property, call at our office. Main- St.. Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ - Real Estate § 52tf s JAK-ANA HEIGHTS See our new 2 and 3' bedroom Ranch Type homes, gas heat, face brick on all 4 sides. We can build you one on a 100x200 foot lot, in beautiful Jak-Ana Heights, % mile north of Johnsburg near church, schools and shopping district. E-Z financed $2,000 00 down for G.I. Prict» including lot $13,- 500.00 and up. For information call at our office, Main street, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. SITUATION WANTED -- Will care for your child in my home by the hour, day or week. Call 1096-R. 51-2 SITUATION WANTED -- Working mother -- Will care for your pro-school child in my home. Phone 499-R. ' 52-2 JACOB FRITZ Real Estate 52tf FOR SALE -- Bargain for handyman. House which needs repair on 2 lots, 1 block north of beach. McCullom Lafte Estates. R?n Fisher, 3304 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. \ 52 ' - j , -• - FOR SALE -- Semi-finlshed^cottage, Wonderview. Priced $3,700. Call Algonquin 5912. .52 WANTED TO RENT -- 6 room house suitable for family of four, McHenry or vicinity. Call McHenry 444. Mr. Gregory. 52 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION WANTED -- PalntOT and decorator with 20 years experience, now otherwise employed will Hske weekend jobs. Clean, satisfactory expert workmanship. Call 572-W-l for free estimate. _ 62 WANTED FOR SALE -- 5 room ranch home fully insulated, combination screen and storms, cabinet kitchen, automatic laundry, tile bath, automatic forced air oil heat. Basement, garage. Many other fine features. $11,900. Phone Wonder Lake 5247. 52 Rainbows are caused by the sun shining through raindrops. WAITED - Room and board in private home for two elderly sisters. Not bedfast. Call 831-R or 765-R. " ' 52 Fish Fry Every Friday Night Pizza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Ons'b Place ISO S. Green St, J7tf . Club LilymOpr • Presents Friday Nites ^ „;Alyce Joyce at the - 'iKammond Organ •' Saturday Nites Pete Hamil and His Orchestra Sunday 4 . til 10 p.m. Pe£gy Clair at the Hammond •- •' ' w»2 WANTED,',-- Small wooded acreage in Bull Valley, McHenry school zone. Call McHenry 934. 52 WANTED TO BUY A T T E N T I O N Cullom Knoll Assoc. will hold it's j first open meeting at the beach on (May 23 at 2 p.m. Important that everyone attends. 52-2 WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metais and Junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf The king cobra is tip m&ost poisonous of all snakes*. ^iiiimmi i HI ii i urn i rniiitiii'iiii II t iiirii 111 ru 111 n ini u i mi iiiiiiiri 11111:1 liiiiiwiiiiiLi "PREVIEW OF SUMMER*' A style revue, "Previews of Summer," is being presented in the high school auditorium Sunday, May 16, at 3 o'clock, given by the Toddler Shop and Young "Teen Corner. All proceeds will benefit the McHenry public library and will be used exclusively for the children's section. DAIRY AT AUCTION William H. Russell, Auctioneer The undersigned, havLng decided to quit dairying, will sell at public auction on his farm 1% miles southeast of Crystal Lake, mile south and ft mile east of Route 14, along the Crystal Lake-Algonquln railroad tracks, on : „ Sunday, May 9. 1954 commencing at 1:00 p.m. 27 head of livestock, consisting of 26 dairy cows and 1 coming 2 yrs. oldbuli. This is an exceptionally good dairy of cows, and we will toe pleased to have any prospective purchasers call at any time for inspection. ALSO 200 bushels 61 oats; 400 bushels of ear corn. a MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT 8 can sub-zero milk cooler (new); milk pails, strainers; Hinman milking machine; hot water heater; milk cans; wash tanks, etc. TERMS: Usual bank terms. Not Responsible For ^Accidents ELMER KEGEBEIN, OWNER First National Bank of Woodstogjt Clerking Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Advertise In The Plaindealer FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT USE A KERATOLYTIC BECAUSE-- It SLOUGHS OFF Ike tainted outer skin to expose buried fungi and kills it on contact. Get this STRONG, keratotytic fungicide, T-4-L, at any drug store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Now at Bolger*s. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Graen Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) WjMttLT *|!i; kjTSSfAlVrtNtft) -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 0 to 12 AM. and 1 to 5 Pjf. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 ;MOU pajB-^suoinap sppoin auopQ MSV aq* f|B aeg jgrnqooo '8ui^q9i( 'apauiofnv ipjwnSijoBq Aauaiorya pauTfaiBaj^g j&io -|OD 3[puuq jnjpneaq zi 'BAIN^eaj ouopBQ Mau Jjur|jum oq-) aos put? ui 00103 39NV* SV9 Dlivwoinv A13131dW03 M3N EH1 ^guoi tnoiQiuP\g »soiu ^ LeRoy "The Home of Gas Appliances" 1 West Ekn Street PHONE 770-W MeH»nry, HL -| OPEN EVERY NITE •g Sunday May 9th Mrs. Steven's ,, "Kitchen Made Candies" By RUST CRAFT fe-Monfcofe Off/ Featurin "Shurtleff's ICE CREAM She Always Remembers See Our Fine Selection of Gilts ANTONSON'S CANDY SHOP S06 W. E!m St. Phone 2S5-M McHenry, DL CARE GIVEN TO 164 CHILDREN BY CATHOLIC CHARITIES Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockford gave care and supervision to a total of 104 children during 1953, according to the agency's yearly service report released by Rev. Michael J. Shanahan Children place-t or supervised in adoptive homes by Catholic Charities during 1953 numbered fifty-five. Forty-five children were given care and supervision in forty-one agency foster homes. This figure refers to children who are not adoptable, but who require temporary foster c^re. tn addition, twenty-six chiMren placed in adoptive homes during 1953 were given fostfer home care yiior to permanent placement. Casework help and supervision were given to twenty-four children f living in their own homes or homes of relative* and two children living independently. TRirty-eight children receiving institutional care were supervised by Catholic Charities. Medical and psychological servicei rendered during this period included sixty-six medical and psychological examinations. Five children were given necessary denial care. The case containing a ship's compass is the binnacle. : cRtpno* •Marts** the finest drugs (• • • fresh, pure, professional fuch as are supplied regularly by K. ___ •Squibb & Sons, are used in your doctor's (prescriptions. They are compounded! measured and prepared with ithe best equipment known to modern pharmacy. It ia a co forting thought when there ia jllnraf the family to know that absolute accuracy lb prescription work is our Of vital concern, too. aro tha vttaal* products wt recommend. As a 4i«tary supplement to prevent couunoa vitamin deficiencies, we suggest Vmuk. . 8qulbb MulUple Vitamin Cspsulea.. w " ' V the name Squibb U your guanntea the best product for U» pwtMi, Intended. ' t*Y !. ' • M 5~- vatchwoctUjr )y| £ Your prescriptions are our speckUiy BOLGER'S DRUG STORE So. Green St. McHenry, DL ibtse 40 Farmers B. M. FLEMING & SOlf PLUS mw IDEA -- PAPEC DE-ALES TRACTORS SALES ft SERVICE ' A Complete Farm Implement Service. SHONE McHENRY 99 892 Waukegan Road Dead Animal Removal WHEELING RENDERING WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience ftrompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspection Made by Dept. of Agriculture. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect. 45-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled cattle, fl5 to 950 cash. Call L. Bnrnslde and Sons, Marengo 907 collect. Utf GEO. P. FBEUIfp Authorized Dealer far McHENWT EQUEPME^ ro. »4LES & SERVICE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 195 909 W. Elm St. (Basement) HOGS WANTED -- All classes and weight for highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. -to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone Marengo 262. 50 tf FOR SALE -- Baled straw and corn fodder. Hickory Creek Farm, Phone 548-J-2. 40-tf SALES & SERVICE Arm Implements and Tractors Universal Milkers New Hoflknd Farm PHONE McHENRY 501 Crystal Lake MacW^ry RY 4|£O e Road Try Pioneer this year. You'll like the yield, standing ability and picking qualities. Let me know if you can use another bushel or more. Dorr Sherman, Rt. 3, Woodstock, HI. Phpne J63C-M-1. 62-3 McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Dough Boy Ful-O-Pep Larro Poultry & Dairy Feeda PHONE McHENRY 52S Waukegan Road WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phen* 1651-R-l, collect. *15-tl McHENRY MILLS, Inc. Poultry, Hog «' Cattle Feeds PHONE McHENRY 816 606 Crystal Lake Road LITTLE FARMER By KERN PEDERSON Uncle These days to keep up on your toes and use your head Ii quite a feat. • • Blessed Is the speaker who kin express fancy thoughts In just plain words. • Many a chap could be a shinin' light if he wasn't such a dim wit • • Lots of folks who pray deliver us freas «vU Jvift dm't mean ft. • • • When em are eighty ceata a doatn it's nice to havt a country cousin. • • • Sine* Grandpa Hedges grained his ankle Gram afast worryin' about where te fia OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT GONNA 86 ASF WAIT ' DAD, IM NOT I / HUH?-ER SMOOTH AS A 1VOULL CUT A BABV AHV J ^ NOPE1 MORE,AM THINK 5ED > 5HAVEI I'M A BIG 6R0VWN-UP MAN.AINT VEP' SHAVE? Remember hubby, your wife won't rage, If you remember her birthday and forgit her age • Real religion Bfe easy but it helps to It strong. SHE MOUSES 0ELLY/ VOURSELF For -GOODNESS go to church. --REV. CHARLEY GBAftT In church some folks much ado about nodding. •0 •CBOB •El EEEDQOC D DDDE2Q EQ •BBUQ BCQ •••B OBBD BBSQ BQQDB DQQ BDIDQ m •£•••• S2E2S3SI 3fflnB BSC) •D SBBQB 3DE •BDOB EQDE ••EJEJ OHDL3B SDEI \mum Cmsswom ACROSS DEEMS By TOM OKA 1. Glide through w-ter 6. Apparent 10. Clever 11. Defkma 13. Row 14. Stop 15. Proceed 16. Afted 17. Iron 18. Make lac* 19. Tiny 20. Limber 21. Atone 22. Vision*ry 24: More wan 26. Tardy 26. Bad 27. Musical instrument 1 29. Worship 31. Not aa much 32. Wash 33. Craft 36. Consume 34. Two footed 37. Golf mound 38. Plural tufte 39. Satan 40. Isinglass 41. Relate 43. Hits to the iafltU 44. Support 45. loci tee DOWN ' 17. Fiat diah 18. Enduring XI. Auction 28. Corrodes 24. Smoothed 25. Oblique 3J. Deride 28. Rente 29. Fut 30. Builds S2. Existed M. Beveragos 96. Greek letter 89. Expire 40. Drinking cup 42. Court (abkr.) 43. Part of to be i, U 5* GRANDPA'S BOY SVARNIE MOSSLERl V > /// GEE.THATLL $£GREAT:J-mey U6EDTO ALWAYS MAKE WMVJN NO TIME AT ALL YOU BE PITCHING BASEBALL "THE TEAM/ WILL MY ARM BE- SETTER ^ ^ OANNV SOON^AN'PA? PLAY FIELD 1. Grinned Impulse to 3. Anger 4. Mountain (abbr.) 5. Embrace 6. Girl Compass point 8. Paid notice 9. Entertain 10. Slagfish 11. Appears to I* 12. Motor part 14. 0ffen?e I