'i gj.i, f y ' ' . fx ^ ;= .L'£& \V »•' "7^. 5 ^ H 1 * »"** A-r>- s K««*w«y-v. - ^> 'W*4 •p' ?w ..'?*«. V ., rn A. , .- • v ?. . :;.S'7V..-' '•' boaaooooR; gtate chamber Compares Salary Told Tales Schedules In Illinois Schools ri-. I 8000000*000355 j '0^yr TWMity-Flve YMIH Ago ".'j >• ptelatives of Mi*. Christine; •tow plraaantly surprised her on Mother's Day when they came to spend the day with hei at the fcome of her daughter, Mrs. ! . Phil Hoffman, at Ter:a Cotta. j John J. Ryan, aged .13 years, j pucied away at the Colonial hos- ; pita] in Rochester, Minn.. Mav\| 10 following an operation for •tomach ulcers and other complications.. In 1925. Mr. Ryai came to McHenry and accepted the position of foreman at fhc ! ,4V . Plaindealcr, which he. held until,' the time of his death. re'"-' Peter W. Frett, forniei5; "6f McHenry, spent Wednesday'.'at ; Springfield, where he attended",' the meeting of the ,s,ta.te legislature and was instrumental in • the ^framing of the Tire Bill. 'n Which the amount of $170,l^r- I was re-appropriated, for ttre coii-'j * atruction- of a dam Hciosfc Fox-; ; -river between the • site ot the j | present dam and ! Ihe • o; iginal ; J point of appropriation. i John Unti has opened an ice j cream parlor in Highland Park j V and expects to move his family j *• there as, soon as the school year j I is ended. , ! The McHenry post office is to | • moved on June 1 from the- *1^illiam Piies building on Green j \ street to the H. E Buch building j - on Riverside D: ive. the govern-: ^ ment having taken a ten-year ; lease on the new quarters. ' Miss Catherine Regner, oldest ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Regner. graduated from the * nurse's training course at Grant j hospital May 9.. A beautiful " spring wedding. 1 was solemnized at. St. John's ' church Wednesday when Miss I France* Hiller, daughter of Mr. * and Mrs. John filler, and Mr, Albert Schniitt, son of Mr. and Mrs John M. Schniitt, weie u- ,nit*d in marriage, Annual salaries paid to begin- j ninj; leathers in McHenry range, from to S.'>.2(K) (minimum) conipa: ed with an average of $3,066 i"or Illinoffl as^a wholo. I •The figures were revealed in | a nation-wide survey of teacher j salary"schedules released by the education department of the Illinois State Chamber of Comnieror The survey, according to Chamber President Waldo I>. Ames, covers 208 Illinois communities and 265 selected cities forty-two other states. Illinois. and generally •throught'i.t the country, teachers' salaries are hased upon experience and training. T.ie beginning teachei with'lour years' college; .training may expect a beginning salaiy as low as S2.J00 annually br^'one, with . a master's degree and long teaching experience c«ji jiarh atv much as $6,700 a year "'ih"certain communities' Illinois - is. shown to toe above average on the starting salaries paid teachers but below average on top salaries. While both large and small communities pay about the same starting salaries, tlie survey reveals maximum salaries become. 25 per cent higher in the largefc communities. Ames, in releasing the figures, noted t^ere has been a shortage of competent teachers since the start of World War II. creating what he termed "an unprecedented demand" and building up sharp competition for teachers between communities. "Many citizens interested in the welfare of their schools," Ames said, "are not familiar with local salary schedules. The survey was undertaken." he added, "to provide readily accessible information on the subject.!' -The ' survey, attractively presented in printed form, warns that higher pay. in itself, will not necessarily produce more or better teachers. "Instead," it states, "logic dictates that ~8 school district desiring a competent faculty must be prepared to meet the attractions, salary and otherwise, of competing communities." Seven U. S. vice-presidents have succeeded to the presidency because of vacancy in the office. ^ \ iiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiui Now! Anyone Can Have HOT WATER QUICK! NEW POCKET-SlZf PORTABLE WATER HEATER COSTS LESS THAN S3.0I j Mtr»i; piac* • portable FAST-WAY Waiet i Heater In • rcceDtacle cootaininx water. Plug ia rami tocktt (•( HOT WATEH QIUCKI Tkonaand* in* (or bathing, •cruhbing. withing, ! etMOina cream «paratorm. milk caoa. pail*. »ifl. j Halt* amall quaetltie* »wy fast. Speed or beat* | ln|iartequaouoe(<jepend»on cb«Quantity. Com- < par# with Km*. No Area to build -- no hoi water j to earry--oo ruoolng up aod dowo stair*. No dirt, no nun, ao top b*avy fuel bill* Handy! ! luiptmUtl Read directions before uainf, ; tallow. Nov eoate lw than U.00. For talc bv-- Carey Electric Shop 119 S. Green St. Phone* 251 Leading: Hardware & Electric Stores Everywhere IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIUIIIIllllIII CONDrCT SCHOOL A school for fathers and mothers of young deaf or hard-of ^hearing children will be conduc- ' ted at the Illinois School for the IDeaf, Jacksonville. June 2-11. I There parents will be shown I ways by which they can help children overcome handicaps of hearing. S?Vhile" the parents attend classes the children will liave opportunity to enjoy supervised recreation. There is no charge for the ten-day meeting. ! Sponsors of this annual school are the Division of Services for r Crippled Children of the Univer- Isity of Illinois, the Division of Education for Exceptional Children W the office of the State i Superintendent of Public Instruction. "SffuT the Department of Public Wdffre. _ a_-- Advertise In The Plaindealer " / % i r ' . , s , , * ^ L THE TOWER GRILL ON ROUTE 180 AT LAIUEMOORl Chicken - Steaks - Shrimps - Seafood Specials and Sandwiches Full Fountain Service FOR CARRY OUTS PHONE McHEJTRT 16l| Large parking area reserved for our patrons •f i You've had a chance to size up the 1954 automobiles. ' You've read about, heard about all the claims for economy, I performance, acceleration, endurance, roominess and ride. j Now you're set to compare the facts, weigh the record. New'54 DODGE Clinches What it Claims! Dodg* loyal V-8 Four-Door Sedan Htft's the Record No Other Car Con Match PROVED Amerito't Great iconomy Champ--Dodge combines floihing performance with prize-winning aconomy. Dodge again topped oil cars in its class in Mobilgas Economy Run! PROVED America's Outstanding Performer -- On the Bonneville Salt Flats, Dodge shattered every record in its class for performance to demonstrate reserve-power-for-safety. PKOVCO Amerlee'* T*ii Endurance Car -- In official AAA tests, the '54 Dodge traveled farther and faster than any other American car. Here's clinching proof of Dodge dopendability. PROVED America's Greatest Read Car--As a final tribute to its unmatched road qualities, the '54 Dodge was selected as Official Pace Car for the Indianapolis 500-Mile Race. Dodge backs up promise with proof!. You get prize-winning economy, proved in the Mobflgas Economy Run. You get record-breaking performance, proved on the Bonneville Salt Flats, that lets you drive with greater confidence. If you want proved value, come see this big new '54 Dodge with its long, low, natural lines. Discover all Dodge offers . . . today 1 DEPENDABLE '54 DODGE #tv ---- Mft Did*! If tasrin P'tmt: Dm? Tkaat, AIC TY • |«t hhs • "Break the Bwk," UC1V • b) Sogers, NBC Kite .ir-tV.. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 801 E. PEARL STREET PHONE McHENRY 15g 30.000 MILE GUARANTEE 17. S. No. 1 - Alabama Red Last Big Week - Plan Now To Enter PRIZE CONTEST Juice Oranges Bananas Fresh Spinach Florida Valencia Firift Ri$t In Plio. Bag 8 10-OZ: Frozen Strawberries "i ;: , 1(sr25# Orange Juice Frozen Lemonade Old South Frozen 3 Lobby's Fresh 2 Pkg. 6-oz. tins 6'OZ. tins 35' 29* BANQUET CHICKEN One Wholt Chicken 4 Ballard Biscuits Preserves Mars Milky Way lb. tin Ready to Bat# Ann Paga- P««ch, Plum, Aprico|frJPia#«ppla Candy Bars $125 2u* IQc tin* : 25e box of 24 89c Sc boxes SAhen ant Small, Tender Early Garden Green Giant Peas 2 's-. 37' V-l Vegetable J«ie» 3 r T Del Monte Pineapple Juice * Niblets Corn Chum Salmon F*UIT COCKTAIL Five Choice Fruits Dole, Libby ' Del Monft Whole Kernel Golden Ben tern Sam* Strike Brand Bond's Cucumber Slices tin 16-oz. Planters Cocktail Peanuts Py-O-My Mix Swift'ning Milnot Brandywine Mushrooms Fer Coffee Cake Swift's Shortening for Light, Flaky Pie Cijfch Ideal for Coffee, Baking, or Coetfftf. |ar tin tin a Fancy J-ot- Buttons tin Personol Sixe-- and'So Mildl III Detergent Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Flakes Ivory Snow i Cheer Detergent « Wrisley Bar Soap Trend Detergent For Automatic Washers J Ht Finest fabrics Soap Granules for Dainty Thinff For DtakM Washes In flattie •a, l*, 23° 2!.rg. p^DO 2'*r»* COl pkgs. Qjf 2 Uprigve. 00 8 cakes 53c in bag to Your Hands C 49e AMMICA'S FOKMOST WOO HTAIlt»»*« MNCt U» 5«per J^arkets TOI CttAT ATLANTIC * HKM\t TIA CQMgtyX All prices effective thrnugh May 15th- It's easy -- Ii's Fun -- Just complete this sentence in 25 words or less "I like to shop at A&P in McHenry because--Contest closes Saturday night. May 15th. Here are the prises. • 1. Sunbeam Mixmaster \ » 4-pCe 2. 3.^^ Wearever 4. $25= Barrel of Groceries 5. 10-lb. Canned Ham i 6. Man's Sweater VEAL ROAST > 39< <S,» 55t £> 65< "Super-Right" Blade Cut Be«l Chuck Pot Boast 1st Thru 6th Ribs Beef Rib Roast Beef Sirloin Steak lb. 79c \ Round Steak Ib. 65* Fresh Grouiiri Best Fresh Fryers Ib. 39* FRESH CHICKEN PARTS Breaitf Legs Backs, Necks Wings ,k 88* » 75» 2 ib,. 25° „ 39« Reef Liver Fresh, Sliced •b 45c Skialess Franks a«pm.T ^ 45c Sliced Raeea^'SS; 79« Oeeaa Perch Z 59« Ann Pog«--Creamy Smooth Salad Dressing Rich Tasting^Natural Flavor Libby Tomato Juice quart jar 46-oz. tin 39 25 LUNCHEON MEAT Swift's Pram 49* 12-os. tin QUAKER BRAND Faffed Wheal 2£2y CHIFFON Seap Flakes 2 'Z 59e FOR FACE Dial Soap 21"25c FOR BATH Dial $oap 2 £35' UNCO BLEACH 33 Oeedorizaa Va-gal. Oisinfectt |u_ Kennevet Stain • ™ Sunsweet Prune Juice Ma Brown Pickles Armour's Gravy and Pork Bosco Syrup Ritz Crackers Club Crackers twit Chips For a DaliciaM Beverafa Nabisca • Crisp. Fresh CCc bettle. Qq) 35* 63' pint j*' 20-ox. tin 12^8. lb. pkg. N^W, Different Stwyer's Brand lb. 9*1- New Washday Miracle Palmolive Bath Soap Palnolive Facial Soap Fab Detergent Lux Bath Soap Lux FaciarSoap Surf Detergent Breeze Detergent Ajax Cleanser Be Lux Lovely Mid Completion CM Safe for Your Mand* Breeze Through Washday Cut* Grease instantly 33' 39e 2 m. Arc cakes 3 2 5 ° 2 £ 638 2 «r. 25" 3n + OC© caka* AAg pkg. 00 27.65* 223* , N