i ' . - .V '•• * •' Kk> THE McHENRY PLAINDCALER LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By Ann Bnrainski v , Our breezy reporter was es- his department. "'corted to t!he airport by Mas-1 Mrs. Mae Paterson entertained J damea Helen Para, Rita'Erick-J her bunco club Tuesday, May 4. = and Dorothy Wrublewski. | Marcella Foss and Hel«a Para „8he left at 12:30 and landed in' went home with prizes. A ilice at 6 in the evening. The j luncheon was served. '* ladies then spent the day in i May gt the f\in club celebra- CJhiaago. Our good neighbors arc j ted "tho fourth birtihday of their , . .treating the Foss family right j c]ub xho ladies treated their .nice. Ricky is enjoying- Tommy; husbands the way they should tPara's company. Bobby is spend--j be.treated. They all went to see v tog the week with Roy Erickson., ..geven year Itch," and finished 5 Corky is spending his time' with j ^ evenjng at Club Hollywood \ ' his good friend, Eddie St«<ad- wjth" a dinner, floor show and ,/man. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wade had j yancing. All it cost the husbands , ; the Foss family to dinner on; was the gas for their cars ? Mother's Day. We were wonder- j • ' A reminder to send in your ing if Marcella by this time is dancing any new Texas dances, or maybe the Texans arc out of p breath dancing polkas. Harold | and the boys will meet h^f Sunat the airport. <v Village News Meeting will be at Mac's Garage, May 14, at 8:30 o'clock. We urge everyone to attend the meetings as there will be issues of vital importance to everyone la the village. Mary of Nazareth hospital for a check.up. We hope she will feel better soon. Mrs.' June Kraus spent a few days at the hospital at Woodstock for observation. She came home Saturday. May 8. We all hope you are feeling much better, June. Roy Erickson, William Gibson and Harry Strnad of the voluriteen fire department and Mrs. William Gibson of the ladies auxiliary of the fire department attended a demonstration by the West Suburban fire departments the traps used Tor muskrata. Warn children to be careful. If you know of any traps arouru}, will you please help to remove them. Ibis accident happened not too far away from the small beach. STRICTLY FRESH WflTH congressmen threatening " to impose all sorts of price, wage and rent controls, we hope at Butterfield and Route 53, at: ^ey will find time to impose 9 which an historic building, built yttle "self control in 1883, was set afire. Latest fog type nozzles were used to extinguish a gasoline soaked room A confidential tip: "the thing" Is a nasty letter from Frerideat ---- General News The fire department committee met Friday, May 7. Two rules were changed: the hall must be cleaned before noon of the following day and the committee or hostesses of each club in charge of activities must arrange for a clean-up committee. The next meeting will be held Friday, June 4. Our traveling lady, Jenny Mc- Dermott. attended a convention in Milwaukee May 12. 'Teen-agers club will meet Thursday. May 13, at Marge Erhardt's. They will plan fuither activities for their enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. C. McDermott, Sonny, and Mrs. Exilda McDermott< »Jiad dinner at Genoa City, Wis. 'They ill enjoyed a pleasant Mother's'. Day. The Girl gcowti put on a party for their mothers at the fire house Monday. May 10, from 7 to 9 o'clock. The girls had entertainment and luncheon was served. As soon as the Girl Scouts complete tenderfoot requirements, they will be invested as Girl Scouts in the near future. On -merit and demerits, Mrs. Dunlkin and the assistant leader are very proud to say that Diane Caley, Pauline Kalemba and Elizabeth Kossup will receive their reward for good behavior. Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson, Mrs. M. Strnad and Harry Strnad were fiests of the Northbrook volunteer fire department and the Northbrook rural fire protection district Friday, April 23. at Glenbrook high school gymnasium. They attended the thirty-fourth annual card and bunco benefit party to raise funds for two new fire trucks. They were welcomed by Fire Chief Mueller and members of reservations for the UI.A. dinner and. dance May 22. Movies are shown every. Sunday at 3 o'clock at the fire house. All are invited. Albert Kunz was 3 years old May 3. He enjoyed a birthday party with cousins from Chicago and Wilmot, Wis. Happy birthday. young fellow. May seems to be a busy month for birthdays. Mrs. Dorothy Wrublewski celebrated hers on May 10, Wally Szarek and Harry Brady have theirs on May 15. A big happy birthday to all. The Brownies had their first meeting Tuesday, May 4. Meetings are held every Tuesday at Mrs. Pat Morrison's from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock. The children are starting a scrap book. Meetings will also be held through the summer months. There are still openings for 7. 8 and 9 year old girls. Call Pat at 591-R-2. Ladies League meeting was held May 5, with prizes donated by the club. Cakes were donated by Mrs. Helen Para. The May 19 and June 2 meetings will have a penny social. A reminder to bring a gift for the socials. The county auxiliary meeting was held May 6 at Highwood. The ladies were entertained with a social followed by a spaghetti dinner. Also movies were shown of the Lake county convention. Next county auxiliary meeting will be held in Lakemoor some time in August. More news will follow later. Lorraine Steadman made her First Holy Communion on Mother's Day. A special turkey dinner was served. Guests were the god-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Simmons. P.T.A. installation of officers was held Saturday, May 8, at the fire house. Installing officer was .Mrs. Frances Weiler. Mrs. J. Buchwalter donated a lovely centerpiece of flowers from her garden. Refreshments were served. New officers are president, Mrs. Dorothy Bonder; first vice-president, Mrs. Louisa Nielson; second vice-president, Phyllis Zahn; third vice-president, Mrs. Marion Laske; secretary, Flo Root; treasurer, Leona Fantus. Casey Brzezinski's mother has been ill and is entering the St. using 8 gallons of water in 20, IrtWOll., ^ ^ seconds, and using a 1,000-gaIlon . *r W ^<•• co°^ra"fd^ Chis demonstration were nre de- - r -- - t-- partments from Lombard, Glen EHyn, Butterfield, Lisle and volunteer firemen from nearby communities. Also representatives from fire. equipment companies assisted. Mrs. Chanzl Midiri, ex-resident of Lakemoor and sister of Jenny Vallone, is flying on her second U. S. President Jefferson never exercised his veto power. , . , _ .... name from George Drpgs Wolf to trip to Europe. She will spend George CrOW Flies Hjgh. You'd three months visiting Paris, | t of dragging wolve* tool France; Genoa, Rome and other i « * * cities in Italy. Jenny had an in-11 Cf women are enjoying vitation to go along but is afraid ) things they've wanted for years, to fly, so now all there is left j fThey bought them for their hwfor her to do is read her sister's, bands at Christmas.) letters about the good time s*he f • * * v >* iq havinB. '• Baghdad scientists are trying It _ 1, „„f find the missing link between the The Gorski family was out j-rst man an(j the first primi- Sunday to get their home ready five tiu a field The i^k will for the summer.. 'probably turn out to be nothing Mr. and Mrs. A. Levand visited more startling than an old hoc. ' Marge's mother in Bensenville, and also Mrs. Petersen,. Art's mother in Chicago for Mother's Day. Both mothers received twin rose bushes. Mr. and Mrs. JU Levand will open their bakery Saturday, May 15. They will be open every day from 7 in the morning to 7 at night; Sundays from 7 to 12 o'clock. Good luck to you both in your new business. Mrs. Cooke, Pat Morrison's mother, was down at the beach helping her two grandchildren enjoy themselves. Mr. and Mrs. £oy Erickson had weekend company. Guests were Rita's mother, Mrs. Sellows, and her two sisters, Mrs. L. Tuttle and Kay Sellows. Mr. and Mrs. T. Leon had weekend company, also. Their daughter. Lucille, and family,were out; also, their son-in-law, Jay, and a friend were busy painting the Leons' home. « Mr. and Mrs. Jolhn Kerechek spent Mother's Day in Chicago Both say they had a wonderful Jtime at. a silver wedding. Twith tHe families and cfrislni. MIMitlMM NO LEGAL SALE OF LIQUOHS DURING SCHOOL ELECTIONS There can be no legal sale Of alcoholic liquors during school elections in Illinois, Attorney General Latham Castle held recently in an official opinion. Attorney General Castle's opinion was issued at the request of State's Attorney Arthur R. Benz of Ford county. Benz asked whether the phrase "municipal election" as used/ in the statute prohibiting sale^ of alcoholic liquord during the hours of an election is broad enough to include school elections. The statute, Castle's opinion states, prohibits liquor sales during the hours of national, state or municipal. elections, including primary elections, but does not define the phrase "municipal election." However, the opinion points out, the State Election Code defines ^municipal election" to include school township and school district elections. Legislative intent, Attorney General Castle's opinion states, is the primary purpose in construing statutes and it is thus proper to compare statutes- relating to the same subject matter as well as statutes on related iubjecta. Applying this construction jrule, the opinion states, "it would appear that the definition of the term 'municipal election' as set forth (in the Election Code) could properly be applied in determining the meaning of the same expression as used in Par. 129 of the Liquor Control Act." In addition, the opinion said, Illinois courts have held that sale of alcoholic liquors is prohibited during the hours of an election for trustees of schools. "In view of the foregoing," the opinion concludes, "I am of the opinion that the phrase 'municipal election' as used in Par. 129 of the Liquor Control Act, includes school elections." : : Read The Want Ads aoi HAIft? The World's > OXLY COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC R* Sewlig Maehlae Warning A dog was trapped in one of Worwick's McHenry Camera Center Camera**, Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged Photo Supplies VIEW MASTERS and RE13J See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Stu 117 NT. Riverside Drive PHONE M«-HENRY 275 ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY* General Contractor .New Construction and Remodeling ' LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Plan Rotation For Higher Yields Now that cropping plans are set for tnis year, it will pay you to take a long-range look at your future cropping program. A. L. Lang, University of Illinois agronomist, says tests of thirteen commonly used rotations show that average annual crop value can differ as much as $32 an acre, depending on the rotation used. Here are some conclusions that will apply to any rotation: (1) Standover legumes are superior to catch-crop legumes for maintaining soil tilth. Still it's of 11.46 per cent. better to use catch-crop legumes than no legume at all. (2) Clover is the best crop to precede wheat. Corn j£ the poorest. The three rotations with highest value per acre all had legume catch-crops. They were corn, corn, beans, wheat; corn, wheat; and corn, corn, wheat. The average annual crop values per acre were $95, $93, apd 992 respectively. 4iL. 0 APRIL. 8 ALES Tha consolidated salea of National Tea Company for the four weeks ended April 24 amounted to $37,976,616 as compsured with $34,070,894 for the four weeks ended April 25, 1953, an increase BRAND NEW SPINET PIANOS Full 88 Note Keyboard In Mahogany $46g°o USED SPINETS FROM $37500 USED GRANDS FROM $34500 ALSO BIG SAVINGS ON FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TO $200°° Large Selection Va Choose Front SIMONSON'S & Established 1919 D26 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, I1LU S Open Mon. St Fri. Evenings 2 OOOI 0 p I ICE CREAM TILL THE Finest, ICE CREAM Made.. Try It Today! ALL FLAVORS BUY rr AT ..« BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Si, McHenry, HL Phone 40 » I * I f i t ' * A \ NOW! th e^r Beauty Parade of VALUES w lor Completely • Carefree: Washdays i on SEE THE NEW WASH 'N DRY DUET ROBOT PARENTS Q Savings: (130 to be exact!) <£J4 REFRIGERATOR Shhl it's Silent!... there's not a ringle moving part in the freezing system to rattle, clink or rumble! That's because SERVEL operates on dependable gas! And NOW Northern Illinois Gas Company offers you a truly substantial savings on the advanced, feature-packed Servel GAS Refrigerator. Note these famous features! • Large, separate freezer «ompartm^|i| e Special "Lock-In" adjustable shelve#, :/ V e Easy-to-operate 12-positlon TeiViperature Control The sewing machine with a mechanical brain. Sews every wanted stitch automatically by a simple flick of a lever - NO DIALS TO MOVE - NO ATTACHMENTS NEEDED I • MODERN STYLIMO # • tmciINT OPf RATION • > TROUSlt mi HRTOUUNCI * • APPLIQUE JjrL-atjwcannrw* --*-y BO SIMPLE• . . EVEN A CBMLD CAN ACTUALLY 8BW AM) CHANGE DESIGNS WHILE COMPLETELY BLINDFOLDED? f -v You too, can sew,on the machine of tomorrow -- TODAY! Goth- : »o* AS umi AS * $5290° j LIBERAL MONTHLY TERMS • - • Come in • NOW! TOO* SPtNNM WASHIR YovH fairly fly through waihdoy wHS th* aid of this nowest and most beautiful of all th« famous Thor Spinn«r Woihcril So kind to your hands becaus« • It washes--rinses--and spins clothes to dry--all in the single tub. No lifting of wet clothes from tub to tubl Famous Thor Hydro-Swirl Washing Action gelt •ven grimiest clothes amazingly deanl AUTOMATIC CLOTHCS DRYIR Sleek new matching beauty of design that's matched with the most wonderful, work-saving features that any woman ever wished fori Single Dial "Seledo- Dry" Control means the dryness you set is the dryness you gell Not* "King-Size" Loading Door that means such easy loading and removal *f clothes. Ask lor, a demonstration and s*e th* .difference! WHEN YOU THINK OF VALUF THINK OF THOR' FREUND'S SEWING MACHINE L&H Television tMh m Sales and Service "KtrOSS From HuntcrvilLe Subdn McHenry, Ul. FRONT STREET Phone 1590 PHONE 908 or 577*4-1 aW « P. M. WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE J. ON ROtiTB SI MMi t Longest warranty--10 full years on freezing system e Big 10 cu. ft. capacity NOW 0NIYS t Remember: GAS DOES IT BETTER...FOR LESSI See your Servel dealer, or NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY