Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1954, p. 10

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:.m w* i* 1, A i p J f' ' P*g% Ten iTHE MCHENHY plaindealeii f 'JM i -'t ' / • Thursday, Jone 3, 1954 ^ fmm*. RINGWOOD By Mrs.. George Shepard . Mrs. Louis .Hawley >ad Mis. laneous shower for Hiley Jean Chancey JUarrison entertained at ThoiVias in- the 'church hall Sat- £ card paity at the home t>f Mrs!1 urday , aftornoon, Miss Thomas .fkarrison Wednesday The-.'-pro- received many nice gifts from' feeds go to the benefit of the Mrr friends. She will be the bride church basement. A ©he o'clocji i_oi; VCihon Rabe «Jf Harvard in tiessert luncheon was sei've^.Inly. prizes in five hvuiflied were a- • Miss Marion Peet of. Elgin warded to Mrs. Louis Winn.. MrsJijjerit the weekend with her men Pete Sebastian., Mrs. £ E'..^Vhif-.T^her. Mrs. . Lena Pee*. -. <, \ing, Mrs. EJ:, L. peck, M;.'s. Wolf Harry Peet, Mrs. Charles Shadle and Mrs. Viola Low, In ^(.^noidei ' and Mrs. Armour pinochle,. Mrs. tLep Karls. • Miss j Bir]. Woodstock weie callers Cora Walters, Mrs. Ernest Rein- in t^e \frs Rmily Beattyf home Wall. Sr.. and Marge Gade won Thursday evening. ; prizes. In canasta, prizes ^n; .. Mr." and "Mrs. Chartes Frey 'W to Mw. • J* Holly . PaioS Heights spent the weekend Bienapfl. V ; in the Beatty-Low home. A banquet M ^ held in the| Mr and Mrs William Pagni church basement \\ <ninesda\ e\« , tj,e wedding and recep eenniinngg for the eighth unce | ti£m ^ Mjss jerri Einspar and uates of the ' Wondei Lake | GeraJd Brown &t McHeMy g^. school, their parents and friends, . ur(Jay The e v e n i n g ' g r o u p < i f t h e - W.S C.S. served. , The. W.fe.C.S. held a -smorgasbord supper in the church hall Thursday evening. Faith Schaefer. Nancy Siemon of MeHenry. Barbara Russo of Chicago and Jerri Einspar of Lily Lake J*pent Friday night in the William Pagni home. Semper Fidelis Company Is Now Being Formed . A Semper Fidelis company "of Marines will be recruited from the Illinois and Indiana area, it has been announced by Colonel Paul E. Wallace, director of the Mrs Agnes Jencks and Mra. , ninth Marine corPs reservb and George Shepard attended funeral fitment district. services fo, Mr,. Mabel Thomas This company ^ will leave for at Woodstock Th-u^av after- 1 training June 25 and will re- noon. ^ ; main as , a complete. u« n__i t through- • , _ ... 1 out tneir tour at San Diego. Miss Jean Block of Naper\ il!e : Jt was fm ther stated this spent the weekend in thehome ^ bg tHe |>gt to ^ of her grandfather, Dr. wcniited for thp minimum of a Hepburn. ] two-year tour of duty. It is an- Mrs. Louis Scheuer of Wauke- ticjpated that the Semper Fidelis gan visited her mother. Mis. j company will be fully formed at Flora Harrison. Tuesday. ; ^ eajiy date, and for that rea- Mrs. Ben Walkington and i son the j^arine corps plans to Mrs. E. L. Peck visited friends | open eniistments for high at Waukegan Tuesday. I school seniors until they have Mis, Genevieve Dodge*.and son j graduated. Leon, of Woodstock were cillers in the George Shepard home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Rupert Kifer of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Howard West of Chino. Calif., visited - friends here Monday. Mrs. John- Hogan and daugh- j ter, Mary, Mrs. Turner and ] daughter, Elaine. Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daghter, Jean, attended a G.A.A. banquet at Mc- Z* Henry Wednesday <' evenirg. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Fri- , day with her daughter at fiarringten. 4 Mrs. Ben Watkihgwn and Mrs.1 Paul Walkington were visitors . at Flgin Friday. Miss Charlotte, ^gan of Champaign spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan were visitors at Woodstock Thursday. Mi's. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Ernest Reinwal] Jr., were visitors at Woodstock and Elgin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. HemV Hinze of Crystal Lake were callers in the Mrs. Lena Peet home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago spent the weeken-l in the George Shepaid home. Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Walter I Wilcox, Mrs. Walter Low, Mrs. j George Shepard and -Mis. Alan | Ainger entertained at a miscel- Interested applicants may fl#>- tain further information by contacting the Marine corps recruiting office in the Wa«fkegan city hall on Tuesday or iRwrsday. Buy U S Savings Bonds today. «* MC TOR Worwick's MeHenry Camera Center Cameras, Photographic EqulfMrn nt Amateur and Professional . Bought, Sold and Exchanged Photo Supplies VIEW MASTERS and REELS See Us Before You Buy •Worwick's Studio 117 \\ Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 215 HISTORIC MEDICAL HIGHLIGHTS -- No. 2 HIPPOCRATES - Almost twenty-five centuries have passed since Hippocrates lived and practiced medicine on the island of Cos. yet his influence and teachings are still alive. In his medical treatises, preserved In the Hippocratic Collection, we find an operation described almost as it is done today and his ethical teachings, •s set forth in the famous Hippocratic Oath, are repeated every year by many graduating medical students. It is no wonder that he is known today as the iather of modern medicine and a symbol for all that is best in medical t»dition, High medical standards caUHfor high quality You may be sure when you call on us to fill a prescription that every drug, herb or chemical used is of the very J>eat quality and is compounded with the utmost skill. NYE DRUG STORE -WWLDB-R-'R---: •**' 4f. r > • d Rfld AND SHRIMP PARTY PIE 2 tablespoons minced parsley ^ 2 tablespoons minced pimento 1 tablespoon grated onions % Jeaspoon $alt • 54 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 cups hot cooked rice Add parslay, pimento, onion, salt, pepper and butter to hot rice, and toss lightly with a fork until butter ^s melted. Press evenly and lirmly around sides and bottom <of greased 9-inch pie pan. XhSi pounds shrimp. % tablespoons gutter or margarine .1 10-ounce can cream of mushroom soup ' . 1 tablespoon lemon juice v% teaspoon pepper Clean and de-vein Taw shrfmp. Cook raw shrimp slowly in heated butter until lightly browned. Arrange over rice. Add sotip, lemon juice and pepper to skillet in which shrimp were cooked and stir until smooth and thoroughly heated. Pour over shrimp. Bake in moderate oven (350"F.) about 30 minutes until lightly browned and thoroiighly heated. Yield:1 Six \ -cup servings. W yourCHHi) has only ONE fife" Who's to blama if small tykes get hurt playing with matches, tacks, or anything within reach? Maybe you? It's easy to put things out of reach. Easier than hav» ing a child hurt. So just remember... II CAREFUl-Mhe child you save may be your own! (ADVBLtTHSKMENT) 2>GH* HOW TO AVOID TAR STAINS . . The summer months invariably means going to the beach -- hot, pavements -- In fact summer more often than not means tar stains. ' Ordinary tar is not too difficult to remove, with Just one proviso. Tar stains cannot be allowed to get old and harden, because when that happens, it it usually impossible to remove them. We therefore rocommend, If your gnrment acquires a • tar stain, that you bring it In as soon after staining as you can. Thus, by pointing out the stain to us, we can immediately attack it, and most likely get it out of the fabric entirely. If the tar stain is allowed to age ami harden, it inevitably solidifies and at the same time imbeds Itself into the fibers of the fabric . . . and the garment is ruined. Much too high a price to pay, when -- caught a few days sooner -- the garment might have been restored good as new with the stain entirely gone. So please let UN say it afajp for added emphasis: BE SURE TO BRING THE GARMENT IN AS SOON AFTER STAINING AS POSSIBLE. And, remember, whether it's tar, some other kind of stain, or just ^Iain old dirt and grime that you want cleaned out of your clothes,' you'll always find that you'll get it-done better* the Sanitone way when you BRING IT TP -- RAINBOW CtEANERS, N orth Front (Street around the c< rner north of National Tea. HHONE 927 for pickup service or save /10% cash St carry. Mrs. L. B. of MeHenry says -- I take my dry cleaning to RAIN BOW because, "when I get it back I know it is really clean and there is no odor in the clothes from the cleaning process -- also because they ; are- so dependable and courteous. Profitable Milk large quantities of dairy *• feed. ptjri only when milk pricei are extra good. And a good feed ^ production program it beneficial pnly when it Is based on feeding cow* proper amounts according to^ Weight, mklk production, and physical Condition. aSi« \BRAMDNEW g SrPI N/ET § It •P&ys to Shop At Home P THE TOWER CHILL ONROUT*l?p A*I,A9EMOOn "OPEN EVERY DAY fltOM 10:00 A.M. TO 2:00 AJU. Chicken - Steaks - Shrimps Seafood Specials: and Sandwiches Pull Fountain Service t*OR CARRY OUTS PHONE McHENRY 161 Large parking area reserved for our patrons Special Menu . DRIVE-IN SERVICE WILL OPEN , ON FRIDAY, MAY 28th MHHNILHHNBBMHBINMAI THE EASY WAY • ' / / / / ; LET WATER DO, THE WORK! Fertilize an average lawn in only 13 minutes! Just put Gro-Gun on the garden hose, put liquid fertilizer (or powder you mix with water to apply) in jar, and spray away. Gro-Gun automatically mixes proper amount of spray material with water from<tiose. Sprays 20 gal. (40 gal. if you replace quart mason jar furniahed with Vt gal. jar). Use also to apply lawn treatments, spray trees, even WMH car. etc. Guaranteed. S295 GRO-GUN VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop 1S8 Green St.' MeHenry,-111. 'Phone 98 IVI II Fill! 88 Note Keyboard In Mahogany 00 D< O" 10SED SPINETS 'raoM $37500 trSED GRANDS /FROM $34500 ALSO BIO SAVINGS ON "FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TO $200°° Large Selection To Oioose From SIMONSON'S Established 1919 N. Grove Aye., Elgin, DlJ Open Mon. St Frl. Evenings 5 fl O S "88" 2-Dr. Sadwb locally; tax** 'extra. That's rlflhtl For a surprisingly low prka* you can own Kilt 'futurv^sfytad,' fohire* powerad 1954 "Rock**" Engine Oldtmobilel Make a data to so* and drive H -- today! Your prtc* depends upon chotoa of a^»del afti -bod/ style, optional equipment and accessories. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities because of shipping charges. All prices subject to change without notice. Check out budget, termi) COLOR AT THE • 1 River Picnic Grove FOX RIVER GROVE, ILL. / Be Our Guests At Any Time and Watch The NEW ADMIRAL COLOR TELEVISION. - Whether Telecast in Color Or Black and White. You Hav# To'See ItTo'Believe It. Be Sure Not To Miss The Many New Shows That Are Coming Along In Color Every Dayl SEE YOUR OL0SMOBILB DlALEt TODAYI R. J. Overton Motor . Sales PRQFE 5510DRL DIRECTORS' CARRY IN -- CARRY OUT SHOP REPAIRS 4 Radio - Phonographs - T.V. Electronic Equipment, eta RAPIONIC 96 E. Elm St. MeHenry, III' Phone 1446-J DR. -ARTHUR J. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 124 S.. Green St., MeHenry, DL ptione MeHenry 1068 Hours - Mon. and Frl. 10 to 12:80 - 2 to 8 Tups, and Thurs, 1 to 8 emit. My Appointment .Only DR. G. R. SWAN SON Dentist ' 120 8* Green Street Office Hours: v^pUly Except Thursday 8 to 12 -- 1:S0 to 5:80 'Mon.,- Wed. and Frl. Even in fa By Appointment Only Telephone MeHenry 160 408 Front Street PHONE 6 MeHenry, HI. WATCH THE NEWSPAPERS FOR ___ • • 1" COLOR ALSO WATCH THE 00- ALEX DRIER ISHOW TO BE TELECAST OVER STATION WNBQ AT 6:20 TO 6:25 ON tmtuis. ~ . . T l ' ; rigerator makes ICE CUBES VKRNON KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm Street* MeHenry, HI. •Odenday and Friday Afternoon# Other Daya by Appointment Phone MeHenry 43 h's tM MMliM MW / rafrlfftraMr WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law • ^j|lt}4 Benton Street i^hoee Woodstock 1884 Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law 800 Waukegan Ro~«l (RFD Box) ,Phone McIUmwi 492 West McHesry, in. FRANK S. MAY ,BJL ACK DIRT Sand • Gravel - Driveways 4 Excavating Route 5, MeHenry, 111. Phone: MeHenry 580-M-l Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Trucking Black Dirt EtravaHng |JPL MeHenry 588-R-l or 088-W-l < Box 218, Rt. 1, MeHenry, I1L a travel ^Lika magic! There's nothing to do ;:: no ice trays to ^ill--i||Nj:.. ampty or lorftt to refill! Your Serve I lea Maker 4oes it aN! It's completely automatic--starts itself, jeflHs itself and stops itself, making a continuous supply of toper-cold ice circles that can't stick together. As you *$<$•••• < anvpty the basket, your Serve! tea Maker refill! Ill Ad Ir ona. ^ \ Feo'uies: • Automatic Defrost • < t r f roori tf'-i'iin i coi"uai nuMit • . IP S - T HE • .1. • Full po .' d - s i l * -1 butter li m' • s.i,.. t N "> WOVN PARRS tr o e ri 11 ij i y st e m • Liberal.10 Vo-Wnrrc lty A. P. FREUND & SONS " Bxcavating Contractnn Trucking, Hydraulici and j Crane Service i _ ROAD BUILDING -- ] Tel. 204-M MeHenry, HlJ EARL R. WALSH 1 L o. lESS t INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm A Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES ' When Ifou Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 058 Green St Elm MeHenry, 111 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental St Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 050 W. BAKU • ' DR. J Dentist 110 Green St ^ Professional Building Phone 1044 - Hours -- Daily I . 1 .1 • • • V . VP». • "LI

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