- f if %\ , • &** 4 W '•;\ fc - * . ~ '• £, 1. •«? f" McHENRY PLAINDEALER A?***/, Thiifidtr. ^tme 21 1954 County Through The Years Marie Sctaettgen Chapter 21 . Oha.le^*Partridge of thp Wauke- " T" *« Settlers Association T | fan Gazette and J. Van Slyke In 1889, on Sept 8, the newly '<* the McHenry Plaindealer servformed Old Settlers association in£ «s assistant secretaries under met for the first time in McHen- Chairman George Gage of Mc- *y. This organization was a pro- Henry. •,>ct of both Lake and McHemy counties. Justice Bangs of Wau Conda and the Messrs. Bartlett, Among thfc qualifications for meniBership in the club, twentyfive years residence in Illinois Gridley, Gage and Johnson initi-1 w*s required and, of course, the a tod the first steps toward its •stablishment. This original meeting in Mo-1 Henry exceeded the wildest ex- j jpectations of the founders. It . was declared to toe assemblage of people Applicant must be a resident of I either Lake or McHenry county. ! At a meeting in 1885, L. L. Mills, states attorney for Cook county, delivered an eloquent adthe largest dress. He gave a resume of the ever to pi ogress of the counties and occur in McHenry county. The dwelled on the natural beauty of Officers included Win. Jackson, I the country. He told of the Xjtoresident- H. N. Owen, sec: e- change in name of The Little tary; J. H. Johnson, marshal: 1. Foit to Waukegan in 1847. This w*j(ind George Gage, orator. j name was suggested by the Hon. There were four banfls to en-1 Henry VY. Blodgett, a distinguish- ' ^tertain the crowds at this first l ed jurist of his time. fneeting. The singing began with Mr. "Way Out West" After prayer! the great progress made in just by the Rev. Stewart, the band | fifty years when these counties played "Auld Lang Syne." The | wore wildernesses, with no roads lion. George Gage, in hts finest. except Indian tr&ils, with deep x oratorical manner, delivered an and dark forests, and prairies of address on the history and pion-| tall glass. With only jealous saveer life of both Lake and Mc-1 ages to welcome them, the pion- Henry counties. j eers, nevertheless, built their log Refreshments on this gala oc-! cabins and their homes were casion included barbecued oxen i their castles just as much as the and other "light" fare. | swankiest of our modern, com- Ttie Old Settlers were penman- [ fortable homes of today are to ently organized in 1876,. with I us. Dairy Month Tips Frozen Milk Homogenized milk can be frozen successfully, so an extra carton in your home freezer can be handy for emergencies. Be sure the milk is homogenmilk. You can buy cans in a size to fit your needs and be secure in the knowledge that the milk is sanitary. To make cottage cheese at home ftom pasteurized milk, use commercial cultured buttermilk as your source of sour milk bacteria. It is necessary to add bacteria because pasteurization has ized, warns Patricia Wyatt, foods | destroyed 99 percent or more of specialist of the Univeisity 1 the bacteria in the milk, and it Illinois. When you freeze un- won't sour properly unless *oaie homogenized milk, the natural | are a(|ded emulsion breaks down, causing g L dalry manu. Utotae PasteurtzatlM | hole cut in the ltd through which If you can't buy pasteurized you can put- |f %airy themfromilk, or if you use milk from meter. Mills called attention to OUR DEMOCRACY- by Mat POIVN 3V THe OU> MILL STREAM MANY SONGS, MANY BOOKS, WVANY PICTURES CELE&RATC OUR RIVER.S. we PRINK FROM TMCM, FISH AND SWIM IN THEM,ROW ON THEM. THEY ISEAR. OUR COMMERCE AND ACCOMMODATE OUR INDUSTRIES. 4. the milk to separate into flaky particles and fat globules when it thaws. This doesn't happen with homoge'nized milk. Freeze the milk in the paraffined containers in which you buy it. The freezing may cs^use the sides of Ine containeis to bulge, but tfie cartons have enough headspace to keep "the seal from breaking. A quart of homogenized milk should freeze solid within a few hours in a good freezer.. It should keep its good flavor up to four weeks if it is held at zero degrees Fahrenheit. Cottage Cheese Cottage cheese is a rich source of piotein. This makes it a good substitute for meat in summer meal planning. It differs somewhat from meat in mineral content, however. Meat has more iron, and cot t age cheese has more calcium. * Summer Outings Talc* aiong a safe milk supply when the family roes c§mping or on picnics ot other summer outings. Don't risk using law milk you might buy en route, any more than you'd risk using an uncertain water supply. Plan to use milk powder or Some of the other fluid milk alternates that are sc convenient. Food specialist Ceraldine Acker of the University of Illinois points out that milk powders are easy to carry and to ^use, and you'll have no waste wh?n you reliquefy just tbe--amtfunt you need each time. Of course, you'll want to be sure the water supply that you mix with the powder is a safe one. One pound of nonfat dry milk powder equals about a gallon of fluid milk. Three tablespoons of the powder has about the same nutritive value as one cup of fresh skim milk -- an excellent way to be sure your family continues to get their full portion of calcium, protein and riboflavin. Other alternates that give about the same nutrients as a cup of fresh milk include one-fourth cup of evaporated milk and onethird cup of sweetened condensed Dr factures specialist of the University of Illinois says commercial cultured buttermilk is available at ajiy. grocei y store. One cup is enlHh to sour a gallon of pasteurized skim mili£\ It takes 12 to 14 hours'for a firm curji to form. It's/a good idea to keep the milk in a water bath at 72° Fahrenheit in order to control the temperature. The firmness of the curd depends pretty much on the amount of acid developed by the bacteria. At the proper acidity, there will be small droplets Of whey on top of the curd; also, When a tablespoon of curd is lifted from the cflrd mass, the hole will fill with whey. For, really delicious cottage cheese, you will want to cook the curd and then drain and wash the cheese. A good way to proceed with these steps is described in mimeographed directions that are available from the dairy manufactures building, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana. The directions include suggested uses and recipes. Try I30UNTRY HOME BREAD! Just the best Loaf of Bread you have ever eaten* or your Money Refunded! Made with high score Butter, Eggs, Whole Milk, etc. • u . Get # at YOTP "V GROCER'S TODAY your own farm, it will be worth the effort for you to pasteurize it before using itr^ , Pasteurization destroys organisms that produce such diseases as typhoid fever, tuberculosis, undulant fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever and septic sore throat. In addition, it reduces the number of other bacteria that cause iaw milk to sour. Even though cows have been tested for brucellosis and tuberculosis, Dr. George Woods, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, says they can become infected after being tested, so that it is practically impossible to bp sure at a given time that a herd is remaining free from disease. To gUaicl your family's health, pasteurise milk at home within two hours after it comes from the, cow. Use a family-sized pasteurizer there are several of these on the market -- or else use a double boiler1 that has a The EH vision - of Dairy Technology, University of Illinois, emphasizes that you follow carefully the direction that are given for your type of equipment. If you use the double, boiler method, observe the following steps: With the milk in the top part of the double boiler, insert the thermometer through the hole in the lid^ so that it extends one or two inches into the milk. If you wrap a rubber band around the thermometer, it will fit the hole snugly and, ' protect it from breaking, .. Heat the mifk over boiling water until it reaches a temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not stir, nor remove the lid during heating. When the temperature has reached 165 degrees, cool the milk rapidly by placing the container in cold water and changing tHe water when it becomes warm. Empty the cooled milk into clean, scalded bottles that can be tightly covered. This will protect the milk from contamination, prevent it from absorbing off-flavors and make it ^^.to store in the refrigerator. 300 Delegates Attend Salvation Army Camp Approximately 300 delegates •are attending the institute tor Home League local officers sponsored by the Salvation Army from June 22-25 at its Camp Wonderland, six miles northwest of Antioch. The women represented b anches of the H<*me League affiliated with Salvation Army Corps j travel and visiting,vin areas POLIO SEASON During the .polio season, child that has headache, nai vomiting, muscle soreness, stij neck, fever,' nasal voice or diff|» cutty in swallowing should be isolated in bed pending medical^ diagnosis. This recommendation comes from the state Department of Public Health, Some Of the above symptoms may ljfc present in several other disease!, but during the polio season tJwgf must be regarded with suspicion, department officials said. Specialattention to good personal hf» giene, and the avoidance of undue fatigue and of unnecassary « throughout the eleven state central territory. * Among thfc activities/for the institute are sessions/on education, service, worship, leadership, fellowship, organisational problems and handicrafts. where poilo is known to be prp- ^valent were recommnded by tfcl department. Keeping your car in fear helpf reduce speed and produces maximum control throughout a skid. •f iVcsniplum - " Pliarmansls j* •. One Time When You can O u t s m a r t Y o u r s e l f . . . Your Doctor's prescription, usually in latin and technical symbols, is Ifcay* very exact in its meaning. It conveys his directions pVMly--to your pharmacist, it it best for you not to try to interpret its Meaning without professional guidance. It is our duty to carefully dispense the prescription, and to complete for your use the directions and dosage--exactly the functions for which our specialized education tiks prepared us. We assure you of best quality, for in our stock are products of Parke, Davis &. Company, and other f^^gnized makers of drugs and pharmaceuticals. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 It! McHENRY, ELL. p&SS D R U G S T O R l Too often we a&use our streams,uttering TW£lR.OANKS AND POLLUTING THEIR WATERS, SO THAT MANY OF THCM ARE FIT NEITHER FOR. MAN NOR. FISH. FORTUNATELY, WC ARE TAKING STEPS TO CONSERVE THEIR. VALUE, BOTH TO THE LOCAL COMMUNITY AND THE NATION, l&Y RESTORING THEM TO SOMETHING UKE THE.ll*. ORIGINAL CLEANLINESS ANO OCAUTY. Abnormal A IHUe cM in Newton, Mass., reported, in some puzzlement, that her cat bites people, ha*«e eataifh is friendly with mice. 4: SAUCE PAN USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN 2 QT. SAUCE PAN Left-Orer Bread Left-over bread can be used In •uch dishes as cheese fondue, bread fuddinss, or for French er milk lD*»t. 1 SAUCEPAN FRENCH FRY BASKET (FITS 3 QT. SAUCE PAN) 2 QT. INSET PAN (FITS 3 QT. SAUCEPAN) ainty°uL th 5 QT. DUTCH OVEN ROASTER GRIDDLE BROILER SEWER m MAIN PAINT CENTER TftfPiE-THfCfC ALUMINUM ^WATERLESS COOKWARE 10-PieM BUTCH'S* SAVE MONET ON YOUR CAB Regular check ups and maintenance by our experts means lower oar costs for yon! -.Ml gfgg 24 Hour Towing * We Do Complete Motor Orerhauling 889 W. Elm Street Mcllenry, 10. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R lllillilllllililllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllilillllllllllllll'lllillllliiniMllilllllilllilllililllill'I'IHIIIIIllllllllillllllllllMQilllllllllllllWIililKM SATURDAY HOMES PRESENTS ftlB 11 1954 PACEMAKERS" +c.r.i8f^. purchased separately would be ivo-Seal is triple~tbick aluminum, designed for wateriest >lting over low heat -- saves on fuel bills. Flavo-Seal covers in ain*****! meats ate tender and flavorful. ^ Save nearly $8 00 this specially priced miyts^d 10 piece P of ultra-quality aluminum coolcware. Ail THESE PIECES IN YOUR Slfl I SAUCE PAN MS SAUCE PAN 3J5 5 QT. DUTCH OVENID- OOUDLE SKILLET -D.1S 7.50 .SAUCEPAN. I IT. INSET PAN. -4.BS -MO 11A QT. FROZEN FOOD PAN 3.9S GRIDDLE-BROILER-SERVER 4.50 fiENCM FIVER BASKET 1.35 ECO POACHER INSET 1.11 IF PURCHASCO SiPARATILY.. .$37Z5 Now*295 ri- ' Thot's what homeowners everywhere are saying about O'Brien's "75" House Paint . . . It's so easy to use and covert so well in one coat. Formulated with zinc, lead, titanium and patented Pre-Shrunk Oils * . . Looks better longer on any exterior surface. 14 colors. 10" SKILLET--CHICKEN FRYH RECIPE BOOK Included sis TNI oirmtNci UAVO-SIAL ©PEN -- WEEKENDS: 12 TO 8 WEEKDAYS} 5 TO 8 ON DISPLAY COMPLETELY FURNISHED S 126 MEADOW -- GREENWOOD SUBD. WOODSTOCK 3 BedroomsSQO E A00 AT ONLY 70JV PLUS LOT MAKES THIS THE GREATEST HOME BOY IN McHENRY COUNTY. VETS - *650 Dowa Nop Vets - *160Q ft.*. Wltot 0 big di Mtr«nct b«fw< Ir^U-tKick Flovo-S+o! ond Hw ordinary otuminum known. Hovo S^ol H*aft to •vonfy yoo oom bake a cake MI TF 1H QT. FROZEN FOOD PAN 8" SKILLET ' EGG POACHER INSET PAINTS TPP QUALITY fINCi 187S |18 MAIM 8T. , PHONE lllf McHENRY, III* Open Daily 8-6 --- *WWay Nites Til • -- Sunday Til Noon THE'BE S T 4 LESS * ^ ; GEO. COLLETTE, Owntr 103 Riverside DriviPHONE 459 McHenry. Illinois INCLUDES ALL CLOSING COSTf,, WINS COMPANION AWARD #ls evidence of their superiority, these New National ^Pacemakers" have received the Woman's Home Companion Award for *good kitchen planning. They also Carry the Good Housekeeping Seal and have been fommended by Parent's Magazine. Richardson Construction Co. 13 Van Buren WOODSTOCK Phone 61 noi 103 BUIUUNO NATL >ME8 IN McHSNKY COUNTT. iiMmmmiiMmiiiimMiiW * f •