By Marc THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Fire House The fil"e house is sui e beautiful . With its bright new red doors. This inside is gleaming . whiTp and silver. When the visiting auxiliaries com(«, this week we will hi' very proud of the tire ln>us«> we have to show ihein. thanks to the same few men who have-put -*-i w" r.icii iinic huh energy 111 gfcttllVgr this ready for tlie women. Birthdays and Anniversaries Afr. and Mrs. Wiublewski In 1 pcd Dorothy's -mother. Mfs. Sw«aj» soil, of Chicago celebrate h-r birthday on Sunday. Aug. l M: and 'Mr&. Swan-ion rathe' out lo: the day and Edward Kami-n. and Stewart Clark were aNo there to help make the occasion a memorable'one. T .PC 1'M^crpr* alert ted iii.~ birthday this past week and a., surprise party was given for hint "by many of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leon, w i l l j celebrate their thirty--second -wedding anniversary on Aug. f>. Congratulations and. many happy returns of the day to all of you. Visitors to I.akemoor Long-time summer residents of L^kemoor. Mr. and Mrs. Narraiti find family were here for two weeks en^>yin<j the summer sports. Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i a m G i b s o n entertained "iheir daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Toito, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Seihett of- Chicago. Their 1 grandchildren. Rita and Louis, : enjoyed themselves very much also. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Brader and family visited the Foss fami- . ly this past week and their four year old son had the misfortune of falling into the channel. No i harm was done, though, since his father was very quick in jumping, in. with all his clothes on. and saving him. Mr. and Mi^7~'Pfank Bitterman. Jr., came out over the weekend and had dinner at the Khvanis pancake tent. Mr. and Mrs Hoppert have Mrs. Hoppert's sister-in-law. Mrs. Schaofer, and her two children, Judy and William, and another nephew. Norman Schaefer. stay( ing at their home this week. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erickson over the weekend w^re Rita's mother, Mrs. Fellows, ami Roy's mother. Mrs. Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Broms and daughter. Virginia, aji^ Miss ThPmPs<in- a" of Chicago.- Roy. Jr.. and Barbara went with fSrandma Erickson to stay with her a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Petersen. Art l*evand's mother and father-, and Ilis sister, Mrs. Murphy, were all here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Benderare out at the lake for a couple of weeks but Mrs. Bender is ill and we hope that her stay out here will help her recuperate swiftly. Reid Keyes and family and guests from Chicago spent the weekend swimming and fishing. Mrs. Drummel had sixteen guests from Chicago and Indiana for dinner last Sunday. went weekend. children (ieneral New* The steadman family Chicago lo spend the wi!h t;;i-:i £ .inilpju ents, aim; at:d uii'-le. The weie taken, to Riverview. Ken Booster arrived home Saturday ai'tei a two-week stay a! Ihe l.nv Srout Minn i.ou ueii, i lie 11 oop is very glad to- haw him back home again. M: ,inil Mrs. C. Wade went lo t Benton Harbor ami Hartford. Mii h. to visit their son and fam- i i!y over - the- past weekend. Returns Home Mrs Jenny McDcrmott arrived ; hoir, from the hospital on Mon- , day but is still in a very weak i condition, she is allowed no visit- ; ois fo; one week and even their' home phone, will be disconnected ! until Jenny is able to get around and has regained her strength I again. Welcome home, Jenny, and j we all wish you a very speedy ' reeoveiv. I In the Hospital Mis. Ben Turner of the 120 Club became suddenly i l l last j week and was taken to Belmont ; hospital for observation. The .re-j port at this time is that she is | expected' home at the end of the U week. Nine Years Ago I happened to come across the McHenry" Plaindealer of nine ; years ago and. after reading the ; Lily Lake column in the paper , at that time, ^thought. a few of | the articles might bring back some vei-v pleasant memories of • years gone by. If you'enjoy tjiem, j let me know and I will try to; dig j up a few mote old columns. -\ j Mr. and Mrs. schiavone cele- j brated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary a week ago. Mr. Schiavone is also driving a new : car. Congratulations, folks! A little about fishing. Mrs. Swanson,. long established as the fisherman of Lilv Lake, scored again with throe pickerel last Saturday. Fank Bitterman caught eighteen croppies.- i Bring back those yea s soi, that our fishermen of t-'dav could bring home some of those' fish.) 1 see where Mt Hyatt. Sr., is making his diiwway wider. Must have had trouble staying on.'the drive, i Poor M' Hyatt. It -seems that road tr.'ii'tle hits never ceased for him.' Well, folks, these a: e just a couple of articles whieh I ^ „ c i - ; to put a few of these in tor a few weeks. CROP Pfeptrresr Shipment Of Surplus Food To Many Nations Overseas Thursday, August 5,1954 1 Immediate shipiYients of two million pounds of Surplus , food are being prepared by the Christian Rural Overseas Program for its world-wide relief operation under new agricultural legislation passed in Washington last month.- The CROP surplus shipment will go to Euiope and Asia ; prod-ctu L. itiugeca una earthqfiaTfe"**victims in Europe and cotton seed • oil to supply much needed fats to uprooted people" in Korea and displaced Arabs in Palestine. The bill, which passed both houses of Congress June 30, is the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954. It provides for the handing over by the government to voluntary, agencies operating international relief programs of food supplies which are in excess of domestic requirement!?. Immediately on passage of the bill, CROP applied to the U.S. FALLOW AMPLE CLEARANCE: WHEN PASSING .... and keep your car in saft'driving condition at all times! MARKETS HOGS McHenry county hogs were among the high sellers on the Chicago Stock Yard market one day recently. Stanley Freund of McHenry marketed forty-four quality crossbred butchers, averaging 215 pounds, that sold at $2 .'>.85 per cwt. This was only fifteen cents under the top for the dav. % s a To Complete the Picture . . . Visit Our Show Rooms Structural Steel & Ornamental Iron FREE ESTIMATES SCHROEDER IRON WORKS PHONE .McHENRY 950 3 Mile* So. of Mclienry on Route 31 gsm® k Low Cost Fuel At Your Door Why use ou'.-moded fuels with all the extra w< rk they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty safe Bottled Gas direct to youi; door, wherever you] l i v e . . . . . . . \ ALTHOFFS HARDWARE "McHenry Comity's Leading Hardware" Phone 284 501 Main St. McHenry, III. Department of Agriculture for the release of 780,000 pounds of butter, -526,000 poundsa of cheese, 538,000 pounds powdered milk and 180,000 pounds cotton seed oil. The Christian Rural Overseas Program is the food collection arm of Church World Service, OmtTinil _ ^ ^ j not agency. <JKUF solicits and • collects nationwide donations of i farm products for feeding hungry | refugees and victims of war and (disaster abioad. Church World | Service delivers and distributes , these contributions in areas of need. - ' I Within the last -twelve months, j C'WS shipped and distributed ! 2X.000.000 pounds- of. food gifts, ! including CROP contributions CLUB ULYMOOR PRESENTS ALYCE JOYCE Charming Organist At The HAMMOND Friday Nites & Sundays Starting At 1 p.m. SATURDAY NIGHT "Rhythm Riots" and- government surplus. Distribution is undertaken either by CWS rep: esentatTVes on the spot or local church and relief organizations. The surplus food yhieh will soon move from storage points in America's dairy and cotton states will be sent by CROP and CWS to Greece, Germany, Austria, France, > Tt ieste, Italy, Korea and the Near East. At today's market value,% it will amount to about $750,000. The National CROP . -- « - * » ^ 200,000 undernourished school children and people in refugee camp3 or earthquake, areas will receive sufficient rations to supplement their diet for the next six months , Recipients in Gesmany will" be mostly families who have recently fled from behind the" Iron Curtain and are cared for in camps j in West Berlin, Hannover, Bre- ' men, Hessen and Bavaria. The |sh ipment will permit the distrij bution of a more adequate diet jto f people in Austria's refuged camps. Nearly 6,000 refugees ih Trieste from Balkan countries who are crowded into three large camps, including a former jail, are on the list of those to re- ; ceive part of this first shipment ; of surplus. Transit camps for | refugees from all over the world in Rome, Gei)oa, and Naples , will account for the balance of the WbutterK milk and cheese allocated | Victims, of last year's earth- | quakes in the Ionian Islands and | the April earthquake in cential | Greece will be given patt of the food to be sent to Greece. Th6 remainder of this shipment is earmarked to help Greek refugees from Albania who are being resettled in northwestern Greece with the help of the World Council Churches. Overseas freight for surplus released "under the bill will be paid by FOA. Donations'to CROP defray expenses involved in the enlarged distribution program. Shop at Home and SAVE! Central Garage FRED J. SMITH SALES SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG. ILL. McHENRY 200-J utvy PR0FEHI0I1RI. DIRECTORS CARRY IN -- CARRY OUT SHOP REPAIRS Radio - Phonographs - T.V. Electronic Equipment, eto RADIONIC 306 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111 Phone 1446-J DR. ARTHUR J. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 124 S. Green St., McIIervy, 111. Phone Melleni^- 1068 Hours - Mon. and' Fri. 10 to 12:80 - 2 to 8 Tues. and Thurs. 1 to 8 Sat. By Appointment Only 120 S. Own Street NOTICE! THE AUTO BODY COMPANY FRONT STREET, McHENRY. ILL. has been purchased by Mr. FRANK X. GREGORY and will now be known as the McHenry Auto Body Co SPECIALIZING IN Complete Auto Body Work Spray Painting - Wheel Alignment All Work Guaranteed - FREE ESTIMATES - u INTRODUCTORY OFFER 2 WEEKS ONLY ' WHEEL ALIGN *5*° NT DR. O. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Exrept Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed. and Fti Evening* By Appointment Oaly Telephone MtHaitry 160 FRANK S. MAY B L A C K D I R T Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, 111. Thone: McHenry 580-M-l Sand Limestoni VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Excavating Tel. Mrlle.nry 588-R-2 or 588-AV-l Box 218, Rt. 1, Mclienry, 111. A. P. FREirXIl &, SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane S<frvlce -- ROAD BUILDING -- .Tel. 204-M McHenry, III. EARL R. WALSH 611 Front Street on Route 31 Phone 444 "INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RE LI A BLE COM I' A NIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 95S Green & Elm McHenry, III. SCHROEDER IKON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 950 DR. .1. W. BAKER Dentist 110 Green St. Professional Building Phone 1044 Hours Daily 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wi'd, FYi. Evenings tiy Appointment A r nt r SUMMER TIRE SALE All Passenger Car Tire Prices Slashed ; /Vips f ^ <5*0? • TRACTOR. WAGON ' * Tir«$ton* CHAMPIONS BUY 1st TIRE AT REGULAR NO-TRADE-IN PRICE OF $14.95 GET SECOND TIRE FOR ONLY.. 6.00-16 Plus Tax and your two recappable tires •UCKWALl TIRE SIZI Regular no-trodc-in pries 1st fir#** _$14.95 16.95 18.80 Gil 2«d tir» Ur ONIY 6.00-16 $ 8.88* 6.70-15 9.88* 7.10-15 10.88* 6.50-16 20.15 11.88* WHITtWtU TIRE SIZI Regslar RO-lrad«-in pric* lit tire* * 6«t 2nd tire fer ONLY 6.00-16 $18.30 $10.88* 6.70-15 20.75 11.88* 7.10-15 23.05 13.48* 6.50-16 24.30 14.28* * Plus tax and your two r«coppab(« tire* T O P DeLuxe CHAMPIONS Used as Original Equipment on America's Finest Cars yr 1st Tire of Regular No-Trade-in Price- Get Second Tire at Special Sale Price HACK SIOCWALLS--SIZIS ««OUClO Si>«« Oet 2nd tire <«' ONLY price lit tire" 6.00-16 6.70-15 $20.60 22.60 T 21.55 $10.30* 11.30* 6.40-15 10.71* 7.10-15 6.50-16~ 25.05 1S.53* 12.70* 25.40 7.60-15 27.40 30.10 3140 13.70* 8.00-15 15.05* 8.20-15 1S.70* WH1TI SIOIWALLS--SIZIS REDUCIP Sites Regular no-trade-in price l§t tire** Oet 2nd tire fer ONLY 6.00-14 $25.25 $12.63* 6.70-15 27.70 13.05* 6.40-15 26.40 13.20* 7.10-15 3070 15.35* 6.50-16 31.10 15,55*)_ 7.60-15 33.55 16.H* 8.00-15 36.85 18.43*^ 8.20-15 38.45 19.23* ' Flu* tax and your two rtcappoblo tiros We ATTERIES CARS and TRUCKS UP TO $5.00 TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OI<D BATTERY For All Makes RY TIRE MART WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Props. 526 Mala Street Phone; 294 or 295-J McHenry, 111.