Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1954, p. 11

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The bright summer sun is reflected by the water and the light sand or the white concrete walks around a pool. This reflected light -fills in the shadows around your subject. In effect, you have lighting from all directions--without the slightest effort on your part. With a natural set-up like that it is a shame not to take pictures. Speaking of swimming pictures, how would you like to take some pictures of divers in mid-air? You can, even with a box camera. . The secret is in your timing. And in the words "peak of action." Watch your favorite divers closely a few times. Notice that there is always one point in the dive, just before the downward plunge begins, that he or she seems to be momentarily suspended in mid-air. The diver is all but motionless at this moment called "peak of action." That, of course, is the moment at which you take youy picture. Even the speed of the comparatively slow boxtype camera will catch a shot like this without a .blur. Don't be afraid to experiment with picture-taking situations like this. It's fun. And you'll be surprised at what you can do. --John Van Guilder M > DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL> TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENHY 452 I KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REPORTER The McHenry Plaindealer has correspondents In everf^ community in McHenry's trade territory. We are proud of them and they are doing a good job. We invite everyone to make use of this feature which is second to none in the state. We Want Your News Items Every so often someone says, "Last week I had visitors from such and such a place. I didn't see a word in the paper .about It" Here's where you come In. We and our staff or neighborhood reporters are not mind readers. We simply can't keep up with ALL the News. Not without help from YOU. So . . . i f you have a news i t e m . . . of any s i z e . . . PLEASE JTELL YOUR CORRESPONDENT--or if you live in McHenry . . . TALL US. Our phone number is 170 and we are happy to get the items. If it's not convenient to phone . . . mail them in. MAKING SURE THEY'RE SIGNED so we know they are authentic. Outside of McHenry, here's the lis! . . . one is near you . • . she will be more than happy to include your news in her item". Community Correspouueiil - Lakemoor & Lilymoor Marcella Foss .WONDER LAKE Vanesse Sells RINGWOOD Mrs. George Shepard SPRING GROVE Mrs. Charles Freund JOHNSBURG Betty Hettermann THIS STAFF OF CORRESPONDENTS IS READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO SERVE YOU . . CONTACT THE ONE NEAREST YOU. If You Live In and Around McHenry Phone 170 - and Tell Us! The McHenry Plaindealer REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUANCE OF SOTEN ••• Four points jnyprn the issuance of a restricted local, driver's license to persons who do not meet all the requirements of the complete driver's license examination, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced. The restricted local license was developed by Secretary Carpentier to enable those persons, particularly the ones over 70 years of age, to continue having some use of their cars, but under circumstances in which the possibility of accidents is low. Secretary Carpentier emphasized that age' itself, except for the 16 year minimum requirement ,is not a factor in issuing driver's licenses. Regardless of age, any person who passes the complete examination will receive a driver's license bearing no restrictions, except possibly such more or less routine restrictions as driving only when wearing glasses or having the car equipped with exterior rear-view mirrors. The four points governing the issuance of the restricted local permit are: (I) the applicant for a new license or renewal of his license has failed the regular examination; (2) the applicant was successful in passing the road sign recognition and the written traffic law sections of the examination; (3) the applicant was able to pass the eye test for a restricted license; (4) the applicant demonstrated during the course of the driving test that he was able to exercise ordinary and reasonable care in the safe operation of a motor" vehicle, except in certain types of maneuvers and traffic control situations. Upon reviewing the results of an examination of that type, Secretary Carpentier said, the inspector may determine that it will be safe for. the^applicant to drive his car under certain conditions and over certain types of roads, usually only during daylight hours. An example would be an applicant whose chief difficulty is that he is unable to control his . car properly a| a stop sign, or is unable to give a hand and arm signal and execute a left turn safely, in such cases, Mr. Carpentier said, it may he possible to work out a route to carry the individual between.-the points where he must travel where there are no stop 61gi& or left turns required. The license issued to 'that person • woqld bear, a restriction to that specific route, in addition to whatever other restrictions would be appropriate. Another example Secretary Carpentier cited would be an ap-; plicant who is unable to handl^ his car safely on a main highway? Pag* Eleven STATE NURSES IN 53RD CONVENTION SEPT. 29 TO OCT. 2 parrying heavy traffic. In tljiUf rhe'.ping to meet the increased instance, he could be IssuMed .t'fi :3emand for more and license restricted to using a secondary road, if he was able to demonstrate that he' could drive safely over that particular road. Secretary Carpentier said. Working out restricted routes through rural areas, in small towns or in residential neighborhoods where traffic is light can be done without much trouble, but the Driver's License department is experiencing some difficulty when the individual lives in a large city and in an area where there is normally a heavy flow of traffic, Secretary Carpentier said. Classified Ads Bring Results Place Yours With The Plaindealer Today! Shop at Home and SAVE! It pays to raise meat-type NOGS The. Chicago Droven Journal, reporting the i nog market on Thursday, July 12, stated "Despite the big run, there were order* for fancy 'meat' hogs unfilled at "the close of trading. "About 200 hogs reached $22.2S and 17 head averaging 198 brought $22.40. Some buyers representing a fancy lean meat tradi said they had ao price limits and would give more than $22.25 but were unable to find the type their exacting trade demanded." Another example of the strong demand for all types of livestock at the Chicago Stock Yards. REMEMBER . . . Chicago Always has Hundred* of Buyers- More than at any other Market Tfcof'i Why It Pays fo-- SHIP TO CHICAGO The fifty-third convention of the Illinois state Nurses' association will be held in the Morrison hotel in Chicago from Sept. 29 through Oct. 2, it was announced by Prances L. A. Powell, R.N., of Chjcago, president of the organization. Approximately 330 delegates from the thirteen geographic districts of I.S.N.A. will attend the convention as official delegates, representing the eight occupational sections of the association. An expected 1,500 members Will attend convention sessions and special meetings as observers. "The convention theme, 'R.N. -- Real Nurses for Real Nursing' will emphasize the role that nurses themselves can play in .better nursing care," said Miss Powell. "Through participation in their professional organization, nurses can help to raise standards of hursing and to attract more capable young men and women to the profession, in this way both improving the quality and increasing the quantity . of nursing care." Convention business will include a review of recommended personnel policies prepared by each of. the sections and the formation of a new section for operating room nurses. A complete. slate of state'officers will be named at the convention, including a president, first -vice-president, second vicepresident, v secretary, treasurer, and members of a committee on nominations. " All will be elected for two year terms, to serve until the next biennial business meeting of the association in 1956. During business meetings at the convention, the present sections will also choose offirprs. The Student Nurse Association of I l l i n o i s w i l l meet d u r i n g t h e convention period of the Illinois State Nurses' association. Student meetings will be rheld at the LaSalle hotel. TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. Name the capital of VermontJ -- 2. Who was the first secretary of theTreasury? 3. What is tii& average monthly revenue yielded by a parking meter?. 4. When were the first United States adhesive postage stamps issued? 5. Name the first dirigible to cross the Atlantic. ^ BUTCH'S V0UR SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ups and our experts means lower car costs for yon! Wo Do Complete Motor Overhauling S09 W. Elm Street McHenry, DL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R 24 Hour Towing Service FRESH CANDY HEADQUARTERS! Our Whitman's refrigerator gives you kitchen-fresh candy all year 'round... Get some T fRW ^8881 oj onaddaz JBJQ aqj '£*81. 'e •* ,C*?*II0P iR«"l » pue xjs jnoqy e \ . \UOjuuibh JdpuBxajv ~Z mmm -»ipd;uopi 5 i nnoAriS3i 04 sjamsuy NQJFVEL LIKE THIS FUSEL! Whenever anyone tells you all bqttledjggss? pre alike r- dont you beJi^yp it! For example, there's purity -- mighty important if the gas is to burn with a clean blue flame--with no soot or smoke to discolor your kitchen walls. PYROFAX Gas is as pure as the most exacting, scientific tests can malce it. With PyrOfax gas there is no guessing-- about quality--about economy-- about dependability! Call us today! "Pyrefin" it • r»|ii f«njf trade mrt of PyroOu Gm Corporation CHOCOLATES BOLGER'S DRUG ST0RS 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. He*®® . History changed HiSW J The sales standings of a generation have been changed--by Buick. For Buick today is outselling all other cars in America--regardless of price class--except two of the so-called "low-price three." And each raoajhjs sales figures strengthen Buick's new position. Here's the 3-way Bonus you get in Buick today 1. Advanced styling-styling you know is sure to show up on other cars in the years to come. So you know you have in Buick the car that's sure to stay fresh and new-looking long into the future. And that means you'!! he way ahead at trade-in time* ^ < BOTTLED GAS SERVICE ^ LER0Y M. SMITH W. Elm Street , McHenry, OL OPEN EVERY NIGHT Phone 770-W McHenry, I1L PR0FE5mnfll DIRECTORS' SIGN DESIGN ' Chain-O-Lakes Region Point Of Sale Advertising Specialists in Silk Screen Printing on Any Surface in Apy Quantity Quickly and Reliably. Complete Art and Design Service Day Glow Printing Rt. 1, Ringwood, ID. Telephone: Wonder Lake filli' CARRY IN -- Ci SHOP REP/ Radio - Phonograf Electronic Equlpn^^«Rir^' JLADlQSm "i" 806 E. Elm St. McHeniy, Hi Phone 1446^1 DR. ARTHUR I. «HOWARD Chiropractic Jplqosician 124 S. Green-fit., SKcHeny, HL Phone McHenry 1068 Hours - MOB. and FrL 10 to 12:30w ^to • Tues. and Th^ 1 to 8 Sat. By Appoint£neut Only 120 S. Green1 Street DR. G. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Honrs: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:50 Mon., Wed. and FrL Evening* By Appointment Only Telephone Mcfilemy 160 FRANK S. MAY BLACK %IRT Sand - Gravel Excavating oute 5, McHenry, DL lone: McHenry 580-M-l ptic® I tqO'P" .d.OP'-'lv vorf P',i:,s .0b| tPECiw-" M°d#if! fonnvy;!Q 0 cdh*ai'ig0«rs -A;H PoU" Cm-oy '0C.: due .o polled «<%° loct°,"-'-nS on|y $*-7° bars0"1 WHEN BETTE1 AUTOMOBILES ARC IUIIV BUICK WIU BUILD THEM 2. Better Buy --for just a few dollars more than you'd pay for one of the so-called "low-price three," you get in Buick a whale of a lot more power, room, comfort, ride steadiness and solid durability - plus the new day styling ".tliiit with.>• the. panoramic windshield. 3. Tot> Allowance-with our great and growing sales volume, we can--and do--share our success with you in the form of a higher trade-in allowance on your present car. Drop in, see and drive Buick the beautiful buy -- and see for yourself how our volume business means a far bigger allowance for you. Sand Limestone VERN THEKTEN Tracking Gravel Black Dirt Excavating Telv McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-i Box 218, Rt. 1, McHenry, DL A. P. FREUND & SONS Excavating Contractors TruqkiM^1ydrauAic TeL 204rM:; UNO -- McHenry, QL EARl/k WALSH mm&xcK . Fire, Ajuiw., RELIABLE *' COMPANIES What You Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & 'Elm McHenry, DL R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREEt PHONE 6 McHENRY. ILLINOIS SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles .South oh Rt. SI v Phone 950 DR. J. W. BAKER Dentist 110 Green St. Professional Building Phone 1044 Hours -- Daily 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed.. & Fri Evening® By Appoinunent

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