M- < >,S»4^PSf?«f J THE McHENRY PLXINDEALER MQOR & LILYMOOR By Marcella Foss ^ Village News " ^"i Bit next; regular meeting of < the' village !board of the village **of Lakemopr will be held Friday, > Sept. 10, iit~the Community house. ,; According to .the present motion • ekteting on the books, the meetllfig is called to order at 8:30 » P.***. Please try to . be a few minutes earljr so the meeting can f ^plart on time.1 r Henceforth all village inspec- • tbrs and Hepartmenlaf'Jketids are \requested to be present at all regular meetings 'foliage board. Meetings awfnlw the second Friday of every month so please arrange your srhediile; accordingly. By request of the board, a jwrritten rapenljlmust be turned in to the cler& tf$r .reading at -each meeting.. ,j5y the way, this also applies , ^9 the various departments ^h^,Gr^ix trustees head. Ladles League -The Lily Lake Ladies league h&d their mpsftjhjy business meeting last Wei&esday evening, at which time * it^ was voted to hold their two r%aohthly meetings at the Community House beginning Sept. 15. Hostesses for the evening were Migs Schaefer, Helen Providus an?T*Mrs. Hoppert. L-l-A. Dance Sept. 25rwill be the annual installation dance of the L.I.A. Please do not forget this date. Tickets are on sale and may be obtained from Mrs. Sarley, Dick Hyatt or Xfarcella Foss. More, news concerning this affair at a later date, General News During the past week, a card was received *|rom Mr, and Mrs. VachetS frdin* Washington, D C., where they were attending the American Legion national convention. They further travelled into Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Harrisburg and they visited the Gettysburg battlefield. They also travelled through Maryland and then to New York and back home the northern route. We will have to speak to them about their travels when they come back home and perhaps they will give us a little travelogue on their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pope and children, Kenneth, Jr., Dorothy and Judy, arrived home"last" week after a two-week vacation in the southern part of IHinois, The two weeks were spent visit- Mte relatives and old friends. They also attended the seventysixth wedding anniversary of Mr. Pope's grandparents, who are - living in their own home and enjoying fair health at the ages of 93 and 98. Adele Leon is visiting with her sister, Anna Bolde, in Wonder Lake. Anna just moved out there this past weekend and Adele will be a big help to her in getting settled. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wrublewski, former residents of Lakemoor, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. L^-Marsh. They expect to be here a few weeks, then leave for their property near Tucson, Ariz., for the winter. Ail their neigh- ' bors are invited to visit them, j Last Saturday morning, Mr. j and Mrs. Les Clark, parents of I Stewart Clark, arrived from Clo- ! quet. Minn., to visit over the I weekend. Saturday evening Stew- ! art and Ed had a few friends in to meet the folks. We all were very "pleased to meet them and know now where Stew gets his charming personality. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kamin, Sr., of Milwaukee, were also at the gathering. We are all very sorry that the folks had to leave so soon and hope they will come again and stay much longer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erickson had company from Chicago over the weekend. Guests were her mother, Mrs. . Fellows, her sister, Kitty, and her brother and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leon's home was buzzing with/, the sound of little children's'/voices because her children ana their familieikall came out during the holidays.- \ ^ Not to feel out of place in this neighborhood, the Foss family had Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bylski and family of Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brader of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mohelski of Franklin Park and Mr. and Mrs. Christ Foss, Harold's mother and father, of Chicago, out at their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Para went to Wonder Lake to celebrate the eighteenth wedding anniversary of Helen's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mayer. Birthday A birthday party was given Sunday afternoon, Sept. 5, for Lily Boyd, who was five years old. Her guests were Tommy, Dickie, Susan and Jackie Bitterman, Judy and Dorothy Pope, Cheryl, Diane and Richard Wolf, Mary Lou Cassell and Lily's sister, Wilma Hoffman. She re- If it's a Job tor Bottled Gas ITS A JOS f OR Ceived many nice gifts and everyone had a very nice time. *t Mishap Little Tommy Para cut his foot Monday - at the little beach and l£ad to be taken to the medical center to be treated. The cut was not too serious and Tommy is doing fine. P.T.A. News A\ 8 p.m. Thursday, the Lily liake P.T.A. will have their first meeting at the Lily Lake school. As an added attraction, Miss Leta A. Clark, formerly of the Edgebrook school, will give a travelogue on her summer vacation trip. Miss Clark travelled extensively through the West, visiting the national parks and such a travelogue will be of .interest to all. Everyone is invited to attend and we hope a large group yvill be present. CONSTRUCTION BIDS By rejecting bids for road construction that were higher than the engineering estimates, a total of $269,447 has been saved so far this year, according to the state Division of Highways. Bids on 31 out of 349 separate projects were rejected as too high and were readvertised. The original bid prices on these rejected projects amounted to $4,731,797. The prices accepted after readvertisement totalled $4,465,350. The' savings to the state amounted to 5.6 per cent. The thirty-one rejections included ten bridge sections, nine concrete sections, iive asphalt resurfacing sections, and seven miscellaneous jobs. In general, bids this season have been running from 5 to 6 per cent below engineering estimates, the division reported. This seems to be in line with a national trend. ik:,' •it- SCIENCE and you ft* TREATING TRENCH MOUtH By Science Features -'During Worjd War I many soldiers suffered from an infectious mouth disease that they promptly called "trench mouth" in norior of their living conditions. Since 1918, trench warfare has become obsolete but the disease, more properly known as Vincent's infection, is still common today. The exact cause is not clear, but "trench mouth" s usually results 1 from cro#d&dr unsanitary conditions, poor oral hygiene, vitamin deficiency and fatigue. These facts tan be found at home as well tut on a battlefield, Vincent's infection appears abruptly, pro- . . ducing a painful inflammation of the gums which become very sensitive and bleed easily. The infection can destroy much of the tissue around the teeth and also affect other areas of the mouth. In treating the disease the gums are always cleaned. With the discovery of antibiotics, penicillin Was successfully used but now two New York dentists report that terramycin gives even better results. The investigators tested the wide-range drug in 42 cases of Vincent's infection. Gum areas of 39 patients that were treated with terramycln began healing within 48 hours while unmedicated sections took much longer. Periodic dental check-ups can prevent development of this infectious disease. There is little reason today, why trench mouth should not become as outdated as trench warfare. PAMotrMym(Mtof\ ON THE MIDDLE AGES, THE MILITARY AND RELIGIOUS ORDER OP THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR HAMDLED MOST OP EUROPE'S BANKING THEY OPERATED WITH SUCCESS UNTLLLXI WHEN PHILIP THE FAIR, KING OF FRANCE CONFISCATED THEIR PROPERTY SLEW ' THEIR OFFICERS. V visrif, U.S. SAVINGS BONDS ARE TUE KIND OF INVESTMENT THAT PROMISES >Oy SECURITY AS WELL AS PROFIT. MA BONO TODAY/ WELL COVERED OV££U] S?HE*UNrTED STATES/' QUEEN OF U.S. WSSENGER SHIPS, AND WHICH HOLDS ALL SPEED RECORDS* FOR , CROSSING THE ATLANTIC * OCEAN, IS THE MOST HEAVILY INSURED VESSEL NOW SAILING - ITS PCLSCieS COVER IT TO "THE AMOUNT OF •50,800,000. ONSURE YOUR FUTURE W REGULAR PURCHASES OF ' U.S. SAVINGS BONOS. REMEMBER BONOS ARE BETTER THAN EVER! /&LABAMA& MOTTO IS> *W£ CURE TO DEFEND OURftiGMTS? /&AKE VWRM6TTO! BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS WHERE YOU WORK.Y Advertise In The^ Platndealer Central Garage FRED J.. SMITH SALES SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBUfcG, ILL. McHENRY 200-J KRUSE HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry County, DL Long Distance Phone 101 Phone McHenry 979 yuwdmenry 979 F. M. Radio & Television Soles tk Serwice iff N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, I1L Authorized Dealers for . . . # G.E. - Sentinel - Sparlon - Motorola Raytheon - Capehart • Admiral also G.E. Room Air Conditioners Electric F I WE DO ALL TYPES OF ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS Prompt Efficient Service On AU'Makes Television Sets and Radios. Work Performed by Bonded Technicians ... WE GUARANTEE ALL PARTS INSTALLED BY US FOR ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF REPAIRS "AU Materials Used Are Ot First Quality" LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for Your Old Set -- PLUS 24 Mopth TIME PAYMENT PLANl REAL ESTATE AUCTION ED VOGEL, Auctioneer Stale Bank of Rickmond, Clerking Settle Estate > RICHMOND, ILLINOIS MBER 12,1954 2; o'clock P. M. (DST) In ord^^^^ple the estate of the late ALICE h; ALDRK^PpPeased, the Executor will sell at pubs lie auctioiyjb the highest bidder for cash a two|* story frame two-family apartment house on U.§.w Highway No. 12 in Richmond, Illinois, one block south of the main intersection of the Village. This building includes two large lots having a totkl highway frontage of 66 feet and a depth of 165 feet. The house is modern, having large spacious rooms in each apartment, a full basement, neW oil heating' plant, two-car garage, shrubbery and landscaping. TIME AND PLACE OF SALE The Aldrich residence in Richmond, Illinois, on Sunday afternoon, September 12« 1954, promptly at two (2) o'clock P. M., Daylight Savings Time. TERMS-. OF -SALE •'-> ~ Twenty-five percent of purchase price at time of sale, and balance within sixty days when Executor's Deed and Owners Title Guaranty Policy will ; be furnished purchaser. Immediate possession given purchaser following sale. 1954 taxes to be pro-rated as of date of possession. Inspection of premises may be made by persons interested on day of sale any time after 11 o'clock A- MFloyd M. Foss, Executor RICHMOND, ILLINOIS CHARLES T. SMITH. Attorney* Color Scheme A Problem?i Let us color-key your rooms in a fresh, exciting way. You'll be delighted to see how your favorite furniture will look even better when placed in a new, harmonmus-jcolor scheme ... at Ye&sonaible cost. Introductory Consultations 'TREE" TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS 208 E. Elm St. Phone 917 McHenry, I1L «AME LAW V' • The-state Department of .Conservation has Issued a w^rnth| that the Use of salt to lute doves or-other migratory game birds into range is prohibited by law. Opening Sept. 1, the Illinois open season on doves runs until Oct: 5.. Shooting hours ar« from onehalf hour before sunrise uhtil sunset. Bag limit is eight per day and eight in possession. X-RAY SERVICE, A total *!of 12,477 visitors to th$ 1954 Illinois state fair *00* > adVahtage of the free chest xrays offered toy '4he state Department of Public Health. This compares with 6,800 chest strays given at thfi 1953 fair, when , the department was operating only a single x-ray unit. It had two units in service at this year's fair. PUTS A WORLD OF COLOR AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Here's the exciting new way to choose your carpet. Quick as a wink you'll dee the color you've been hunting for, find all the patterns and textures in your favorite shade grouped together. It's easy to compare styles, work out your own decorating scheme around your carpet choice right in the store! Come in today and select your heavenly Lees carpet ibis modern, time-saying way. s A skilled carpet frepre- 1 seniaiive will bring a :Jj complete selection of famous Lees samples to your home. Let us show you how your draperies, furniture and walls will appear with the carpet pattern and color of your choice. Of course, there is no obligation on your part. We accept your old rugs and carpets as trade-ins. NOT THIS BUT THIS <arpct wool (how • jack inuk ot rippla, totalled by our modtm ^nLQ.o.ULejLq. TAC R t l l l MITHOO MSK OS ABOUT TUB ADDtD s&xyia T I D Y Floor Covering Rua Cleaners | 604 WASHINGTON PHONE 888 MWIBIIHiillllBllHMIMr GAS Hoes it Better... for LESS ! NOW... you can n i i i - ...and here's how! / GAS gives you 1001 heats / GAS ceoking is' CLEAN cooking 1/ GAS gives you SMOKELESS broiling if Modern GAS cooking is COOL \I GAS cooking is FAST I V Yes, GAS does it better •.. for LESSI I Special low INSTAUtD prices I during our Fall Range SALE 4AVI $50.00-WAS $249.9S Fjstafll 3-Way Top, m»d for Griddlo, extra "burner, or extra work tpac«j big family-tizs 0*411, GAS RANGE NOW 'I99W SAVE $29.05-WAS $224.00 features Space->av1ng 30" widlbi. Poiwekhw® automatic control), giant oven and broiler. SAVE $S9.55--WAS $289.50 Features famou* " Swing-out" broiler; Red Wheel oven regulator} Rberglas oven insulation. ^ALfie (&/gas RANGE NOW '229« oT^. SAVE $35.55--WAS $243.50 Feattiret built-in Grlddlei 4-(tr. eiectrfc Mmerj new AWrol "Center-Shnwer^ top burwet*. GAS RANGE NOW S207'5 and your old range • I $39.80--WAS $259.75 Foafurfes Space-iaving 30" width, 2 ovens wW» separate heat controls] divided cooking top. 't CAOWNGAS RANGE GAS RANGE NOW *194** R' NOW *219» Z'ZZ. See Hi*** <">*1 Pthergas rartge' ba%dns now at oar iMarMt Member few i