Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Sep 1954, p. 9

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»September 16. 1954 SMi u >-*' -V - ^ ' . THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH <p> -%-A *J; RING WOOD By Mrs. George Shepard The M. Y. p.' will collect paper Saturday, Sept. 18. They wish to thank., all those that helped during the last paper drive. The W. S. C. S. will hold a rummage sale in Memorial hall at Richmond Saturday, Sept 25. The evening W. S. C. S. will hold a bake sale in Neisen's ptore in West McHenry, Sept 18. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum are the parents of Uieir sixth daughter born at the Woodstock hospital Thursday, Sept D. -I'tie Home ciiele was entertained in the C. L. Harrison Home Thursday. a pot-luck dinner was served at 12:45. The Usual business meeting was held. Hie new officers for the coming year are Mrs. Louis Winn, president; Mrs. Viola Low, vice-president; Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, secretary and Mrs. Wolf Shadle, treasurer. At the close of the business meeting, Mrs, Shadle had charge of the program which followed. The evening W. S. C. S. met at the home of Mrs. Alvin Benoy Wednesday evening, Sept 8. Mrs. Robert Decker led the devotionals. Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank gave the lesson on "Jesus' Concern For Cities" or "Because Jesus Cared." Plans were made for the bake sale which is to be Held Sept. 18. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce attended funeral services for his uncle, Lonnie Wilcox, of Joliet at Belvidere Monday. Mrs. Pete Sebastian, Mrs. Cora Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Bullis and family visited relatives at West Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg attended a Berg family reunion at Lake Wabesa at Madison, Wis., Sunday. Fred pchaefer of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of his nephew, Elmer Scha&fer and family. Judy and Yvonne Bruce spent Monday with relatives at Woodstock. Mirs. Lester Carr and son, Charles and Miss Mae Wiedrich returned home Tuesday from ArL kansas, where they visited Pvt. Joe Carr at Camp Chaffee. ,Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. Miles Wegener, Mrs. Jack Leonard and Mrs. Martin Wegener ppent Wednesday at Milwaukee. Irs. Cora Woods of Moline is y&iting her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian. , Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low' spent "Thursday in the Irving Herbert home near Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were callers in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron Thursday morning. Mrs. Gordon Hafer and family of Fox River Grove were callers in the Wm. Hafer home Sunday, Mrs. Wm. Hafer is keeping the grandchildren this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and family were visitors at Lake Geneva, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Clarence Wohlert and Mrs. Edith wheelock were shoppers in McHenry Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and son, Philip, and Mr. and Mrs. John Linton of Lake Forest spent the Labor Day holiday weekend at the Wisconsin Dells and Cave of the Mounds. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hafer were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Vowejs at Capron Tuesday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks visited relatives at Lodi, Wis., Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Padgett of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests in the Fred Bowman home. /Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, spent Wednesday evening in the John Skidmore home and helped Mrs. Skidmore celebrate her birthday. Mr/and Mrs. Wm. Harrison of Round Lake spent' Friday evening with his mother, Mrs. Flofa Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Flanagin and family of £icero, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moravic of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moravic attended the Walworth county fair at Elkhorn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. v Frank Young and daughter, Patty, were callers, in Genoa City Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Panek of Mundelein spent Wednesday evening in the Elmer Schaefer home. Walter' is being called into the service of Uncle Sam Aug. 15. , Mrs. Fred Meyer, Mrs. Frank Moravic and Mrs. Wm. Hafer attended a meeting of the Solon Richmond Home Bureau unit at the home of Mrs- E. K. Town send, Sr., at Richmond Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spend Saturday and Sunday in the Wm. Heine home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were visitors at Waukegan Friday afternoon. Mrs. Oscar Berg was a visitor at Woodstock Friday/ School News We are enjoying movies on Friday afternoons. Last week we had three good movies called "Act Your Age." This movie was on how to conduct ourselves The other movies were "How To Handle A Football" and "Hot Wet Lands," it was very helpful to the fourth grade in their social studies. This week we enjoyed "Spar- & To Complete the Picture Visit Our Show Rooms Structural Steel & Ornamental Iron. FREE ESTIMATES SCHROEDER IRON WORKS PHONE McHENRY 080 S Miles So. of McHenry on Route 81 at your PUBLIC STORE LIGHT'S DIAMOND JUBILEE Sell-a-bration ^ A Medal I SALE! Here's your chance to save while we celebrate Light's Birthday! Our huge 9-week "Sell-a-bration" bring* you the finest nationally advertised appliances at standout bargain prices. What with big appliance makers {ike Westinghouse giving vi special prices, and our passing our savings right on to you ... you iust can't And a smarter way to spend money right now! So visit your Public Service store soon--have the time of your life getting wonderful appliances at wonderful "Sell-a-bration" prices during Light's Diamond Jubilee! Westinghouse EIECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER Takes the back-breaking work out of washday . . . gets clothes sunshine-fresh indoors, where rain and soot can't get at 'em. Clothes come out so nice you save half your ironing time. Dries anything, from cotton rugs to nylon slip5 works . faFt and .gently with, warm-air breezes heated the dry electrical way. Special Jubilee "Sell-a-bration" price is $179.95 . . . and just $5 down! Come in, see it, get it--for just a $5 bill! LS-8 week Westinghouse LAUNDROMAT m tt ti M W Come in now! We've scores more baraains just like these to "Sell-a-brate" Lignt's Diamond Jubilee--ranges, refrigerators, freezers and many other appliances. Your local dealer is also offering electric appliance values. 1879 . LIGHT'S DIAMOND JUBILEE • 1954 ""This year the nation celebrates the 75th anniversaiy of Thomas A. Edison's incandescent light. Our ability to do things better, faster and more economically by electricity today stems from Edison's work in 1879. Does 9 lbs. in 45 minutes! Exclusive "Agi-tumble" principle combines agitator action for thorough washing, tumble action for gentleness. Convenient shelf door helps you l o a d ! u n l o a d . Come see i t . - - you'll want it at our Jubilee price of only $229.95! lH Genuine Holl China Table Lamps--made of Fine English China ^ 24 K Gold Overlay a *20 value S1295 each-take home 2«.r*25 PUBLIC COMPANY key, The CoitT "How To Keep Clean" and "Boats." . Thursday afternoon the . lower room enjoyed . a birthday of ice cream and cookies Peggy Betts. She 'was 6 old. Thursday evening the teachers and officers of the Community Club met at the school to plan the year's program. The first meeting will be an adult po^luck dinner.- jt will be Sept. 23 at 8 o'clock. We invite all adults to attend this supper. The upper room had a ball game and the girls won 12 to 5. Wesley Bruce, schooj reporter The Community club of Ringwood invites parents, friends and neighbors" to a pot-luck supper Thursday, Sept. 23, at 8 o'clock in the evening at the schoolhouse. Everyone attending is asked to bring a dish to' pass. There will be plenty of good coffee for everyone. Games have been planned and prizes will be given away. You are invited to attend and have an enjoyable evening with your friends. > p«a» ran* Electricity, Modern Miracle, : Deadly Weapon In Some Cases It|s too bad that a fallen wire doesfrt---h^ve a little sign that pops out with "Do Not Touch" °n it. -x A wire on a rural line brokeand fell near one end of a corn field recently. A device protecting this portion of the line auto-, matically shut off theN circuit. The property owner wascj cultivating corn, working his way slowly toward the fallen wire. Not wishing to drive over it and perhaps damage it, he dismounted from his cultivator, picked up the end of the wire, carefully rolled it up and hung it over a fence post near a power pole to which it was attache^ He had no more than turned it loose and stepped away when this coil of wire suddenly became "alive" and arced and burned its way through all the strands of the woven wire fence. J Now let's go back and see what happened: Our farmer -friend wasn't the only one Who had an interest in that fallen wire. The local power company had been notified that service in the area had been interrupted and promptly dispatched a repairman to investigate. | Unaware of the actions of each other: The farmer stopped his tractor at almost the same time the repair truck drew up some distance away.. The farmer started to roll up the wire. *A repairman started to tflimb the pole to check the switch. As the farmer, finished rolling up the" wire, the repairman decided to test the line. The farmer hung the loop of wire on the fence post and turned away. The repairman closed the switch. And the farmer had missed death by seconds! Electricity is a relatively new miracle to many rural areas In the country. When handled properly it is, beyond any doubt, one of the wonders of the world. But Color Scheme A Problem ? Let us color-key your rooms in a fresh, exciting way. You'll be deliglited to see how your favorite furniture will look even better when placed in a new, harmonious color scheme . . . at reasonable «ost Introductory Consultations "FREE" TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS 208 E. Elm St. Phone 917 McHenry, I1L IfF CREAM it can become1 a deadly weapon when It isn't handled correctly, as the fanner almost found out. In order to protect yourself and your families there are a few ataiple procedures that should be followed at all times: 1. Consider every fallen wire as dangerous. 2. Keep a safe distance from any fallen wire. 3. Telephone wires and electric wires look the same ;-- don't try to tell them apart. 4. Notify the proper authorities as soon as you spot a fallen wire. 5. If necessary7 post a guard by the wire to keep others from, coming into contact with it. S. GREEN ST. Still the "Finest" Ice Cream made . . . Try it Today! All Flavors. Buy it at . . . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. Low Cos4 Fuel At Your Door Why use out-moded fuels with an the extra work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty, safe Bottled Gas direct to your door* wherever you lives •_ ALTHOFFS HARDWARE "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" Phone 284 601 Main St. McHenry. III. t\ WlWi 3 the bis \ou camread it in tthh^^sta les figures--Buick's the car that's climbing to a phenomenal public preference. For Buick today is outselling all other cars in America--regardless of price class--except two of the so-called "low-price three." And every month strengthens Buick's newleadership position.It's the "hot'* car for style, for power, for performance--and, most emphatically, for value. mm ® lT Any way you look at it, Buick's the buy of the year, hands down. For Buick prices start close to the lowest--just a few dollars above those of the "low-price three." But those few more dollars you pay for a Buick buy you a lot more power, room, comfort, style, ride steadiness. And get this: with our tremendous sales volume right now, we caa offer you a really top allowance on your present car. That's the added bonus you get from our big volume. for years from miful *0* A £ - With Buick's year-ahead beauty today, you'll be driving a car that's right up front in the style parade of tomorrow. And when you're ready to resell your Buick, it will still be fresh and new-looking, with the modern features the others will adopt in the coming years. And that means you're bound to get a higher resale price when you do trade it in. Drop in and see this beautiful buy right now. .WHEN BITTCt AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT WICK WIU BUILD 1HENU R. I. Overton Motor Sales SIGN DESIGN Chain-O-Lakes Region - Point Of Sale Advertising Specialists in Silk Screen Printing on Any Surface in Any Quantity Quickly and Reliably. Complete Art and Design Service Day Glow Printing Rt 1, Rtngweod, HL Telephone: Wonder Llke Sltl CARRY IN -- CARRY OCT - SHOP REPAIRS Radio - Phonographs - T.V# Electronic Equipment, ew RAJPIONIC 800 E. Elm St" - McHenry, HI Phone 1446-J DR. ARTHUR J. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 124 S. Green St., ( McHenry, I1L Phone McHenry 1068 • Hours - Mon. and FrL 10 to 12:30 - 2 to • Tues. and Thursu 1 to 8 Sat. By Appointment Oaty 120 S. Green Street DR. G. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Honrs: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- l&O to 6:SO Mon., Wed. and VM. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone MeHeniy 160 FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, DL Phone: McHenry 880-M4 Sniii T.imfnitnm VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Excavating Tel. McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-I Box 218, Rt. 1, McHenry, ID. A. P. FREUND & SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service *.;~ - ROAD BUILDING -- TeL 204-M McHen^, BL EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE fire, Auto, Farm & Life: • Representing RELIABLE COT.TPJSJflES When Ycu Need Issrareaee- of Any Kind f. PHONE 48 or 953 Green 4k .Elm ittcHenry, HL SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 950 403 Front St. Phone 6 McHenry, DL DR. I. W. BAKER Dentist 110 Green St. Professional Building Phone 1044 Hours -- Daily 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed.. & Frl Evening® By Appointment 4

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