Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Sep 1954, p. 7

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Thursday, September 18. 1954 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED FOR RENT 1JOR RENT -- Attractive S^rm. furnished year 'round waterfront houSe, insulated, gas heat, hot water and bath. Reasonably r6flt to right party. Call 1462-M after 6 ptm. »ig HELP WANTED > HELP WANTED -- Woman to cook in the 'daytime at' a- local restaurant. Apply in person or •call'377. ... • 17-tf HEIiP'- WA'NTED^.^" -Boy. tt): di ive car on paper route, mornings and evening^,. Drivers license required. Albert Krause & Son, 308 E. Elm St., McHenry 878-J. 18-tf HELP WANTED -- Beauty ope- (rator, part time. Jewel's Beauty ' Shop, Crystal Lake. Phone C. L. 34. 18-2 MALE HELP WANTED -- Semitrailer driver, must be over 21, have 2 or 3 years experience. Call Wonder Lake 5362, from 1 to 5 'p.m. 19-3 .HELP WANTED -- Man, 21 to 45 years old, draft exempt, to do artificial breeding of cattle in McHenry cpunty; No experience necessary. Farm and sales background ^preferred. We pay salary, commission and liberal car allowance. (For interview see Harold Broman, Sept. 25, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. -at the Curtiss Candy Barn office, Gary, *111. *19 fHELP WANTED ^ Good mechanic; nriust have knowledge of air brakes. Call Wonder Lake 5362 from 1 to 5 p.m. 19 REAL ESTATE ; FOR SALE McHENRY - Golf Course Subd. New, 2 bedroom ranch type, cabinet kitchen, large living room, hot air heat, tile floors, a nice location. Price $11,500.00. PISTAKEE^LAKE - 5 rooms, glazed in PJ^ch, gas heat, used as seasonal Kome. Price $12,600.00. PISTAKEE LAKE - 4 bedroom home, garage, lots 66x400, nicely landscaped, near Johnsburg. Price $15,500.00. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE -- 6 room home in Pitzen's subd. Gas heat. Must be seen to be appreciated. Fred A. Reeves. Phone McHenry 1757-R. •19-3 FOR SALE -- 2 bfedroom hofhe iti Shalimar subd. Full basement, % block from River. Call McHenry 1710. 19 REAL ESTATE WANTED Tavern, building, on shore of Lake With boats to rent. Phone Mr. Katke, Round Lake 6-1912. *13 FOR SALE -- New home, best buy of the season; £ bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, bath room, large kitchen, full basement with fireplace, oil heat, 2 car garage,. $17^750. Fitzgerald's Realty, 210 S. Green St. Phone 1126: 19 FOR SALE' Year 'round tavern resort on Pist&kee Bay. Price $4,000. Owner has other' interest. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 494. *19 Don't forget the Saturday midnight show at the Crystal Drive-In FOR SALE -- Two bedroom bripk house in Lakemoor, $9,800; on hwy. 120 Terms. Tel. McHenry 430. 19 FOR SALE -- 2 bedrooms, liVing room, bath room, large kitchen, utility room, 1 car garage. Located in Hunterville Park on blacktop. Price $14,900. 99x132 lot, located NW. corner of new grade school. A new development makes this lot attractive. Price $1100. ' 19 Phone 1126 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Work as baby sitter or housework. Phone 560-M-2. 18-3 WANTED New 3 bedroom ranch type home, on Pistakee Lake, lot 60x260. Price $17,800.00. All above property's shown by appointment. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS In Johnsburg Tel McHenry 37 17-tf List Your Homes, Lots or Farms with AIRSPUN for quick selling service Phone McHenry 430 _ 11-tf WANTED -- Transportation to St. Mary's high school at Woodstock from Pistakee Bay or McHenry, 5 days a week. Call 166. 19 WANTED -- Homes .for weaned healthy Maltese and Tiger striped kittens. Phone 571-W-2. , *19 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metais and Junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 33-tf <XDR SALE -- Store, suitable for iny retail business, year round, living quarters. Newly decorated. ?all Wonder Lake 3221. 1-tf TOR SALS -- ROMAS--FAROS 3HOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 406 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf "OR SALE -- 7 room ranch s ouse, includes 3 bedrooms & den, ull basement, auto, wdsher, auto, as heat, face brick on exterior & innon sfone front, fireplace. Best id vjjer $19,500 wild take. Call 27-J. 19 pOR SALE -- All year 'round [ome on Wonder Lake Drive, priced right for quick sale. Call jV'onder Lake 3393. H. Widen. 15-tf OR SALE -- 2 room cottage, furbished, located at McCullom Lake, block from blacktop on Hickory ivr, $5WWV> ra« RIW..T-1 . »l9 WANTED TO BUY -- Reliable man with an excellent position and good credit would like to buy a new small 4 or 5 room house on a full G.I. loan.^^Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 493. *19 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Garage for single car, year round, must be not less than 21 ft. inside length. Phone McHenry 245 after 6 p.m. *19 WANTED TO RENT -- Two to three bedroom home by Oct. 1. Tel. McHenry 1173. 19 WANTED TO RENT -- 4 to 5 room year round home for family of 3, near» McHenry. Phone 1012. *19 MISCELLANEOUS Schoen's Inn (Formerly Alibi) 130 S. GfREEN STREET "X: Package {foods and Liquors Pizza,' Sandwiches & Fish Fry Take Out Orders PHONE 336 n-ti "I Am An American Day' * • */ WHEREAS, the privilege of being a citizen of the United States was never more highly esteemed than in these critical days; and . WHEREAS, Sunday, September 19, 1954, has been set aside as "I Am An American Day," the patriotic observance of which is intended to bring home to all of our people the special significance of citizenship in these times and awaken in *us renewed appreciation of the privileges and blessings we enjoy as American citizens; and WHEREAS, our country as a whole and our community as well Have been ehriched by the naturalisation of many who have come to- us from other lands to realize their dreams of liberty ahd opportunity, and by the coming of age of our nativeborn youth who now add their strength to the cause of upholding .the principles of liberty, right and justice which form the basis of our free government; NOW, THEREFORE, I, as Mayor of McHenry, do hereby proclaim Sunday, September 19, 1954, as "I Am An American Day" in McHenry, and I urge that our citizens observe the day fittingly and in true patriotic fervor. Let us by appropriate n^etings and, programs,- especially on September 19, give solemn, evidence that" we realize the priceless worth of oar citizenship, that we ;FCc<?g7i^n 'the • debt-wo - g^neristfnrrei- fco.fore. us 'Who" have- fought' to;win and rntaiir thp-blK^in'gs tvp now. enjoy. Let us proclaim to the world and to the thousands of other communities throughout the nation, assembled -as* we' will be, our proudest boast "I Am An> American." Mayor George P. Freund MISCELLANEOUS Stephanie Waynne, McHenry 492 will answer inquiries about Home Bureau, the Homemakers Club planned for McHenry and 4- H for y6uth up to college age. *19-3 TRUCK FOR HIRE 2 ton Dairy AT AUCTION William H. Russell, Auctioneer The undersigned, because of 'ill health being forced to sell his dairy. Will sell same at auction stake truck for hire with driver • f" .t trucK tor mre witn anver. h,S farm ad3oininS the city hmits Q{ Woodstock Qn R t 12Q Full time or weekends. Zimmer, McHenry 680-M-l. 19 LEGAL SHERIFF'S SALE By Virtue of Executjtm on Transcript - No.: -33829- issued out of* the Clerk's Office of "the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgement recently obtained against WILLIAM T. STRUWE and HAZEL STRUWE, in favor of WALTER G.' WENTZEL, out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of tne said WILLIAM T. STRUWE and HAZEL STRUWE, I have levied" on the following property, to-wit: Lot twenty four (24), block sixteen (16), Lakeland Park Unit Number Two (2), being a subdivision of a part of the * Northwest (toW) quarter (V*) and of part of the southwest (SW) quarter (»i) of section twenty seven (27), township forty five (45) North, Range Eight <8), East of the Third (3rd) Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded December 12, 1952, as Document Number -260030-, in McHenry County, Illinois: Therefore, according to said command I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, all the right, title and interest of Yhe above named WILiJAM T. STRUWE and HAZEL STRUWE in and to the above described property, on Tuesday, the 5th day of October, 1954, at Ten (10:00) o'clock A.M. at the Front Door of the Courthouse in Woodcock, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this third day of September, 1954. Sheriff of McHenry Cornty, Illinois HENRY A. NULLE, (Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23) SUNDAY, SEPT. 19, 1954 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. 39 head of livestock, consisting of 22 Holstein cowg, 10 of which will be fresh by sale date; 6 Holstein first calf heifers springing, (vaccinated ); 6 open Holstein heifers (vaccinated); 5 Holstein calves 3 to 7 months old. One Thousand (1,000) bushels of good oats. One -New Idea single row corn picker. The above dairy of cows are good and will be sold on their merits. Anyone desiring replacements can obtain them here and you will find them just as I recommend them when you get them home. MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT 2 Surge seamless units; Haverly 8 can cooler; pails; Large electric hot water heater; 10 milk cans; strainers and tanks. Terms: Usual Bank Terms. Not Responsible For Accidents RALPH PEACOCK. Owner First Nat'l Bank of Woodstock, Clerking Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Instlrance Corp. Renew that subscription to th Plaindealer now! FOR INDUS Shop at McHENRY PLAINDEALER 102 N. Green Street PHONE 170 = H 'V Large Selection ij OF FRESH and CLOSE SPRINGER COWS and HEIFERS Mostly Calfhood Vaccinated Some Registered Holstein Heifer Calves out of Butter Fat Tested Dams. Stock Bulls of Serviceable Age. | Walter Eckhouse ) y2 Mile East of Grayslake on Rt. 120 f PHONES: | GRAYSLAKE 3-7121 -- LIBERTYVILLE 2-1696 j AUCTION SALE Household Furniture, Tools, Etc. SUNDAY, SEPT. 19. -1:00 P. M. On Forrest Grunewald Property Across From Cemetery on Route 59 1 Block Southwest o! Stop-Lite Wauconda, 111. • Small roll chicken wire, desk, overhead garage door and hardware, 1949 Ford conv., over stuffed chair, misc., dishes and tools, highboy, davenport, double bed, twin bed, 2 end tables, dining room set, wicker set 3-pc., kitchen base cabinet, studio couch, square table, odd chairs, dressing table, 2 dressers, washing machine, 2 panel doors, 1 front door with combination storm and screen and frame, 2 single windows with frames storm and half screen, 1 large casement, 1 small casement, 1 half size window storm and half screen, 11'-17', I reversible rug, Speed Queen washer, like new. Farmers' Outlook Nation's Milk Flow Reduced Milk ^production has dropped more sharply than usual since June 1 of this year. The main reason is probably the hot,.. dry weather -- although many important daily areas have escaped both heat and drouth. In fact, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and the New England states have had unusually favorable weather and pastures. Milk output in July was the same as it was a year ago. This was the first month since August, 1952, that failed to show a substantial increase o"'er produe-" tion of a year, earlier. Produe ticre- during the rest of 1&54 is also expected' year's levels. , Farmers added 1.3' million milk cows, .to.- .their herd's ir 10^2 arid 1953 while•> prices.- of • mill-: wen.' being supported at 90 per cent of parity. A survey by the US DA on June 1 showed practically no change in cow numbers since last December. At that time farmers had 244.7 million milk cows. Onp reason farmers went to milking more cows in 1952 and 4853 was that milking became relatively more profitable than producing beef. In those two years average prices received by farmers for beef cattle dropped 46 per cent, while prices of milk Went doWn only 12 per cent and butterfat went up 5 per cent. Farmers looking for ways to turn grass and legumes into marketable products went to the daily busines Consumption of dairy products appears to have incleased slighily. USDA figures show that about 5 per cent more butter was used in the first half of this year than in the same period last year:'. •'••The average retail pfice was reduced from 78/ cents a pound in March to 69 cents in June. Lb Consumption of chpes^Jias increased iess th^rTThe use of butter, probably because retail prices of cheese have been reduced very little. The U.S. average retail price for milk was only ' 2 cent a quart lower in June this^vav than last year. Such a small reduction cannot^Jbe^^ expected to bring much increase in sales of fluid miTk. But in several cities where substantial price cuts were Page Sevfto made, sales have increased siderably. It appears that lower] rOMlNr FVFNT^ retail piices §re more effective! vl/ffllillj LffjllliJ than special adveitising in boosting sales of milk. j September 16 In recent years federal law has ; W.S.C.S. -- First Meeting of dii octed the Secretary of Agri- j Season -- Edwin Wittrock Resiculture to support the price of dence -- 1 p.m. -- Dessert milk at a level between 75 and : Luncheon 90 per cent of parity that • is I c.D. of A. Social Meeting "necessary to assuie an ade- i W.S.C.S. Meeting -- Pot-Luck quate supply. Because excessive Lunch -- 1 p.m. -- Mrs. Harry supplies had accumulated, the Hans Home -- (Nursery in par- Secretary on April 1 reduced the | sonage basement) September i S Bake Sale, St. John's School Hall - 8 a.m. - Sponsored by ' ing Blessed Virgin Sodality September 20. support level from 90 per cent to 75 per cent of parity. The recent farm act does not change this law. The program now in effect is M..5 a hundred pound., aL but- t "m " terfat at 56.2 cents a pound. Here's a puzzle for you: On Aug. 1 milk production per cow ; in dry and^ blistered' Missouri, wasvj co%m'Meeting! _ ReV; RJkv, 2 per cent above last year, At,^: .p Hilliitg*,. - Bishop of the - sair.c time. ir.-lu?h: \Viseonsm- l Rockfo,^ ^ Guc^, Spc kvr- Jl St.' Sale -- Memorial Hall, Richmond -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. **" September 28 Q.E.S. Stated Meeting --• 8 p.m. -- Acacia Hall Quarterly Conference! McHenry Community Methodist Church September 30 lecture Luncheon Club Martinefcti's -- 12:30 p.m. / October 5 Ringw6&d Unit, Home Bureau -- 1:30 pm. -- Lou Plotner Residence, Wonder Lake - October 6 St. Mary's First P.T.A. Meet- September 21 Wdmert of the M6ose Meeting output per ' cow was-"2'. per tcent l e s s ' t i & n d i n v t e i - d n n t r - r • J 3 pel-' cent less thai*'-last year. B I R T H S Jacqueline Marie is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Church of Fiont street for their new daughter, born Sept. 1 at .Basement Mary's School Hall 4- 8 p.m. -- Air Men.InvitedA"' ".*• September- 2c Public, Card Party -I- St. Patrick's Cfiufch 8 p.m. September 23 Community P.T.A. Meeting -- High School Cafteria September 27 Johnsburg Public School P.T.A. Meeting - 8 p.m. -- School the Woodstock hospital. Greatgrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Purvey and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller. Mrs. Church is the former Patti Purvey of . Crystal Lake. A daughter was born Sept. 9 at. the Woodstock hospital to Mr. i and Mrs. Gordon Fossum of i naturally | Ring-wood. Twin sons were boi n Sept. 10' at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Sund. They have one other child, also a boyr A daughter was born Sept. 9 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ingersol. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wolowic are the parents of a son, born Sept. 6 at the Woodstock hospital. A son, James Joseph, was born Sept. 11 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Periy Walker. The Walkers (she was the former Doris Jean Freund) have one other child, a son. Perry Robe:t. September 25 Ringwood W.S.C.S. Rummage October 7 Public Party -- Sponsored by C.D. of A. October 10 Open House and Consecration Service 4 -- Methodist Church 2 to 4 p.m. -- Dr. Ray Bond, Guest October 16 ' McHenry Masomc- Lodga' CeW- "tfe'nnfefl" Celebratiois Dinft&V 5:30 to 7:30 -- Entertainment' October 23 't 1 \'O .F.3 ' Snr.rrg?. • ar i ' Bi - ?a *" f>;3f? p m -- Acacia Hftll November 3 W.S.C S. Bazaar and Dinner -- Methodist Church Hall ADVERTISE in the PLAINDEALER ~~v. Classified Ads are Read by Everyone! Market your bogs at CHICAGO Where . . . Competitive bidding assures you the highest return any day you market your hogs. Hundreds of buyers daily compete for the available supply of hogs at the Chicago Stock Yards. The sound, economic laws of supply and demand bring the full, true market value for your hogs. And, too . . . *Authentic tests reveal that up to 165 miles of travel, practically all shrink on hogs is regained by fill at the Chicago Stock Yards. REMEMBER . . . Chicago Always -has Hundreds of Buyers-- More than at any other Market. That's Why It Pays to-- SHIP TO CHICAGO * Tests of some 1.125 head of hogs shipped to the Chicago Stock Yards showed $n average shrink of 1.6% per hog; fill gain at the market 1.5%. i)}e0M9 From the start, make your wedding an occasion of long-remembered good^taste and distinction. Invitations set the tone of formal perfection. Choose your own paper^ajQd styling from our complete selections. Consult us^oir^an^ problems. "Oualily * . . Worthy of the Occasion" McHENRY PLAINDEALER PHONE 170 mmmaaawm The Farmers Trading Post !5v?5*/VUlA/WWWA'l/VWWWlA/WWWWWW^ Special Limited Offer! UP TO M Over Market Price For Your Car When You Trade On A 1954 • For a limite^ time only, you can really Step up to a Packard-built car . . . and get unbeard-of prices for your old car! Come in and let us spell out in detail how much, much more we'll pay for your car to make you a proud Packard Clipper owner! R. M. FLEMING & SON JILLIS OMLMERS NEW IDEA _ PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implemi Service. PHONE McHENRY SS 522 Waukegan Road FOR SALE Choice Hampshire boars. Blood tested. Hall Bros., 1612-R-2 Woodstock. »19 WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 1661-R-l, collect. McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. SALES & SERVICE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 185 (OS W. Elm St. (Basement) FC^R SALE -- 12 heifers and young cows to be fresh between now and end of Oct. No barn ream. Ehredt & Son, east of Volo, Round Lake 6-2223. l£tf Blumhorst Trucking and Grain *15-tf i Service. Corn shelling, grain buying. Livestock. Local and long dis-^ ATTENTION FARMERS tance hauling. McHenry R.R. 4. Need a tool shed, loafing barn, phone 777-VV. 16-tf hog or poultry house? You can have a 12 sow portable hog house for $850.00. Save today on Doane Designed low cost buildings. For further information call or write Arnold May, Richmond. Illinois. Office -1381 - Res. 4714. 18-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for Packard CLIPPER Deluxe 4-Door Sedan s. & s. SALES & SERVICE 405 E. Elm St. McHenrv, 111. SALES & SERVICE Farm Implements and Tractors Universal Milkers New Holland Farm Machinery PHONE McHENRY/420 501 Crysti McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Dough Boy | Ful-O-Pep Larro Poultry & Dairy Feeds PHONE McHENRY 789 528 Waukegan Road Dead Anin:al Reiuava! IXa-i I-] ' WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspection Made by Dept. of Agriculture. Highest cash prices paid. Phone Wheeling 8, collect. 45-tf FOR SALE -- Registered Duroc Spring JUoars, fajst growing meat type pigs fromf litters of 10 and more. Priced reasonable. Harry Herman. Phone Richmond 5162. 18-2 McHENRY MILLS. Inc. Phone \oio HOGS WANTED -- All classes and weight for highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily' Hog Market, phone Marengo 262 ! 50-tf I mm Poultry, IIon Jk Cattle Feeds PHONE McHENRY 815 506 Crystal Lake Road

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