THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER jfcf £aH&> U/aJUh- • BimrtJl toe baseball season is ovej, Imt the memory lingers on. This Is especially true for the shamrocks. They operated in the red last season and find it necessary to -get a few bucks together to . balance the books. a week from tonight (TOursday, Nov. 11) the team Wllji hold a feather party at the Foi Hole. They want to feather their nest and maybe get a nest eg# t? Anyhow, the general idea is to Mk- you sports fans or lovers of the' feathered birds to make an appearance at the team's party next Thursday night. There will be Wio- me fun. Vern Freund has the boys talk- Inge aboiit his whopping bowling sco|e rolled at McHenry Recreation .-- a 265 game in a 641 series. Of course, the season is yoUXig and Vern expects to do better when he gets in the groove. , Down at the Palace they are talking about a 268 game rolled byjjf^ed Getner. That should stand up iias a maTk for the boys to Shd$t at for a while. ^om the sports publicity dep& r|ment of the University of ICi^ai comes a report that Dick String shows real promise and Witt' get his real test at his old fullback spot late in November When the Hurricanes meet three college freshmen teams. We'll be aiuiibus to hear of his progress. McHenry Recreation --- Nite Owls-- Schroeder's Iron 3, Little Chef 0; V. Groh, 434. Bimbo & Sons 2, Club Lilymoor 1. R. Stoller, 435; E. Peterson, 423 Mi Place 2, P.M. Radio & TV 1. I. Stoller, 440. ' : Al's White House 2;. The Pit I. P. Schultz, 426; L. Vacondio, lp8- 494. • „ • ' ; Thurs. 9:00-- Lannes Realtor 2, Clark Chev. 1. R. Cynowa, Jr., 204-525. Blatz 3, Tower Grille 0. J. Busch, 527. - Prager 3, The Vogue,0. Aregger, 511; Corso, 512. F.M. Television 2, Al's Welding 1. Vern Freund, 265-230-641; Koch, 211-590; Hojnacki, 512. Dowe, 209-546; Rev. Fr. Miller, 512; H„ Miller, 533; D. Fredricks, 508; Meyer, 502. Old Timers-- Rogers' 2213, Cristy's 2120. Nimtz, 532; Pyritz, 506. Sayler's 2301, Petersen's 2201. Adams, 504. Tavern-- Hank's Fireside 3, Sportsman's Inn 0. Herdrick, 204-531; Low, 210-505; Siekerman, 206-554; Oonk, 525; Winters, 213-565. Snug Harbor 3, Fox Hole 0. Bob, 513; D. Weingart, 208-540; R. Lee, 200; T. Wheelock, 514; A. Jackson, 506. McDonald's 3, Whitey's 0. D. Ldrch, 201-537; B. Brennan, 229- 227-617. Joe's Tap, 1%, Old Bridge 1V£- G. Schaefer, 213-513; B. Pejsert, 535- J: Simon, 202; Overton, *206- 508,• Suttcm, 202-533. That Bob Nolan you have been reading about is the same fellow who played baseball with the Shaimrocks. He has made them sit ^up and take notice of his football ability at Miami this season. ThuTS. Nite Business Men-- Bimbo's 2, Highland Shores 1. E. Pieroni, 502. McHenry Bookkeeping 2, Schlitz Beverage 1. H. Wagner, 210. Isabelle's Tap 2, Buss Motors 1. T. McNish, 502; F. Schmitt, 521; Johnson Tool 2, Freund's Dairy 1. P. Hastings, 545. yInjuries forced "Mac" to patch 4 his lineup for the Crystal ^i£k^ football game last Friday i^gftt as it hasn't been patched bfef<j?e. 'vWhile bench warming is one of $$te evils of amateur sports, it mult be said to the credit of our boys that they bounced out whenneeded tjtfg season and sbdwed :teift tefltSti spirit. Early Birds-- Carey Electric 2, Freund Oil Co. 1. P. Nimtz, 429; M. Gates, 176. Dorothy's Millinery 2, Robert Hay Contractor 1. E. Nell, 433; D. Schaefer, 183-438. Nye's Drug Store 3, McHenry State Bank 0. Farmers' Mill 2, B. & E. Trout Farm 1. J. Stilling, 191; N. Stilling, 180-459; T. Stilling, 428; C. Rosing, 425; B. Gilpin, 429; H. Knox, 428. Wednesday Nite Octette-- Krueger's Fuel Oil 2, Rolaine Grill 1. T. Jinga, 440. Golden Glo Nuts 2, American Legion 1. B. Peterson, 459; C. Munsch, 423. Wonder Lake Oil 3, Widen's Standard Service D. Kay's Gift Shop 3, T. . P. Mathews 0. V. Kopp, 462. .|SU through the game we felt Q>fk$ Crystal Lake had the potential strength to beat our team Vjrith plenty to spare. A scoreless . .$rst half was a big surprise, .^cfipally, the Warriors were outing the fight and may have surprised the visitors. "jfOu may have seen John Purifcey §show his heels to would-be ^u;|flers on a touchdown play aend. He can scoot with a foo|ball. John is a grandson of Jffr^and Mrs. Al Purvey. -- Palace -- 9:00 Ladies-- T. Olsen & Son 3, Mark's Sport Store 0. J. Kralowetz, £05-501; M. Powersr 455; M. Donnelly,. 211- 485; T. Steffan, 430. Sportsman's Inn 3, Mi Place 0. H. Conway, 446; L. Behnkp, 200- 469. City-- Althoff's 3, McHenry Lumber 0. Conway, 500; J. Reid, 541. McHenry State Bank 2, Lee & Ray 1. Rogers, 201-510. McGee's 2, Walsh Insurance 1. B. Reid, 521; Steffes, 226-577; A. McCarroll, 203-554. Olsen's 2, Prager 1. Smith, 513; Rowe, 525; Freddie, 515; Olsen, 540. schhutt^ 454. ' \ Bowling Bar 2, Central' Garage 1. Z. Malochleb, 446. Hettermann's Tavern 2, G.&G. Decorators 1. B. Rettermann, 438; B. Freund, 442; M. Hettermann, 452. Timm's Tap 2, Lay's Tavern 1. E. Meyers, 443; C May, 181-454. WARRIORS LOSE TO CRYSTAL LAKE IN HARD BATTLE. 13-6 Moose-- R.' Nellis 3, Mayfield's 0. Weiser's 3, Steffan's 0. Brown, 518. 7:00 Ladies (last week)-- Blatz 3, Sand & Gravel 0. E. Conway, 424; E. Hester, 430; E. Justen, 435; L. Funk, 448. • McHenry Cab 2, McHenry Lumber 1. M. Doherty, 447; B. Meath, 178-465; N. Larkin, 195-463; L. Michels, 459. 9:00 Ladies (last week)-- Mark's Sport Store 3, Sportsman's Inn 0. A. Gaulke, 440; T. Steffan, 457; J. Simon, 176-496; E. Winkel, 433. Mi Place 1, T. Olsen & Son 2. M. Powers, 420. By Ralph Patzke : The Warriors lost their last home game of the Season last Friday night as they were beaten by Crystal Lake 13-6. In the first half the Warriors looked good as they picked up eight first 4owns and held tft<5 Tigers to two. However,' the& was no scoring on either "side. ' The first score came When thfe Tigers scored a touchdown in the third quarter and went into the lead 6 to 0. ' , In the final period the Tiger* scored another touchdown and the extra point to lead, 13 to 0. Towards the end of the game, the Warriors picked up their only score when Huemann passed to Useman for 34 yards and a touchdown. The extra point was no good and the final score was the Tigers 13, and the Warriors 6. Thursday, November 4, Northern Mini Bowmen News -- Bowling Bar -- Wonder Lake Women-- LaGreca's 2, Reuter's 1. G. Gustavson, 425. Dean's 2, Cleaners 1. T. Motulwicz, 434; Z. Malochleb, 180-483. Freund's Dairy 2, Krueger's Oil 1. Builders 3, Cardinal 0. Dolan, 186-446. Thurs. Nite Ladies-- Leo's Painterettes 2, Adams' Market 1. I. Stilling, 459; L. The Northern Illini Bowmen invite the public to attend their Turkey Shoot on Nov. 7. There will be several attractions this year. In addition to the popular Turkey and Duck Shoot, there will be a 25 Target Novelty Round starting at 9:30. This Novelty is something different and original targets will be used. We know you'll enjoy this. Beginners and spectators welcome. Don't worry about equipment, we'll try and furnish it to those not having any. Everything at moderate prices. Warm food available on the grounds. Take Rt. 120 west to first cross road,, turn left to course. DIES IN CRASH Rev. Fr. Robert Kowalski, 47, former superior of St. Mary's Minor seminary at Crystal Lal|£, and more recently chaplain at. Good Council high school, Chicago, was killed last Thursday, night in a traffic accident near- Kenosha, Wis. "She Warriors travel to Warren Frilay night for theylWtof'fpotpali game of the ^easdnv^'Next Monday the basketballs, start bouncing. ~ I . 4 fA" <§&ach Fulton's iron-mea^hadn't been scored on all \Seasoti; until th$r took a shellacking Afrom Crystal Lake's fr&hnjen ( last Thiprsday. Bet the4 t>oys> will boipce back against ^Wairdb this §ir old pal "Mose" was in to ch the Republican gospel to us& but we haven't heard from hi#i since the election. 7:00 Ladies-- McHenry Lumber 2, Blatz 1. T. Meyer, 443; V. Herdrich, 449; E. Conway, 479; E. Hester, 175-450; E. Justen, 453; M. Doherty, 210- 184-549; B. Meath, 465; N. Larkin, 505. McHenry Cab 2, McHenry Sand & Gravel l. L. Ferwerda, 429; L. Michels, 182-476. Match Game-- Blatz Kids 2728, Palace Rec. 2689. Krause, 538; Herdrich, 200- 539; Meyer, 215-556; Rosing, 210- 221-622; Winters, 514; McCarroll, 213-202-609; G. Schaefer, 224- 574; A Jackson, 501. 21 k- SHRIMP & the BASKET Served Daily al . . . 99s C.O.F. 9:00-- Freund's 2279, Blake's 2249. Gus Freund, 508. Winkel's 2484, Thennes' 2411. D. Weber, 207-588; Thennes, 511; Jr. Freund, 544; Winkel, 212-548. 7:00 C.O.F -- Thennes' 2465, Justen's 2272. V. Miller, 503; D. Rosing, 207-536; B. Thennes, 202-518. Miller's 2447, Meyer's 2345. C. Pressler's Resort i/2 Mile North of Route 176 On Blacktop Road at the Westend of Burton's Bridge . . . -- ORDERS TO TAKE OUT -- Be Sure To RESERVE SATURDAY NOV. 13 th For Our FEATHER PARTY THE BOSS IS WORKING HARD FOR. HIS FARM RESERVE FUND/r^ - se ts MIS MdNBy.„HEfc BUYING MORE 4S.SAVIN6S 6QH0SL 1 1 IfT-jrvraidfo- ;oqr television comirnerdal is boring, it lit, bard to believe that the product^ advertised is ||ny good -- if it really is. There i* only one thing* for a man to do who is married to & womto • who ' enjoys spending money, and that is to enjoy, earn- Farm Census Started In McHenry County Nov. 3 Enumerators for the 1954 Census of Agriculture took an intensive training course recently in preparation for the start of the census on Wednesday, Nov. 3, according to Field Supervisor Edmund A. Moss. The training sessions were held at the Farm Bureau building in Woodstock, conducted by Crew Leader Richard G. Burton, who recently attended a five-day training conference yon census methods. Enumerators trained from McHenry county were Mildred M. Jedlicka, Eileen A. Leisch, Fred W. Mastin, Henry M. Nell, Glen H. Ritt, Samuel Rogers, Jessie L. Smith, Joseph C. Schmitt, Luman Wilcox, Ray M. Vlerck, Charles E. Ward, Louis J. Winn, Ernest F. Wooley and Joseph W. Yager. Shop at Home T € W N E Orand Avenue, Fox Lake, BL Phone Fox Lake 7-1611 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING THURS., FRI. & SAT. NOV. 4-5-6 "BROKEN LANCE" Cinemascope Spencer Tracy - Jean Peters Richard Widmark SUN., MON. & TUES. NOV. 7-8-9 "BRIGADOON" Cinemascope Gene Kelly - Van Johnson . ' Cyd Charisse JOMING NOV. 10-11-12-13 'River Of No Return' NOV. *14-15-16 "King Richard And Crusaders" NOV. 17-18-19-20 "Vanishing Prairie" FARMERS-GOOD NEWS Drastic Reduction in Cost of AG STONE Formerly $1.65 per ton * NOW ONLY $1.15 per ton This New Low Price in Effect I Until Dec«|31, 1954 DON'T WAIT - LIME NOW pur lime tests high. We guarantee the best possible results. For delivered prices, call us or your neighborhood trucker who specializes in spreading AG Stone. . .... ' FOX RIVER STONE Co. ELGIN, ILL. PHONE 6060 Saturday Matinee -- 2:00 p.m. Sundays Continuous - 3:00 p.m. Week Days -- 7:15 p.m. FRI, & SAT. . NOV. 6-6 "THE SOUTHWEST PASSAGE" Joan Dru - John Ireland' Also "THE MISSING PASSENGER"* SATURDAY MATINEE . Starts at 2 c^'clock All Cartoon Show SUN. & MON. NOV. 7-8 "BETRAYED" In Color Clark Gable - Lana Turner Victor Mature TUES., WED. & THURS. NOV. 9-10-11 In Technicolor "WITH A SONG IN MY HEART" Susan Hayward - Thelma Ritter David Waynne Sponsored by Crystal Lake Woman's Club and SAVE! ELM BT. 176 WAUCONDA Open Daily 6:40 p.m. - Sim: 2:^0 THURS., FRI. & SAT. NOV. 4-5-6 Open Saturday 6:00 p.m. Last two features start 9:15 p.m. DAWN AT SOCORRO' Rory Calhoun - Piper Laurie Also "BLACK HORSE CANYON" Joel McCrea Both Features in Technicolor SUN., MON. & TUES; NOV. 7-8-9 At Our Regular Admission! Feature Sun. 2:15 - 4:45 - 7:05 9:20. "THE ROBE" : Cinemascope & Technicolor Victor Mature - Richard Burton Jean Simmons - Michael Rennie WED. thru SAT. NOV. 10-13 Gene Kelly - Van Jonnson "BRIGADOON" SPECIAL MATINEE S AT., NOV. 6-1:30 P.M. BLACK HORSE CANYON and 5 COLOR CARTOONS. All Seats 25c "Mr' Pheasant for # Thanksgiving ? Season Opens THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11TH Make sure you BAG your Limit . . . Come in now and get yourself all set for opening day . . . Whatever the Sport, Game, or Need . . . You can always find it in our store . . . All Caliber • SHELLS jantwg gear • THERMOS BOTTLES •>«, CHIPPEWA • BOOTS • CAPS • SHIRTS & JACKETS SHELL VESTS Warm Wool • SOCKS All Types & CaL • GUNS OPEN EVENINGS DURING HUNTING SEASON MARK'S 112 So. Green St. SPORTING GOODS MARINE SUPPLIES HUNTERS HDQTRS. Phone 1000 McHenry, I1L We have another strong Republican setting our type so can't make too many remarksp He might bury our copy. Don Tony an asked each "Trick or ' Treater" where they lived when they entered Bolger's for a handout. He quit when one kid answered, "Clinton, Iowa." One of our young associates wanted to know how far back this "Trick or Treat" business1 dated. We dunno. In our day it was just "Trick" -- then run' like h-~ DAILY PINUPS: ! Playing a minor role is really I not a major catastrophe. Adam was one man who couldn't brag about his mother's cooking. ^Nothing is dirt cheap that inaaacks of the soil. ^ To some, a first hand victory ffhjgetting in the last word. •vr'% man's reputation need not rest on his past nor can it rely on; Jiis future., 0; Cold cash'eta become a warm commodity. §-i;:viri8pB of wisdom outwear wads 1 !• 4f:fc>lly. Anonymous H you want to find out how iy little gadgets you need, 1 through a fiye-and-dime. _ 'ore you know it you will have «h arniful of purchases -- and tjwy ^o«t^ ^ than a dime. " I With Thundetbird Styling! SBb THKM NOVEMBER IS M •Dan botca NOW, LET'S GET to the POINT! Let's talk advertising in terms of YOUR business. Just call McHenry 170 or 171. McHENRY PLAINDEALER jH What's the point ol advertising? It's H| as simple as this* It you have some- = '! thing to selL the more people who S know about it, the more you will selL S Your ad in ihift paper affords the - * s quickest way, for the loast money, to =5 get your selling story before the most s people. It it pays to selL it pays to ad- S verlise . . . because advertising IS 55 selling, geared for large-scale, profit- = able results! liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil