%• Gottlieb' Meyers of Spokane, i*V7ash., & native of McHenry, ' called on old friends here Thuis v$ay. It was his first visit here . in twenty^ years. •J| Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N . pchmitt, Mrs. Art Smith and |pM:iss Rosina Young attended the Ijfuneral of Mrs. Mary Reinert -at t|Bt. Mary's church in Elgin last ^Thu: sday morning. ^ Miss Nadyne Lewis, R.N., of tit. Therese hospital, Waukegan. pent Friday with her parents. |Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl. -.' Edward Jackson has been re- tised from service and returnee >me last week, after serving ir e Navy four years. Mrs. Eleanor Renard and Miss Mary Kay Nieman have returned ftom a trip through the East, with New York City as their destination. V Mr. and Mrs. Wm J. Miller JUld /family of Fox River Grove land •• Mr. and Mrs. Jake, Stoffel of McHenry were dinner guests ^ln the home of Mrs. Anna Millei Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Sr., of Volo, attended a district meeting of the lLake county Home Bureau held 'lit Millburn last Friday. Albert Toth of McCullom Lake left this week «|or Florida, where he will spend several months. Miss Rovena Marshall, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Beverly Montgomery, of Forest Park, returned home last week from a 17-day vacation in whicl1 they covered several hundred miles by plane. After leaving jMiami, stops were made at San; Juan. Porto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Porte-Au-Prince, Haiti, Kingston, Jamaica and Montego Bay on the Caribbean Sea. Harry Bateman of Chicago 6pent the weekend at his cottage at Orchard Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olhava of Chicago visited McHenry friend? Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walinder of Chicago were Sunday visitors In the Gunner Walinder home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tqnyan and Miss Louise Williams visited Sister M. Lambert, O.S.F., at St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, Sunflay. ' Misses Dorothy and Louise Walsh are vacationing in Florida for a few weeks. Miss Joyce Hoffecher of Chicago was a Sunday visitor in the Robert Newkirk home. j Mrs. Beatrice Borchart of Cudahy, Wis., and Mrs. Theodore Hamm of Lake Geneva, Wis.. kirch, spent several days last week in the home of the George r Fitzgeralds at Kankakee. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Rodenkirch and „ soft, Gerald, drove to Kankakee to spend the lay and the other members of .heir family returned home with them in the evening. Miss Rita Martin attended a Chevrolet business management neeting at Rockford last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen and iaughte;s, Dorothy and Clarene, tnd granddaughters, Greta, Carla ind Marta Martin, spent Sunday :n Milwaukee, where they visited Sister Nicele and Sister Junilla it St. Joseph's convent,. Miss Dorothy Justen^ R.N., oi Illinois Researcn hospital, Chicago, spent a few days this past veek at the home of her parents, he Nick M. Justens. BOY SCOUTS Troop 161 The committee of Troop 161 s in the process of planning a /ery ' full prog: am for the boys ifi Scouting fundamentals and ideals. Arrangements are being made for the Scouts to sell Christmas trees and wreaths to provide a fund to establish a conservation tree farm program and feeding p:ojects for upland game. The arts and crafts room of the junior high school is a scene of ."onstruction of bird houses, feeding stations and nesting equipment. Frequent over-night camp-outs to enable the boys to learn campng skills and many splash parlies for the purpose of being taught to swim and for the purpose of passing swimming merit badges will be held at the pool n Woodstock. Fiequent first aid exercises and a possible Red Cross first aid course will be conducted by the troop to enable the boys to take advantage of a well-rounded program. All these things are basically pointing to one final climax in the form of an adventure trip to Canada with every boy possible taking part in it. Here they will need all the things that they have been preparing for as provided by the program. Two weeks before Christmas, on Dec. 14, the first of a series of family nights will be held in the basement of St. Mary's school. The evening will begin with a pot-luck supper, with skits presented by each "patrol for entertainment. A court of honor will also be held to present awards earned by the boys. The Apache patrol of Troop ^ere guests in the home of Mr. I 161 had election of officers- at and Mrs. Wm. Wisseil, Sr., last [ their last meeting held Nov. S. Friday. Mrs. Borchardt and Mrs. I The new officers are as follows: The Nov. 8 meeting of the VJF.W. auxiliary to Post 4600 was called to order at 8 p.m. President Gertrude Barbian presided. Hospital Chairman Mary Wledeman announced the next Downey party for Nov. 17. Volunteers included Tina Morrison, Lina Kilday, Marion Schoenholtz, Betty Houck and Terry Becker. Dow- .iey hospital also welcomes any volunteers who wish to offer their services in^the afternoons for reading/ letter writing, etc. With the onset of winter and the cold months these veterans look foward to any diversion. The ways and means committee reported on their last meeting and listed a variety of din-i ners and their prices to be used as a basis for future bookings. Pat Haynes and Catherine Stilling are Navy and Army chairmen, respectively, . in our present membership diive. Make every effort to get your new and delinquent members in by Dec. 31. We will hold an initiation at our next meeting. Any girl eligible to join our organization may do so at any time. We are always glad to see new faces. May we also add that when you have joined the auxiliary we hope you will attend the meetings and feel yourself a "part of them. On completion of all reports, the meeting was adjourned to ;e-open Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. Social service committee included Mary Kilday and Eleanor Peterson. We began our card tournament last week. Any member still wishing to enter may do so by attending the next meeting. Wisseil- were former classmates and it was their first meeting in fifteen years. Mrs. Mabel Powers is spending the week in the home of her son, William, and wife in Batavia. \ John Torrence, Herb Reihans- ^perger, Paul Overton, Henry iTonyan, Thomas Freund, Robert Newkirk, Clifton Fulton and Frank Johnson were among the folks from here who saw the Wisconsin-Illinois football game at Champaign Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Chuck) Miller were Notre Darjne visitors ' Saturday, where they saw Notre Dame beat North Carolina. P Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zieman and little daughter of Evanston spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey. Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch and granddaughter, Sandra Roden- Ronald Nitz, patrol leader; Lance Parks, assistant patrol leader; Kenneth Homo, treasurer; Walter Aufrecht, scribe; John and Bob Gates, quartermaster and assistant quartermaster; Tony Freels, hikemaster; Tom Olsen, grubmaster; and Tom Kujac, cheermaster. A program of winter camping skills and equipment is being planned to familiarize the boys with winter survival procedure. They are eagerly looking forward»to the first heavy snow fall in order to put these skills to a test. 'Car Tunes" By Justen .. TH. AH \V Mftlf AT» NEW APPOINTMENT Howard Tanner of Marengo has been appointed to serve on the county zoning board of appeals to succeed Vernon Kays, who will become treasurer of the county early in December. "You and your substitutes! Take your belt out of the motor and go over to JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE for a FAN belt!" We "WAX-WASH" cats . . Auto-Magically! From- top to bottom with Oholdun's "Auto- Magic Car Wash." GUARANTEED not to harm the wax on your car! JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE Corner of 120 & Richmond Rd. Phone 375 McHenry, 11L I : 'i-'- Mean Flowers . . A colorful plant for the hostess . . •. a centerpiece for the festive table . floral decorations tc dress up the home for this gala season. Yes, Thanksgiving i s i n d e e d f l o w e r time. And the lovel i e s t f l o w e r s a r e right here! • McHINRY Floral Co. We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere in the World. PHONE 404 Store agd Green Houses Mile South of McHenry on Route 31 "WE ARE BOUND TO OUR BODIES LIKE AN OYSTER TO ITS SHELL" •(Author's name below) It's your body, and you have to live with it. Why not enjoy it? You will if you take at least as much carc of it, as you do of your automobile. Have you checked your body lately? Your Physician won't change your oil, but he can advise you how to keep healthy. He will help you avoid many ailments before they can become serious. You can add many years to a healthier life, if you will regularly have your Physician check your body. Ask Your Physician ^ To Phone McHENRY 26 When You Need A Medicme Pick up your prescription if shopping near us. A great many thoughtful people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours ? NYE Drug Store "WALGREEN AGENCY' 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 4Quotation by Plato, 360 B.C. Copyright D-7 Thanksgiving and pumpkiq pie go together like turkey and cranberries, roast pork and apple sauce, or any other traditional American two-somes in the world of cookery. Here is a . repeat of our favorite pumpkin pie. it is of the old-fashioned varied -- pumpkin custard rather than the more modern chiffon type.- Jjbth are good. Pumpkin (Pie 1 cup pumpkin 1 cup milk ^ ~ v 1 cup sugar 3 eggs slightly beaten % tsp. nutmeg xk tsp. ginger W tsp. cinnamon % tsp. salt tsp. vanilla % tsp. lemon flavoring ' Mix sugar, sprees and salt and add to slightly beaten' eggs. Add milk. Blend in pumpkin. Add flavorings. Blend well. Pour into unbaked pie shell (0 inch) and bake in 400 degree oven for fifteen minutes. Lower heat to 350 degrees and bake another thirty minutes or until a- silver knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Serve with chopped pecans on top or whipped cream. Will serve six. Troop ,1 At the last meeting we discussed our Christmas project for this year. Saturday .the troop is going to Harrison stables as part of the horsewoman's badge. We worked on our hospital badge and received our cookies and peanuts to deliver. I would like to thank all the people who ordered cookies ftom us. They will be delivered some day this week. / Car"l Stritar, scribe Troop 2 Before the meeting we received our Girl Scout cookies and peanuts. The meeting was called to order. The treasurer collected the djiies and the secretary read the minutes. Joyce Eckstein brought the treat. We decided on the colors for our Christmas presents. We worked oq. something for Thanksgiving. The meeting was adjourned in the usual manner. Our secretary and scribe, Diana Fritzsche, is moving near Elgin. She has been such a loyal Girl Scout, we hate to see her leave. We hope she will enjoy her new school and classmates as we enjoyed her. Good luck, Diana. Karen Kralowetz, treasurer VETERANS Why Pay Rent? If you own your own Jot, have made a down payment on a lot, or have* a strong desire to own your own home but have no money to apply as a down payment -- stop at ttgr office. « We can arrange 100% financing for the construction of a 3 bedroom, carpenter-built home for qualified veterans anywhere in McHenry County. UP TO Years TO PAY Your choice of Frigidaire kitchen appliances may be included in the financing. Jos. Frett & Son 305 E. Elm St. Phone McHenry 976 McHenry, 111. eyi'CT r •%»'*. PETITION «HA« ih.U • "The county board has approved a petition by William Albert and lack Bell for the right to construct a business office On their property in Orchard Heights near the McHenry dam. Mrs. Katie Stelte of Seattle, 'Wash" Mrs. Owen Higgins of Milwaukee, Mrs. Harold Skow of Woodstock and Mrs. John Smale of Crystal Lake visited in the Ben Justen home Friday. The U.S. Navy's supply system catalogs and distributes some 1.3 million items, roughly ten times the number carried by the world's largest retail organiza- Uon. The primary job of Navy destroyers is to seek out and destroy enemy submarines, it Pays Shop At Home GALORE! Schumacher papers & fabrics United Decorating Center Warner's Imported Imperial Walltex - Sanitas Birge Scenlcs • or or ill mo o • and many, many others We invite you to come in and browse Wallpaper Steamer and Tools to Rent MAIN DAI NT CENTER 418 Main St. Phone 1116 McHenry, HL Open Daily 8-6 J Friday Nites 'Til 9 - Sunday's "Til Noon CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS FRESH CANDY HEADQUARTERS! Our Whitman's refrigerator ghres you kitchen-fresh candy all year 'round... Get some tpdayl MA 05tr 10 CHOCOLATES BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GffifeEN STREET" EgONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! n \ mm®. * < i Colonial good Bread At These McHenry Food Stores: Huppy & Leo Schaefer's Market Barbian Bros. & M Food Mkt,