|P> • " f e " • j ! : f; ; ^ - ! - v ' : 1s ^ , - ' • ::., $$V.', Vf;>J'^?-".' „1 .• ' &?;V '« By Mrs. George Sihepard Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard ellteitained . their five hundred club at their home Tuesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hallstrom, high, and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Ben Walkington, low. Mrs. Viola Low entertained the Women's five hundred cluh aTTieT home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served and prizes Were awarded to Mrs. Lester Carr and, Mrs. Louis Hawley. The W.S.C.S. met at the. home Of Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at hoon. The usual business meeting was held. Mrs. Oscar Berg had the devotionals. Plans were made for the bazaar and buffet supper to be held in the Legion hall at McHenry Dec. 7. Mrs. Ben Walkington gave the lesson 6n India, Ceylon and Pakistan. Miss Alice Peet underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital Wednesday morning. Community Night was held at the schoolhouse Thursday evening. Mrs. Mead, the art teacher, had her pupils demonstrate their work by having each pupil do some drawings for their parents. The school children also gave some readings and sang songs. Mrs. Robert Smith entertained at a demonstration party at her home Wednesday evening. There were fourteen present. Out-oftown guests vveie Mrs. Mildred Ma it in and daughter of Lake Bluff, Mrs. Dorothy Smith of Waukegan and Mrs. Darlene Fritz »f Union. Refreshments were served. The Junior Youth Fellowship group met in the Clayton Bruce home Friday evening. The usual business meeting was held, followed by games and refreshments. Mr. and Mis. Harold. Ackerman and family moved Saturday from the Neal house to<4heir new home which they recteritly built west of town. Mr. and Mrs. George Haines will ^move tjQ the Neal house. Mrs. Viola Low attended a party in the home of Mrs. Frank Laser at Richmond Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laokey and family pf Moline spent the weekend in the Pete Sebastian home. Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Lena Peet. Lester Carr left Thursday morning to go deer hunting at Waubena, Wis. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin is spending a couple of weeks with hAf mother, Mrs. Lena Peet, while her sister, Alice, is convalescing from her recent operation. Mrs. Pete Sebastian entertained relatives from Genoa City Friday. Mrs. Oscar Berg ufcas a caller in: Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, spent Thursday in the Russel Ehlert home at Richmond. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, spent Monday evening in the Tony Senkerik home at Sunnyside. Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank and Mrs. Frances Costello attended the wedding of Elaine Scjioler and Raymond Meyer at Dundee Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Decker and family are spending Thanksgiving Day at Woodale. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mrs. Rush spent Friday afternoon in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot. Mrs. C- L. Harrison spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Brenner, and family at Arlington ^eights. Mrs. Clara Bruce and Clarence Brown and son, Allen, of Bluford, HI., spent Monday and Tuesday in the home of the former's son, Clayton Bruce, and family. School News On the sixteenth of November, Pflt Hogan gave a party to celebrate her birthday. All of the upper grade children were invited." The community club met here the eighteenth. The upper and lower grades put on an enjoyable program for them. An art lesson given by Mrs. Mead to the children was both interesting and educational. Art has many uses, it helps in history, in reading, science, arithmetic, etc. Thanksgiving vacation will begin Thursday, Nov. 25, and extend to Monday, Nov. 29. Veronica Davis, school reporter "EVERY MAN TO HIS OWN BUSINESS" •(Author's name below) Our chief business is the compounding of prescription^ carefully, and speedily. And we take great pride in our work. Of course we carry al4*Jthe very important health aids you like to buy from us. But our Prescription department is the heart of our drug store. Because prescriptions are "Our Business" usually in much less than 90 minutes, never more, from the time we receive your prescription, it will he carefully compounded, and speedily delivered. Ask Your Physician To Phone McHENRY 26--^ When You Need A Medicine Pick up your prescription if shopping near us. A great many thoughtful people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours ? N Y E Drug Store "WALGREEN AGENCY' 129 N. Riverside Dr. • McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation from J. S. Knowles 1837. Copyright D-8 mm, g THERE'® N0T5J*SS like class for fine flavor protection Yes . . . there's nothing like glass to protect the delicate flavor of finest foods. That's why glass bottles and jars are by far the favored container for milk, syrup, ketchup, vinegar, and ixiany other fine foods and ingredients. Handy glass bottles assure honest measure of contents . . . never leak. Buy your milk by the quart or by the economy gallon or half gallon . . . but buy it in glass . . . and be sure. m Mickey the Milkman says: "YOU'LL ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR HOME DELIVERY SERVICE" /'* " ;/ < ; ,/n For Your Convenience We Deliver Two Half Gal- : II Ions at Gallon Prices. FREUNP S DAIRY. Inc. $1 Phone McHenry 195 Zy2 Miles North Of McHenry THE McHENRY EUlIHDEALEB V Thwrixtor. Npyemfesr 19H ffl jp Q m 3 0 0 0 oaham In the spirit of this Thanksgiving season the local business firms whose names are listed below join with this newspaper in thanking the citizens of this community for their continued patronage and support. This loyalty to youf home town and its business firms mean continued prosperity for us all and enlivens the prospect of future growth. We give thanks for this pride of our home town, without which there would be no small communities throughout this land. In the beginning it was this pride in community life, the schools and churches and ^business houses, that caused the home towns of America to grow. Such abundance and freedom of spirit and movement as pictured above is unknown today in a great portion of the world. We are truly grateful that we enjoy this blessing and wish it for all peoples. As long as it exists, towns like ours will continue to be wonderful places in which to live. We join together to give thanks for this pride and the abundance which it has produced. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES D»dge-Plymouth Sales & Service 301 E. Pearl St. McHenry, 111. Phone 156 NYE DRUG STORE -y/ (Walgreen Agency) 129 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 26 McHENRY GARAGE Kaiser-Willys Sales & Service 600 Front St. McHenry, 111. Phone 403 GLADSTONE'S DEPT. STORE 203 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. Phone 182 McHENRY DEPT. STORE V 103 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 459 HESTER OIL COMPANY Gas - Oil - Fuel Oils - Road Oiling 611 Waukegan Rd. and E. Elm St. Phones: 240 or 888 BUSS MOTOR SALES Ford Sales & Service 531 Main St. McHenry, 111. Phone 1 RIVERSIDE HAIR&nTLING STUDIO t 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 X " Adelihe Pedersen, Prop. TODDLER SHOP YOUNG TEEN CORNER 1 312 E. Elm St. McHenry. HI. AGATHA SHOP 110 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. Phone 145-J ACE HARDWARE 130 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 722 S & s PACKARD SALES v Sales & -Service * 405 Elm St. \ McHenry, 111. Phone 1010s OVERTON MOTOR SALES , ? Buick - Olds - Ppntlac - Cadillac Sales & Service Front St. Phones 17-6 McHenry, 111. F. M. RADIO & TELEVISION Sales & Service 128 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. , Phone 979 CERTIFIED FOOD STORE 106 Green St. McHenry, 111. Phone 80 PETER GIES Shoe Store and Shoe Repairs 107 N. Riverside Drive , McHenry, 111. BARBIAN BROS. GROC. & MKT. 123 N. Riverside Drive Phone 180 McHenry, HI. STATE OIL 4l (Millstream Service Station) E. Elm St. Phone 335 j McHenry, HI. Anderson & Phalin, Props.