wr THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER John Jackson v Surprised Nov. 17 .John Jackson of Grass" Lake L was pleasantly surprised by sev- -jj eral nephews and their wives on " Wednesday evening, Nov. 17, the occasion being his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary. The guests ; brought a tasty lunch and a '• decorated birthday cake to complete the evening. In attendance were' Joseph, v. Otto, Math, Alfons, Vince and ANNUAL CRAFT DAY AT METHODIST CHURCH NOVEMBER 30 The Ringwood unit of Home Bureau will hold its annual craft day on Tuesday, Nov. 30, at the McHenry Community church at 1:30 in the afternoon. Craft day will offer* instruction in hat making* basket weaving ahd several kinds of rug making, SCOUT CONFERENCE ATTENDED BY SEVEN McHENRY LEADERS Clemens Adams and their fami- : along with assistance in other lies. Surprised On 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Petef Miller of Ringwood were pleasantly surprised on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary Nov. 18 by their children and grandchildren. A chai ivari and mock wedding were planned to highlight the celebration, with a tasty lunch also served. - The day .had begun for the Millers.with a Mass of Thankscrafts. Members will bring results of their effort and study and show the objects as they are either in the process of construction or finished. No special luncheon is planned for craft day but coffee will be made available and members and their guests may bring a nosebag lunch. The regular Home Bureau Ringwood unit meeting will take place on Dec. 7 at ttie McHenry Community Methodist church at 1:30. giving at St. John's church, Johnsburg, Rev. Fr. Blitsch offi- | dating. The couple exchanged vows in the same church on Nov. 18, 1914. The couple has eleven children and twenty-four grandchildren. The children are Alvin, Mrs. John (Betty) Smith and Gerald of McHenry, Mrs. Raymond (Delores) May and Mrs. Edward (Louella) May of Spring Grove, Mrs. Elmer (Jeannette) Ramaeker^ atf Hardy, Iowa, Mrs. Roy (M«|yn) Benoy of Woodstock, Rorfgp of Ringwood, Walter in servjtqe in Korea, Donald and Jack et home. The Millers have always resided on their farm east of Ringwood. Hold Teen-Age Dance Nov. 27 A 'teen-age dance for seventh and eighth graders and freshmen will be held Saturday, Nov. 27, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock at Edgebrook sohool. The last dance, held earlier this month, attracted 160 young people, with Charles Peterson acting as caller. Hosts and hostesses for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olsen of Community P.T.A.; Mr. and Mrs. George Kauss and Mr. ahd Mrs. Maurice Clark of St. Mary's P.T.A.; Mr. and' Mrs. Donald Howard representing St. Patrick's Mother's club; and Paul Raasch and Joseph Dahlth of the school system. CJD. of A. Starts Car$j Tournament The Catholic Daughters of America held a social meeting last Thursday, Nov. 18, the gathering also serving as the first party of the,^winter card tournament. Winners in cards were Dorothy Adains in contract bridge; Martha JjVeund, Elizabeth Thompson, Rose Freund, Lee Bassi and Flora' Parks in- pinochle; Clara Adams, Lena Bohr, Vivian Howard and Olivia Bauer in canasta. AMONG THE SICK John Dreymiller has been under* o6servation at Downey veter- 5 ans1' hospital. AS^feew Butler returned home last week from Downey hospital, where he had been under treatment. COMING EVENTS November "27 Benefit Dance for Johnsburg Rescue Squad -- Memorial Hall, Johnsburg November 29 Kiwanis Football Banquet -- High School Cafeteria -- 7 p.m. November SO Ringwood Home Bureau -- 10:30 Nose-bag Lunch -- Methodist church McHenry Garden Club Meeting -- Mrs. C. W. Klontz Home -- 1 p.m. December 1 Circle 1, W.S'.C.S. -- Holiday Fantasy -- McHenry Country Club -- 1 p.m. St. Mary's P.T.A. Meeting -- 3:15 p.m. De cember 2 Lecture Luncheon Club -- 7:30 p.m. -- --Country Club -- Phil LaFollette, Speaker. C. D. of A. Business Meeting December S Christmas Party For Christian Mothers of St. Mary's Church December 5 McHenry Choral Club Holiday Program -- High School Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. DeeenflW 7 Ringwood Unit, Honfe bureau, Christmas Party -- 1:30 p.m. P0t-Luck -- Methodist Church December 8 Marian Year Program -- Presented by Junior and Senior Choirs of St. Mary's Church -- 8 p.m. -- High School Auditorium -- Public Invited Circle 3, W.S.C.S., Christmas Party -- 1:30 p.m. -- George Johnson Residence. Adult Girl Scout Meeting -- Mrs. Leiberson Home December 12 High School Christmas Vocal Program -- High School Auditorium -- 8 p.m. St. Mary's - ,P.T.A. Christmas Program -- High School Auditorium -- 3 p.m. December 14 Circle 1, W.S.C.S. Christmas Party -- Mrs. Art Thompson Home, Fox Street -- Pot-Luck Luncheon -- 12:30 p.m. December 16 C. D. of A. Christmas Party and Card Tournament A number of local adult Girl Scout leaders attended the North Shore conference at Wilmette, including Mrs. LeRoy Miller, Mrs. J. B. Roggenbach, Mrs. Maurice Clark, Mrs. Clyde Bailey, Mrs. Elmer Antonson, Mrs. Don Johnson and Mrs. Frank Gregory. It was an interesting meeting, with Dr. Frida Kehm, director of the Association of Family Living, talking on - adult and girl relationship. In the afternoon, special meetings for Brownie leaders and intermediates were held, as well as a panel of five senior Scouts. Mrs. L. B. Maurin, who was the chaperone for the Girl Scouts who represented this section at the Swiss Chalet in Switzerland last summer, was guest speaker at this session. i I I l > l I I I • (•••••••HasBaaass»as' By IMarie Schaettgen The McHenry unit of thexAmerican Legion auxiliary met on Monday last week and welcomed many new members into the unit. The two membership teams leally did a fine job in securing new members. Forty women have joined the unit during this membership drive. After the business of the evening" was disposed of, the members were entertained during the social hour by Mrs. Pearl Pietsch, who showed some colored slides. 1"he slides were both amusing and instructive. They are the property of a large company which specializes in reducing avoidupois and perfecting posture. The before and after pictures were inspiring to those among us who would like to take off weight and improve posture. Plans were discussed at the meeting for the Christmas gra'b bag party to be held at the December meeting. More serious aspects of the discussions centered around the vtays and means of helping • the disabled veterans to have a happier Christmas this year. During December, the Legiop and auxiliary really go into high gear in their rehabilitation program. We hope all the members will help to make this holiday season a good one. REE A free lleeffectt ure, "Cfln-tetfija Service: The Revelation ofv God's Sustaining Love," is the topic selected by Elisabeth Carroll Scott of Memphis, Tenn., who will speak Sunday afternoon, Nov. 28, at 3:30 o'clock at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Woodstock. ' Thursday. November 'MSIf PERSONALS Miss Ellen Walsh South Bend, Ind., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Loretta Walsh. Chester Howard, son of Mrs. Frank Kempfer, has been in Tokyo, Japan, since last July, where he is employed as a watch maker by the government. Mrs. Lewis Vecker, Mrs. Wm. Ford and MiSs Martha Stoffel of Chicago were recent guests in the home of their brother, Jake Stoffel. Mrs. Neva Battern of Woodstock spent a few days last week in the home of her brother, George Jones, and wife. Mrs. Floyd Renehan, Mrs. A1 Lemon and Mrs. Thos. Graham of Round Lake visited relatives here Tuesday. Robert NeWkirk was a business visitor in Aurora Wednesday. Mesdames Alex Justen, Peter Gies, Arnold Anderson, M. L. Schoehhoeltz, Walter Strassheim, Arthur Krause and M. A. Sutton attended! a bazaar at St. Joseph's Con\tent in Milwaukee Tuesday. Mrs. George Mix of Florida has been spending some time in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klapperich, Sr., assisting in the care of her mother, who is ill. Mesdames Gwen Smith, Betty Rode, Elaine Colman and Vivian Howard attended a demonstration party at the Gordon Knox home in Woodstock Wednesday. Joseph Brick and son of Chicago visited McHenry relatives Wednesday. Mrs. Zena Bacon visited her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Damm, in Kenosha, Wis., the past week. •Mrs. Thorp and son, Elmer, of Chicago, have ibeen spending some time at their Mcpullom Lake home. They plan to njake their permanent home here in the very near future. Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Chuck) Miller left by plane Friday for Miami, Fla., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Koger Ladd, who are vacationing ihere for a few weeks. Mrs. Mary Glover, who has resided in McHenry for several months, left recently to join her bt other in Miami, Fla., where she will make her home, Mrs. Frank Gregory entertained her friend, Mrs WilUfm Feley, of Northibrook fit lunchfbn one £ay last week. Mrs. Ed Marsh of Wobdsjtcfck enterlainfed kl^lvIHcfreoft1 Ait Sphaettgen. The guests ww<t Mrs. Earl Krukow, Mrs. Milton L. Smith, Miss Josephines Dp, Mrs. Fred Svoboda, M? 6&httrMrs. Ettie Zundef *i Roy Morrison. Mrs. Hohman writes from Italy that she visited the Pope's summer residence and went back to Rome via the oldi, historical • Appian Way. Must have been thrilling to travel over a road Caesar built almost 300 years ago. OONFESS BREAK-INS Two youths residing in the community east of here, Francis Jifftmy, son of Mr and Mrs I Golbeck, 14, and John Wall, 15, Donald Meyer, underwent a ton- confessed last week Thursday to sillectomy at Memorial hospital, ' breaking into three different Woodstock, this past week. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends for cards, prayers and visits while I was in the hospital. They were appreciated so much. 29 homes in the Lilymoor area. They were held to the county court under $2,000 bond and later released upon "payment of it. Vandalism was said to have followed the break-ins. A $25 Savings Bond for $18.75 Andrew J. Butler is a good buy. *Y ft*?. ; Ber-jan Studios of Dance Berenice Paulsen has opened a new Dance Studio in McHenry, located downstairs of the Post Office on Riverside Drive. Entrance is in the rear. • BALLROOM Classes forming now for teenagers and adults. Start from ' scratch, or improve what you know. • BALLET - ACROBATIC - TAP - TOE - BATON All classes carefully graded according to training and ability. Classes for both boys and girls. • WEE FOLK A SPECIALTY 2J& years and up. A kindergarten pre-dance school. • GUARANTEED RESULTS Latest methods in all phases of the dance. All students personally supervised. Studio equipped with Barre, mirrors, •, ^^ acrobatic equipment and-latest stereophonic sound equipment. } SHI*..- • REGISTRATION Register in person at the Studio, all day on Saturday. By «,i phone - Monday thru Friday - 3:30 to 6:30. Round Lake *-1011. It's no SECRET . . " 1 . . . everyone knows that to keep with the trend-setting j times, New Hairstylings, permanents, and Beauty tips . . . all you have to do is, call 147 and make your ap- g pointment . |* Open Tues., Thurs. & Fri. evenings 'til 9 p.m. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS ftiwerude Qtairdyilncf, Stadia ADELINE PEDERSEN, Prop. 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 Mrs. Eliabeth Husch . and daughter, Leoha, were guests of Oak Park friends Sunday.^ Mr. ind Mrs. Carl Courier 6f Marengo visited her mother, Mrs: Nellie Btacon, Sunday. Miss Selma Ostrum, Mrs. Martha Heideman and daughter, Leah, Mrs. Clara Young of Hinsdale; and the latter's daughter, Mrs. John Ogdcn of Barrington, were guests in the home of the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel Saturday. Steve Letcher, a student at Trinity college, Hartford, Conn,/ who was spending a few days with his parents, the Edward Letchers, in Chicago, called oh McHenry friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Delia Matthews, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Borislett of Eyanston visited relatives here Sunday evening. John Scheld and daughter, Rena, and Mr_ and Mrs. Nick B. Freund, accompanied by Mrs. John J. Scheid of Woodstock, visited the latter's husband at Downey Sunday. Mrs. Mary Buch visited her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Lohr, in Evansville, Wis., a few days the past week. On Sunday she attended the wake of Mrs. Elizabeth Behlke, a former McHenry lesident, at a chapel at 5501 N. Ashland avenue in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of Indianapolis, Ind., spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Mr. Hoffmar), a salesman for a pharmaceutical company, has recently been transferred from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Indianapolis. ^ BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. William Etten of Ringwood are the parents of a son, born Nov. 18 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thelen are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital this week. Ten Million Pounds Goal In Catholic Clothing Drive Ten million pounds of usable clothing is the 1954 goal of the nationwide Catholic Bishops' Thanksgiving clothing collection for .refugees overseas, which is being held this week -- Nov. 21 to Nov. 28. Rev. Michael J. Shanahan, director of Catholic Charities and the Catholic Salvage bureau of the Diocese of Rotikfocd, has 'been appointed diocesan director of the collection. ' ' This appeal is being made -in Catholic parishes throughout the country. Non-Catholics desiring to. help may simply phone the nearest, Catholic church for the location and hours of the most convenient collection depot. ^ CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to extend my thaiiks for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was confined to the hospital. They were all appreciated very much. 2# Lorraine Rutzen DIVORCE; <JRA3tfTED - •^ Theodore Graham Was graptfid a divorce from Louella Graham last Friday, Nov. 19, by Judge William Carroll. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST ° At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Need A Rubfter Stamp? it At the Plaimdealer. Get WE HAVE KODAK FILM awL FLASH BULBS THANKSGIVING SNAPSHOTS BOLGER'S Phone 40 108 S. Green St. McHenry, 10. Zhe Steeple and the Shock of Com God sent the sun and gentle rain That helped the corn to grow And authored all good things that we Enjoy on earth below; Let us in turn now send our thanks For gifts of heav'nly love With heartfelt hymn and humble prayer To Him who reigns above; In: obsetv&nce of Thanksgiving Day^ this bank will not be open Thursday, November 25. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System ^ Interest Paid On Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 ass* Lionel Train Sets 20% discount SET NO. 1467-W Was $57.50 NOW 15Q5-WS $49.95 219Q-W $89.50 2203-WS $49.95 *45.9 S *39.95 *71.49 *39.95 ALL of these sets are in their original cartons. 158 Piece Lionel Train Deal *30.50 SPECIAL SELECTION of FREIGHT CARS 25°/< & discount This Offer Good Only While Our Supply Lasts! USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY GEORGE COLLETTE, Owner 108 Riverside Drive PHONE 450 McHenry, I1L FOR-- NEW CAR! ; } Low Financing Rates-Convenient Payments AX.* '* .r See Us Before Financing Your New Car , COME IN TODAY McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 Mottkey Htxuuui FRANKLY SPEAKING .. . We need room for more of our new Christmas merchandise - - - SOooo, we've got to sell our supply o: ladies' and men's "Hamilton Wrist Watches" regardless of profit. All watches are fully guaranteed, fdr 1 year. Quality and service are a tradition with us . So hurry while the selection is complete . . . • Ladies' - Reg. $71.50 Hamilton Wrist Watches $ 5 ^ 5 0 • Tax IncL Men's - Reg. $67.50 Hamilton Wrist Watches $ 47 50 Tax IncL Men's ft Ladle's - Reg. $29.95 17-Jewel Swiss Movement $1995 Tax IncL IS A BUY WORD HERE USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY'AWAY EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN! Special Group POPULAR RECORD'S 3 *1.00 STEFFANS Jewelry & Records PHONE 123-J 514 Main St. McHenry, III /'