NEW EDUCATIONAL TV STATION SET UP IN SCIENCE MUSEUM A three-year contract has beesn signed by the Chicago. EdUteaitiorial Television asso«tation for space ih the Museum of Science' and industry, Dr. John W. Taylor, executive director of the association has announced. The association will set up studios and offices of WTTW, the forthcoming educational TV station on Channel 11, in the east wing of the museum, Dr< Taylor reported. Approximately 13,000 'Square feet of space hasxbeen set aside for two studios,' each 80 by. 40 feet, a master control room, a film studio and offices of the station. The remainder of the east wing is occupied by the army. The station also will have access to a theater in the west wing of the building, Dr. Taylor said. The theater can accommodate large audiences and is equipped with a coaxial cable, t Dr. Taylor explained that WTTW will have its own entrance to the east wing for personnel and guests cf the station. Museum visitors* will have access to the station through the main museum entrance.' The studios will be glass paneled to provide an exhibit for museum patrons. "This location is a natural for Channel 11," Dr. Taylor declared. "Channel 11 and the museum can ' be of enormous help to one another -- the museum will pro- . vide an infinite variety of program resources, and we will provide the means for taking the * museum into the home of Chicago area residents." He added that visitors to the museum will provide an excellent audience for' the testing of Channel ll's programs. "These people represent a good cross-section of our prospective viewers," Jie said, "and assure WTTW of a ready-made audience at all times." Major Lenox Lohr, president of the museum and first vice-president of the Chicago Educational Television association, pointed out: "Relatively few people have an opportunity to see a television studio in operation. The establish-, ment of the Channel 11 studios here at the museum will provide our more than 2,500,000 visitors Jper ye&r with this experience. For some time we have had an exhibit on the technical aspects of television^ With the establishment of Channel 11 studios here as a s putHic. exhibit /.vflli, sl}9Jy have a television studio on display." • Edward L. Ryerson, president Of the Chicago Educational Tele- Ssion as&eiptioo/; ~ commented at WTTW' is at' natural complement to the museum because it represents the ultimate in communications. "Our purpose is the same as that of the museum," he declared, "to bring to the'public the most advanced developments, whether they be in science, art, civic affairs or any other field." OUR DEMOCRACY R/SKS OF THE ROADIN tHE EAFCTY DAYS or OUR COUNTRy, THE CHIEF DANGERS OF THE ROAD WERE HOSTILE INDIAN^ AND HOLD-UP MEN. 1 "TODAY, THE CHIEF DANGER IS THE PERSON WHO DRIVES CARELESSLY-- SPEEDING, WEAVING, FOLLOWING OTHER CARS TOO CLOSELY. CUTTING IN, DROWSING AT THE WHEEL. s,NGl£LAME ncpassing AS MOTORISTS, WE CAN HELP REDUCE HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS OY OBEYING THE TRAFFIC LAWS, LIGHTS AND SIGNS. SAFE DR/VtNO DA Y-DECEMBER. /S Ready Mixed [~9 Concrete Jl.. .CUTS DOWN WASTE I J 1 1 * fli LAKEM00R MOTORS, Inc Fri Sat & Sun., Dec. 10, 11 & 12 -t HOURS: 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. It's Here! f "The 1955 RAMBLER" America's Newest Idea Car... NASH Sales & Service Route 120 -- Between Volo & McHenry Phone McHenry 742 McHenry, HL Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount' of the right concrete mix right on time! McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONE 920 4tUC tuMblo-otdsfr 'f'tmcmfyed/ CHRISTMAS CARDS Holiday greetings as only yon can send them ---- with yonr name elegantly imprinted on every fine card. Choose yonr card and inscription pattern from our tremendous quality assortment. W tin & Time flies from now 'til Christmas ... so order ioday! McHENRY PLAINDEALER Today You'll See It! t «**. .> ANNOtJNCIN(S Al WHOLE NEW IDEA IN AUTOMOBILES FROM DYNAMIC AMERICAN MOTORS * s, NOW--Double Strength SINGLE UNIT Body. You and your loved ones ride in a life-saving "Safety Zone" With Double Strength Single Unit Body. Passengers are surrounded by a safety belt of steel (as illustrated above). Double Strength Single Unit Body helps your Rambler stay new yea.s longer... mean* greater valu* «u a used car. \ « Smartest Car For Travel, Tool The Airliner Reclining Seat with four comfortable seat positions enables you to enjoy a chaise lounge (illustrated), a travel couch, a reclining seat or, in 4-door models. Twin Travel Beds. <5 m Ordinary Suspension Throe Timos The Ride Comfort! Rambler Deep Coil Spring6 (at left) are longer, softer and braced outward like "Sea Legs" to cushion car sway on curves and give a smoother, quieter ride. Compare the difference with ordinary Spring Suspension (at right). From this day on you can forget your traffic troubles. Forget your struggle with the steering wheel. Forget the soaring costs of motoring. For American Motors has come forth with a whole new motoring idea--a car to meet your new needi today. Styled with the finest--yet with America's lowest prices for sedans, station wagons, hardtop convertibles. Read the facts here, then see the new 1955 Rambler, at all Hudson dealers and Nash dealers. Now All-Season Air Conditioning* for Hundreds Loss I Heats in winter . . . refrigerates in summer ... ventilates year-'round. World's finest, yet lowest-priced. 'Patents applitd for. Lively Now Performance. Here's the new idea in performance with the shortest turning radius on the road--amazing pick-up in a car that outdistances them all on a tank of gas. It's the lowestpriced car to offer Hydra-Matic Drive. Ball and needle bearings eliminate need for power steering. ' " Newest, Smartest Idea in Station Wagons --the new Four-Door Rambler Cross Country. New Prices Now the Lowest in America! THE 105S Now Four-Door Sedan Custom, one of five new 1955 Rambler Models. SEE IT TODAY AT ALL America's smartest Car lor Town and Travel Amarloan Motors Moans Moro for • AT ALL HUDSON LAKEMOOR MOTORS, Inc. CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT, Owner •? Route 120 (between Volo 8c McHenryi Phone McHenry 742 '-4* - Lakemoor, HL