Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1954, p. 17

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V Thursday/DecemberS, 1954 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER By Vi Sells PTA (Meeting The Parent Treacher association of the Harrison school will hold a Christmas party next Tuesday -evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Francis O. Marion asks that all members bring gifts for a grab bag exchange. Gifts should be of the 10- , to 25-eent variety, --^ ,-- The seventh and eighth graders had a dance and cake walk as a November party. Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Roti, youth chairmen, are now planning a Christmas party. Scouting Round.Up Several hundred people turhed out last Thursday to see a program presented by the Wonder Lake Scout groups. Honor was paid to Larry Silva, a former Scoutmaster, and the Boy Scouts and the Sea Scouts received their charters. Bill K.amp, chairman of the Boy Scout committee from the sponsoring American Legion, received the charter in behalf of the Boy Scouts. Roy Meiswinkel, skipper of the Sea Scouts, accepted the charter, for his .group. Skits were by the Brownie Scouts from Mrs. Vacula's troop and by Girl Scouts led by Gladys Gustafson and Elaine Spuehr. , The Cub Scouts were presented by Cubmaster Art Miller. Boy Scout Indian dancers, trained by Larry Silva, presented a series of d&nces. Those particiv pating were Rob Kolar, Ron Miller, Skip Johnson, Kurt Weisenberger, Wayne iFeldhan, Mike Powers, Skip Mehling, Kenny Audino and Richard Audino. Larry Silva was presented With a 27-year service pin as well as a pen and pencil set with Boy Scout insignia. Rob Kolar, assistant Scoutmaster, and Ron Miller, junior assistant, made the presentation to Silva, formerly their Scoutmaster. The American Legion presented the boys with camp equipment, including tents. Harry Stinespring, Jr., district chairman for the Scouts and a resident of McHenry, was introduced, as was Phil LaValle of Woodstock, new district executive. Ben Phelps, district commissioner, presented the two charters. Phelps is from Fox River Grove. Larry Silva served as master of ceremonies arid announced the oyar$ous; .numbers, ^including Jjand selections byt th^cfiiidren of the Harrison school band, led by Mr. «Zoren, the director for the school. u „ - Edward OTUifrV Scoutmaster at Wonder Lake, invited all boys from the ages of eleven and upwards to attend the Boy Scout meetings, which are held on Monday- nights at the fire house in Indian Ridge. , It's a Boy Mr. andT Mrs. Donaid Reuter of McHenry became parents of their first child, a son, Saturday morning, Dec. 4, at Memorial hospital in Woodstock. He weighed 8 pounds exactly, at birth, and has been named Gregory Paul. The baby's paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reuter of Wonder Lake. His maternal grandparents Were the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye of McHenry. The little fellow also has a great-grandmother in the person of Mrs. Anna Landman, mother of Mrs. Paul Reuter, arid a resident of Wonder Lake. Young Mrs. Reuter is the former Sally Nye of. McHenry. Vandalism continues Over the weekend someone fired a .22 calibre bullet through the plate glass door of the new service station being erected in Wonder Lake by T. P. (Tommy) Mathews. The bullet was found on the floor of Che station where it had fallen after it crashed through the glass. This is one of a series 'of acts of vandalism against this new station. Some of the glass tile in the front has been damaged by bullets during the past few weeks and the cost of repair will perhaps ,run close to $1,000. Police j»re checking to see whether the vandalism is intentional or done by careless hunters, Rosptfsili)jtivie Rinjgwood-Wonder Lake workera reported nearly $26,000 to the Memorial hospital expansion program. This is a wonderful report but it is understood many people in that area have wanted to contribute but have not been contacted. Kinley Engvalson and Horace Wagner announce that anyone wishing to contribute should either contact thejj^or Xi any of the following wwkerS^embers and their husbands and Sam Yokley, Fred Marks, Steven Duttko, Walter Rocheford, Stanley Wilson, Peter Bendl, Victor Milbrandt, Walter Dean, William Moore, Albert Shrosbree, John Feyerer, Elmer Murphy, Rocco Roti, Willtam deLaurier, Joseph Monteleone, Ed Alderson, Carl Hallstrom, (Gerald Elbersen, Macius Hansen, T. P. Mathews, Frank White, Charles Bwgdahl, Clarence Pearson, Frank Wiedemann, Charles Miller, Benjamin Hayes, Robert Sandgren, ; Steve Simon, Arthur Meeker and John Mc- Graw. It is felt that there are several thousands of dollars still to come from the Ringwood-Wonder Lake area. befflWgf Martin ^eber J6e L. Freund. The boys on the Johnsburg Junior Legion team were Wally Frett, Melvin Freund, Bill and Jim E|uema1nn, John Huff, Bob Nowak, Greg Nowak, Bill, Frank and Tom Geffling, Bob Smith and Bill and Don Weber. Legion Xmas Party On Dec. io, we will have an Xmas party for the auxiliary Hurt in ^Accident Victor Hunt, 29, of Wonder Lake was cut and bruised in an accident on Rt. 14 Sunday morning when he was thrown from a car,driven by Sam Maxwell of Woodstock. Maxwell and his father, A. M. Maxwell, are both confined to the Harvard hospital. Hunt was kept overnight at the hospital and released. Jerry Cristy, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy of Wonder Lake, is still in the Memorial hospital at Woodstock, where he was taken following an accident laSt Thifrsda.y 'night ""on the Mc- Cullom Lake blacktop. iCristy's car was struck by a cap driven to John -Carlson, 49,^jalso of Wonder Lake. Business and WONDER LAKE Service Directory CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wond?f,vE&ke 5432 -- 2464^-5301 WONDER* LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates & jQelivery ' Phone W. L. 3231 Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - ^Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone W.L. SS81 - Nlte Phone 4191 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Vaii Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing f Greasing • Tires • Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning • Complete Septic Systems Installed L. PEREIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 WIDEN'S Standard Service Washing Greasing Wonder Center Phone W. L. 8241 » DEAN'S GROCERY 8c MARKET WONDER LAKE, ILL. Is Now Accepting Classified Advertising For The McHenry Plaindealer All Ads For Thursdays Paper Must Bt iPlaced By 5 p.m. on Tuesday Post 1169 Legion News The American Legion, sponsors of the Johnsburg Junior- Legion baseball team, had a. good time on Thursday, Dec. 2, at the Legion hall. They viewed the trophy which was given for first place in McHenry county for 1954. We had • a very fine supper which was topped off with pie and ice cream. ' The commander, A1 Franz, gave a short speech. Coaches Joe Frett and Art Jackson also gave speeches which the' boys and their fathers enjoyed very much. The fathers present included George Nowak, Albert Huff, A1 Legion membeis and their wives. Bring a dish to pass ""and a tencent grab bag gift. The party will start at 8:30. Hospital Auxiliary (By Mrs. Dorothy MCEachren) It is wonderful news to hear that the drive for fundB to build an addition to'the. Memorial Hospital for McHenry County has reached the goal set. All members of the auxiliary at e to be congratulated on their cooperation in making it possible for the original gift of $50,000 to be turned over to the hospital and now the additional pledge of $25,000 over a period of three years. There is a county-wide unit project under way now that 'will take place in January. As soon as the date is set, details will be given. We of the Wonder Lake unit have been asked to contribute and your directors have agreed to do so. Don't forget the annual Christmas buffet dinner put bn by the auxiliary women. Wonder Lake members contributed the rolls. The dinner will be held at the ^ ' v,:. v .V Congregational churclr in W6odstock, Dec. 9, serving to begin at 5:30 p.m. There will be beautiful Christmas gifts, ornaments and trimmings,, made by the auxiliary members and others, on sale. Gospel Church News Special activities for this week include the monthly session of the Missionary Guild at the home of Mrs. Roy E. Swanson on Thursday morning, Dec. 9, at 10 a.m. On Friday evening, Dec. 10, the monthly meeting of the official board will be held at 8 P-m. There will be a Youth for Christ meeting on Saturday evening, Dec. 11, at the Northwest Suburbs Bible church in Palatine, with Ken Swanson as speaker and special music by students from Wheaton college. ' Refreshments will follow the program. Next Sunday, "Dec. 12, the pastor will continue to speak on the general subject "The Coming of Our Lotd" at the morning service, which is at 11 o'clock. Other services are Sunday Bible ning Gospel service at 7:30. As always, a warm welcc to all . • • Nativity, Church The sermon at Nativity church Sunday, at both services, will be "A Phophecy Come True," and will be delivered by Pastor Burton Schroeder. The Rev. Mr. Schroeder was married Nov. 20 in Pittsburgh, Pa., to Miss Lois Ann Geschwindt, who will join him for the Christmas holidays. , She will move "to Wonder Lake when she is graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in February. STATE PRISONERS The number of prisoners at the state penal farm, the state reformatory for women, and the three branches of the Illinois state penitentiary averaged 9,236 during October, according to a report hy Director Joseph D. Bibb of the Department of Pub- On Dec. 13, Post 491, The American Legion, will have a ritual ceremony at 8 o'clock at tlifc McHenry American Legion Home, at which time all "members ofi the post who have not bean initiated into the American Legion will be officially accepted. The ceremony will be conducted and performed by members of the ritual team of the American Legion post of Harvard. All members who have not been officially initiated are urged to contact either-Robert J, Conr way or H. J. Saynor. CENSUS 195.268 fatins in in 1960. Officials of the U.S. census bureau expect that the' agricultural census being taken this fall wITl show a lesser number, of farms. A tr;end toward larger farms, has been noted, and a considerable amount of farm land is being taken over as sites for factories and subdivisions of cities, information on land ownership and tenure, land values, farm equipment, number and value of farm animals and various other agricultural statistics will be included inthe reports to be compiled from the 19R Illinois farm census. Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn 2'/2% plus Zz% extra. 23-tl „ lie Safety. This is an increase School" at 9:45 a.m. and the eve- i of 489 over October of last year. ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY" General Contractor 'few Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 MeHENRY, ILLINOIS i, p:V r.\ SIGN DESIGN Chain-O-Lakes Region Point Of Sale Advert!e!=£ Specialists tn Silk Screen Printing on Any Surface in Any Quantity Quiclfiy and ReliaDiy. Complete Art and Design Service Day Glow Printing Rt. 1, Ringwood, HI. Telephone: Wonder Lake S101 DR. G. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:30 Mon„ Wed. and Fit Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, m. Phone McHenry 580-M-l Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Trucking Black Dirt Excavating Tel. McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l Box 218, Rt. 1, McHenry, 111. Gravel A. P. FREUND ft SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 204-M McHenry, HI. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 Green ft Elm McHenry, Hi. . SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Miles Souht on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 DR. J. W. BAKER Dentist lljQ S. Green Street Professional Building PHONE 1044 Hours -- Daily 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 8:80 Mon., Wed. ft Fri. Evenings By Appointment 'Car Tunes' By Justen • ^ «U 4'HCUCATI fcvJ m "Since I had it greased at JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE, I don't even have ,to push it uphill!" We "WAX-WASH™ cats . . . Auto-Magically! From top to bottom with Oholdun's "Auto- M a g i c • G a r . . ^ W a a h . " J _I . > , - , GUARANTEED not to harm the wax on your car! JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE Corner of 120 & Richmond Rd. Phone 815 McHenry, 111. ALWAYS MADE TO ORDER The prescription your doctotf writes for you is written tl* pecially for you. It is an order that must be filled exactly as written with the best obtainable medicinal products. Only the finest and purest of ingredients with exact potency guaranteed by rsuch trusted names as SQum 'can be used. And always the proper equipment is at hand to compound the prescription perfectly. Hiese are some of your assurances of getting just what the doctor ordered when you bring your prescription to US.; ~ For your home medicine cabinet, as well, you will And here products that meet the most exacting standards... for example, the SQUIBB ANOLB TOOTHBRUSH . . . the only toothbrush bent like a dentist's mirror to help you re^ch those hard-to-get-at places. It makes thtrtuch brushing surpris- fngtrmaj, -- Your prescriptions are our specially BOLGER'S Phone McHenry 979 Phone McHenry 979 168 S. Green St. McHenry, DL PHONE 40 f. M. Radio & television Sales & Service 128 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, HL Authorized Dealers for . . . GJE. - Sentinel - Sparion - Motorola Raytheon - Capehart - Admiral also Small Electric Appliances Hi-Fidelity -- 3 Speed Children's Portable Phonograph's, Etc. WE DO ALL TYPES 1 OF ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS { -- I > II I . mmim, m m m , i Prompt Elf^ient Service On All Makes Television Sets and Radios. • Work Performed by Bonded Technicians . . • WE GUARANTEE ALL PARTS INSTALLED BY us Foam*: date OF HteMras "All Materials Used Are Of First Quality" >• LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for Your Old Set -- PLUS -- DRUG %4 Month TIME PAYMENT PLAN! THIS pedal does more than just feed gas to an eager and highpowered V8 engine. When you give it the extra nudge that moves it beyond the full throttle position, something happens that never happened before in an automobile. You hear a businesslike purr, which tells you that twenty power vanes, deep inside the 1955 Dynaflow Drivfe,* have changed their pitch--just like the variable pitch propellers on a modern air liner. And with the same result in the way you get-up-and-go, with a safety-surge of power for pulling out of a tight spot on the highway. MILTON BERIE STA*$ FOt WICK See the Buick-Berle Show Alternate Tuesday Evenings Words can't describe it. It's a new sensation -- something you simply must try for yourself. There's nothing like it on the 1955 new-car horizon. Fact is, there's a whale of a lot to see and sample at your Buick dealer's. There's fresh new styling. There's higher horsepower in every Buick V8 engine. There's a new Airpower carburetor. And Buick Power Hits New Peaks! 236 HP in the ROADMASTE# 236 HP in the SUPER 236 HP in the CENTURY 188 HP inthe SPECIAL --and all with better gas mileage to bootl beneath it all there's good oldfashioned integrity in every nut, bolt and rivet. But, this year, don't simply make a visit to the showroom where these trim and thrilling new beauties are on display. The smart thing to do--if you want to know what's what in new automobiles -- is to get behindi the wheel of a 195$ Buick and drive it. How about doing that soon? *Sts*d*rd oh Rosdmmsttr, optional gt txtrs cost on othtr SeritJ. & Thrill of the yew is JBuictc WHM BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT QUICK WMi MM® IW« R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE S McHENRV. ILLINOIS

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