Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1954, p. 2

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?T THE McHENRY *" "'l , i Walter Infant Baptized Sunday David Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilobert Walter, was christened lftst Sunday, Dec. 6, at the Comxmunity Methodist church by Rev. "Elliott Corbett during the 10:45 service. David Lee has a sister, Deborah Lynn, aged 2. a short movie in keeping with the holiday season. Christmas Party At School Hall The Blessed Virgin sodality of St. John's church will have a Christmas party on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 6:30 o'clock at the school hall, beginning with a pot-luck supper. COPPLE RESIDES I CHICAGO FOLLOWI NOV. 27 WEDDING G Blessed Virgin Holiday Party W.S.C.S. Give Gifts The Blessed Virgin sodality of | To Polo Children St. John's plans for a church is making Christmas party to The Dec. 16 meeting of the Woman's Society for Christian be held Tuesday, Dec. 1 4 , starting service will be a birthday party at 6:30 o'clock with a pot-luck supper and gift exchange. At the last regular meeting, cards were played, with the following winners announced: Canasta( Rosemary Young, Rose Schaefer and Elizabeth Smith; pinochle, Helen Thompson, Delia K. Miller .and Colletta Adams. Announce Troth Qf Jan Reinboldt Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Reinboldt announce the engagement of their daughter, Jan, to Herman Oker, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Oker, Sr., of Crystal Lake. No definite plans have been made for the wedding. C.D. of A. Xmas Party Dec. 16 The Catholic Daughters of America will hold a Christmas party on Thu:sday evening, Dec. 16, with a fifty-cent gift exchange. A social meeting was neld last week, with card winners as follows: Canasta, Van Diedrich; bridge, Marie Larkin; pinochle, Ann Rodenkirch, Imogene Ruck, stuhl, Laura Weber and Flora Parks. Linda Dowell Observes Birthday Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dowell of Third avenue, observed, her sixth birthday in honor of the birth of Jesus. Mae Stinespi ing will tell a Christmas story and Mrs. Burton French will take charge of the dessert luncheon. Members of the W.S.C.S. will each bring a gift valued at one dollar, a birthday card and wrappings. The gifts Will be classified and wrapped and ' then sent to the Peek home at Polo, 111., for distribution among children there on their birthdays through the year. The Peek home is Methodist- sponsored. The sanctuary will be open for meditation at 12:45 and a dessert lunch will be served at 1 o'clock. There will be a baby sitter to look after small children. O.E.S. planning Family Night Tuesday, Dec. 14, will be family night at McHenry chapter of the Order of Eastern Star in Acacia hall. A pot-luck supper will be ready at 6:30 p.m. Family night will be a Christmas party, with a gift exchange. Members have decided to bring their own service to keep the arrangements committee out of the kitchen. Christian Mother Christmas Party The Christian Mother and Altar society held its annual Christmas party last Friday evelast week, with games occupying j ning, with a supper followed 4 by the attention of the little guests. Attending the party were Terry and Mary Larkin, Joyce Adams, Cathy MUler, Charlene Klapperich, Judy Hay, Diane Diedrich, Nancy Schmunk, Stevie Kreier and Sandra and Jimmy Dowell. St. Mary's P.T.A. Heard Fine Program Pupils^. from ^jUious ^jjfodes/in St. M«*rS's <£hdiol pre^ited ^&n interesting program at the last meeting of the P.T.A. on Wednesday, Dec.' 1. Numbers included "The Tambourine Dance and Song" and "The Italian Street Song" by the eighth g^ade, under direction of Sister Adilia. They were attired in gypsy costumes, mafcing for a realistic setting. Pupils of Sister Alba's fourth and fifth grades, room 6, appropriately .costumed and in dark face, presented "Dem Bones." An evening meeting of the P.T.A. is plaiined for Jan. 12, at which time fathers are invited to be present. a gift exchange. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion with a Christmas tree and other holiday finery. Election of officers took place, with the following being named: Evelyn Blake, president; Mary Vycital, vice-president; Tillie Gerasch, secretary; and Lee Bassi, treasurer. Cards and refreshments followed the meeting. Announcement has been .made of the wedding of Miss Georgette Munger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Munger of Chicago, and Mr. Donald L. Thiel, son of the Jacob Thiels of Johnsburg, which occurred on Nov. 27 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at St. Lucy's church, Chicago. The seivice was performed by Msgr. Timothy Rowan. The radiant bride chose a white silk shantung dress, chapel length; trimmed in rhinestones. Her fingertip veil was held by a pearl crown and she iiarried white carnations centered with a white orchid. Acting as matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. Robert G. Thiel of Chicago, who wore a coral crystolene gown and carried white carnations trimmed with coral. > Bridesmaids were Miss Patricia Pace, Miss Donella Pace, Mrs. Carol Champa, Mrs. Jeannette Haslbeck and Mrs. Margie Regan, all of Chicago; They chose Emerald green crystolene gowns and carried .white carnations, trimmed in green. Robert G. Thiel of . Chicago served his brother as best man. Groomsmen were John Molls, cousin of the bride, Kenneth Crook, Henry Glick, Bob Fuller and Richard Sokel. Dinner and a reception at 6 o'clock were enjoyed at Old Prague in Cicero, where 250 guests gathered later for dancing. The bride's mother wore a silver-grey taffeta gown, black accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Thiel wore a blue faille gown, black accessories and a similar corsage. Following a trip to Lake Lawn lodge, Delavan, Wis., ihe couple is iesiding at 739 Parkside avenue, Chicago. The bride attended St. Lucy's school and St. Catherine of Siena School for Girls. The groom received his education in the Johnsburg and McHenry schools. GIRL SCOUTS AMONG THE SICK Mothers' Club Monthly Meeting St. Patrick's Mohters' club will hold a monthly, meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 2:45 o'clock in the hall, with mothers of sixth grade pupils serving lunch. There will be a grab bag of gifts and those attending will see I- -- PARAKEETS Make An Ideal Christmas Present Frank Pitzen underwent surgery at Memorial hospital this past week. Friends will be interested to learn that Mrs. Warren Hackman (the former Ethel Granger) who has been ill since last March, is now recuperating at the Villa Rest home at Pistakee Bay. She is much improved and will be happy to see and hear from her friends. The Granger family lived in McHenry for many years. SQUARE DANCING There will be 'teen-age square dancing at Edgebrook school on Saturday evening, Dec. 11, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. Troop 5 On Nov. 20 Girl Scout Troop 5 went to Freund's Dairy. We learned fiow they cleaned all the implements and we saw how they pasteurized and homogenized the milk. We are having a Scout Christmas party Dec. 20. We will pei form for our mothers and exchange gifts. Judy Phannenstill, scribe Bead the Want Ads Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and son, Norbert, spent a few days recently with their «on, Thomas, at Camp Chaffee, Ark. Mrs. John Smith and son, Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe and son, Jerry, and Ann Schuringa visited Eugene Dowe at Camp Chaffee, Ark., recently.-" Mrs. Howard Reinboldt and daughters visited relatives -in Ifcwa recently. They were Quests in the Boughton hofne at CaiTbll, the Bruggeman home at Templetbii, the Campbell home at Albert City and with the Collises it LorhviHe, as well aS 'at the Boughton, Jr., hom% in Omaha, Nebr. while there, tWy received word that Eugene Diejrenfeldt, a nephew stationed with th4 'Navy in japan, had been gfhfen ivlefter of commendation bjr! President Eisenhower for saving £ ship during the recent typhoon.' Mr. and Mrs. George ifraiffer left recently for Miami, " F&., where they plan to spend the winter. Mrs. Kenneth Burns of Hollywood, Fla., arrived Saturday to spend a few weeks with her son, Robert Burns, . and family in Wheaton, and her sister, Mjrs. George H. Johnson, arid family in McHenry. Miss Gerry Carey spent the weekend with friends in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Peter Engeln is spending the winter in the home qf her daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Melsek, and family in Florida. Misses Pat Stilling and t>6: lores Rogers left Saturday! plane for a vacation in KHaml Fla. f - ' Mrs. John Vycital and daughter, Frances, were Chicago Visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Rothermel left last week to spend ^jlte winter in Florida. At a dinner given by the choral group for wives and friends '6i the Faith Presbyterian church, in Chicago, Mite. Joseph Kobers^fie entertained on the organ. This^is an annual affair at whicft she has appeared for the last three! years. Mesdames Gordon Knox jfmd Andrew Sorenson of Woodstock attended a products party in the LeRoy Smith home last Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vyqjtal and sons, Mark and Gpry, jfcere recent guests in the Hilbert Mittelsteadt home in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelsoa, were Sunday visitors in the JSlof Borgeson home in Hebron, u < " Mrs. Louis Althoff spenl Phone 147 For Your Holiday Permanent NOW! Open Tues., Thurs. Si Fri. evenings 'til 9 p.m. , YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS flwGrbLda dlairtktyiiiig, Stadia ADELINE PEDERSEN, Prop. 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, HI. Phone 147 -- Also -- Hybred Parakeets $8.00 A Gift Everybody Enjoys! Sturdy northern bred birds., Can be trained to talk arid do tricks. Metal Cages $4.95 £o $11.95 Complete Supply of Food and Toys , GIFT CERTIFICATES 108 Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 459 We give and redeem Gold Bond V Stamps. We wish to express our whole-hearted thanks to all the many friends, neighbors, and neighboring business associates who participated in our Grand Opening and made it such a tremendous success . . . Cordially, Maryrita and Albert Stilling <Jo4AMt & G<UwU>Uf Qifat StudUo. 185 N. Riverside Drive Phone 297-tJ McHenry, 111. •; >• Thursday, December 9/1954 fjW jdayrithe' jpqist i$<e« home ofc1 tier on McHenry in^he Clinton Beckenbtiugh; 'land' 'fainii^ in Lake Villa. ^ . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon were, visitor^ in the home of their daughter, Mrs. James Ballot^, and family irt Sycamore Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton of Skokie wete Sunday callers in the Koberstine home in Colmar. Miss Nancy L-nge visited her grandmother, Mrs. Zena Bacon, Sunday,, enroute to her home in Hammond, Hid., from a Visit with her sister, Mary Ann Lange, a student at Marquette University, Milwaukee! -wis. v- j ^ Mrs. Mary Lekawitch has returned from a' six-week visit" VHth CMcagb relatives. Tr tV:' Mr. 'and Mrs. Ted Olhava*'of Chicago called friends. Saturday. Miss Ellen .j Walsh of South Bend, Ind., w;ai'"a weekend gtifcst of her mother,' lifts." Loretta^ Walshi . arid helped her celebrate her birthday 6h Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.- Fred Bienapfl visited Kenosha relatives Sunday. Mrs. Burt Bienapfl is spending a few weeks in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beulow, in Tampa, Fla. Last Sunday, Mrs. Joseph Koberstine of Colmar gave a program of Latin music on the organ at the hoihe of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Curtin of Oak Park. There were forty guests present, a house-warming being the occasion . Mr. and |4rs.' Herman Glindkamp of Villa Park were Saturday visitors in the Gunnar Walinder home. Mrs. Eleanor White of Chicago was a guest on Monday. Eugene MUlef returned Sunday from a plane t;rip to New York, where h£ attended a reunion with his war buddies. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ReihanSpeiger and family visited her parents in Madison, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund visited Mrs. Freund's sister, Mrs. Laura Kennebeck, in the Irvin Nester home in Des Plaines Sunday. Recently on Sunday, a musical tea was ^iven at the Koberstine home in Colmar from 2 to 4 o'clock for mothers and daughters. It was a recital of intermediate and advanced organ studenta, th& youngeait .life-;i&fcii&pup {|B tftffng years old. V ^Mr. khd Mrs. Dale* Dixom and children, Loridale arid Bobby, visited -in, the Robert Treptow, home near Lake Zurich Sunday. Mrs. ^ueiitin Walsh and Mrs. Edward Thennes visited relatives in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wiasell were guests in the home of their Mr. arid l^irs. Donald /Reuteir are the parents of a. son, born at Memorial hospital the last of thief week. , Qpl. ana Mrs. Donald Sutler son, Charles Wissell, and family^-of Clarksvilie, Tenn., are the parin Hebron Saturday evening. Mary Lynn and Peggy Purvey of Crystal Lake spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs., Albert Purvey. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heike of Prairie View were Sunday guests •in the home of h,er parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. William Wissell, Sr. * - Beverly Blish is enjoying a trip to Miami, JTla. Allan Cleary of Sioux Falls, S- Dakota, an old time McHenry resident, visited frieri^s .here this weeh. M^s. Anna Miller spent a few days last week in :fche home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Huff, in Richmond. Clarence Whiting df Elgin called on McHenry relatives Sunday. LOCAL YOUTH IN HEARINGS BEFORE COUNTY JUDGE Several county youtHfe came up for hearings before Jridge Henry L. Cowlin in c&unty court in Woodstock this past week, among them three ;froiri this community. Howard Ketchum of Bturton's Bridge was sentenced to serve a year at Vandalia state farm after Judge Cowlin heard a charge that the youth drove while under the influnece of liquor. He was arrested Nov. 22 by Crystal Lake police. Two youths who reside east of McHenry were ordered to make restitution of damage done to a summer home at Lilymoor and were placed on probation for two years. Th,ey were Francis GrOlbeck, 14, and John Wall, 15. IN MEMORIAM In memory of my dear husband, Dr. Francis j. Aicher, who passed away Dec. 5, 1939. 31 Loving Wife Annabel BANK F A C T S FOR YOU Bank credit standing is simply the faith a bank has in the ability and willingness of a. prospective borrower to repay obligations as agreed. If you are a checking depositor here, maintain a reasonable balance ... don't overdraw. If you are a present borrower here, make your loan payments when due. In any case, just continue to pay your bills promptly and "make your word good." People who conduct their everyday business matters on a sound basis are automat- ' i&lly building their credit standing. If you are one of them, don't hesitate to apply here for a loan when you need it. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 ar ents of a daughter, Carol Lynn, bom Nov. 30 in a hospital - at Fort Campbell, Ky. ' John Michael is the ft&me selected by ^A/lC : and Mrs. John Laures for itheir first* child, a son, born- Nov. , 28 ' in Florid^. The baby weighed 8' lbs. 4 oz. tJrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. . Joseph Huemann and Mr. and Mrs. Math Laures. « w CARD OF THANKS ^ I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone for prayers, Visits, flowers and cards^while I was in \ the hospital. They were gratefully 'appreciated. 31 Mrs. Fred P. Freund 312 ELM STREET McHSKlRY, |LU Young Teen Corner Beat the High Costy of "Giving"! See Our Gala Gift Selections for the "Bib Set" and '"Young Teens". ? We've stacks and stacks of "Pacte&ge Excitement" sure to rate Christmas Cheers' from everyone! Gifts galore throughout our store for every purpose . for every person range. •in evety price CHRISTMAS Reg. $5.95 - Sno-Ler BABY SLEP with push handle HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR" MANY SPECIALS! NOW ONLY *3.59 6 Foot - Hedlund SKIS complete with harness Reg. $14.95 value ICE Still the "Finest" Ice Cream made . . . Try it Today! All Flavors. Buy ii aft * . . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE S. GREEN ST. PHONE M McHENRY, ILL NOW ONLY Reg. $8.05 Electric Percolator Fully Automatic - Keeps coffee piping hot until served - Highly polished aluminum with scratchproof feet. 3 to 5 cup size. $4QB OALY Children's MAPLE Table & Chair Set Reg. $11.95 value 4 Now Only *7.98 See Our Wonderland of Holiday Decorations For Indoor and Outdoor Electric Santa Claus Face Reg. $3.98 value 'Complete with Cord & Bulb NOW $| gj@ ONLY UUILO \\! f'tmr bom m XMAS TREE LITE SETS Complete with g attachment clips - Each lite burns independently of each other. 7 Lil^ S^t 15 Lite Set • $1.50 $2.98 USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN VYCI HARDWARE 1S2 So. Green St SHEET METAL SHOP Phone 98 McHenry, I1L

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