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Wrap a strip of unglazed wrapping paper or cooking parchment around the edge to help. hold the shell in shape and prevent the cake from running over; tie it firmly but pot tightly with twine. Place the cakes on racks in a covered roasting pan containing about % inch of water. Bake in a very slow oven (250° F) for about 1& hours. Then transfer to a baking sheet and continue baking in the same slow oven for another- thirty minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Always store fruit cakes in tightly covered containers in a cool place. Aging will improve any fruit cake and help to make it more mellow. When you are ready to wrap the cakes to send or give away, decorate them with blanched almonds, glazed red or green cherries, citron leaves or angelica. The decoration should be suitable to the shape of the cake. Keep the pieces small, especially in decorating smaller cakes. A wreath-type decoration, for instance, would be pretty on a round cake; a tree decoration, on the other hand, would be attractive on a square cake. Pour some warm syrup over the cake aftej it is- decorated, and let it stand for several hours or until the glaze is set. For gifts, wrap the cakes in moisture-proof cellophane and fasten with Scotch tape. If you store them after they are decorated, be sure the cover does not touch the fruits or other trimmings. DECREASE IN CHICKS Broiler chick placement^ in Illinois for the week ending Nov. 27 totalled 127,000,, a decrease of 10 per cent from the number placed during the preceding week, according to the state and federal departments of agriculture. During the week ending Nov. 27, Illinois hatcheries set 176,000 eggs for broilers, a decrease of 31 per cent from the 254,000 set during the preceding week. COLORING CONTEST A3 interesting coloring contest for youngsters, sponsored by local merchants, is Announced elsewhere in this issue. It ends on Tuesday, Dec. 14, with winners' names to be published in next week's Plaindealer. CARD OF THANKS I want to take this means of thanking my friends for prayers, cards and visits, and especially fnembers of the Knights of Columibus, for their kindnesses during the time I was confined to the hospital. 31 Frank N. Pitzen f-fe'66 tfuA S H O W E R AND S H A V E S E T plus tax to pamper the man of good tost* Shaving Foam After Shower Powder BOLGER'S Drug Store PHONE 40 Green St. MeHenry, HI. Yardl#y Products tor Amorioo art erMtl In England and fittfihed In lw II. S. < ffrroomm tShie» oor«tgWtnnooll English fWoti H.®1 biting ImpoWxtwiddoaiiHe Ai Yule Logr~A Festive Cake-Confection * • That Requites No Cooking asaooonxmois MOTORISTS RETAIN PREVIOUS NUMBERS Almost 250,000 Illinois iqotorists have taken advantage of the state's reassignment law to retain their present motor vehicle license numbers for 1955, an inc: ease of about 25,000 over last year, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier announces. Receiving ana processing that large number of applications early will materially reduce the amount of extra help and the overtime hours needed during the rush period in January and. Feb' ruary, Secretary Carpentier" said. ,_The time reserved by law for motorists to retain their present numbers extends from Oct. 1 through Nov. l of each year,, Numbers not taken up by their present holders during that period became available for assignment to otheis. Re-assignment requests are easier to handle, saving time and money, than the special requests now being received, but nine out of ten special requests filled become re-assignments the next year, Secretary Carpentier said. .'•N Another factor which is piected to reduce the overall cost of motor vehicle licensing is the plan adopted this year of having unifoi med investigators deliver supplies , of application hunks to notaries public, currency totchanges, banks, "newspapers and similar organizations, Mr. Carpentier said; The pe: solml contact enabled investigators to clear up many misunderstandings about how questions on the blanks are to be answered, and should effect a substantial reduction in the amount of mail that has had to be returned in the past, Secretary Carpentier said, "{jo-backs" have been a constant substantial source of added expense to the ex-> state each year, he said; tasting many organlziitiofts mm individuals who ho longer that service to the public, Secretary Carpentier said. . - •ye -- •• • It Pays Jo Advertise Another advantage to the personal delivery system is that it brought the list of units. servicing applications up to date, elin> The Senior Class , of 1955 invites ypu"to attend "MISTLETOE MAGIC" Saturday, December 18, 1954 Boys Gym Music by Bud Schweppe 91.50 per couple Nike to Twelve This gay Yule Log is a refrigerator cake, a grand climax for a guest dinner, easy to make and to decorate and economical as well, yhe green holly leaves are simply citron snipped into shape; the ferries are red cinnamon candies. The topping is whipped cream. But it's the cembination of flavors that really distinguishes this dessert. Thick, smooth apple sauce, spiced with nutmeg and enriched with chunky bits of walnut meats, alternates with graham crackers to form layer upon layer. As you ean see, the ingrediepts are simple. It's combining them that produces such a delicately nutcrunchy, taste-tickling result! To insure just the right sweetly tart taste, ready-to-use apple sauce is used . . . for only apples selected for their flavor go into the apple sauce you buy in cans and jars. Sandwiched between graham crackers in this manner, apple sauce lends moistness and body--and wonderful flavor, of course. Now see how simple this Yule Log is to prepare: Yule Log 21 graham crackers \ .1/2 cup finely chopped walnut 2-1/4 cups canned apple] meats sauce 1/2 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon nutmeg Citron Red cinnamon candies Arrange 3 graham crackers in row in loaf pan, lined with waxed paper. Combine apple sauce,.nutmeg and nutmeats. Add layer of apple sauce mixture; repeat using 7 layers of crackers and 6 layers of apple sauce, ending with layer of crackers. Chill in refrigerator several hours. Just before serving, cover with whipped cream. Garnish with citron, cut in shape of holly leaves and red cinnamon candies. Slice and serve. Yields 6 servings. Instead of whipped cream cover, a white confectioner's sugar frosting may be used, if desired. MeHenry County Through The Years by Marie Schaettgen Chapter 33 Woodstock In 1885, Woodstock was called an enterprising city of 2,000. The town was first called Centreville but later the name was changed to Woodstock because there were too many other towns called Centreville in the United States. Its geographical location, in the center of the county, determined to a great extent its destiny as the county seat of MeHenry county. Woodstock is a city of homes both Jarge and, small. Its park and "square" in the business section is a well kept and convenient focal point for the many stores surrounding it. The county courthouse faces this park and is conveniently located on the square where there is ample parking space and where probably our forefathers hitched their horses in the not too distant past. The town was planned by Alvrn Judd in 1844. He sold a plat to Geo. C. Dean the same year. The first house to be built in Woodstock was that of Bradford Burbank. It was a log building. Alvin Judd erected the second house in town and also opened the first tavern. An old copy of the Woodstock Sentinel gives the following families as the early settleis: Judd, Johnson, Dean, Smith, Donnelly, Fuller, Beach, Sherwood, Dwight, Griffing and Joslyn. The city's growth has been slow but constant. It became a city of neat streets, shady walks and thrifty appearance. The first store was opened in 1845 by Josiah Dwight and Oscar Beach. Henry Petrie opened a store later the same year. A drug store was opened in 1851 by C. B. Durfee. In 1854, Dr. Baldwin bought this store. The first school was conducted in the old courthouse in 1846. The first religious services were also held in the courthouse. Rev. Howe, a Presbyterian minister, conducted the first service in the winter of 1844-45. Alvin Judd established the first hotel at what seemed at the time an exorbitant price for building it. Teeple and Eckeit erected a foundry in 1866 at a cost of $8,000. Streamlined I Whirlpool DRYERS GAS and ELECTRIC from *171" « *305" Liberal Trade-in and Terms Use Our Christmas Lay-Away LeRoy M. Smith Phone 770-W Elm Street OPEN EVERY NlTE " Certified is America's Fastest Growing Food' $$oires At Your CERTIFIED FOOD STORE Thursday - Friday & Saturday ONLY! Try Certified's Ra§gedy Ann Quality Label FREE Special Offer FREE BUY 7 CANS OF PARD DOG JpOOD $1°° Mail in the labels to "Swifts" & Co. and Receive $1.00 by return mail -- Nothing to Lose! SPECIAL! Country Delight SWIFTNING BUTTER Solid Print 3u>s79<] ' ^ 59i • • L fi & Vegetables Extra Fancy Zipper Skht | _ TANGERINES). . 35 doz. California - Iceberg - Large HetjuEs LETTUCE. . .•2h-*29' Fancy - Firm CUCUMBERS e«h 5 Yellow - Dry $ 11 30 Read This Ad CERTIFIED'S Red Label SALE! CUT GREEN BEANS CREAM STYLE CORN WHOLE KERNEL - CORN 303 Tins 10 each Special Prices If You Want to Buy 'em by the Case Finest Quality NYLON HOSIERY 51 Gpuge - 15 Denier Reg. Price 79c Pr. with any $10.00 purchase yon pay only . 49' onions ... 310* peaset 23.3™s 23 YEM and PORK PRICES DOWN! Want to SAVE $10 America's Most Adorable RED RIDING HOOD DOLL Complete with Hood, Cape and Basket -- All rubber body .-- Unbreakable from head to toe -- Washable hair -- Sleeps and cries . . . Reg. Price $15.98 Save $1000 Off Our Price • VJ NO OTHER PURCHASES NECESSARY PLUS: FREE 8%xll reproduction of hand painted scene of Red Rising Hood in Forest . . . This offer good only while supply lasts. Red Label -- 46 Ox. Tin TOMATO •> - Cl JUICE Z TINS 45 Red Label TOMATOES 2 303 TINS 25 Red Label SWEET PEAS First Cut Pork Chops 2% Lean ^Tender Pork Steal 49 PORK ROAST Boneless Rolled Cut From Choice Young Porkers 3 to 4 Lb. Avg. , 49. BACON Amour Star Sliced Tray Packed 62 cib | GROUND BEEF 'Freshly Ground 100% Pure Reef 2Lbs.69c Our Own - Fresh Dressed - Cut Up - Pan Redl! 89 each Average 2 lbs. or over PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY: These fryers are absolutely fresh dressed, ready for the pan or oven. Yqu pay for no entrails, head, feet or any waste part of the chicken that you cannot eat. Every part of these wonderful chickens is edible. We are proud of the high quality of these wonderful chickens and you will be proUd to serve them. U.S. Choice Grade BIG VEAL SALE! is now definitely your best buy U.S. Choice Grade Square Cut Veal Roast CHECK THESE PRICES AND YOU'LL SERVE VEAL OFTEN! Meaty - Lean 29S, Breast-O-Veal Veal Pocket Stuff with dressing 191L Veal Stew Rib or Lobt Chops Imm (We Reserve Tile Right To Limit Quantities) BARGAINS GALORE At Your Certified Store WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS CORNERS OF GREEN 8c ELM STREETS & it