Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1954, p. 2

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»t I'4 I )i i|m|i ifriifr •{•'}' >y <1 j |>^l ifr I^II $I »| THE MCHENRY KA^EALEB Home Bureau Unit At Harrison Home The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau will meet In the home of Mrs. Chauncy Harrison -ran Tuesday, Jan, 4, at. 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Rose Walkington will be co-hostess. Instruction and discussion will deal with the care of small kitchen equipment. A selection of delegates to Farm and Home Week at the University of Illinois will tie made during the <Jay. At roll call, members will tell one thing they would like to do during1 the year. There also will be a discussion of the 4-H organization in the community. Farm and Home Day, scheduled for Jan. 21, will be discussed and the program presented. CJD. of A. Xmas Party Dec. 16 The Catholic Daughters of America Christmas party and secohd party of the current card tournament were held Dec. 16. Winners in cards were Olivia Hiller, Rose Freund, Rachel Lomasney, Eleanor Freund, Marie Vales, Qlara Stilling and Helen Hettercnann in pinochle; Julia Justen in five hundred; Elvera Nye in bridge; Marie Larkin, Van Diedrich, Eleanor Strache, Olivia Bauer and Anna Hay in canasta. Community Club Will Meet Jan. S The Johnsburg Community club will hold its next meeting on Monday, Jan. 3, at 8:30 o'clock. The refreshment committee includes Art Thelen, Vern Thelen, John Thelen, Harold Thelen, Clarence Timm, Sylvester Tonyan, Henry Weber, George Thompson and Charles Weingart. Announce Engagement • Of jBenee Kalsch Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kalsch of Crystal Lake road, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Renee, to Robert Freund, son of Mayor and Mrs. George P. Freund. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Shirley Wegener Troth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener have announced the engagement of their daughter, Shirley, to. William, J.Karls, son of- Mr, and Mrs. too Karls of Richmond. No date has been set for the wedding. Entertained Guests For Christmas Dinner Miss Rena Scheid and John Scheid entertained twenty-five guests for turkey dinner on Christmas, with a gift exchange and social afternoon following. Guest§ included Mrs. John Scheid, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scheid, Jimmy, Stevi$, Keith, Kathy and Mark, of Vfoodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scheid and childen, Butch, , Larry, Jerry, Gary, Sharon, Johnnie and Jane of f Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Christy Burns of Wauconda, John Molidor of Arcadia, Wis., Julia, Rose and Margaret Stilling of McHenry. Doris Ann Justen To Wed In Spring Announcement was njage this weefk by Mr. and Mrs/George R. Justen of the engagement of their daughter, Doris Ann, to Donald Rosing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rosing of Round Lake. The couple will be married in the spring. PERSONALS Miss Mary Kinney is spending the holidays with Minnesota relatives. Miss Nadyne Lewis, R.N., of Waukegan spent a few days the past week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl." Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and children of Marengo visited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Thursday evening. The George Miller family of Chicago and Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind,, were weekend guests of Mrs. Loretta Walsh. Sunday guests in the Fred Bienapfl home were the Robert Brugger family of Kenosha, Wis., and the Dale Dixon family of McHenry. Mi s. Nellie Bacon spent the Christmas weekend in the Harold Bacon home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mis Maud Granger were Christmas guests in the Henry Alexander home in Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and son, Frank, spent Christmas in the George E. Johnson home in Skokie. Mrs. Mollie Givens and son, Donald, were Christmas guests in the Harold Phalin home in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick and daughter, Julie, of Elmhurst, spent Christmas with her father, C. J. Reihansperger. Wm. Van Natta of Crystal Lake was a Sunday dinner guest in the Robert Thompson home. In the afternoon, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, he paid respects to. the late Henry Fuller at the sharp funeral home in Dundee and also visited in the Raymond Van Natta home in Elgin. Donald Wattles, who has been visiting his father, Howard, returned to Miami, Fla., Tuesday. He was accompanied by John Knox, who will spend some time at Fort Meyers, Fla. Henry C. Meyer of Palatine is spending a few weeks in, the home of his son, Frank Meyer. Mrs. Elizabeth Husch and daughter, Leona, spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago. Gerald Blake, a student at Sacred Heart seminary, Geneva, 111,, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo 'Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belzer and daughter, Chris,.f of Galesburg, spent the Christmas weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Walinder. The Bernard Jung family were guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Manning in Oak Park Sunday. ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY" General Contractor lew Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 MoHENRY, ILLINOIS Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Reinfried of Madison, Wis., were guests in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Herb "Reihansperger, and family Christmas Day. Anthony May, who is studying at St. Nazianz seminary, St. Nazianz, Wis., is a holiday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund May. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams and son, Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson were guests in the Pat Moriarity home in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. The Richard Clark family of Omaha, Nebr., former local residents, visited relatives here a few days this week. Airs. Clark's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and brother, Leo Heimer, were Christmas guests in .the Harold Abbott homie in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews of Chicago were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Delia Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. William Heimer entertained at a family gathering Christmas Day. Guests were the V. J. Knox family of Crystal Lake, the Erwin Laures family of Wheaton and the Edward Gitzke family of Cary. Christmas Day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaeffer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney and son of Elmhurst. Fred Kamholz of Chicago visited McHenry friends and Relatives Sunday. Miss Suzanne Knox of Crystal Lake spent Monday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Heimer. Mrs. Heimer spent Saturday afternoon with the V. J. Knox family at Crystal Lake. Christmas Day dinner and supper guests of Mrs. Cecelia Knox were H. E. Maiman, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Geary and sons, Timmy ' and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and daughter, Pat, of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Geary of Milwaukee, Helen Bernier of Chicago, Bud Rogers of Spring Grove and H. J. Schaeffer of McHenry. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Justen of Glenview, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skow of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. John Smale and children of Crystal ^ake were Christmas Day guests in the Ben Justen home. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bopp of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller entertained their family on Christifias Day, including Mrs. PRESENT . , ^ X ' " > j--", ,s '&&'* HOSPITAL Wednesday/ December 29, 1954 William Tittle, president of the Memorial hospital board, is shown receiving a check for $250 from Gertrude Barbian, president of the local V.F.W. auxiliary, and Roy Morrison,: commander of the VtF.W. Others from left to right, are Augusta Diedrich, community service chairman; Robert Stoller, vice-commander; and Mary Weidemann, hospital chairman. Mrs. Kay Stilling, rehabilitation, chairman, was not present when the picture was taken. Clarice Purvey and children, Crystal Lake,' Mir, and William Morgan and children "of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and .JIJDnfc Gerald Miller and children 'gild Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker and baby of McHenry. IN MEMORIAM • In loving memory of our (fear wife and mother, Christine Sjill-, ing, who passed away suddenly two years ago New Year's Day. Some say time heals an aptiihg heart, but no, it's not true ;;V She was always so true,.* uns e l f i s h a n d k i n d , few i n t h i s woild her equal you'll find..* A beautiful life that came to an end, "she lived as she died, everyone's friend, A wonderful memory she left behind. 34 Loving Husband and Children Copra is the dried meat of cocoanuts from which oil has been extracted. COMING EVENTS (December 31 New Year's Eve Party -- Moose Lodge January 8 Paper Drive Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 164 New Year's Dance -- Johnsburg Memorial Hall -- Sponsored by Johnsburg Community Club BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Burg are the parents of a son, bqrn last weekend at Memorial hospital. IARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Subscribe ' To The Plalndealer l| IfflB! A 312 ELM STREET McHSNRY, IU. Young Teen Corner WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR * To you and your family and frioncUl Millstream Service Sta. (State Oil) Anderson & Phalin, Props. PHONE SS5 McHenry, 111. TO ALL OF YOU! Thanks to alt our good friends lot your patronage during the past year. May luck and success t* your* in (be New Year CO Elm St 1 Women in the public eye--and who isn't--know the importance of good grooming. Our careful cleaning makes your ensembles fit better, wear longer, look smarter. Call Now for FREE Pickup and Delivery Service PHONE McHENRY 20 LOCAL CLEANERS 206 S. Green St. your McHenry, HL '3ih- McHenry Garage Willys Sales Service 44* 600 Front Si. McHenry, DL STOFFEL and REIHANSPERGER INSURANCE 507 Main St. Phone 300 U *' Peter Gies y SHOE S^TORE and REPAIRS 107 N. Riverside Dr. IV < McHenry, I1L »* 4- NEW YEARS * « May Joy and gladnass fill your hearts) May peace, prosperity, good health and £ - . good cheer bo yours throughout the year! NYE DRUG STORE "Walgreen Agency" PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Hi. ROY SCOUTS Troop 161 The mothers' auxiliary of Troop 181 served a pot-luck dinner to all the Scouts, Scouters and their families at St. Mary's on Dec. 14. After about 175 had been served, each of the patrols in the troop provided entertainment that was enjoyed by all. A Court of Honor * followed the singing of Christmas carols,- recognizing: the achievements of the Scouts as th ey advance in their Scouting experience's. Pour boys earning the rank of Star Scout were Walter Aufrecht, Donald Herdrich, John G. Larson and James Petersen. First Class awards were received by James Jones, John Jones, Jr., Kenneth Homo, Lance Parks and Harry Stinespring, III. Second Class awards went to Donald Kibbe, Harold Foss, James Vanasek and Robert Gates. Tenderfoot awards went to Stanley Christian, Terry Jordon and Arthur J. Sternickle. Further advancement in the form of merit badges were earned by the entire Apache patrol for Indian lore; also Walter Aufrecht; citizenship in the home; Ronald Nitz, home repairs; James Petersen, citizenship in the home and scholarship. All nine members of the' Apache patrol, Walter Aufrecht, Kenneth Homo, Ronald Nitz, Lance Parks, Dob and John Gates, Tony Freels, Tom Olsen and Tom Kujak, were awarded the Indian Lore merit badge. The final project .for completion of the requirements for the badge took place in the form of a ceremony making their Scoutmaster an honorary member of the patrol. During this ceremony the Scoutmaster was presented with a patrol neckerchief and a full Indian war bonnet made by the boys. In attendance other than the people directly connected with the program were Phil Lavelle^ the new district executive, Harry Stinespring, chairman of ' the Kishwaukee district, and Walter S. Anfrecht, neighborhood commissioner, . who presented the charter to the troop committee, consisting of Fred Peterson, chairman; John Jones, assistant Scoutmaster; Charles Vycital, finance; Mr. Booster, Mr. Hans, •Mr. Homo, Mr. Kujak, Mr. Saynor, Mr. Thennes, Mr. Larson .and Mr. Antonson. j HAPPY | NEW YEAR! YES | We have them here ft Ice Cubes 1 and H Crushed Ice | For Your |1 J - New ^Yeaj^ Cheer | OPEN 3 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. » NEW YEAR'S DAY IS HOLLY'S | Texaco Service Station § 400 E. Elm St. § Require Aliens To Report Address For Immigration Walter A. Sahli, district director of Immigration and Naturalization at Chicago, has called to the attention of all aliens the requirement of the Immigration and Nationality act that every alien in the United States report his address to the government during the month of January. The report must be made on Form 1-53, which may be obtained from any United States post office or from any Immigration office. ' « The requirement applies to all aliens who are in the United States on Jan. 1 and to aliens who reside in the United States and may be temporarily absent during January. Persons in the latter group must report their address with ten days after return to the United States. The address of minor children aliens must be reported by their parents or guardians. COOKS CORNER - By Marie Sehaettgen Perhaps yOu are ont^ of' those unfortuhate people, and there are thousands of them, who are too tired from working in a store or in your own busy home during the holiday season to "bother much about "party fussing." For you, then, here is a drink that warms the heart and cheers the spirit. The hint of spice in this "sweet 'n hot." drink is enjoyed by both grownups and children. ^--HotMulled PineappleJulce - 1 No. 2 can Hawaiian pineapple juice Vt cup sugar 4 sticks cinnan^on I tsp. whole cloves li cup lemon juice Simmer first four ingredients together for about 10 minutes. Add lemon juice. Strain and serve in mugs with a stick of cinnamon to he ysed as a stirrer. "Makes 4 servings. If you'd like a quick and easy snack with it try-- Deviled . Ham Spread on Toast 1 3 oz. can deviled ham 2 tbsp. chopped peanuts . 2 tbsp. chopped or sliced olives 2 tbsp. mayonnaise Mix all together and spread on toast'triangles. MILK REPORT McHenry county dairy farmers received $280,252.77 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairy company receiving stations during the month of November. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE V.F.W. Clubhouse EVERYONE INVITED $1.60 Per Person To Dance -- No Charge To Bar FREE FOOD -- FAVORS -- PRIZES Get Up A Gang and Attend FINEST MUSIC IN TOWN! | __ m = Time for Your . . . New Year's, mid-winter hair-conditioning . . . Permanent going out? Bad weather .dviWiig,, your t.r.eftsgg,L, Need a tinting or restyling? Don't \yaitv call 147 for an-appointment now! YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS Slairtdyllticj, 1 ADELINE PEDERSEN, Prop. jjjjjj = 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry. III. Phone 147 1 HiiiimiiiiininmiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiuinmmnimnimiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiniiiimHiiiniiiiHiiiiiig the promise of • New Year bring lo yon ami your loved 0BO joy and -happiness with the added blessings of goodwill among mankind and of peace among nations throijghout the entire world! DIRECTORS WM. A. NYE, M.D., GERALD J. CAREY, ROBERT L. WEBER WM. A. NYE, GERALD J. CAREY, ROBERT L. WEBER Gerald J. Carey Robert L. Weber Lucille Knox Joan Freund Joanne Stilling Beverly Blish I,llll mi Cairns James E. Larkin Thomas F. Bolger Verne -E. Harrison Frances Bieschke Lona Patzke Janet Fruick Jean Vogel Catherine Freund Viola Jurgens Darlene Andreas Dolores Campbell Laura Smith Pauline Dowe McHenry State - Bank

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