Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1954, p. 6

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> •"> :|i,' "I" ;.i •. # • • • ;# rcls^l^w--$**4^%^4--'.w'i'riiiiViijiui .,••.•?» •; '! * ••' <••£$& ;r-^:•'• &5i'8£-'. t trJti&&-f.i*3i$fi& \|r-u^v•••,.. PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETSRING 3.400 DOOR BELLS FOB $LOO WITO A PLAOTIJEALER WALIT Plainjealer BUSINESS SERVICE Published every Thursday at Mcflenty, 111., by the McHenry publishing Company, Inc. ^nONil I DITORIAl lAsS»cMnw W. BURFBINDT, Gen'l Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor Plainde&Ier Want Ada , Ho ad counted less than 25 words, . $1.00 minimum I insertion . $1.00 (Count 5 Words per line) . ->5c service charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. Lard of Thanks--$1.00 minimum. Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c col. nch. -- 2 inch minimum. Classified Display must include a riinimum of one 18 pt. head and . ne 18 .pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per .:ich. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted to Rent. Situations Wanted Business Opportunities SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Tear $3.W 6 Months $1.75 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months' $2:00 3 Months $1.M MACHINE T8BNCHWQ .ft WGCHNQ Septic Systems - Water Lines Pry Wells - Seepage Beds WEIXS DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRBLTS >« ROGERS Rt. 4, McHenry, HI. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l 16-W Jferkhammer Jervice Hourly rate ifor jackhammer; Spade, tamper. %et us do t^e hard work. Fast efficient servicfe. ARNOLD MA^^ulktor Richmond - Office 4381 - Res. 4744 V%I<B!ubtor- Gwfc Asphalt Til* floors Linoleum . Wfejf Tile Lees carpeting ftnd rugs Carpet Laying Tidy Floor Coverings - Phene Woodstock 8*8 20-tf FOR SALE FOB SALE -- TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES. Service on ill makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, iClay Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE •-- Registered DUroc boars fend early bred gilts for club boys. J<5hn tauffenberger, Oilmer Volo Rd-, % mile West of Rt. 83, Mundelein, 111. 33-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT --- Johnsburg, 4 rooms aijid bfttjb, v tile kitchen and bath, 2 car' garage. Rental $70 per month. Call McHenry 37, Jacob Fritz, Rt. 5,. McHenry, Illinois: 29-tf Candid Weddings rrom Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats Tel 566-W-l McHenryr 1U. 44-tf GARAGE DOORS v WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or .Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. MEN LEIBACH Sales, installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 144f Entered as second-class matter at; the post office, at McHenry, til., under the act of Kay 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE WBPLACEMKNT PARTSFOR ALL CABS Accessories and Seat Coyen OOHMWfl'V AUTa StoTTLT Route 120 - 1 Block ;Epwt ; A. of the River Bridge ^ Days 9 ajB9L C pm. -Sisitan: 9 UIL to 1 JMB. •; • " ' • si-tf BUSINESS SERVICE PETER A. FRKUND (Formerly Eddie jpuffe) SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic fat»hi» cesspools. Phone McHenry 1819-J, residence! Fox street. . 16-tf ftugi .". Upholstery DaiadMnad "In Your Home" . .fuse again, same day. &IQK* revive. Pile unmats and rises. Safe for! Orientals or tacked do^.4 carpets.! Shrinkage elfin- Inexpensive ' world-wide .service. •' - . ; ftftothpiroof, Too Du&proof ,makes, fabrics re- ' slstant • to moths and carpet beetles. Backed by money-back 6-year warranty. .lUNtWEK DURACLEAN /' SERVICE . \ - iPtinaei Lake 7-0101 >•. > \ 31-tI ^OR RENT • month. Oa5c 178. - Rooms by week or Park Hotel, Phone 30-tf FOR RBSNT -- 3 room river front home, 1 mile from town located in Mineral Springs. Couple preferred. Call 1815-R. 81-tf FOR RENT --- R -oms by th • week or month. Oak Park Hotel. Phone 176. 32-tf FOR RENT -- Room in private home. No other roomers. Prefer employed gentleman. Phone 1046-J. •34 FOR RENT Modern 5 room furnished house, 2 bedrooms, bath and shower, oil furnace heat, well insulated. Call Wonder Lake 3031. 34 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Elderly woman to care for children in our home. Room, board and small salary furnished. No extra housework required. Phone Wonder Lake 5512. 34-tf HELP WANTED -- Waitress for McHenry business. Experienced. Write Box 525 in care of Plaindealtr. 34-tf WINTERESE NdW CoinJjinitton Storm/Win- 4pWS: a^Do^ilistalledby <ompatent faptwy. twined jnecbanice, sfisy FifA, tertna, #> d#delivery fcom t&f VUi^imondfc IllittoCv pittnt, up to Sd months to pay. Let ua Ssti|i|s£ti jrou^- needs. May Con» ItntctloK, Richmond, Illinois, 4881 nr 4t44. . 18-tf Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. ' Phone 724 A Complete Service 37-ijF .AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Farms, Estates, Lakes, Cities, Factories. Any size photos up to wall murals. Write Mr. Crane, 421 Walnut, Elgin, or phone Elgin 33*4 WKUJJB DR|UJE» OR DIL|VEN WATER SYSTEMS • W^ sell, repair and install pumps: Bill R&con, 206 Main fltreet, McHenry. Telephone JfV- .; 26-tf BOAT£i & MOTORS t Cutrah's ,, Pick Up and Delivery fiwite 12 - 2 milfes Norte of Rt: 120. . McHenry &2M4 li-tt WALL & FLOOR TIWN& Our c®ly^bufliness - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. Call Gary 6164 or Barrlngton 1276 iV 2-tf PJANO TUNNING .Repairing'and Rebuilding Member of American Society of Piano Technicians. E. ZABOTH Lake Zurich 634i or 5342 , 12-tf TYPISTS •'Permanent Position - Hoars 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 piak. Free Hospitalization. Medical and Life Insurance APPLt BARCO MFG. CO. 500 N. Hough St., Barrlngton, I1L 84 IIELP WANTED* -- Attention women! Avon < Cosmetics offers you a good eluding opportunity. iPull or part time. Openings now in McHenry, Wondar Lake, Fox River Grove and Huntley. Write P.O. Box 56, Rockford, lit 32-3 f aa m m m rn m Jak-Ana Heights iit We build to Order, 2 and S. bedroom ranch type homes. Face brick on all four sides, gas Heat, with or without basements, on a 100x200 ft. lot. A Nice location, near church and Schools, $13,000 and up. For Information Call At Our Office In Johnsburg JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Phone McHenry 37 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE --. Immediate occupancy. 2 executive type ranch homes, each with 3 bedrooms. Each $12,500, complete, attached garage and utility. Completely decorated, finest material throughout. Brand new. Price is complete, no extras, in restricted executive type community. Terms available. See Harold Miller at McHenry Shores on the Fox River, i mile south of McHenry High School. Phone McHenry 630-W-l or 773. 30tf FOR .SALE -- -Store, suitable for any retail business, year round. Liv<ng quarters. Newly decorated. Call Wonder Lake 3221. 1-tf List Your Homes, Lois or farms with AIRSPUN for quick selling service Phone McHenry 430 11-tf. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 180 acres. $32,000 with $11,000 ca'Sh. Woodstock-Harvard area. New modern bungalow, neW 34x60 drive thru dairy barn, 30 steel stanchions, water cups, new milk house, corn crib, 18x40 chicken house, tool shed, two silos. Almost all tillable except 20 acres wooded. Stock and equipment for sale. Wpte for free farm list. We have an opening for a licensed real estate salesman to manage branch office, general Real Estate and Insurance operations. ELGIN REALTY AGENCY, 274 Dundee Ave., Elgin, 111. Phone 8500. 34-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Care for baby in my home while mother works, near town, excellent references. Phone McHenry 102-M. *33-2 FOSTfcALE McHENRY - 3 bedroom home, oil heat, large garage attached,' walk^ ing distance to shopping district, water rights, $2,500 down, balance terms. Price $10,500. JOHNSBURG - 3 bedroom poxxie, hot water oil heat, large garage, lot 176 foot frontage, % block to church and school land one block to stores. Call Jim Hetterraaxuis McHenry 37. >- SITUATION WANTED -- An experienced house keeper will do cleaning or ironing at $1.25 per hour. Will furnish transportation. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 524. 33-2 WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE fOHNSONMOTOBSV Jfew rand Used -- Terms tutors and Boats Sejhrie'e * Reflniahing and Stortwe BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS lOf.ty S, Riverside Drive £fyonfe McHenry 1079 ; 44-tt FORT SALE FORSALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT, PROPERTY Knox Reel Estate 405 Richmond Bpad McHenry, HL Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf JOHNSBURG - 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, gas heat, 2 car garage, 2 blocks to stores. Price $9,500. Terms. For appointment call Jim at McHenry 37 forraj^. pointment at our office in Johnsburg. WANTED TO BUY -- Old cars, trueks and all kinds of iron and batteries. We have some 600-16, 600-17 tires for sale. Staines and Grooms, 53-J. • »31-4 WANTED TO BUY I'm in the market for a McHenry county farm, 80 to 200 acres, must: have good buildings, good soil. If price Js right can pay cash. Box 527, •Wsukegan, 111. 31-4 LOST AND FOUND ML,1)"1 .1. '! 1 . •' ANTIQUES, MISft ITEMS 01oW?i^; (good condition) for en* tijre Formal*. Open Tues., Thura.i aat, 1 - 5 p.m., 6-9 p.m. Wfd., '.tPHi, • 1 -. 5 pim,; Sun. ll » - S^O p.ift. Closed Mon. Mis R. Piet^ch, Terr* ;Cotta Consignfnsftt khd Rteaie Shop. I^hone 9- ^'-iSi^R-l. SO-eow EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and 4 VACUUM CUCANER For Sales and Seirvice.Cirtl SINCERSEWIN6 MACHINE CO. . 2tl Braiw Bl, Wotastoek,' 294 B. y. JACKSOH . T«ck Pointing> Acid cleaning ftopalr, eto. W4-W After 6 p.m. 47-tf k i . . , : . , * , , - , . f . Happy New Year To AU . . . • ) from ; A^A^I .nnd* VUliMC^S _ Come jMS help us celebdate ooi WjT New Year's Eve piurty, vFHday, Dec. 8L fGood jMusic, Midnight. Noise Makers and Paper hats free. Pressler's Retort Riverside Subdivision Keftr Burton's Brtdj^s 84 ATTENTION! The finest present yon can buy for yourself on the Holidays IS this 27.10 by 57.10,' new two bedroom Ranch Type home. ' Face brick on ail four sides. 15 by ^6. - lUjpcfo kitchen cabinets handmade, - > Select yoor «wn Formica {kSink top and Tile floor. <3as hot air heat. - This home being built on a 100 by 200 lot which is inled;^ , Location JAK-ANA- 1GHT8 in JOHNSBURG. ;Ful! priec $15,S00i oFor appolnteoent can our offlc^ McHENBY 87. ) Jacob Frits - Realtor , 33-2 FOR S!ALE -- Building- and Grofcfery Store by owner. In Sunnyside Rotates. Phone 1483 for further information. 34 FOR SALE -- Year end clearance of new and used rugs, 19 rugs 0xl2> 100 small rugs; 3&- rugs, longer than 6x12. Tidy Rug Cleaners, 604 Washington St.. Woodstock, HI. 34 FOR SALE -- RCA,7Console, 3 way cognation 14" TV. radiophonograph. Good Condition, $50, ^hone 59j^R-^ • ^ ^ 34 FOR SALE -- Swift's Blue Ribbon prUe beef. Johnsburg Food Mart, pnone .McHenry 998. 34 r "Man Disappears" Lots of them do, buyers for 2 and- 8 bedroom homes disappear because I do not always have the listings to supply their 'Deeds. So if your are thinking of selling and willing to abide by existing prices, you might have Just what the buyers Let tup correctly appraise and price it at todays market value. Phone 1126. 24 LpST -- In McHenry, Amethyst beads; also 1 gray glove with leather palm. Reward. Phone Genoa City 9960. 34 JACOB FRITZ - REALTORSPhone McHenry 37 29-tf Closing Out Tavern Business 48 ft horse-shoe bar with formica top. Refrigerated back, bar -with direct draw to. Large walk-in cooler in , basement. Compressor. All equipment like Call 360 202 S. Green Street 30-tf LOST -- Near Riverside hotel Wednesday night, Martin neck fur piece. Reward. Call WEllington 5-2376. 34 FARMERS U you hate something to Buy, Sell or Trade ADVERTISE In the PLAINDEALER MISCELLANEOUS S Eve Party FAVORS - LUNCH PUGSLEY INN Ringwood, 111. 'Where Old Friends Meet" 34 Question Corner! '•iMin IT Aaerlcta Fwafefl* Ftr Animal ffai* WHAT ABOUT FOUL FOOT? Q: Which farm animals are a§ fected by foul foot disease? A: Cattle, sheep and sometimes hogs are the usual victims of this painful foot infection. Q: How can the owner , detect fool foot? A: He'll probably notice that the animal Is limping and that the foot is getting red and is swelling. When such symptoms develop, prompt treatment and good nursing Is needed, or the bones -of th# foot may become Involved, causing permanent damage and lam»* iess. Q: What causes this- condition? -A: Germs commonly found in tk;e s o i l . Any type of injury, especially., bruising, gives these germs opportunity to strike. Most severe outbreaks follow a prolonged rainy period.F Qi What precautions should be taken when foul foot ti suspected? A: Separate the sick animal from the rest of the herd and put It on dry ground, or In a dry stall. See it some foreign object has lodged in '^th4' foot. If It's a nail or a ^ton^f rt^noVS -It, alflo trim off any excess hoof growth. If there's redness, swelling or sign of Infection, call a veterinarian, because medical treatment, will be needed.. Q: Is there any cure? A: Local therapy and general treatment help to correct the condition. What about preventive measures" 1 A: rhe best preventive measures are to remove sharp stones 01 other sharp-edged material from lots, drain mudholes, and swampy spots, move animals to clean, high ground uhtil danger areas have a chance to dry. NOTE--Due to st>aee limitations, general questions cannot be han died by this column. Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loqn earn 2>/2% plus Vi% extra. 28-tf AUCTION Ed Vogel £. Will!am Russet, Auctioneers Having raited the farm fof -cash,; I; will sell on my farm located % mile North of Route 120 two miles West of McHenry, 3 miles. S.outh of Ringwood on the Ringwood blacktop road, and 8 miles East of Woodstock, the following described property on Friday* Jan. 1. 1955 commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp 30 Head of Livestock 25 Holstein cows, many of which have freshened recently or ar.e close springers; 2 heifers, 1 yr, old: 2 heifers, 6 mos. old; 1 three yearold Holstein bull. FEI&D 900 bu. -of ear corn; 40 tons of mixed hay; 900 bu. of oats; 10 ton. of baled straw; .quantity of cut stalks; 25 feet of silage in a 16 ft. silo. MACHINERY Allis. Chalmers B tractor with plow & cultivator; J. D. model A tractor & cultivator; tractor chains for J. D. tractor; J. D. No. 44 two bottom 14. in. tractor plow; J. D. 12A combine with scour clean attachment; Case automatic twine tie bsiler; A. C. model B tractor with 16 in. plow & cultivator, also wheel weights & chains; McD. power corn 'binder with, roll out carrier, bundle loader & wagon hitch; Papee 16 in. silo filler with 40 ft. of pipe; McD. side delivery rake; 8 ft. Ezee Flow fertilizer spreader; Sherwin Williams 18. ft. weed sprayer with power take off; 8 ft. Case field cultivator, new; McD. rubber tired wagon & rack; Four section Kewanee steel drag; McD. 8 ft. grain drill; J. D. 3 row rotary hoe; Three section corrugated roller; J. D. No. 999 corn planter with tractor hitch & fertilizer & bean attachment; New Idea 12A horse manure spreader; Meyer manure loader & snow plow ; Gehl 10 in. hammer mill with po^er take off; & hole hog self feeder; Internatipnal hay loader; McD. 7 ft. disc; Int'l. No. 25; powei- mpwer; U. S. 6 roll cjprn husker; Wood saw; J. D. tractor plow; New Idea steel ; wheel wagon; dump rake; combination weed cutter & saw; 1000 lb. pla^ ,form scale; jrityp scraper; A implement poles; 300 gal. gas tank; hand corn shelter; battery elec. fence; 75 foot canvas belt; one old canvas belt;; 220 ft. hay rope; 1 >chain hay fork; 1 air compressor & tank; elec. grind stone; elec. emory wheel and sickle sharpener; % hp. elec. motor; Vt hp. elec. motor; silage truck; meal truck; several chick feeders; one Hare's wishing, all Mf1 patrons and friands a year Iff tad with laek, •uccass and happiaa»r enry Cleaners 103 Elm St. McHenry, HI Phone 104-M hog brooder house; bag truck; four auto tires 7:00x16 on rims; Ford F3 %' ton pickup trpek; Extension ladder. MILKING EQUIPMENT 12 milk cans; sterilizer tank; wash tank; Surge water heater; elec. milk house heater with thermostat; two DeLaval milkers with extra pall; stainless steel strainer; milk pall and stirrer; 60 lb. milk scales; 2 * poultry waterers; elec. chick brooder; chick feeders; 20 old hens. Terms: All sums of $25 or uhddr chsh. Over that amount one fourth down and the balance in six monthly installments at 6 pef cent interest, arrangements for credit to be made with the clerk before purchase is made. Lunch Wagon on Grounds Not responsible fpr. accidents LESTER SHERMAN. Owner Vogel A . Russel, Auctioneers SWifeflry State B&hlr, Clerking at Home and SAVE) NEW YEAR'S EVE. PARTY crt! SNUG HARBOR Music - Entertainment - - Refreshments IMPORTANT NOTICE The new Internal Revenue Code, which will apply to your income tax report for this year, allows increased deductions for njedical and hospital care, including the cost of your prescriptions. IF YOU ITEMIZE YOUR, DEDUCTIONS, we shall be happy to provide a certified statement of the cost of all your prescriptions filled by us during 1954, including refills. To obtain this statement, simply furnish us a list of your prescription numbers which we have filled for you this year. A statement of your total cost will be mailed to you in a few days. If you are not sure, after reading the instructions of your tax report form, what your medical deductions should be, or whether you should itemize your deductions, your attorney or public accountant can advise you. THIS IS A PERMANENT SERVICE OF YOUR NYE DRUG STORE. Keep a record of your prescription numbers during 1955 for next year's tax. Nye 120 N. Riverside Drive Drug Store PHONE 26 McHenry, 111. 34 ' s^- i v MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN Write your ad on the lines below. One word In sack space. Please print each word plainly. CLASSIFIED Wani-A'd 5a|x Per Insertion ^ 4c A WORD 9140 MINIMUM All hold face or cap lines 25c per line. Let Pennies Bring You Dollars Cepy mast reach the He- Henry Plaindealer Office before Wednesday 10 A. X. Be Sure Naine and Address or Phone Number Is On Ad. Name Address Phone Number Words Times To Run Amount Enclosed

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