Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1960, p. 6

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Fag* Six THE McHEtWY PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 28, l4o Business Service 1 Business Service For Sale For Rent Plaindealer Want Ads EVergreen 3-0170 No ad counted less than 20 words, $1.00 minimum. 1 Insertion $1.00 (Count 4 words per line) 25c" service charge On all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks -- $1.25 minimurr Automotive Replacement Parts For' All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers AllTO SUPPLY Route 120 . blk. East of the river fridge Open Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 r-.m. Sundays: 9 ajn. to 1p.m. 38-tf 1951 PLYMOUTH -- 4 door sedan. Grey and blue finish. Excellent throughout. Equipped snow tires. Private party. $125. Wonder Lake 3934. *39 1958 CHEVROLET Bel Aire: 4« door, power glide; V-8, power steering and brakes; radio, heater and white walls; excellent condition. Call EV 5-6590. *39 1947 CHEVROLET -- Radio, heater, seat covers, new bat- Yery and fuel pump. Good running condition. Winterized. $75. Phone EV 5-1619. 39 1960 JEEP. 4 wheel drive. Equipped with full steel cab, hub locks, Meyers snow plow . $2,300. Phone EV 5-5910. *39 1957 MERCURY ~Sta~tion"Wason. Power steering and brakes. 9 passenger. Must see to appreciate. EV 5-2509 39-2 1957 DODGE Coronet. 6 cylinder, 2 dr. sedan. Standard transmission. Priced to sell. Pttone EV 5-4387. Ask for Gary. 39 1950 4 DOOR Chevrolet. Very good condition. Low mileage. BeSt offer. Phone EV 5-1258. . 39 1954 FORD Customline. 4 door. Radio, heater, conventional shift. Will trade. Wonder Lake 2832. *39 1953 NASH Rambler 2 door hardtop." Conventional shift. Continental kit. Best offer. Wdnder Lake 2832. *39 !USED CARS 58-- Plymouth Sta. Wag. $1795 ; 4 dr. V-8 cust PS-AT '58 - Ford 8 Tudor Sedan $1195 , Std trans - a real buy '57 - Dodge Sta. Wag. • • $1695 " 4 dr. PS-R-H-AT '57-Dodge 4 Dr. Hdtp $1495 Full power AT-R-H *57 - Plymouth 2 dr. Hdtp $1245 V-8-AT-R-H-Extra clean '57.-Rambler 6 4 dr Sed. $1145 • AT-H-R Real Economy '56 -Ford Convertible •• $1095 • O'dr-R-H-New Top *56-Studebaker Pr. Sed. $895 • AT-R-H Must be seen •55"- Rambler Sta. Wag. $595 " AT-Had very special care '55-Dodge Lancer Hdtp $575 ^ O'Dr. - One oWner '55- Plymouth 8 CI Sedan $57? ; St. Trans, perfect all ways Wide Selection of Others A.' S. Blake Motors, Inc McHenry Ph. EV 5-3100 Qpen Mon-WedFri. 'til 9 ; Sat. 'til 6 jClosed All Day Sunday 39 Want ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.10< Col. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. 1 Classified Display must ° include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature I or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8i pt. allowed,per inch. ! CASH WITH ORDER on fol 'owing classifications: ' Wanted To Rent I Situations Wanted Business Opportunities Business Service PAINTING AND decorating. Wall-trx papering* wall washr ing, plastering, pickling, graining. glazing, floor tile. ,A-1 work. Good references^ Winter rates. JAckson 6-6128. 39 NEW Local Catering Service Let Us Serve Your Weddings - Anniversaries Business Meetings - Parties Banquets - Graduations Almar Catering Service Lakeland Park - Ph. EV 5-4441 30 Boats and Motors 11 'FT. HYDROPLANE. 20 H Mercury outboard with racing unit. New tarp, steering wheel. $300. Phone EV 5-1461. 39 Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Tempo Gator Trailers Marine Supplies service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING TRITON MARINE South Riverside Drive 'hone EVergreen 5-1076 Ceramic Tile McHenry Mosaic & Tile Contractor for C erami£ Tile Walls & Floors Bathrooms - Kitchens Fireplaces Free Estimates ROBERT PEISERT Phone EVergreen 5-3590 48-tf SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY AND SUNDAY WASH 25* EACH 8 LBS. DRY 10' 10 MIN. RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-3115 29-t MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Complete Letter Service Addressing -- Folding Stuffing -- Sealing Photocopy McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 210 S. Green Street . PHONE EV 5-5064 31-10 McHenry Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5,-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. _ 47-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, .jink oddfing and root cutting equipment. Also, septic systems and back hoe work. PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John Street JVlcHenry, 111. l-t> SNOW PLOWING: Driveways, parking and ice skating areas. $2.00 and up. Call Stan EV. 5- 5164. 32-tf ALTERATIONS and sewing; experienced; reasonable; quick service! In McCullom Lake, West Shore Beach. Mrs. M?ry Spencer. EV 5-3966. 24-tf NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing difficult mortgages on homes, farms and commercial buildings. Write Box 42. Fox River Grove, 111. . 18tf | PAINTING, interior and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard taping-- Free estimates. I Nick Huff & Son, 401 Oreen- | jvood road, McCullom Lake, { Phone EVergreen 5-4540. 36-tf i FLOOR SANDING and fiirishj ing. Free estimates. Old or new floorsr Years of experi' ience. Distance no object. Hartwig Floor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 24-tf WALTER H. SALA TAILOR Formerly of Crystal Lake is open for business1, Men's and Ladies' Remodeling -and Alterations Double Breasted Suits Made Into Single Breast Take East River Road 5 miles East to Griswold Lake, turn left on Dowell Rd. -- 2nd house on Right. TONY'S MACHINE SHOP service and saw filing. EV 5-4962. One block east of Bridge on Rt. 120. - ^ J??-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf HOURL^ RATES for lackhammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs.. Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf Phone EV 5-4783 39 ED'S RENTAL RENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbt r •' Tools Cement Tools Painters' ^Equipment Wallpapering Equipment 'Sanding Machines Ht, jsehold Equipment Pa:ty -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5-3232 52-tf 1-tl Business Service ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Call EV 5-0183. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 39 For Do-It-Yourselfers Plumbing Supplies Gas Pipe Fittings Gas Controls Water Haters Slip Seal 1 Tile Orangeburg Sewer Tile Bathroom & Kitchen Fixtures See Us Before You Buy H. E. BUCH & SONS Rt. 120 East EV. 5-0048 i McHenry, 111. 5-tf SHIRTS FINISHED -- 26c Our Other Services Include Flat Finish Complete Finish Shag Rug Washing St Dyeing and Dry Cleaning RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 North Riverside Drive Ph. EV 5-3115 291 1960 License Plates WORTS SINCLAIR Rts. 12(1 and 31 Phc le EV 5-9856 LICENSED AND BONDED 31-ti Local and Long Distance Moving Storage ^Packing Crating FREE ESTIMATES McMAHON MOVERS CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Ph. C.L. 3975 20-ti Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools. Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Fox Street 10-tf RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 33-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT 510 Main St., McHenry, 111. PHONE McHenry EV 5-1749 36-ti GREEN" SECTIONAL sofa, 2 pieces. Excellent condition. Original price $400. Will sacrifice for $90. EV 5-0980. JJyllLK GOATS -- 2 registered iiib;ans. 1 fresh. Reasonable. Call FE 8-2039. 39 (TERMAN SHEPHERD puppies.. Not i-egistered. $15. Phone EVI 5-5208. 39| SELF PROPELLED lawn mower. 22" cut. Phone EV 5-0352. 38-3 " WEDDINGS^ ~~ GROUPS & CANDIxJS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. KOTALIK'S STUDIO / 117 N. Riverside Drive Pl«me EVergreen 5-0275 NJEWLY DECORATED 5 room •Aartment. Located at 305 E ,J$m St. "Call EV 5-0269 or EV ' 5-3800. 38-tf 2 ROOM' second lloor kitcheno< le apartment in private residence. Stove and refrigerator. Phone EV 5-1413. 27-tf RENT WITH option to i . :y\j- 3 bedroom ranch type itmise. Ceramic tile bath, full bisemeijt, attached garage. Ph fcV 5-0802. 29-tf 3 ROOM HOUSE, full bathroom. 1 bedroom. Large enclosed porch, basement, garage, large yard. Phone Wonder Lake 6893. 31-tf 2-tf Phone EV 5-0730 or EV 5-0731 for FUEL OIL WE OFFER: Cash Discount Budget Plan King Korn Stamps McHenry County Co-Op. McHenry, 111. 21-tf RELIABLE Oil Burner Service Furnace - Space Heaters Furnace Vacuum Cleaning All Types Call Reliable B. J, SCHALL EVergreen 5-0571 . 39-tf For Sale LARGEST stock'of reconditioned and guaranteed appliances in the Chain O' Lakes. Washers, dryers, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, space heaters and hot water heaters. Also furnace specials -- gas and oil. Arco Sales and Service. 10 East Rollins Road, Round Lake, Kimball 6-2131. 37-tf AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivision. Phone EVergreen 5-1798. 44-tf McHenry Window and Awning Co. Aluminum Storm Windows and Doors • Jalousies • Porch Enclosures $60,000 RANCH HOME on Fox R'ver. Carpeted, air conditioned. basketball court, barbecue pit. 2 car garage, full basement finished. Rent $300 per month or reasonable offer. EV. p-2218. 32-tf HVO-BEDROOM, Heated apartment with garage; stove and refrigerator furnished. Centrally located in McHenry, within talking distance of station, stores and churches. Call EV. 5-0094 32-tf LOVELY WARM 3 bedroom ranch home. Gas heat, l1!? baths, storms & screens, plus loads of extras. $120 per month with option to buy. Crystal Lake 3340 or RAndolph 6-3907 collect. After six, Crystal Lake 2683R. *39 Written Guarantee Expertly Installed Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Door Canopies Convenient Terms No Carrying Charges ARTHUR BOGER Phone EVergreen 5-1180 307 E. Waukegan Road 14-tf Wanted To Buy PLANO OR accordion. EV 5-0322. Phone 37-tf TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- FE 8-4287. 26-tf GOLD COINS -- will buy single pieces or whole collections. Also U.S. and Canadian coins. Call ELliott 6-5229. *39 BOY'S 24" Monarch bicycle. Good condition. $20. Phone EV 5-0194. 39 COMFY-BABE chair; bottle warmer; buggy; play pen; swing and stsfnd; scale. All in good condition. Phone EV 5-1461. 39 E-Z KAMPER trailer; sleeps four, turn signals, cook stove, 4 air mattresses. EV 5-2509. 39-2 Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone EVergreen 5-2101 1-tf FOUR 2-sow portable farrowing houses. Phone Wonder Lake 3787. 39-2 PEDIGREED toy fox terrier pups. 8 weeks old. California breeding. EV 5-4559. 39 11 CU. FT. G.E. monitor type refrigerator. Also Remington typewriter. Both in very good condition. Reasonable. Plrone EV 5-0330. 39 COMBINATION Shopsmith power saw. Hot Pibint electric water heater, used 6 months. Call Clifford Wilson, EV. 5- 5537. *39 P E R M A N E N T S C o m p l e t e INCLUDING CUT and STYLE TUES. - THURS. 9 A.Mv SPECIALS $10 - $12.50 Permanents for $4.95 • ') McHenry School of Beauty Culture WANT TO BUY wringer washing machine in good condition. Phone EV 5-6516. *39 TOP PRICES PAID for SCRAP IRON METAL and JUNK CARS EV 5-4608 BEFORE 8:30 A.M. OR AFTER 5:00 P.M. H. R. Ketchum McHenry, 111. 35-10 For Rent 2 BEDROOM home with car port. Natural gas heat. Phor.e EV 5-2485, or Crystal Lake 2305-J-l. 36-tf 2 BEDROOM downstairs apartment. Full bath, closed porch, garage, gas heat. Phone EV 5- 0091. 37-tf FOR RENT Brand New 3 Bedroom Custom Built Ranch Homes In Westmoor Gardens Section of Crystal Lake. Only $100 Per Month Auto. Gas Heat Select Oak Floors Many Modern Features Can be purchased by the tenant for No Money Down il later desired. We have three of these left so act soon. See us! WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS 38-tf 206 So. Green Street McHENRY. ILLINOIS 5 ROOM HOUSE. Gas heat, newly decorated, would like couple. Available immediately Reasonable, Phone EV. 5-2603. *39 4 ROOM FLAT and garage. 2nd floor. 120 South Green St Gas and water furnished. $65 per month. Call Joe Regner. Justice 7-5470. 39 2 BEDROOM home, encTosed porch, garage, gas heat. Rent $85 per mo. McCullom Lake Phone EV. 5-3177. 39 I^OR COUPLE, 3J2 room upper studio apartment in Ringwood. Muzzy Building. $50 per month. Partly furnished. Call Marengo, ^Jordan 8-7708. 39 IV2 ROOM Apartment. Semifurnished. Ideal location in town. Phone EV. 5-4361 after 5 p.m. 39-tf ONE BEDROOM house in Lakemoor. $45 per month. Call EV. 5-2530 after 6:30 p.m. 39 6 ROOM HOUSE for rent~in McCullom Lake. $65 per month. Available February 1. References. Call EV. 5-1601 39 STORE Building at 204 E. Elm St. Also 2 bedroom apartment. Call Clifford Wilson. EV. 5- 5537. , *39 5 ROOM Apartment in West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake Heat, electricity and gas furnished. Phone EV. 5-5154. 39 ON McCULLOM LAKE in~Mc- Henry, 3 bedroom house. Natural gas, heat, fireplace, builtin stove and oven. Private pier and row boat. Phone EV. 5- 4632. 39 Wanted To Rent 3 BEDROOM House, apt. o small farm. Near McHenry. 4 children. H a v e references. Must vacate March 1. EV. 5- 2099. 39-tf WANT TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home within walking distance of town. One small child. Rent not to exceed $80. Write c-o Plaindealer Box No. 596. 39 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED beauty operator for full time employment Apply at Riverside Hairstyiinji in person or by letter -only. No phone Calls. 38-2 ACCORDION - piano - organ teachers wanted. Must be well qualified. Phone EV 5-0430. 34-tf MASON -- • experienced, year 'round employment. Vacation and other Company benefits. Apply Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond. Phone Richmond 4381. 39 FEMALE HELP SALESLADIES WANTED -- 2 ladies over 25 years old for pleasant type saleswork, under sponsorship nl civic organization in this ancf adjacent counties. Earnings well above average with bonus pay to those who qualify. In letter, give age, past sales experience ,if any. Write Box 591 c/o McHenry Plaindealer for personal interview. ' 39-2 39 MALE HELP SALESMEN WANTED -- 2 men to work with manager in this and adjacent counties. Average earnings $3.00 to $5.00 per hour plus monthly bonus to those who qualify. In letter give age, past sales experience, if any, and phone number. Write Box 592 c/o McHenry Plaindealer for personal interview. 39-2 YOUNG MAN interested in learning Appliance §ales and clerical work. Some experience helpful but not necessary. S t e a d y e n f p l o y m e n t . I d e a l wpptfing conditions. Reply c-o Plaindealer Box No. 597. 39 LINOTYPE Operator, union or eligible (Minimum 6 yrs at trade). Free Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Night scale $3.60 - 371/2 hour week Cn!: Jlug.' Klaren, Business Card, Inc. 1717 Sheridan Roa'd^ North Chicago, 111. Dexter 6-2200. 39 CAN ^ USE part time counter woman. 12 noon to 6 p.m. daily, except Sat. Also part time inspector -- .must have good eyer sight. Apply . Dan Creamer Rainbow Cleaners, 100 N. Front St., McHenry. Jobs will be full time starting in March. ' 39 Real Est_ie PUSTOM BUILT HOME. ; 2 bedrooms, full basement, basement garage. Natural gas heat. Storms and screens, fully landscaped. Birch cabinets, lake rights. $13,900. Call HYatt#- 3235 evenings or weekends. • 31-tf PORTER Wanted. Must be reliable. Apply in person only at T o m a s e l l o ' s a t J o h n s b u r g Bridge. EV. 5-1475. 39 MAN WANTED for 1 day per week. Apply'in person. Ludwig Milk Co. Route 31 South, McHenry. 39 PUNCH PRESS SET-UP MAN Familiar with progressive dies on small parts. Able to read blue prints. Hospitalization and insurance, benefits. Paid holidays. Paid vacation. TROLEX CORP. 507 W. Elm St.. McHenry 39-2 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Young man with basic electronics knowledge and a mechanical inclination for position in evaluation laboratory. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 594. 39 ENGINEERS -- DRAFTSMEN Young m,en with experience related to small mechanical units desirable but not essential. Will train right men for positions with exceptional advancement opportunities. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 593. 39 McHENRY and LAKE ARE£ Year 'Round Homes. Seasonai Homes, farms vacant: Horhe sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ" REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, II! Ph. EVergreen 5-0037 9-tf Situation Wanted ATTENTION Home Owners: All kinds of work done, paint ing, interior and exterior Roofing, chimneys, siding, cement work, light hauling. Awork. Free estimate. Phone EV. 5r4840 38-tf WILL BABY SIT in your home. Day or evening. Dorothy Simpson, 203 Main St., McHenry. «39-4 IRONING Done in my home. Pick up and delivery service at no charge. Phone EV. 5- 1560. *39-2 I WILL GIVE loving care to baby or toddler in my home or yours, for working mother McCullom Lake or McHenry Area. Excellent references. Write c-o Plaindealer Box No. 595. *39 ALL AROUND handy man with retail buying and selling experience. Maybe I can help you. Call EV. 5-4396. ^ __*3d WILL BABY SIT in my home for working mother. Phone EV. 5-4081. 39 Real Estate 5 ACRES with a good 8 room house, barn, hog house, hen house, on blacktop road. Good location Suitable for many purposes. $17,500. More land available. Also 120 acres -- dairy setup with 6 room house. $325 per acre on blacktop road. Reasonable terms. F. E. HOWE 85 Gates St.. Crystal Lake Phone C.L. 495 or 965-R 3S REAL ESTATE Water Frontage 67x180 ft. 3 bedroom house. Furnished. Boat house, including 16 ft. boat. s $4,900. 15 acres -- plus -- 3 bedroom house. Utility room, tiled kitchen, dining room, large living room. Tile bath, 2Va car garage. Tool shed, tractor plow. disc, planter, picker. Price $22,500. AL HORN REALTY 105 Richmond Road Phone EV 5-4221 F.' Vaughn Jones, Mgr. 39 Priced $5,000 Below Market, To Sell Fast! . 10 year old frame and brick. 3 large bedrooms. Heaigd fillip basement. Wall to vwU carpeting. 2 Car Garage. 132x 187 lot. In nicest part of town. Fireplace and many other outstanding features. $26,000. Start The New Year Right With A Real Bu^y 6 year old frame ranch. Plaster walls. 3 bedrooms. 1% baths. Auto, gias heat. 2 car garage. Landscaped. ExcelUnt in-town location. Must be sSn to appreciate! $19,000. 1960's Biggest Bargain Nice, warm, 2 bedroom home in Lilymoor. 2 car garage. Lot 136x110. In estate of former owner. Priced to sell at once. Payments much lower than rent. $5,300. FOR RENT Modern 3 Bedroom This practically new, 3 bedroom ranch home is situated ona lovely left, ideated on McCullom Lake 'in Lakeland Park subdivision. Near town. Rental only $110.00 per month. Many modern features. Hurry! WE HAVE MANY OTHER LISTINGS IN McHENRY AND S U R R O U N D I N G S U B D I SIONS. MANY- HOMES PRl ED FAR BELOW ACTUAL VALUE TO SELL FAST. ACT NOW! "The Realty of Sensibly-Priced Listings' r» 206 S. Green St. Pfr. EV 5-1125 Open 7 Days A Week Adequate Financing Availi !ale Farmers Trading Post FOR SALE OR LEASE: Roistered bull, 18 mo. old; sR, Pabst Sir Roburke Rag Apple; dam with 3 records over 500 lbs. fat. He has 2 half sisters with over 500 fat. His dam's full sister has records over 500 fat. Ronald M. Paddock. Phone EV 5-5596. *39 Fleming Equipment 41IIC # CHALMERS \TEW IDEA-PAPEC DEALfcK TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service PH. EVERGREEN 5-003o 522 Waukegan Road FARMERS • Dead and Crippled Animals Removed At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $.rj,00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-010|| 10-tf USED EQUIPMENT • 400 Farmall • 4 wheel Manure Spreader • No. 8 3-14 Int. Plow Crystal Lake Truck Sales Ph. Crystal Lake 1631 38-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PH. EVERGREEN 5-0420 501 Crystal Lake Road 39-tf \

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