Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Feb 1960, p. 18

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Page Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, February 25, Eastwood Manor OBTAIN TICKETS NOW FOR ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Lois Ryan - EV. 5-1817 The_annual St. Patrick's Day dance given by the, Eastwood Manor Property Owners' association is only three weeks, away. It will be held at. the American Legion hall in Mc- Henry on Saturday, March 12, at 9 p.m. Tickets are on sale by all committee membei-s and Walt Garrelts is in charge. You can reach him at EV. 5-2101 for your'tickets. This is going to be a stepeir special dance so bring your friends and don't let anyone miss out on the fun. Committee members are Peggy and Walt GAirelts, Rosemary and Bob Newlon. Dolores and Len Lawrence, Winnie and ; Len Hansen, Jean and Matt ; Mersch. Eleanor and Walt j Kuck, and Lois and Jerry . ' Kyari. | Women's Club ^ ' The Women's Club will meet on Monday/ March 7, and all the Women of Eastwood Manor fire invited to join this club. We meet at the barn at &:30 p.m. and this is a very import- 1 ant meeting coming up. Dftn't forget the date. March 7. dies land so will Brenda Lee Ryan. Brenda will only have two tt> blow out, but Dee isn't telling hew many she will have. Tomorrow Delores Woolwine and Lonzo Campbell share their natal day celebrating. On Feb. 27 Michael Penick will become 4 years old. The twentyeighth day brings another birthday to Milton McHale. Jo Ann Hutchinson finally gets another birthday to celebrate. There hasn't been too many for her because1 she was bornv on Feb. 29. On the first day of March Terry Lahman will turn 4 years old and Stephen Frfen^h will be 3. On the second day of windy March Mary Lpu Barry and Ed Radner will add another year and Harold ; Brodin will be 4 and Kevin Cary will be 10. Best wishes to all of you. ! Welcome New Neighbors We extend a hardy welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Qual and their three children.' Jimmy, JoAnn. and Laura and"; " F r a n k ' s f a t h e r who h a v e moved to Fairview Lane from ElkGrove, ,We hopethat you have a wonderful stay in Eastwood Manor. -• < Faith Presbyterian Church News On Feb. 25 at 7:45 p.m. the First Circle Study meeting for women will be held at the home of Mrs. John Hughs at 314 Willow Street in Holiday Hills. On Fab. 26 at 8 p.m. the monthly meeting of cub pack No. 545 will be held in the church. Sunday, Feb. 28. at morning worship the sermon will be "A Story of Olden Times" based on the book of Ruth. At 5 p.m. that day the church family night supper, sponsored by the Women's society will be held. A film entitled "The Healing of M'Vondo" will be shown and a puppet show will follow for the children. On March 1 at 8 p.m. the choir will meet foiv practice. Block Rosary The Tuesday. March 1. meeting of the block rosary will be held at the Tom Simpson home at 126 Manor Lane at 9 p.m. All Catholics of Eastwood Manor are invited to join this group. Happy Birthday Today, Feb. 25, Dee. Penick will blow out her birthday ean- * Register to Vote You may register to vote at the barn anytime the secretary is there. You might call before going over to make sure that she is available. This is a service for the subdivision and for you and now register so that you can be a service to your country. Sick List Bobby Lindeman has been very ill with the flu and high fever. He's better now. The wl*ole Thienes family was down with that old flu. but they are picking up now. Kathy Alford had the chicken pox along with her mother, Marion: Arlette Tinsley had a bout with' the flu bug. Mary Lou Barry and Made- | line Freckman had a surprise ! baby shower for Jo Ann Hutch* ' Inson on Monday. The guest ' list included Jean Mersch, ; Marie Dalton, Jackie Grom, Elaine Rogers, Mary Thienes, : Grace Gruhn, -Donna Rohrer, ' Pre Lindeman, Kay Stephenson, and Lois Ryan of Eastwood Manor and Rosemary Mandli, and Harriet Chandler of MeHenry. Steve Simpson enjoyed a -family get together birthday' party in his honor on Sunday. They had dinner and then the children went skating and sledding. Seven is ju?t the right age for such goings on. It was fun. Hannah Haner and Rita Simpson had a lovely luncheon at Marilyn Fultz' home on Thursday. Carol and John Hayes, Marilyn and Jack Fultz arid Dorothy and Jack Kelsey attended a sports car rally, which began in Lake Zurich and ended in Vernon Hills. C.ail Engstrom had a lovely birthday party for a 2 year old. What could be better than grandma Betty Klein, coming from Chicago and staying for the weekend. On Sunday Ricky Woolwine had his grand parents out to celebrate his eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Innoccenti and Delores' cousin and her husband enjoyed dinner at the Woolvvines for the occasion. Lee Landin was quite surprised when Pat Borcovan, Marilyn Salo and Elfa Phillippi came over to help her celebrate her birthday. Another surprise in the area, but this time it was Joyce Engstrofri who was surprised. Lee Landin invited Joyce's mom, Itetty Klein, Pat Borcovan, MarUyn Salo, Jeanne Mcttale, Arlene Tinsley, Georgia Wilson ^ over for an after-wefourid- out the-baby was a boy shower for Joyce. With four girls at home Joyce didn't need girls things. In Closing EMPOA report next week. Don't forget to get your tickets .for the dance. i Bye now. See you next week. Village of Sunnytido Cook Books Are Still Available Irma Gnnther - Reporter - IJV. 5-5484 KEEPS COSTS DOWN The same medicines developed over the past twenty years which have been used to fight such diseases as pneumonia and tuberculosis, have also proved a boon to the farmer struggling to keep his farm costs down, the Health News Institute says.a For instance, addition of antibiotics, vitamins and other medication to animal' feeds has helped farmers make livestock and poultry grow faster and on less feed than ever beofre. - Those of you who are still interested in getting a book full of wonderful recipes that St. John's Hoipe,and School association has put out don't forget you can purchase them by getting in touch with Kay Fredrick and she will be glad to take care of you.. Home Bureau Our meeting- March 2, \yill be at the home of Pat Spindler in Suriny&ide Estates. We will have a guest speaker who will give a talk on county, state and local government and a question and ' answer period will follow? so we hope to have a nice turnout for this interesting meeting.Our sympathy is offered to Pat upon the death of her sister who had been ill for some time. Father and Son Banquet , X>en 362 C^ib Scout Pack -atthe. boj»iv^t fceld at the Winfc 'Jj Fife an Feb. 18. The boys y&o a^e members and Who' went with their fathers w*re Bobby Roggenbttck, whose busy mother by the way is the den mother, Afike Harrington, Jimmy Vyduna, Steve Williams and Richard Fredrick. HAVE YOU TRIED THE HULVIEW COIN LAUNDRY? 20c A WASHER LOAD 10c FOR 10 MINUTES OF DRYING Each Dryer Holds 4 Washerloads HILLVIEW SHOPPING CENTER RICHMOND, ILLINOIS Mujeskf Baby Christened" ' Little LaDonna ^tarie Muleski was finally christened on Valentine's day. After half a dozen trys which included daddy having a heart attack, six weeks of measles, the weather being bad which kept the sponsors from coning, they Tihally made it on Valentine's Day. Zion Lutheran church of MeHenry was the scene of the christening and the sponsors all of Elkorn, Wis., were Dennis Paasch, Virginia and Darrel Gruenwald. A dinner for fourteen people was served afterwards. . .Evening Out Ten couples of the Home Guilders group of the Methodist church in MeHenry went to dinner in Cary on Feb. 17. Among the couples were La- Marr and Chris Williams. Get Well Wishes To Jerry Ripley who has been a very sick young man after a bad bout with the measles. Ptstakee Terrace Well the Mecko family is back after spending two weeks in Florida. They sure picked the right time to go because they missed the bad weather we had. This vacation , had a two fold purpose, beside being a vacation it was the fiftieth wedding a n n i v e r s a r y - of George's parents who liye out there. ' • Almost 900,000 persons die yearly in the United States because of diseases of the heart and circulation. FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 St Gffen Street MeHenry (Closed Thursday Afiernooni) EY|?8 EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS hours t daily o so is aj«. and 1 to 9 pjc. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 PJML EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVetgreen 5-0452 Take a tip from Jim Conway... TRY A Bridge Club The bridge club met at Hannah Homer's home. Peggy Anderson wdk first prize. Pat j Kellogg Won travelling and ! Mary ftfldley went home with j the booby prize. •Tripoli Club The trifltiJi club met at Marilyn FUlfz' home with Jo Ann Hutdlinstm sitting in for Pat Cisewski. ; " This and That Hannah and Bill Harner are justly jttoud of the fact that they wHn first prize at a bridge i tournament oh Sunday for the pool ftthd. ; KEEP BASEMENTS DRY RED JACKET CD-22 Sump Pumps $ 38 iQ0%ulu Price ^-1 $49.95 ' DOLLAR DAY ONLY • ALL BRONZE IMPELLER • y3 H.P. • UP TO 3,000 GALLONS PER HOUR • CAPACITOR START TYPE MOTOR • GUARANTEED BY RED JACKET AND OUR OWN EXCHANGE POLICY Also Available al Higher Cost All Brass and Submersible Types ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS MeHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from MeHenry on the McCullom-Wgnder Lake Rd, PHONE McHENRY EV 5-5252 If No Answer -- EV 5-0713 mmmmmmmsm * "v - «. ,-^vv4 * ELECTRIC DRYER HOME FOR 60 DAYS ALL YOUR MONEY BACK if nof completely satisfied. Prove to yourself that nothing (not even the sun) dries clothes cleaner, faster, fresher! Here's your chance to see for yourself why there's no better way to dry clothes than with an Electric Dryer. In an Electric Dryer* no fumee or products of combustion can ever mix with your clothes. Electric Dryeirs cost $30 to $50 less to buy. And you can put your Electric Dryer where you want it. Most important of all--your clothes come eut soft, fluffy and sweet-smelling every time with an Electric Dryer. You get this Gold Certificate of Satisfaction when you biiy any of the famous make Electric Dryers (listed below) between now and April 30, 1960. Offer available to any residential customer served by Commonwealth Edison and Public Servics Company. Public Service Company See your nfttrby appliance dealer featuring any off these famous brands of Electric Dryers: PHILCO • BLACKSTONE • FRIGIDAIRE • GENERAL ELECTRIC • KELVINATOR • RCA WHIRLPOOL MAYTAG - EASY • HOTPOINT • SEARS KENMORE • SPEED QUEEN • WARD'S SIGNATURE • WESTINGHOUSE • WATCH Edison Theatre -- FrW«v 10 p.m.--Channel f ^ 'A Q CemmoawMtltk Kdi*M Comptar THU I t TOOK K O N I f U(K • U A t A H T I C Electric Dryer of Satisfaction Thk eartKeaU toaraatMi that yea win b* oanpWtsty wtWM with dry*.* If, within 60 day* afar m*uQ*tion, you art not eouiplaUly iwtMn) to hav* the dryer removed and have ail the money you paid Btudard Dryer Wirinc Installation, if you inuftd for C Cpinnio^vKilth Edison JL|Uta OCfMrmHUVU LORUMV *TMi offer b aode ody ts Brazil is the only country in the Western Hemisphere, ever to have served as the seiSt .of government for it European empire. The royal family of Portugal lived in, And ruled from, Brazil from 1808 to 1821. %- Overheated Motors fbcCktoOfft/U ftod A dogfpftf radiator moan real damajit MBMI • v uuus y ffwnvoff How Tmt owm W&% wnp vnvoii^ RADIATOR* dealing and Repairing AT LOW, fUTOATi PftlC«S UNITED ^MOTORS WARRANTY « In Rear of StOling's "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. McHewy EVergreen S-07&3 PR3FE^>i0nR, DIRECTORY ' DR. JOHN C. OOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Xaprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street MeHenry, 111. HOUTM : Mon., Tues., Wed. & FriM> 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 pan. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EYergreen 6-0713 1-31-60 DR. C. RL. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday w 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone KVergreen 5-0160 1 2-28-Gi EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life In^ Representing ^ RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance <M Any Kind jtfjume EVergreen 5-0043 Or 5-0953 118 E., Elm St. MeHenry, IW DR.JOHN T. GRAY . Q^tometfist 128 So. Green Street a Office Phone: EV 5-0186 * Res. Phone: EV 5-6191 Hours: Dally p:30 - 5:00 Tues. Si Fri. Evenings 6:80-9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fit teil Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-28-60 ^JR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR^) Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV 5-2262 2-28-60 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agen&' The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness A Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road MeHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2533 , 3-19-6J. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Visit Our Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-60 i. GORDON; E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program? Richmond 4193 V2 mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 4-30-60 DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate . CHIROPRACTOR 113 Main St., MeHenry, III. Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7- 9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 5-19-6(k

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