mrsday, March 31, 1960 THE McHEN*Y PLJUNDEALER Page Twenty-One Pistakee Highlands WOMEN HEAR CANDIDATES FOR OFFICES Hazel Mork>y Hyatt 7-332U ijttay Sielisch Hyatt 1-8414 m.' --- pytarch 23. Marilyn (Bob) VaifiZevem was hostess to two Republican candidates for local offices, Richard R. Cross, for State's Attorney and Dr. John d.fyGoetschel for coroner. Lorrsfjjjfte Ullo, Darlene Neesan, Jqjce Heir, Betty Sandelin, S«y1a Murray, Laverne Mad6$ k, Mrs. George VanZevern and Kay Sielisch were on hand tSPtneet the men. They all enjoyed coffee and rolls. Mr. Crt»ss said this was the iirst group before which he appeared where a reporter was present. , Nominees for Women's Club $Tie „ nominating committee submitted a list of candidates for offices for Women's club, P0sident, Lorraine Ullo; vicepresident, Jocelyn Staudenmaier; secretary, Jafie Maiek and Sally VonBruenchenheim, treasurer; Beity Warczak and Joyce Heir. The nominations are closed, but you . can write in {Candidates when you vote in April..The present officers are p'lnnincr a b'.or dinner party for the .'• • '! v. !v,ch will be held in the Johnsburg community hall. in-law was buried in Chicago March 22. He was unable to attend the funeral. Barb Schlick is hobbling about because of a badly sprained muscle in the knee area which resulted from two ba^fSlls recently. We wish Joe Karls a lot of good nursing and a speedy recovery. He was released from the hospital last week and feels much better. Betty Crosdale was hostess for a demonstration last Thursday evening. Quite a few turned out for the party. Betty served cake and coffee. We hope all of Agnes Wroblewski's friends and neighbors will flood her room with getwell cards. Agnes underwent eye surgery- at St. Therese hospital last Wednesday. Grace Reinhardt's little granddaughter, Denise, is a very sad little girl, she lost „her little dog. Marilyn (Bob) VanZevern. has been a very busy gal getting a chairman for the Cerebral Palsy fund drive. She has a very capable helper, Betty Sandelin. Do not forget ladies when you have finished with your white plastic detergeht bottles to give them to the Brownies. Just call one of the leaders and they will collect them. Twin Lakes, Kay's sister, Stella, and her family were out from Chicago also. Mr. and Mrs." Stanley Wroblesw. ski are the proud "grandparents of a baby girl. The baby was named Patricia and her parents are the Ted Wrobleswski. Welcomes Sixth Son Congratulations to Bob and Lorraine Hurckes who welcomed their sixth son on March 22. The little fella, yet unnamed, was born at the Woodstock hospital and weighed 5 lbs.. 13*18 ozs. We "will have his name for you next week. Let's Dance Grab your favorite partner and make plans to attend the fund raising dapce at the barn on April 23. Proceeds of the dance will be used to buy playground equipment and picnic tables for our beaches. The dance starts at 9 p.m. and everyone is welcomed. Entertainment will be there for jour enjmment'. Food will be sold at a nominal cost. Tickets are now on sale and someone will be around to your home. soon. Tickets wiil .be sold at the dance also. The dance is under the chairmanship of Dipk Farwell. drey's brother. Bob and his wife, in Neenah, Wis. While there they celebrated Bob's birthday. j ! Dick and Lee Conway, and*,! family spent last Sunday in ) Chicago visiting with their , Grandparents, the Conways ; and later in the evening they , stopped to see friends. • Don't forget the April assoi ciation meeting coming up on I April 6. I As usual the dogs are still I running loose to cause trouble I and are becoming quite a prob- ! lem. Please if you own a dog j that is allowed to run free, J keep it in your own yard. • ! A happy birthday wish goies j to Missy Dobecki who was five j years old or^March 26. She celebrated with her family, and j her grandparents from May- I wood and South Bend, Ind. | .GIL. News rar«fro- CHAMPION CORN GROWERS ik! - ' ~ 'v ; V.vlT ' T.~ News of -Your Friends anil Neighbors Lynne Johnson had her tonsils removed last week feel a ted birthday greetings to Lil Orlowski who celebrated her birthday March 24. On Monday, March 21. her friends, the Stefianks from Round Lake, paid her a pre-birthday vnMt. They came with gifts and a beautiful birthday cake. Lil was feeling extra fine since she did not require surgery on her hand last week. Jocelyn Staudenmaier and Grace Reinhardt were most happy to see Roy Snell return to the. Highlands last Monday. The girls can now turn over the duties of the hospital fund ti^e to Roy. Frank Krumwiede enjoyed a few days vacation last week and took advantage of it by visiting with his mother and catching up on many chores piled up for him to do. Last Saturday evening the Misavices, Zemans, Fletchers, Spankuchs and the Schlicks enjoyed an evening of roller sluing and bowling in Mc- HCTiry. Barb Schlick and many of her friends attended a dance in Lake Geneva, last Saturday evening. Judy Krumwiede enjoyed a get-together last Wednesday evening with several of her giljl friends in Palatine. Vi Johnson has signed up for the job of census taker. Jftsa Marese, the baby daughter of the Ed Pfingstens, was baptized last Sunday in the Christ Lutheran church of N o r t h l a k e . T e r r y ' s b r o t h e r . Walter Vollers. was the honored godfather. Ed's sister, Nelda Pfingsten, was the godmother. After the services Terry's mother, Anna Vollers, held ,open house for their friends and relatives. ^Stanley Wroblewski's sister- Here and There i Happy birthday to Kirk Van- ; Zevern who will celebrate his : fourth birthday March 31. He will have a party Thursday afj ternoon with Ricky and Mike i Madock. Mike and Gary Mor- I ley, Julie Neesen, Tommy j Warczak and Patty Lewandowski. In the evening he will celebrate with his grandparents. Belated birthday wishes to Joan Malek who celebrated j her birthday on March 19, and j to Carter Gregg who was three years old also on the ninei teenth. Carter celebrated his ; birthday with his family and ; grandparents on March 20. j Jack Reilly surprised his ; wife, Kay. with a party when j they came home from dining 1 out on March 19. Waiting to I wish Kay happy birthday were j Ed and Virginia Thoren, Joe i and Sylvia Murray, Don and !.Wanda Dobecki, the Ullos. G. | VanZeverns, B. VanZeverns, i the Rogers from Nippersink Terrace and the Jacksons from Mt. Hope Church The next Lenten service will ; be on April 5 at the Morley ; home at 110 N. Meadow Lane. | It begins at 8 p.m. Pastor Stein j has taken over the 'teenage i Sunday school class and for ] the next month they will be j studying the Apostles Creed, i Any 'teens in the area who do J not attend any other Sunday ] school are welcome at Mr. | Hope. I A motion picture, 'King of ! Kings,' will be shown on April I 23 and 24 at Mt. Hope and Ingleside churches. We will ; have a definite time and place in a later issue. j Honored at Shower i Mary Mueller was the guest ! of. honor at a" baby shower on i March 24. The shower was giv- ' en by her good friend,. Hazel ' Rbgde. About twenty women came bearing some lovely gifts for- the new baby-to-be. Fun Fair Postponed ( The fun fair at the Johnsburg school which was set for j April 9, had to be postponed i until'a later date because of the election that day at the school. We will give youa the ' new date in another issue of our column. I That's our column for this ! week. If vou have any news we ' would be glad to hear from you. Bye now, see you next week. L o c a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f G.I.L. have been attending various taxing body meetings ! and at this date are soliciting participants for better representation for future activities of the organization. Anyone wishing to become better informed on activities of the various taxing bodies in the county can obtain this information by dropping a line to G.I.L., Station Box 25, Mc- Henry. The Government Improvement League is anxious to have as many people in the county ,as possible be completely informed on the local conditions in the county. It was originally formed as a tax protest group last July. The objective has been brpadened in scope to search out methods of improving government on as (efficient a basis as possible with your tax dollar. T *' A "taxieab army'5 helped change the course of World War I. In 1914, when Paris was in danger of being captured by Germans, the military governor of the city commandeered 700 taxicabs. He filled them with 3.000 troops and sent them to the banks of the Marne River, w here the French stopped the Germans. Around the Highlands • Don and Audrey Morin and sons, Tommy and Dale, spent last weekend visiting with Au- ANIMAL RESEARCH Raccoons can and do catch pneumonia just like people, according to Glen C. Sanderson, who does research on wild mammals for the Illinois Nati ural History Survey and the ! state Department of Conserva- | tion. Sanderson says that pneu- | monia was diagnosed in sev^n i raccoons from widely scattered ; locations in Illinois from Dej cember, 1958, through April, ' 1959. Recent years have seen great adv ances in the use of surgery as an aid in the treatment of tuberculosis. A number of < methods ha*ve been used successfully. Today the most popu- i lar is a method known as re- i sectional surgery. It consists of taking out diseased portions of the lung, or sometimes even an entire lung. Such operations can now be done relatively safely because of the new drugs j that check the spread of the j tuberculosis bacilli. ' Fred Zimrriermann of Woodstock, pictured at left above, was recently named a county corn growing champion at a banquet held in DeKalb. Zimmermann had the high yield of 131.70 bushels per acre for McHenry county in the 1959 national selected five-acre DeKalb corn growing contest. The fourth place winners in the county were Frank and Patrick Murray, also of Woodstock, middle and right in picture, who produced a yield of 111.99 bushels per acre. Second and third place winners, respectively, were Tyler Smith and John Biomberg. both of Harvard. VOTE FOR (xJEUGENE A. HECKATHORNE For CORONER of McHenry County Now Available al Sunrise Grocery 1 Block East , of New Bridge THE BIG BARGAIN! FULL OUNCES GET... €ET.„ ASK FOR A DEMOCRATIC BALLOT PRIMARY ELECTION APRIL 12. 1960 Your Vote Will Be Appreciated Th» MILWAUKEE » « E I Plus Deposit ft mm Si/ yjy§v I I man A GETTELMAN BREWING CO. MILWAUKEE A Family Owned Brewery Since 1854 Complete I-ine of Packaged CJoods Overheated Motors fktCkto Ofytfa Road A dogged radiator con mean real damage* UoimTi factory Mulhod flow Tmtt aiiurm 100% tooling rffidwicy. RADIATOR Cleaning and Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RATK PRICES UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of Stilling's "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. McHeery Evergreen 5-0788 EIT & SON. INC. BUILDERS ESTABLISHED 1926 RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL * First in Quality • Fairest in Prices 9 Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- ^ Mile East of Fox River Bridge Only One Car Can Be Lowest Priced! • :• • , *1795' Here are the facts: The Rambler American Deluxe 2-Door Sedan above saves you at least $,117 over other economy cars --the 4-door model saves you at least $130--based on comparison of advertised delivered prices. Save more on gas, on upkeep, on resale value. Room | for a family of six. Easiest parking. See your Rambler dealer. 'Minutactmr's suossted delivered price at Knuntu. Wisconsin, lor 2-Door Delun Sedan OpticoH •qripment, (tita nd local tu». it any, extra TME M WC-TVT'NMMfY Tl IMECTMME"-WITH IV UflOKS FN TUB «0 CUMKl DEALER Save at least *205 New 100-inch wheelbase Rambler American Station Wagon at least $205 less than any wagon produced by the tour other major U.S. car makers according to manufacturers' suggested delivered prices. SIEBEL MOTOR SALES 405 Elm St.. McHenry RIGID-FRAME urci No Money Down :tl*:j»rove;c! 5 Years To Pay f o r m u l a i n t h e - n«iosww fiooni l lIad Doiae Ji ^ "j -..V. v. .W'.V. V vV One-Car With Storage • A PLUS FOR TJfE FAMOUS QUALITIES OF INE 100% LATEX WONDER W A 1 1 P A I N LATSIXO OPAXI NT • NEW LUXURIOUS MODERN LOW SHEEN • NEW EASIER COVERING FOR HARDTO- PAINT SURFACES Of court* you'll love SPRED SATIN with years ahead stay fresh colors that give your walls new decorator soft beauty. You'll love tho greater durability and improved resistance lo dirt and grime. Try It today and see for yourself I Palnl anytime, no-fumes, no-odors. Dries in 20 min. -- r~ll--1: =ii : • ~ f c i • 1 1 1 -- • N : H 1 :rnrn Two-Car With Storage MONTHLY PAYMENTS AVAILABLE as low as *1316 (Less If Built By Yourself) First monthly payment will not be clue until two months after your garage is erected SEE THE FULL SIZE MODEL AT OUR YARD ^ COMPARE THE PRICE! and Remember . . . It's Fully Guaranteed by Our Competent Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" nJ