Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1960, p. 8

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Eighi THE MeHENRY PLAUTOEALER Legals Owners, Defendants, must file your appearance in said action on or before thirty (30) days from the first publication of this Notice, and in the event you fail to do so, default may be entered against you any day thereafter. (COURT SEAL) LESTER EDIXGER NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of LOUIS A. WOLF, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, June 6, 1960, is the Claim date in the estate of LOUIS A. WOLF, Looze and Kinne, Deceased, pending in the Coun- Attorneys for Plaintiff, ty Court of McHenry County,! 112 East Elm Street Illinois, and that claims may \ McHenry, Illinois be filed against the said estate j Telephone: EVergreen 5-1580 on or before said date without (Pub April 28, Ma>/X5-12, 1960) issuance of summons. -- JAMES M. WOLF,' OBITUARIES Executors SINGERS TO VISIT MANY LANDS IN SONG (Continued from Page 1) and City Observes Clean-up Week MERIT AWARD DINNER HONORS LOCAL YOUTHS (Continued oi Page 8)" Carroll & Leali, Attorneys 329 Lake Ave. Woodstock, Illinois Phone: FE 8-3100 - , (Pub: April 14-21-28, i960) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate- of RALPH M. KELLY, Deceased. - Notice is Hereby given, to all i i , , ? a' P .e e n t i r e g r o u p J and hauled away. Garbage and wi be heard in "South Amer- J other refuse that causes , oflcan Fantasie , "The Swazi j fensive odors must not be Warrior . ••Malagueria", Won-; burned. Clerk of said Court derful ronpnha^n" • • n 0 Q n i •*. T J ^opennagon , Dear, People interested in protect- Land of Home", "Giannina , ing lives and property are also Mia . Chechoslovakian Dance j urping that basements, store Song . "Vanka n Tanka", j rooms and garages be cleared ^choes of Strauss" and Kis- | of items of a dangerous nature, j• Those in residential areas ! Stopping on a small square -ire urged to place rubbish on ( in the United Kingdom, en- the curb and it will be picked j sembles will sing selections i up by men on the city truck. I from "My Fair Lady", "Fin-i Do not place ashes or garbage ian s Rainbow" and "Briga- j on the cUrb. doon". musical plays based on i Owners of vacant lots are life in England, Ireland and 1 <?oing to be required to keep Scotland. [ <hem clean ahd mowed this A visit to the Scandinavian coming summer. High weeds countries will feature music grass not only detract by the well-known composer,1 from adjacent property, but Grieg, From there the chorus ! <»lso ^provide an attraction for cjerm-spreading mosquitoes PATRICIA MARY HEIXEN The body of Patricia Mary Heinen, 37. who died on Apru Germany, arrived in Oh:- of go. early this, week. Friends may call at the George Juster. Continued from Page 1 & Son chapel after 3 p.m Thursday - afternoon. A Mass moves on to central Europe, will be read at 10 o'clock Sat- where selections representing Urday at St. John's Catholic Germany, Italy and other persons that Monday, June 6, ^hutch, Johnsburg, with burial countries will be heard. 1960, is the claim date in the in the church 'cemetery. The Near East will include The annual meeting of the Citv Council'will be held this (Thursday) evening. Following the adjournment of the annual estate of RALPH M. KELLY. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may I i r> her fi'iends as Peggy, a i esi bfe filed" against the said estate tleHt of Pistakee Bay road, on' or before said date without dlfcd Friday, April 22, itf Great issuance of summons. i Lakes Naval hospital, where MRS. MARIE KELLY' She was a patient for only two the haunting melodies of "in ! mPetin2. a special meeting will Executrix H&rry P. Stinespring, Jr. A t torriey-At-Law 28 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, III. (Pub. April 28 - May 5-12) Mfl.DR.ED YOUNG A Persian Market" and "Kis- Mr$. Mildred Young, known met", while the Far East will have three Japanese maidens singing "Three Littje Maids" by Gilbert and Sullivan. The trip will be concluded with a visit to the land of fantasie, better known as the Land of Oz, where the scarecrow. the tin woodman and the cowapjlly lipfl of'the popuiays. Death followed a three- : week illness. The deceased was bom in ; Woodson, 111.. Feb. 17. 1907. ! ^nd resided in Chicago be:ore lar musical comedy will come be held for the purpose of acting on applications for alcoholic beverage licenses. MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC PLANNING FUND CAMPAIGN (Continued fr<^m page 1) Several groups in the county Tre planning benefits for the STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY) •novnng to McHenry fne >tais to life and the heroine, Doro- \fertal Hpniti, ronto„ igo. She was an instructor in tuhi>y , wwiilnl ssiinngg "Ou\veerr tmhee Rnaamin-- j ., n p,i annHjnega ltfho rC ietns teprr etose ansts ifsj_t ss i "beauty culture school. bow •Survivors are her husband. Soloists include Dorothy Hol- Before the Zoning Board of ® retired Navy man; one lander, Mervin Loper, Roy Appeals of McHenry County: t*°*v Karold Cox, of Chicago; Kissling, Otto Pyritz, Irene In the matter of the petition ,ier mother, Beatrice Grimsley; Keim, Mary Ann Wegener of STEPHEN G. ADAMS and KATHERINE ADAMS for a reclassification under the zoning ordinance of McHenry County, Illinois; NOTICE *nd two brothers. Milford and Virginia Mroz and Celia Page! Rees Grimsley of Woodson; al-j Accompanist for the chorus 'o three, grandchildren. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen' & Son funeral home. Rev. Jack Mclntyre of Faith Notice is hereby given thatj ^fesbyterian church officiated STEPHEN G. ADAMS and ^eld Sunda>' eve" KATHERINE ADAMS have fil-' Th?„bo^ was taken to ed their --^ - i Jacksonville for services and ZONING is Verna Schlofner. Tickets are available from members or may be purchased at the door on either night. The Choral Club is now in nancial needs. For example, the Fox Valley Motorcyclo Riders club will turn over the entire proceeds of its Scrambles "ace to be held at the Rauen Farm on May 20. and the McHenry County Women's Club Federation is also organizing various projects to raise funds for the mental health program. Since the Center is a nonprofit organization and only its t\v?ntieth year. One of its | nrminal fees are charged for petition with t h e BOARD OF APPEALS of McHenry County, Illinois for a reclassification from R-l Residence District to B-l Business District of the following described premises: Lot Four (4) and Five (5) of Conway Subdivision, said Subdivision being a part of the West Half of the South West Quarter of Section 25, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said premises are located at the East edge of McHenry and on the East side of Charles Street approximately 1d0 feet North of Waukegan Road. A public hearing on said petition will be held at th«? hour of 3:00 P.M. on the 17th day of May, 1960 at the City Hall, McHenry at which time and place any interested persons may appear. JOHN LOOZE Chairman (Pub. April 28, 1960) burial. CHARLES PILCH Services were held April 21 it St. John's Evangelical Lutheran chutch. Forest Park, for Charles F. Pilch of Wonder Lake, who died the previous Monday. Burial was in Forest Home cemetery. His widow, Mary, four daughters and two sons survive, as do thirty grandchildren. two brothers and Uvo sisters. original members, Norbert Mauch, has designed special scenery appropriate for the various countries to be visited, and the singers will perform in colorful costumes against this, background. PLAINDEALER PLANS SPACIOUS NEW BUILDING (Continued on Page 8) publisher of the Plaindealer, said, "For generations the McHenry Plaindealer has made every effort to keep pace with the development of the community. This newspaper has seen McHenry grow from a BOMB SCARE ^here was a bomb scare "•Ijolif 12:20 Monday at. the Woocjstock high school, sending iuw nuw a **!u>? s t u d e n t s from the j small prairie village to one of ^ Asf lu minutes. A t h e finest communities in ,of e mam building northern Illinois. We have the ^rnb" AnTfirmconviction that our city iK L l r e6" Z' ! and ,h,s area continue to '6 Rhobefg 'Ce ° « j expand and it is our intention r ~ j T, . , !to havc our newspaper ready % of t i f f n r t h i s mansion so t h a t our *>v of the Woodstock Child- readers will be serviced bv an -JS»Srt S.adm't,ed 'he tak<? d""(,,.^Uer Plainpatients, the largest area of support for the clinic must come from the community, individuals and groups inter^st^ ed and able to contribute toward sound public health. Con-, tributions may be sent to the Mental Health Center of McHenry County. 105 E. Waukegan road, McHenry. chrk, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mrachek, , St. Mary's, McHenry, Mary DeMar, daughtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De- Mar, and James Herdrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrich, McHenry Junior high, Kathleen I^ibach, daughter of tyr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leibach, md Janues Fantus, son of Mr. md Mrs;" Herbert Fantus. Harrison school. Wonder Lake; rsn'siai Oleszczuk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Oleszczuk, ind Fred Kusch, son of Mr. nd Mrs. Fred Kusch. j ; Fine Program AwKrds will oe presented by Rev. Fr. Harold Nilges of St. Mary's, who will act as master if ceremonies. ,A program of vocal music has been planned. Tanet Sohimke, daughter of "Vlr. and Mrs. Allen, Schimke of Wonder Lake, will be soloist, and a boys' quartet will sing. Also on the program are the Cary Acrobats, a team of six boys and two girls, led by their x ) a c h , Fred Z a n d i e r . The voungsters are sixth and sev- •mthv |^ade .Students in the Can' "schools':' They are Raymond Ritt. - Pat Beineman Heib Ekhij|x\t,.^Steve Sweazey, Dat Rurkev Don^ Bishop, Diane "cut t and Susan DeRooy. Tlie committee in charge of fhe dinner comprises President \nd Mrs Leonard Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Konecny ->f thr Township club, and ^resident and tylrs. Edward Guettler of the McHenry club. Group singing will be led by Or. Leonard Pawlikowski. Two Accidents Occur In Area (Continued from page 1) Henry hospital with a broken arm and leg as the result of a hit and run accident which occurred last Saturday night riear Fox Lake. The youth was fishing from Squaw Creek bridge on Highway 132 when he was hit by a car which sped from the scene after injuring him. McHera% County Mental Hearth WM May I - May 7 Give to your McHenry Clinic Send your donation to the McHenry Slate Bank or McHenry Savings and Loan Association STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY) ss In The Circuit Court of McHenry County In Chancery No. 37445 Alexander Lumber Co., an Illinois corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Edward V. Schultz, and Florence D. Schultz, his wife; Harold Ackerman; Liberty Savings and Loan Association, an Illinois corporation; and Unknown Owners,: NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Affidavit showing that the Defendants, Unknown Owners, on due inquiry cannot be found, so that process cannot be served upon said Defendants, having been filed in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, Notice is therefore, hereby given to said Unknown Owners, Defendants, that the JPlaintiff in the above entitled cause filed their Complaint in said cause on the 25th day of April, 1960, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said Court, and that you, the said Unknown Alice Marie Beauty Shop $l°°orr on all Packaged Permanent* and Dyes with this ad For The Next Two Weeks 4 Operators 202 N. Riverside Drive Tel. EV 5-0890 Besides Renting Almost Everything WE R E P A I R • Bicycles • Lawn Mowers • We Also Sharpen Saws CALL EV 5-2916 VmkdRaOrQJUA JOE WILKINSON, MANAGER Next ».o the Northwestern Depot McHenry, 11L Open Daily 8-6 -- Wed. & Sun. 8-12 Is Your Insurance Agent chained to on* company or can h« offw y*V Inwwnco Inflnjr nurobw of th» fino*» fir* end casualty companies in Amorica? Y«ir Udepiadent Agist Can! THE KENT CORP. Phone EV 5-3800 115 N. Riverside Dr. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BOB PEPPING CEMENT CONTRACTOR COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK DEW FORMS EV 5-33M PRECISION WORK L Invite Artists To Fair Exhibit Artists froih all over McHenry, amateurs, semi-professionals and professionals, are invited to exhibit at the fourth annual Country Art Fair. The Fair, which hqs become an outstanding cultural event in the McHenry at*ea, is scheduled for June 24, 25 and 26 at the McHenry Junior high school. Lori Wilhelm, artist correspondent and registrar, has set June 1 as the deadline for exhibitor registration. Former exhibitors will receive postcard invitations to exhibit again, but new artists in the area or those Who wish to exhibit for the first time must contact Mrs. Wilhelm at 204 Main street, McHenry. McHenry county artists may exhibit up to three works; exhibitors who live outside the county are limited to one work each. As in the past, all types of work • will be accepted -- paintings, sculpture and ceramics. The only requirement is that they be original works of art. In the past, Country Art Fair exhibitor? have covered a wide range of age. Many of the artists were self-taught and many others had been, or were at the time, students of leading art schools. A variety of media were used in the ex-hibited works -- oil, water colors, ink, casein. Last year some outstanding worses of sculpture were received and a fine display of ceramic pieces. Thursday, April 28/ 1960 HOLD FIRST HOME SHOW AND GARDEN WALK ON MAY 18 Five beautiful homes in the McHenry area will be open to the public when, the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church holds its first Home Show and Gairden Walk on May 18. Si»ecial attraction will be offered each place. Hemes to be visited include those of Nicholas Partipilo on Bay View Lane, Pistakee Bay. featuring a wedding table; Homer FitzGerald, Main street, p o o l s i d e b a r - b - q u e ; P r e s t o n Hays, Bay road, Pistakee Bay, bridal shower; Harry Hans, Pistakee Bay road, graduation table; and Col. Herman Lacy, Bull Valley, buffet luncheon table. Luncheon will be • served from 11:3G until 2 in the church dining room, while the Garden Walk will be open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tickets may b»» secured at the church at 9:30 that day, or at any of the houses after 10 o'clock. Maps showing locations of the houses w) 11 also be given to each person. Such events always prove of great interest in a community, and locally many residents are anticipating this first Garden Walk. Discuss Problems Of Older Citizens CEREBRAL PALSY DRIVE OPENS ON MAY 2 IN COUNTY (Continue'1 from page United Cerebral Palsy of McHenry County will hqld a drive from May 2 through 9, wit& Mai'ilyn Van Zevern of Pistakee Highlands as county chairman 0 McHenry chairmen are Mrs! Dorothy Miller and Mrs. Evie Varese. Heading the campaign in other county areas are Mrs. DiVerde, Woodstock; G. Ritt, Algonquin; Mrs. J. Dodge, Lake-in-the Hills; Mrs. F. Beatty, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Fadam, Fox River Grove; MTW Kriese, Cary; Mrs. E. Gallas, Wonder Lak§; Mrs. E. Heini, Johnsburg; Mrs. J. Pierce, Richmond; Mary Wieberg, Hebron; Lou Simonirii, Harvard. A kick-off dinner was held at the Wing 'n Fin clubhouse on Wednesday night of this Week. * CARD OF THANKS | We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for the kind expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. The Walter- B. Hintze Family 52 PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and children were dinne^ guests at the Joseph J. Miller home Friday evening and attended the program at St. Mary's school that evening. ON APPROVED LIST The McHenry Community high school has been placed on the list of secondary schools approved for the ensuing year by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Notification was received from Lowell B. Fisher, chairman of the state committee of the North Central association. Every thought generated in the human n\ind has its small part in the shaping of the life of .hat individual, for good or bad. created by the 1959 Illinois General Assembly, is responsible in Illinois for preparing the state's participation in the Washington meeting, scheduled for Jan. 9 to 12, 1961. Six regional meetings in Illinois and a state-wide conference will follow the countyby- county surveys. TYPEWRITER STOLEN The Delbert Burns family of Lakeland Park reported a portable typewriter taken from their home the latter part of the week. It was valued at S125. SPECIAL! EXTRA FANCY WHOLE BEEF LOINS SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE T-BONE STEAKS 75 tb 102 S, Green St. No Charge For Cutting THE RAINBOW CLEANERS TRUCK IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME TELLS YOUR NEIGHBORS... • . . You w a n t the best for your family! PHONE EVtrgrtM 54)927 For Pickup Strvic* We J4< aue 1rouaht 3t Back aain FISH BUFFET STARTING FIRST FRIDAY IN MAY AND SERVING EVERY FRIDAY 6:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Featuring the most tantalizing selection of Sea Food Dinners ever prepared. $750 r ALL YOU CAN EAT PER PERSON Organ Music Featured for Dining SERVING MOTHER'S DAY DINNERS AT THE C^ountru CLL 'OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL HFQX;- RIVER" For Reservations call Bob Hurst, mgr., EV 5-1072 Ha

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