PdnriMn tliE PLAiH&BALgS fkumjHf. *pai», ma McHenry Shores SHORES CLUB MEETS AT V.F.W. THURSDAY. MAY 5 By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 The regular monthly irieeting of the MSC will be held May 5, at 8 p.m. in the V.F.W. club house. Plan to spend an enjoyable evening visiting with your neighbors before and after the meeting. Wonder what Daisy Smith has in store as the surprise of the evening? Remember last month, she had the popcorn bunny and Easter baskets that made several people happy and glad that they had attended. The Fun Fair committee is well along with plans for this big event, so. mark your calendar now for Saturday, August 13. Members of the publicity committee are -making the rounds'to let you know of the plans for the McHenry Shores weekly column. If you have not been visited by one of the members yet. one of. us will drop in shortly. Birthdays and an Anniversary Just a hint to Elsie and Jack Schmitt that tomorrow. Friday, April 29. little blondie. Caryn, will be all of three years old. . . .Say, Dave Addante celebrates his on that day too. . . .While on Saturday. Betty Dobbertin celebrates her birthday. . . .And nc-xt Thursday we find that Danny Moore and Mary Santilli should be scheduled for birthday parties. . . .Vi and Jerry Morris will have a wedding anniversary. April 29. Is that new car an . anniversary present? Mrs. Robert Loutseh of Wilmette. . . .Out for the day at ihe Hinzes were the Edward Hess family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hinz. The Addantes spent the day with the John Tiberis family in Elmwood Park. . . .The Starks had dinner with the sfcnior Starks in Lombard. . .The Gus Smiths with the Kropps of Wauwatosa, Wis., spent Easter at Daytona Beach, Fla. . . The Winters took advantage of the children's Easter vacation for a quick flight to the east coast to visit relatives in Philadelphia and New Jersey. Just after taking off, Louise noticed that David was coming down with a case of German measles which curtailed some of the plans -- never a dull moment. . .The Olbihskis had dinner with the Chamberlains. . .The Rezniceks spent Easter with their son and his family in La- Grange and on the way back, stayed overnight at the other son's home in Elmhurst. . .. . The Simonsens spent the day at their son's home in Mt. Prospect. ; .'.The Burkes had dinner with Pat's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Novicki, and later stopped by for a visit with Tom's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Hhitj' Burke, all in Chicago. . . The Korners spent Easter wififi John's folks in Chicago. Nefrs From the Boys in Service From Ft. Hood, Texas, comes a report from Alan Dilg that he. has completed his basic training and is being transferred to Ft. Sill, Okla. . . . And from Jacksonville. Fla., Jerry Mueller writes that an AN should be used on all correspondence addressed to him as he now is an airman and will be transferred to the Potomac River Command. Sick List Jack Schaefer still has his arm in *a sling from that fall about six weeks ago. He slipped on a piece of ice and fractured a bone in the elbow that had fo be operated on More of the small fry down or recuperating from measles are: Leslie and Pattie Brunke, Sherri Schramm and David Winters. Other Visits and Visitors The Poggensees helped celebrate Lu's mother's birthday in Chicago. > .Linda Schopp attended the senior ball at the Muncie, Ind. high school with Steven Crum whose folks are former - residents of McHenry Shores. . . .Jack Schramm was an usher at his brother Bill's wedding held in the Bryn MawT Community church in Chicago. Sherri missed the reception because of measles. Mr. and Mrs. Ellenbost stopped in on the Wilsons. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Mikals with their boys. John. Danny, Randy and David, from Elmhurst, dropped in on the Muellers. . . Mr. and Mrs. Trent Middlekauff were surprised when Mrs. W. Martins, a sister from Rockwell City, Iowa, was driven over by her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. King of Palatine. Village of Sunnyside Hold Village Meeting, May 2 Irms Gunther - Reporter - EV. 5-5484 On May 2, is the9 monthly village meeting and as you know you are welcome to attend and there is always open forum after the regular meeting.' Home Bureau Meeting Our meeting in May will be combined with the Richmond unit in Richmond with the Home Advisor. We will meet in front of the store like we did last year and if you intend going and are looking for a ride get in touch with Jean Leakey. Get in touch with her anyway so that we will know how many are going. Three Cheers To A1 Fritz who drove the children to his parents home on Easter Sunday to have dinner there. Yes. the car is fixed up so that he is able to drive. Back to Normal Well another big holiday is over and our son, Fred, has gone back to school as has Carol Mecko. It was nice having them home for the holiday and in a month they will be back for summer vacation. Speaking of summer, please be careful when out driving because the little ones are out and they get carried away while playing and are apt to forget that cars are also on the roads. Some of the cars that go past our house sure aren't going very slow and we do have a lot of little ones playing around. Holiday Visitors The Tucker household had grandchild, Gerald Skinner, with them for the Easter holidays. Belated Birthday Greeting^ To Betty Lehman and greetings for ouf daughter, Dorothy, who was. nine on the twenty-sixth. Pistakee Terrace George and Mary Mecko entertained his brother and family for Easter dinner. They sure enjoyed Carol's visit only it went by too fast. I hope you all have your tickets for the dance. If not you can get in touch with any of the women and they will be glac! to take care of you. The Bush family went down to Bloomineton to Julie's sister's for Easter dinner. The family is very proud of daughter,. Karen, who is now a member of -the National Honor society. Congratulations. > Dr. F. D. Jenkins ... to be Speaker The pastor of the Waukegan First Methodist church is coming to Pistakee Highlands Sunday afternoon May 1, to help them celebrate their first year as a church'. The service will be at 2:30 in the afternoon. There will be a visiting choir also representatives from other "New" churches. The folks of this community who attend the Highlands Methodist church invite their neighbors to enjoy this anniversary service. The regular services that Sunday will be Sunday School i at 9:30 a.m.; Morning worship i for membership and Baptism at 11 a.m. and the Youth Fellowship at 7 p.m. and help polish up the church. I helped last year and believe me it gives you a nice feeling when you are through. There are a lot of women who do this each year and they do not have any little ones receiving. When the work is all done and everything is shining all the workers are given a delicious dinner. So come with your buckets and soapf and old rags and pitch in for a good cause. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request isl that, writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address arid phdri'e number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than, once, each month. . We reserve the- right to delete any material which we consider libelous"%r in objectionable taste.) Easter -- Here and There Pam and Lynn Munroe had an aerial view of McHenry Shores when their uncle Ray took them over in a plane ride. . . .The Schramms entertained Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nagle of Chicago. . . .The Simbourgers entertained Alice and Tony Seibert with their children, Diane, Paul, Anthony and Denise also Mrs. Kate Seibert. . . .The Ronnie Verstege family spent the day with the Jack Versteges. . . . The Schmitts entertained Elsie's folks, Mr. and Mrs. John Deutsch from Chicago and Jack's mother, Mrs. Laura Schmitt from McHenry. . .The Zeimets had thirteen over for dinner, Julie wonders if the thirteen was unlucky as She ended up with laryngitis. . . . The Muellers' daughter and her husband, Phyllis and Henry Both, with their children, Ronnie, Barbara, Sherri, Susan and Mary Lee, from Meadowdale, spent the day. . .The Middlekauffs entertained Trent, Jr. and his family from Wheeling. . .Mr. and Mrs. Lexow of Chicago dropped in on the Wilsons. . . .The Cicchinis entertained Mr. and . Mrs. William Ketter of Chicago and Mr. and More News Pat Simonsen was a participant in St. Mary's musical presentation "Musical Memories" last Friday and Sunday evenings. She supplied the music for the Spanish dance. . . .Sam ^^..LqyLssOYintprs attended, a square dance at the Methodist church sponsored by the Homebuilders group. . . .Local residents seen at the McHenry Women's luncheon and card party: Marge Hicks, Leah Hogan, Bernice tylacCallum, Irene Middlekauff and Daisy Smith. About 150 women attended, the proceeds wfere donated to the Mental Health Center fund and the McHenry Swimming pool fund. . . .The Jack Schmitts set some kind of a record by having the first outdoor barbecue last Thursday. . . .That's about it -- see you next week. Surprise Visitors Joe and Jean Benoche were surprised on Easter Sunday when Joe's cousins, Betty Sperry and her family from Naperville, and Rosemary Hanner and her three little ones from California, stopped in. Rosemary and the children will soon be on their way to spend three years in Germany where her husband is stationed with the armed forces. Later in the day Jean's brother, Henry, and his family, came for Easter dinner. Help! Help! On May 3 all mothers of children who will be making their first Communion and any women who have time are asked to come to St. John's Editor: Have been following the Un- American activities and fully believe that anyone interested in putting a stop to the deplorable condition which confronts our wonderful country would do well to write for the pamphlet on the hearing before the committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives. regarding the Air Force Manual dated Feb. 25, 1960. It is free for the asking by writing to Frances E. Walter. chairman of the Un-American activities, Washington, D. C. A Good Citizen Frank Ehredt Demonstration Betty Lehman had ten neigh- 'bbrs in T&r a^deMonstration on Wednesday. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L - -- -•^Pb<swrEV#greeta 5-B260 Normal, healthy people may lose 1/3 of their blood without fatal results. EVER NOTICE?? People generally do not attract the people they would like to be, but the same type people that they are. ECS RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 | SPRING SPECIAL! ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS 1" Aluminum Doors (Installed) ipS# 3-Track Aluminum $1095 Windows WM. W. ALBERT ea. Rt. 8, Box 232 PHONE EV 5-0901 McHenry, 111. V * & A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling I BUTCH'S Janta&u 3 arm. DAY NURSERY OPEN MAY 16 COMPLETE DAY NURSERY FOR WORKING MOTHERS. SHOPPERS. ETC . . . * Daily - Weekly or Monthly Rates * Warm Meals Daily STATE LICENSED Fantasy Farm will offer complete nursery care for the working mother or while you go on a shopping tour. Located VA mile South of McHenry on ihe old Crystal Lake Black Top Road Call EVergreen 5-2499 for further information 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516" Front St. McHenry, 111. EVergreen 6-0811 NATIONAL RIDING MOWER Unless you've used a National Rider, you've never known how easy grass cutting can be. Just sit and steer . . . the mower does all the work. Reverse and powerful engine make this 1060 model more convenient than ever. See and try one. Then treat your whole family . . . and your lawn ... to happier more beautiful mowing for years. - LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Engines WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL ARIENS TILLERS PARKER SWEEPERS PORTABLE BRIGGS & STRATTON CLINTON POWER PRODUCTS LAUSON REO AND OTHERS LEAF BURNERS Lawn Mowers NATIONAL ECLIPSE SN APPIN-TURTLE ARIENS Heavy Duty Type and Others Parts For All Makes LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED & REPAIRED We Pick Up & Deliver ADAMS REPAIR SHOP JOHNSBURG AND PISTAKEE ROAD Rt. 1, Box 200 McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 5-0484 i POST 491 By Dorothy Wcichmann The monthly meeting was held at the Legion home on April 18, with the usual opening ceremonies. It was announced that a fifty star flag was purchased for the city hall. Child Welfare Chairman Elaine Gray gave a full Christmas report * of expenditures. Marge Pickett, junior chairman, stated a meeting was held on Saturday, April 16, at the home, at which time the girls had an Easter party. A.motion was made to keep the Junior color guard iti outfits as long as, is, necessary. It was announced that our May meeting will be Gold Star month and we will have a potluck preceding the meeting. Guests for this affair will be County President Helen Whapp! er and her secretary. Please try to attend. Dorothy Deidrich. .reported eleven past-presidents attended a meeting at her home last week. The county past presidents will have a meeting next week. A veterans' craft report was given by Clare McAndrews. If you are in need of a gift for any occasion, please don't forget the veterans' craft is on sale at all times. Donations were made to the Cancer Fund, Easter Seals and the Viscounts. A chairman is needed for the coming Salvation Army Do-Nut tag day. Anyone able ^ *0» CAM1 ALWAYS K SU« WHEN IT WILL RAIN-.. BUT YOU CAN BE SURE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS WIU. BE P1UIO PROMPTLY AT MIUSTREAM DRUGS e LOCAL to accept this job, pl£aassee cbritact the president. Anyone having a suit that belongs to the auxiliary, please return it to the hail beforp the Memorial day parade as the marchers are in need of them. Theresa Cairns was presented with a fifteen year pin. A 10 year pin was presented to Ann Thennes. Lauretta Homo reported on the recent patriotic conference held in Chicago. Xhe conference was conducted by Mrs. Michael H e a 1 y. department president. A radiological demonstration was presented by Mr. Hakala, who is information officer of the federal office of civil defense mobilization. He stated that now is the time to prepare for a nuclear war. Radiation is dangerous in large amounts and if ah attack occurs, close windows and doors and stay indoors for at least two days. He demonstrated with food articles,what you should expect if exposed to radiation. He had a gadget whiph would give loud beeping sounds if an object had been contaminated. He used lettuce, a banana and a bag of potato chips for examples. By carefully removing the outer layers of the lettuce the inside had no radiation irnd would be fit to eat. The bag the chips were in had a lot of radiation, but the chips had none and were edible. He proved this by eating them. If canned goods are exposed you can clean the lid with rubbing alcohol, open, and the contents would be edible. Preparedness is the watch word. McHenrJr will be hostess to the courity meeting? on May 6. There will be county and district officers at this meeting and as many as possible should attend. Let's give our unit a good shdwiiifg. Kitchen chairman for month of May is Pearl Pietsch and the following: Lenore C o o 1 e y, Berniece Peterson, Dorothy Boynton, Myrna Stromieir, Dotty Smith, Nadine Larkin, Severina Unti, .Marie Frett, Esther Jobs, Alberta Koephr, Alvira Durland, Ceil Warnes, Lillian Jensen, Helen Haith. Jean Peterson and Dorothy Miller. With Memorial Day onlj^i month away this columnist feels there is a need to reeducate the people on flag etiqnet. As the flag passes- in review, gentlemen should remdve their hats and place them over their hearts. If the men are in the service, a safute is forthcoming. Ladies place their right hands over their. hearts. Respect must be shown to flag at all times, not just ing a parade. So many take our flag for granted and, forget what it stands for. The Stars and Stripes stand for freedom and we, as Americans, should see that it stays that way; Citizens should remember these things without being reminded. Let this Memorial Day be one of true respect to osr falgs : 9 Happiness, health and prosperity all seem to be the result of a harmonious adjustment of one's abilities to the surroundings in which one finds himself. In McHenrv In Richmond • WASH THE EASY WAY MILLSTREAM COIN WASH 205 W. Elm Street HILLVIEW COIN WASH Hillview Shopping Center1'" Open 24 Hours Daily Your Advertisement in the * McHenry Plaindealer reaches approximately 93% OF THE McHENRY TRADE AREA with over 5,065 PAID Subscribers GBNOA CITY. WIS. RICHMOND C ) SPRINGGROVE PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS RINGW00D SUNNYSlOE WONDER LAKE OOHNSBURGMcCULLOM. LAKE IN&LESIDE MC HENRY LAKELAND PARK LILY4M0OR LAKEMOOR TERRA COTTA ISLAND LAKE Spend Your Advertising Dollar Wisely in a Paid and Proven Media