Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1960, p. 17

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Ttuinday, May 5, 1960 THE McHENHY PUUNDEALER Pistakee Highlands ELECT NEW (SPLICERS FOR WOMEN'S CLUB Hazel Morley Hyatt 7-3320 Kay Sielisch Hyatt 7-3414 The loveliest affair of the yfc was enjoyed by the members of the Women's club and their guests on April 26. The dinner was held in the Johnsburg community hall, which was decorated in pink and white. Each member and guest received a beautiful hankie. After the dinner the regular business meeting was held. The by-laws were amended, passed a^ui approved unanimously. out-going officers bought a seventy-five cup coffeemaker for their own use in their meetings. May 11, there will be a .luncheon held near Genoa at one o'clock. Any one wishing to altend may call Blanche Haefliger for the reservations. At the May meeting Mr. Hill of Fox I^ake wiil give a floral demonstration. i.fter the business meeting the election of the officers was held. The new officers for next term are, President, Lorraine Ullo, vice-president. Jocyelri Staudenmaier, secretary. Sally VonBruenchenheim, treasurer, Joyce Heir. The outgoing officers presented Blanche Haefliger with a very lovely past president pin. #:iis year saw the Women's club accepted into the Women's Federation of Women's club. News of Your Friends and Neighbors April 28, Roy and Gert Snell attended the luncheon held by the Old Timers club in Chicago. The Snells spent the weekerA 'n Chicago visiting friends a»W relatives. Milt and Betty Sandelin drove Betty's sister, Cathy, back to Broadview, last Sunday. Cathy had spent her Easter vacation with them. We are happy to report Lil Orlowski is feeling much better after her recent heart ati& cfc. Little four-year-old Jamie A^|ck entered the McHenry hospital April 25. She underwent surgery, April 26, to remove a birthmark on her arm. Congratulations to Richie •nd Dorothy Orlowski, who celebrated twenty years of marital bliss. They celebrated with friends and the family on their memorable day, May 4. Judy Krumwiede and children, along with Kay Sielisch, spent last Monday in Gurnee and Waukegan. The Girl Scouts will soon be knocking on your doors with American Flags they will be selling to raise funds for their activities. A very special Easter bunny brightened the lives of John and Rose Pechous Easter Sunday. They are the^proud grandparents of a baby girl. Vi Schuble, Marge Moreth and Loraine Lindemann spent last Wednesday in Meadowdale and Elgin. Blanche Haefliger and Betty Sandelin will attend the Stat^ convention of the Women's Federation of Women's clubs in Chicago as delegates from the Highlands, May 10 and 11. • Last weekend the Lindemams', daughter, Marilyn and family, visited them. Next weekend Loraine's sister, Berni. cc ana a friend, will be their guests. - Judy Krumwiede and kiddies spent last Wednesday in Mount P r o s p e c t ' . w i t h J u d y ' s g i r l friend and family. \ The George Montalb&nos are very proud of their three •laughters, Debbie, Vicki and Missy. The three" girls took part in an ice-skating show held at the Chicago Stadium Saturday. April 23. Dominic Cinami is confined in the Condell Memorial hospital in Libertyville, where he may undergo surgery. Leo and Lil Orlowski spent last Wednesday in Crystal Lake on business. May 3. Ed. and Virginia Thoren celebrated their wedding anniversary. May 4, Joe and Sylvia Murray celebrated their anniversary. May 8, Carl and Blanche Haefliger celebrated their anniversary. May 11, Dick and Laura Beilmann will celebrate their anniversary. Birthday children are Marilyn Lammert, May 2, Harriet Taylor, May 6, Terry Pfingsten, May 8. Dance Huge Success The dance held at the community center on April 23 turned out to be quite successful. The purpose of the dance was lo buy playground equipment and picnic tables for the beaches. There were 119 per- NowL.good news for women who love naturally beautiful floors ' AERO WAX saves work and money as it saves your floors! Because you get <more natural wax in Aerowax than any other leading brandI Now all your linoleum, tile, vinyl and wood floors will look younger, more naturally beautiful-- thanks to Aerowax floor wax! ^ You save work. Aerowax has more natural wax for more natural protection against dirt, grime and spills. A quick wipe-up, followed by a dry mopping, instantly bring back the natural wax luster of your floors. Save money, too! Buy the economical halfgallon can of Aerowax and save up to 50^ over the other leading brands! * America's best selling Floor Wax ...AEROWAX Page Seventeen sorts present and the dance netted a nice profit. Bill (Elvis) Hensley entertained the group by playing his guitar and singing. People from Sunnyside, Pistakee Hills, Fox Lake and surrounding areas were at the dance. The food was prepared by Hazel .Rogde and Emily Thode made her delicious German potato salad. Plans are being made by Vern Thelen and the adult activities committee for a square dance in the near future. Around the Highlauds Congratulations to Randy Jackson who made his first Communion at St. Peter's church on May 1. On hand for the occasion were Pat's mother, Mrs. Ward, and her sister, Sandy, and brother, Ron. and his family, Ron's folks and Pat's cousin arid her family. Jim Mclnerney attended an alumni dinner last week from Mount Carmel high school in Chicago. He wouldn't give, out the year of his gradualionP Steve and Geri Vrbik entertained their friendt, from Lake Bluff on the past weekend. Jeff Novotny celebrated his sixth birthday on April 25. He had a party' with his school chums. .They were Reed and Kevin Bales. Peggy Emmerick. Becky Z e t t e r b u r g. Susan L e u t h , S t e v e a n d J i m m y Hurckes and Margie Mclnerney. Jeff was sorry that. Rolf Heilgeist was home with the measles and couldn't attend. Happy birthday this coming Sunday to Susan Conway. She will be 10 years old. One of the Highlands card playing groups treated themselves to a deliciohs dinner on May 4. Getting out for an evening were Carla Bales, Wanda Dobecki, Dot 55 Erbin, Janice Janquart, Lois Mason, Haze Morley, Marilyn VanZevern and Dolly Novotny. A very happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers in the world. We all know our own is the best. Let's all remember Mom on May 8. i and first grade children not attending kindergarten at the present will be held May 18, 19, and 20 from 9 to 11 a.m. ! and 1 to 3 p.m. Children regis- ! tering for kindergarten must , be five years of age on or before Dec. 1, 1960. Children for ( first grade must be six years j old by the same date, j , A birth certificate verifying I your child's age must be shown fat registration. A recent physical examination is required be- ' fore your child will be premitted tc enter school in fall. Only ; first grade children, not at ; present attending kindergart- I en. are required to register. ; All fees will be paid in the fall. | Baptized On May 8. the infant son of 1 Bov and Norby Lewandowski will be baptized in St. John's church. Godparents for William George will be Maiy Madock and the baby's uncle, William Lewandowski. Sons, Tommy and Timmy, will also make their First Communion on the same day.' Happy Mother's Day Bev. This is our "news items for this week. Give your reporters a phone call. We are always happy to take your news. Call anytime. Deadline is Thursdays. Most people and nations are strong only according to the weakness of' their neighbors -- a 4 foot tall man will think he's a giant if he neygr sees : anyone taller than 3 feet. W ADVISOR WILL SPEAK TO PARENT EDUCATION GROUP Mrs. Eileen Nelson, educational advisor for the television station WGN, will speak on the subject "Teaching the Young Child to Read," when the parent education committee of the McHenry P.T.A. presents its third meeting of the year on Thursday evening, May 5, at 8 p.m., in the library of Junior high school. Mrs. Nelson will discuss the methods with which kindergarten and primary teachers enable the beginning reader to master the difficult art of identifying the printed word with the spoken. She will explain the use of phonics, sight reading, preparation at home a n d m e n t a l m a t u r i t y i n t h e reading process. Filmstrip mat e r i a l s w i l l s u p p l e m e n t t h e oral presentation. In addition to her teaching •j duties at the children's school J of the National College of J Education at 'Evanston, Mrs. ! Nelson teaches a language arts I course on the graduate level. J All parents of pre-school, , first or second grade children, j as well as anyone interested in the problems of teaching reading, are cordially invited j to attend the meeting. Coffee i will be served in the social hour following the discussion. MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose On Sunday, April 24, the Fox Lake Women of the Moose became a chapter. In charge of instituting this chapter was Junior Graduate Regent Mabel Thomas of McHenry. The assisting officer was the Deputy Grand Regent of Illinois Imogene Ruckstuhl. The Governor of the Fox Lake lodge, Brother Rasmussen, gave a warm welcome to Fox Lake Chapter No. 1493. Following the instituting the enrollment of thirty-eight coworkers was held. In charge pf this enrollment was the Senior Regent of McHenry, Hazel Struwe. The co-workers hewing were the following. Junior Regent. Mariorie Fernstrom; Recorder, Olga Johnson; treasurer, Ethel Hagberg; Sentinel, Alyee Kowal; Pianist, Eunice Tobey; Moosehaven Chairman, S h i ,r 1 e y Ozog, Homemaking Chairman, Jona' Brever; Child Care Chairrhan. Nancy Bowman and College of Regents Chairman, Ann Rodenkirch. Also' the ever important escorts, Bertha Jager, Lillian Cox and Mamie Sydik. The "McHenry Chapter is grateful to the following girls of Crystal Lake Chapter for assisting us in this important enrollment. Jean Gabriel, Evelyn Meyers, Marge McVickers, Minnie Punch, Betty Heaver, Vivian Kraeplin, Ruby Fick, Mildred Muska, Rose Krause, Ka i h e r i n e S p a n g a r d , L o u i s e Willey, Evelyn Kingsley, Claire Boyle, Betty Parz, Jeanette Glaza, Rachei Lomasney, Clara Maynard and Evelyn Hamer. Without the help of these girls the ceremony woyld not have been as impressive and beautiful as it was. The installation of the new officers for this new chapter was held. Installing Chairman was Mabel Thomas. Installing Governor Win Hagberg of McHenry introduced his installing officers, who were Guide Clyde Carr, Chaplain Rudy Bryant and Pianist Eunice Tobey all of McHenny. Escorts were Dale -Thomas, Hilary Roden- Johnsburg School Registration Registration of kindergarten DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS EOURS*. DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 It) 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: Q-'OO TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Office Closed 'til Monday/ May 9th PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 SALES & SERVICE Courteous. Service at all times by Walter Hojnacki and Allan McKim COLOR TV REPAIR ALL MAKES TV -- Radio -- Phono -- HI-FI SO Years Experience • 90-Day Warranty on all parts that we install • Antenna Installations and Repairs • Public Address Systems Rentals 0 Free Tube Testing Service F-M Radio - TV - Hi-Fi 128 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0979 Liberal Trade-in Allowance Air Condtiitning--temperature made to order--for ail-weather comfort. See The Dinah Shore Chevy Show in color Sundayi, NBC-TV--the Pat Boons Chevy Showroom weekly. ABC-TV. The Impala Convertible with Body by Fitherl JVhy shouldn't you be driving America's first-choice car right now? You couldn't do better by your family--or your family budget--than to pick out one of Chevy's 18 FRESH-MINTED MODELS, load up its VACATION-SIZED TRUNK and take off on one of those springtime trips Chevy so dearly loves. Once you're whisking along the highway, cushioned by FULL COIL SPRINGS at all four wheels, you'll have your own smooth-running account of why Chevy's Wa best seller. Nothing could be more seasonable or sensible than a visit with your dealer--right now when beautiful buys are in full bloom! CHEVROLET, for economical tranepoHatiaet Save--right now--during the Spring Fever Selling Spree at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's CLARK CHEVROLET 204 W. Elm St. McKenry, 111. kirch, William Struwe, Richand Jager and Leo Brever. The two escorts from Fox Lake were Donald Deckman and Robert Tony an. Escort from Crystal Lake was Oliver Hamer. We are sure that this new chapter will prosper and make themselves known in their community by showing the successful deeds in bringing Moose goodness into the hearts of their fellowman. It was truly an honor for all who participated in this, the beginning of another Moose chapter. Best wishes to all these new officers and co-workers. Again special thanks to Imogene for all-the help she gave us and to Rachel Lomaseny for being chaplain. May 3 will be our next meeting. Some 4,000 years ago, American Indians were mining copper in the upper peninsula of Michigan, and some of thefir product was traded as far away as Florida. OPINSIPTK SYSTEMS fASt NO PAGING! • tlwdf», gnau, w vatit • OpMt DrainflaM* • I«y I* mppty B0YER Septic Talk Ctoacf Ruck's Hardware 501 W. Main St. McHenry PR0FE5M0I1RL DIRECTORV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractio Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 Eust Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: MOD., Tues., Wed. ft FrL 10 a.m. t» 12 p.m. 1:80 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0743 1-31-60 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life Ink Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES* When ¥w» Need Inmramw^M Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-0953 112 E. Elm St. McHenry, OL DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-018? Res. Phone: EV 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:04 Tues. & Frl. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-28-60 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. ft Frl. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 pjn. Phone EV 5-2262 2-28-60 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-253S 3-19-6C SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-60 EVergreen 5*0277 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Suppfy Programs Richmond 4193 M mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 4-30-60 DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 113 Main St., McHenry, 111. Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. ft Frl. Evenings 7- 9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 5-19-60 f

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