•w&r- 4 • Eighteen TUT MeRERHT PLAINDEXLEH Thursday, Mdj 19." akM Highlands Wortien's Club Has Luncheon 9wel JMorley Hyatt 7-3820 Kay Sielisch Hyatt 7-8414 May 11, the mesdames Grace RetnHardt, Gert Snell, Anna Cohrsi,' Blanche Heafliger, Em- Tf«a Rosen gar t, Betty Sandelin, Virginia Karls, Marilyn Van Zevern, Toots Spankuch. Marcia Dowd, Rill a Tomlinson, Mamie O'Neil. Irene Novotny. Barbara Sisk, . Evelyn Falk. Carla Bales and Loraine Lindemann enjoyed a one o'clock Uincheon. held near Genoa City. The girls enjoyed the day out ftnd the next affair of the Woman's club will be the May 25 meeting. .Birthdays and Anniversaries " Happy birthday to Mildred Shastal, who will celebrate her ftata) day May 23 and to Lucille Keppen who celebrates May 29. Anniversary greetings go out to Edwin and Terry Pfingsten who chalk up another year May 20; William and Emma Rosengart celebrate May 22; Haf-old and Lucille Keppen celebrate May 29; Raymond and Harriet Taylor celebrate May 30. Speeders • - If you see some of the speeders flying low in the Highlands, take their license numbers and turn them over to the police, "they are endangering lives by their speeding and its not all 'teenagers. Men and women are guilty of this offense and the complaints we have received have been about adults, who themselves have children and Should know better. A speeding car in a community is a menace and should be stopped before a child or adult is killed or crippled. Road Repairs President McCreery is fullfilling his promise that all fhohies shall be used for roads, gnd Don Rosing, who has been contracted to do the work, has tfeen doing a good job. If we qan get this much done with the' money that has been col- Ibcted, look what could be done if we all stuck together, worked together and backed (Mir officers and most important carry our fair share of the load by paying our dues. So 'for all the work and material has been paid in full. , Girl Scouts News ; • May 9, the adult leaders of 'the Girl Scouts held a' meeting M the home of Mary Seldon. fThey are planning a family jtiight social June 10. The Girl iScouts are busy working on jjtheir Father's day gifts. They fare' also preparing for their investiture which will be in June. $heA adult lgaders wish to remind trie'"Highlanders that soon the Girl Scouts will be knocking on your doors selling fifty star flags. Kay Sielisch was so emotionally upset when Barb and Bbbby Schlick presented her with a beautiful pbt Of "tulips and a Mother's day card from the Schlick family, she was teary eyed for hours. Kay and Wally, who are childless, have many little children on their list and they both felt honored that two of them thought enough of Kay to do such a wonderful thing. Mrs. Bob VanZevern and Betty Sandelin attended the Blessed Virgin Sodality meeting in Johnsburg last Tuesday evening. Any woman interested in joining is welcome to attend the meetings and will be installed later. Catherine ^Maureen Daley, niece and godchild of Kay and Wally Sielisch made her First Holy Communion May 15. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howton enjoyed Their two Weeks vacation v<»ry much. The first week was spent in Alabama, where they visited relatives and friends. The second week they spent at home just enjoying their home. Little Jafnie Malek is recovering very nicely from her recent surgery. Ruth Lemrrions is enjoying having her mother, Mrs. Meyers from Highland Park, with her. Mrs. Meyers is recovering from a broken ankle. Marcia Dowd and Mary Madock were guests at the Blessed Virgin Sodality last Tuesday. They are future new members and will be installed later i. Mrs. Bob VanZevern wishes to extend.her gratitude to the collectors and all the people who donated funds to the Cerebal Palsy drive last week. Dorothy Rodarmel underwent surgery May 9, at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan. Eddie and Marcia Dowd spent last weekend in Chicago where they visited Nancy and Ange Grizzi, newlyweds. Sunday Eddie visited his grandfather who is confined at St. Anne's hospital in Chicago. Sally VonBruenchenheim and children, Sally's sister-inlaw and children spent last week in Arkansas visiting their grandparents. Mike Madock celebrated his fourth birthday May 18. Sunday, May 15, his grandparents and family celebrated. May 18, Mike was host to a birthday party with all his little playmates and friends. Mother's day. The play, "Hansel and Gretel" was acted out as only first grade children can do it. We are happy to report that Domonic Cinami is home from the hospital. He had a tumor removed from his voice box and is feeling much better. Happy birthday to Butch Mueller who celebrated his sixteenth birthday on May 11. The second grade students from Johnsburg enjoyed their outing last Friday. They toured the fire department, McHenry postoffice and then to Deer Haven in Ingleside. Happy birthday wishes to Darlene Smolinski who will celebrate her birthday on May 16. The Cinamis had their niece. Patty Wright from Wheeling, visiting with them for five rifys. Allen Cinami celebrated his eleventh birthday on May 11. Congratulations on your birthdays. !™! George VanZevern attended the annual District 30 Toastrriasters International Conference and Speech Contest on May 7 at a big hotel in Chicago. 400 persons enjoyed the contest and delicious dinner that wns served. George is the past District Governor of the Toastmasters. Dick and Lee Conway and Dick and Haze Morley attended a dance in Waukegan ^last Saturday evening. Johnsburg School Registration Don't forget that this is the week to register your child for kindergarten or first grade if they are not attending kindergarten at the1 present time. Registrations will also be held May 19 and 20 from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. The office will also be open for registration from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday. Children must be five before Dec. -1 for kindergarten and six before the same date for first grade. A birth certificate must be shown at registration. A recent physical examination is required before your child will be permitted to enter school in fall. 'teens enjoyed a wonderful evening at the prom that.waa he}d a( McHenry High School ' on May 7. '< ' --r Mount Hope Glrarcli The, M.Y.F. were in Chicago last Sunday for the service in the Chicago Temple. They enjoyed a tour of the beautiful Chaple in The Sky. They were accompanied by Pastor Stine and returned home late Sunday evening. Registration for summer camp are being taken by Ken Thoren. In a recent election these young people were named as officers for this year, President Richard Hauck, Vice- President Bob Fletcher, Secretary Cheri Janquart, Treasurer Shirley Spankuch,. Trudy Rogde will have charge of devotions. On Mother's' Day flowers were presented to all the. mothers in the congregation. A special flower went to Ed Thoren's mother who was the. oldest mother present and to Sally Von Bruenchenhein who was the youngest mother. fysiwood Mittofc . YOUTH SUFFERS SEVERE ftUftJRY TO HIS EYE Dee Penlck EV. 5-5527 Pinochle Club Meets The pinochle club met at the home of Marilyn (Bob) VanZevern May 12. Betty Sandelin, Betty Warczak, Marie Schlick, Marcia Dowd, Darlene Neesan, Audrey Misavice and Jeanne Barron were on hand to enjoy the hectic games. Roy Snell is busy trying to Wind up the hospital fund drive and the workers are still working hard Baby Daughter Bora Bill and Lois Leuth welcomed a baby girl on May 5 at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan. Little Nancy Jean vteighed 7-H»-, S!JT fraS* two big sisters, Linda and Susan. Honored with Luncheon The seventh grade students of St. John's school honored the eighth grade graduating class with a luncheon held at the school last Tuesday. Hie eighth grade enjoyed it very much and are looking eagerly to graduation. Here and There The mothers of the first graders at Johnsburg school •enjoyed a play put on by the children on May 6 in honor of Around the Highlands Ed and Virginia Thoren entertained Ed's folks over the Mother's day weekend. Tom and Lois Mason spent last Saturday in Chicago visit* ing with their friends, Leo and Ruth Hobbs. It has been three years since they had their last visit together. Happy birthday to Tom Brill who e4feferated*Hts< thirteenth birthday on May 11. A few of the Highlands PROCLAMATION Whereas: The annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars has been officially recognized and endorsed by the President of the United. States and the Veterans Administration; and Whereas: Hie proceeds of this worthy fund-raising campaign are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans, and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans; and Whereas: The basic purpose of the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the two organizations is eloquently reflected in the desire to "Honor the dead by helping the living;" therefore, I, George P. Freund, mayor of the city of McHenry, do hereby recognize the patriotic merits of this cause by urging the citizens of this community to contribute generously to its support through the purchase of Buddy Poppies, oh May 21. I urge all patriotic citizens to wear a Bud($ Poppy as mute evidence ot our gratitude to the men of this country who have risked their lives in defense of the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American citizens. , - .. j,. » « Mayor George B. Freun1d News of Your Friends and Neighbors • Blanche Haefliger was very happy to receive a phone call from her son Doug in Hawaii for Mother's day. Barb Schlick attended the baccalaureate services at the Grant hospital in Chicago, May 15. Barb is anxiously awaiting the day she enters the hospital to take up her longed for career in nursing. Take If Easy -- fake A Cab! When the weather's bad . .. When yon want to reach your destination In a hurry . . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with you, lf» time to c# us for a cob. Remember oar number. Badle Dispatched McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 J Im foe yourutf. Milne* duck** STOP CA& ENGINE TROUBLE BEFORE IT STARTS! i You $an save gas, renew original engine performance and cut down repair bills if you give your car a DYNAVISION check-up. Our new electronic TV type instant engine-analyzer checks the condition of plugs, coil, distributor, wiring, timing, carburetor, starter, genera » tor, regulator, battery, eta* without removing parte and with the engine running. See us today. We can teU you in minutes if any ice is required. ffiicn DywYbwr. for GR^ATBIB mileage 'llXTTER perfqrmano* LONG1BB engine life Waxing -- Washing Complete Motor Tune-Up Carburetor Overhaul Brake Service JUSTEN'S Standard Service No. 2 Eastwood Manor Route 120 East MORE WATER ... , with a RED JACKET a WATER SYSTEM*^ • UWrMjeKOIMMlCAUT NPWMMi Poftrfw Mr* Ji yewitaf pesip toy. Hwy, 4m* eu» eswihesWse Iwiimfcsid. QdMl labriMtlwi--fr-- tpwiWw^arflf -- wwrl»9!p»ri. A pradus) wrldfesewMd pump manufacture wMi mvtr 78 ysare* Mptrtana* to building watar aarvtaa products. nte Cantrt-Jat "HI" Wafar Syittw wM mere Iku aattsfy ym to avary h.I A--Mi 1--9V w* - |Mnvi•»» AND Submersible Pump* ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WOVE OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS HcHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located In the Vlllmge of McCullom Lalce miles from McHenry oh tfie McCullom-bonder Lake Rd. mONf MeHINKV IV 14252 Keith Butler was atruck with | a sharp rock which impaired I the vision of his left eye. .His I center sight is lost and there | is little hope of regaining it. | It's unfortunate that such ac- | cidents do happen even after i repeated warnings to be care- ! lul. We trust that the warnings of parents have prevented many a tragedy and we regret that Keith has suffered such an accident. The Butlers are thankful that only one. eye was involved and they hope that all parents will use their misfortune as a means of warning their own children of the dangers of throwing rocks and t^ be cautious of other children who are throwing them. Keith has returned to school now after an absence of three weeks. Faith Presbyterian Church The first of six weekly church membership classes' for new members of Faith church will be held at 9 p.m: on May 20 at the home of George Landin. The address is 204 Bastwood Lane, Eastwood Manor. On Sunday, May 22. the sermon topic tfill be "Life From • he Dead". It will be based on Ezekiel 37: 1:14. On the evening of May 22, at 8 p.m. the monthly meeting of the Mariners club will be held at the church. Choir practice will be at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 24, and on the 25 at 8 pm. the church officers and leaders will attend a special meeting at the churclt. A Presbytry team, consisting of a minister and a lay* man, will visit Faith church to present the 1961 General Missions program. On May 26 the Women's Study circle will meet. So Sorr^ To report that measles are still with us. All three Siptpson children, Steve, Martha and baby Sue, both Ryan children, Debra and Brenda and, so far, only one of the Alford children, Kathy, have them. Keep your fingers crossed tightly, Marian. Gary Feriner is also a victim.' Birthday Greetings < "liis week are sent to Vicky Gruhn, June Brigham, Keith Butler and Dale Haldeman. They all share May 21. On the next day, May 22, Carolyn Malcolm and Jim Penick will be celebrating. Larry Moore's birthday is May 23. Jeanne Lessftrd and Bobby Lindemann share the twenty-fourth and Mary Thienes, Paul Dethlefson and Ramon Charbonnier all share the twenty-fifth. Happy birthday one and all! Happy Anniversary Is wished for the Ed Schwabaiiers who celebrate on May 23, and to the Glen Whites who celebrate on May 24. Bridge Club The 'nfrw' bridge club met at Marian Alford's last weekf Lee Landin won travelling prize and Willie Bergstrom nabbed first. Local Doin's All the McCormack family Journeyed into Chicago on Mother's Day to welcome Lois' mother home from Florida. She was glad to see all the family eyctn though the weather was still a little nippier than she had counted on. Rita Simpson enjoyed a wonderful weekend at her old stamping grounds -- St. Mary's college in Milwaukee. Classmates returned from far and near for their class reunion. Theirs was the honored class of this year's festivities. On Monday a group of Marilyn Salo's friends gathered at Lee Landin's. home to celebrate her birthday. Elpha Phillippe, Pat Borcovan, Joyce Engstrom and Lee Joined in the old familiar strain. Bruce Etemick . had many relatives on hand to wish him well on his birthday. Among them were his grandmother, Mrs. Marian - Eternick, his aUnt and uncle. Mt. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, and his cousins, Carla and Chris, all of whom had travelled down from Milwaukee for the occasion. Lena Campbell and Shirley attended the Mother-Daughter Banquet at the Fox Lake Baptist church on May 7. Hie speaker of the evening spoke on the topic of "Diamonds". It was a • very special affair for both the mothers and the little ladies. Jean Mersch and the three boys enjoyed lunch with Mrs. Diggin's last week. She lives on Chicago's South side and is better known, to the boys as Great Aunt A^nes. Have You Met Robert and Judy Kuester and their little daughter, Cheryl Lynn? They are the folks residing at 140 Manor. Robert is a mechanic by trade and is employed in Grayslake. He also enjoys tinkering with autbs after hours while Judy likes to do a little sewing for Cheryl in her spare time. They moved to Eastwood Manor from LibertyvUle.. Other new residents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoppe of 343 Johnsburg road. They have two children attending school in McHenry and_ a daughter who is married and living in Chicago. We hope to be able to meet all the new people soon and that will make many friends here. Reminder Only one remindeir . i week, but f&n' important one. EMPQA will meet on May 20, at'9 p.m. at the munity barn. If you're not a member yet, or are renting in the subdivision and have never attended, there's no better than right now to get s er tjme tamd. TAX COLLECTIONS IN AREA COMPARED WITH OTHER CITIES McHenry ranked third in total tax receipts from retailers' occupation tax and use tax for March, according to a report of the state revenue^department. Woodstock was nigh with $37,9^9.03, followed by Crystal Lake with $36,169.38 and McHemjy with $31,141.02. Other Wal communities had collections as follows: Ringwood,, $243.85; Spring Grove, $556.42; Wonder Lake, $1,352.- 70; Johnsburg, $606.85; Island I^ake, $333.83; Lakemoor, $1,- 078.71. Among the 1,106 municipalities and forty-nine counties, that have passed ordinances' to date, allowing collection of the one-half per cent sales tax, McHenry will receive $5,099.17 and the county $4,851.11 in March, covering February tax liability collected in March. - The McHenry figure iuns close to such nearby cities as Harrington with $5,650, Belvidere with $5,888.14 and Mfcnt Prospect with $5,738.41. Spring Housecleaning and Spring Permanent$ Go Together. Let Our Staff of Competent Stylists Deolgn a New Hair Fashion For You! £ llllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIUflU 200 S. GREEN EV 5-0010 » • e i ,.,^v ji'iiiiHmuim 6 Now "Add-on" units as well as combination Heading/ Cooling systems available. GAS brings you whole-house air conditio|iiQg~-lft0t Jflul ? one-roorp cooler! Enjoy this new kind of summer Kvfng-- with one of the new "add-on" coding uhits t&at uses present warm-air heating system--or with a single unit that both heats and cools. In your hqme, or .business, yeaf /round conditioned comfort can now be youre \nth mon^y-savillig GA& With CENTRAL Gas. air conditioning; there's an even balance of circulating, filtered cool airno drafty cold spots no sudden changes ais ydu go from room to room. You work better; steeg> better, feel better... even in hottest wea&er. NO ? T H C R N I L L I N O I S 63S 0 C O MPf V*1 V And, as oilr 380,630 GAS HEAT users you get top performance and economy tffth G&i»' Decide now to enjoy luxurious air conditioned comfort this summer. Phone our nearest office, or-- fitoare about this wonderful new way to ipodegn living 4 , Bfff Home, P: r-'v '"""WmSsMi ' * " '> * ^ i' ' A. A(f%. 1 Vis/Ml-. EVergron 5-20*1 I